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Bulging disc, trapped nerve in my back, any tips?


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I recommend Nigel Kelsey, he is English fysio/acupuncture working long time in Pattaya.

I had problems with my back and neck.

I went first to chiropractor in Pattaya and it got worse.

Then hear about Nigel, he also does acupuncture.

I am so much better now. He really helped me.

I still go to hem because need maintenance......sometimes.

If you want to try it, he is on soi Bongkot, go in the soi from Pattaya Thai, at the beginning of the soi right side.

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There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

The effectiveness of acupuncture has variable reports but registered Doctors of Chiropractic or Osteopathy would welcome you to accuse them personally of anecdotal and/or self serving practice. wai.gif

I'd be happy to do it. Google Chiropractic quackery or fake. They're not doctors. I know some people swear by them but that's anecdotal.

I've used them and acupuncture before. It's bullshit. People who get better who were going to get better anyway. They do somethings that may helpful, but care based on cracking your spine? That's been proven to be worthless. They'll manipulate your spine for cancer.

You have to go with scientific reasoning using scientific methods, double blind studies. I put all this stuff in with homeopathic medicine which by the way is usually on sale at the chiropractic office.

Science, man.

Not disgreeing with you, but want to clarify my position especially with bad problems. People need to put things in perspective when it comes to Chiropractic and Acupunture. Not all these people are quacks, that is why Insurance companies will only pay for a number of treatments.. They have their place in medicine but not so much in lower backs like taking a pill they do give some relief to people in pain but it is ALL temporary. For example in my case, I had a lock scactic closing off circulation to my leg. Not all Chiropractic treatment is all about cracking your back/neck in certain position. Many if not all have a traction type machine, the machine puts you in a position to locate a specific disc and all they do is release the table and rock it. It is no more than pulling and stretching a person and in my case it pull the disc/ scactic area, it was like a water hose being tied and not allowing wate to run through once my back was stretched enough it pop the lock spine and allow the blood inside the nerve to flow again.

Any good and Chiropractor will tell you treatment is only temporary because no way anyone spine keep their spine perfect the earth pressure is constantely pushing down on your spine this is the same with Accupunture. I noted,, people get hooked on these treatment because they walk away feeling better but you got to do the basic thing and excercise and strengthen the area. Anyone thinks

and if you do not believe me do the research, taking a pill and if you get or feel better does not end the problem. No matter how long it takes it will come back and when you get older, gain some weight it is coming!

Good luck everyone..

Edited by thailand49
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Once again: I had been plagued with lower back pain for ten years and in 1989 it went ballistic. Doctors were consulted, MRI's taken, specialist seen and the decision to fuse the vertebrae was agreed. Three days away from the op. at the Nuffield I was laying on my bed at home on some serious pain meds., purely by chance and out of the blue a chiropractor I had visited a few years earlier in Norfolk called me to see how I was doing and I recited what had happened.

He was horrified that I had elected to have the operation and offered to come round to my house and take me to a chiropractor he knew in nearby Oxford, his words, you can't un-operate, remain with me 'till today. I walked into his offices doubled over, fifteen minutes on the table with some wedges placed under my hips and some pulling at my feet and I was allowed to stand. I walked out of those offices pain free and upright, I returned twice after that for maintenance and thereafter resumed my normal life, no special exercises, nothing different. I have not been troubles by lower back problems ever since.

Don't tell me that the results are only temporary.

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Once again: I had been plagued with lower back pain for ten years and in 1989 it went ballistic. Doctors were consulted, MRI's taken, specialist seen and the decision to fuse the vertebrae was agreed. Three days away from the op. at the Nuffield I was laying on my bed at home on some serious pain meds., purely by chance and out of the blue a chiropractor I had visited a few years earlier in Norfolk called me to see how I was doing and I recited what had happened.

He was horrified that I had elected to have the operation and offered to come round to my house and take me to a chiropractor he knew in nearby Oxford, his words, you can't un-operate, remain with me 'till today. I walked into his offices doubled over, fifteen minutes on the table with some wedges placed under my hips and some pulling at my feet and I was allowed to stand. I walked out of those offices pain free and upright, I returned twice after that for maintenance and thereafter resumed my normal life, no special exercises, nothing different. I have not been troubles by lower back problems ever since.

Don't tell me that the results are only temporary.

Sounds very much like my dad's situation, only he saw an osteopath. Three treatments he was done, died ten years later, and never had problem in those ten years.

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Had the same problems as you a couple of months ago. I bent down to pick something up and I felt and heard this big "pop" which rattled through my spine and up to my brain, and then felt terrible pain there. Then had the same problems as you had exactly, for a few days.

I went to a Back Specialist to, with visions of back surgery, and without x-rays and just doing a quick check and moving my legs up while in a sitting position he knew what it was right away. He prescribe pills like you but he also showed me something else that worked great. He showed my a back exercise I should do every day.

While standing hold the edge of a desk or counter top and while keeping your feet flat on the floor bend your knees. While bending your knees push your head forward and down and as close as you can to your knees. Hold it there for a few seconds, then straighten up and stand up again. Do this 10 times. He said to do this 3 times a day but I only did it once as that was enough for me.

I swear that in only 3 days my back was getting better and after a week I was almost back to normal. By the second week I did't need any pills anymore. After a month it is as good as, or better, than before.

I was not a believer in doing just this exercise, but I am now. I am glad my wife made me do this as she knew I wouldn't. I am such a believer now I do that exercise everyday even without any back problems at all now. It makes my back stronger, so now I don't worry if I have to bend down and pick something up anymore. I don't know your back problem but what I can tell you honestly that this did work for me in not time at all.

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There's a couple of very simple processes that everyone should build into their day.

The first is, when sitting and then moving to stand, remember, keep your nose over your toes - nose over toes, remember it, it's all about the centre of gravity.

The second is when getting up after laying on your back, getting out of bed perhaps: turn on your side first, feet onto the floor and then raise your torso to the vertical, then stand up, if you try and stand up from a flat back position you stress your back beyond belief and usually it's when the muscles are still resting.

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Long thread, not reading all the way through, but just to add my two cents:

(1) Definitely agree with a bag of frozen peas, covered by thin dishcloth, under L4/L5, on your back with knees up on something in a comfortable position. On the floor, not on a bed. Thin carpet is okay.

(2) Although I'm a big believer in chiropractic, I agree that this isn't suitable for a typical chiropractor.

(3) I DID have a ruptured desk healed by a chiropractor, but not with traditional techniques. He put me in a computerized machine, sort of suspended in slings, strapped in, with precalculated stretching motions, like a slow tide in and out in one minute (or so) intervals. I was relaxed, the machine did the stretching. In about 6 weeks my life had changed. Dont know what the machine is called. Most chiros have never heard of it.

(4) After over 10 years okay, I just had a recurrence of the old problem after a rough massage last week. Was fixed in one (1) session by a "Thai Traditional Medicine" healer at Dr,Nooy's Sirichan Clinic at Ratchadamnoen Soi 5 in Chiang Mai.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, I've had the same problem. To find the cure look for the cause. My problem was that my monitor was on the side of my desk and as I am a one finger typist I kept having to look from the keyboard to the monitor to check that my spelling etc. was correct. As such I kept glancing from looking down to looking up and to the right. This repetitive sideways neck movement caused my problems. I tried physiotherapy, cranial realignment, osteopathy, etc, etc. and nothing seemed to help. It was a two week holiday away from my desk that my neck improved and indicated what the cause was. I put the computer screen in the middle of the desk so I just had to look straight up and I soon cured myself. Check your home or office and see if you are continually twisting your head to watch a computer or TV screen. If so, put the screen right in front of you. Good luck.

I apologise if someone has already given a similar reply but I did not bother to read all the other replies before preparing this.

Could be as simple as sitting on your wallet for long periods.Also sleep with a small pillow between your legs to keep the spine straight and have a good bed.Stretch before you get out of bed.

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There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

Yer right,that's why there are thousands of happy patients walking out of chiro and acupuncture clinics around the world.They walked in as cripples,including myself.I am a cynic but seeing is believing,then swimming or other stretching exercise.

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There is no real scientific evidence that acupuncture or chiropractic manipulation work. All the evidence it works is anecdotal or self-serving industry related stuff. Save your money.

You're better off swimming as mentioned above.

The effectiveness of acupuncture has variable reports but registered Doctors of Chiropractic or Osteopathy would welcome you to accuse them personally of anecdotal and/or self serving practice. wai.gif

I'd be happy to do it. Google Chiropractic quackery or fake. They're not doctors. I know some people swear by them but that's anecdotal.

I've used them and acupuncture before. It's bullshit. People who get better who were going to get better anyway. They do somethings that may helpful, but care based on cracking your spine? That's been proven to be worthless. They'll manipulate your spine for cancer.

You have to go with scientific reasoning using scientific methods, double blind studies. I put all this stuff in with homeopathic medicine which by the way is usually on sale at the chiropractic office.

Science, man.

You are sadly ill informed.Not all chiros crack spines.Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it didn't work for others.Some people have years of pain and then are cured by chiros in a few visits.S o you would believe the 1st doctor you went to and get a spine fusion.

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Members are reminded of Health Forum rules:

"aggressive attempts to persuade other members to either adapt or abandon alternative vs. modern forms of treatment will not be permitted. Experience has shown that this invariably leads to arguments and flame fests that serve no useful purpose."


It would also be useful to remember that there are many different causes of back pain; what worked for one person's back pain is not necessarily in any way relevant to another's, whose underlying pathology may be entirely different.

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Yes, I've had the same problem. To find the cure look for the cause. My problem was that my monitor was on the side of my desk and as I am a one finger typist I kept having to look from the keyboard to the monitor to check that my spelling etc. was correct. As such I kept glancing from looking down to looking up and to the right. This repetitive sideways neck movement caused my problems. I tried physiotherapy, cranial realignment, osteopathy, etc, etc. and nothing seemed to help. It was a two week holiday away from my desk that my neck improved and indicated what the cause was. I put the computer screen in the middle of the desk so I just had to look straight up and I soon cured myself. Check your home or office and see if you are continually twisting your head to watch a computer or TV screen. If so, put the screen right in front of you. Good luck.

I apologise if someone has already given a similar reply but I did not bother to read all the other replies before preparing this.

Could be as simple as sitting on your wallet for long periods.Also sleep with a small pillow between your legs to keep the spine straight and have a good bed.Stretch before you get out of bed.

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I have lived with a similar condition for over 30 years. It flares up badly from time to time, probably similar to what you are experiencing at present. Apart from the usual pain relief medications and staying off your feet as much as possible you do need professional help. Over the years I have tried different chiropractors and physiotherapists and most helped in the short term. A previous poster mentioned an osteopath is helping him and I also am being treated by one. It is helping me immensely although at my age I realise treatment will be ongoing till I'm in the grave.

You would certainly need an MRI to determine the extent of your problem. Depending on your age surgery may be an option but I would only go thru such an experience in my home country. But many of us have similar conditions as your and manage as best we can. As others have said acupuncture is certainly an option for pain relief. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I had same problem a few years ago, could not walk had to sleep on settee etc and the pain omg, my consultant in the uk said no painkillers will work and I did try them all, and even the injections did not work in the end I have had 3 back operations which there has been improvement, if any one told me before oh I have hurt my back I would just laugh, but not anymore I know what you going through, good luck

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Been There ... Done that ... have the cure (Really)

Two years ago I had the exact symtoms and problems. Even went to the Hospital for the complete scan and of course, they said an operation was required.

By simple luck, I stumbled upon Disk Doctor. The principle is simple, as you pump up the belt, traction lifts your spinal vertebrae a tiny tiny bit. That is all it takes to releive the pressue, and allow the budging disk to calm down and retract.

The pain releif is immediate, and the support is so good you can sit in a chair, walk etc easily.

The are available at a good medical supplier --->

NK Sleepcare Co., Ltd. Address: 90/20 Biztown, Moo 18, Suksawad Rd., Bangpeung, Prapradaeng, Samutprakarn 10130, Thailand (Opposite Big C Suksawad Departmentstore) General Enquiries: 02-462-6441-2, 082-2233-710 (Mon. - Fri. 8.30 - 17.00 hr.)

I used to comment on Thai Visa often, but (happily) broke the habit. I saw your posting and had to at least try to help, since your injury is a ring of hell for sure. I have no affiliation with this company.

Best Regards

I would be interested in hearing from anyone that has used one of these belts, as I'm thinking of buying one.

Many thanks.

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