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Actor Paul Walker's father sues Porsche over fatal crash


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Paul Walker seemed like a nice guy and I'm sure he provided for his family quite well. Now that he was killed due to his friends recklessness the father sues who? Porsche, because they have more money!!! Keeping up the Hollywood lifestyle without our meal ticket will require a new strategy.

Pathetic, this reminds me of the person who bankrupted gun manufacturer AMT because their relative was killed by someone with one of their guns. I guess suing the person who killed or the bullet manufacturer would not earn enough.

AMT filed for bankruptcy because their products (copies of existing guns) made out of stainless steel instead of the more reliable traditional steel at the time) was pledged by product failure.The law suite was not from an individual but Ruger Gun Co. about a clone they made. .Their rights and trademarks were purchased in succession by three different company s

Must have read a different article then, heard they were sued, filed bankruptcy, guy who sued bought them and sold everything for scrap.

Anyway, RIP Paul Walker and friend. As a former ARRA, WSMC expert motorcycle road racer I know that crashing was a "part of the game" and I accepted it. When you put a professional level car in the hands of a non professional the outcome can't be too good.

The AMT .44 Automag and .45 Hardballer Longslide were nice guns though. I had the chance to fire both at a shooting fair.



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I am 100% for suing everyone, all the time, for whatever reason......

HOWEVER, if you lose, there is the chance you owe hundreds of thousands in defense attorney fees.......well, that's the risk.

even money smells money......we all want it......and every lawyer tells this guy it's a good idea to sue...

working is bad enough........suing everyone and making millions isn't a bad job......

i've never sued anyone, but i hope my microsoft or apple or big company product explodes while i'm using it and it becomes big news...

i'll happily put 7 figures in the bank while everyone tells me i'm a loser for suing....

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Here's a thought.

Howza 'bout Porsche sues the estate of Paul Walker for giving their product a bad name through his recklessness and wanton disregard for the safety of others...

A huge countersuit would be a good move - with a world-wide press conference, stating the reasons.

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