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American man arrested in Pattaya for U.S. assault charges


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I'm surprised someone would be deported for an assualt charge.

You mean he just slapped a girl's bottom and they want to deport him? Sheesh! These Thai people, so tough.

Or is it the case that you neither know what he did nor the US definition of assault?

I suspect the latter.

In any case, like any coward, he ran away and refused to accept responsibility for his actions.

Maybe he was innocent. If he was charged as the report says, then he wasn't convicted.

Oh I see. So the poor Yank has no idea he has been accused of having smacked someone and so left the country completely unaware. In that case, there is clearly no charge to answer is there? What are the Thai and American authorities thinking of?

I would love to see the criminal/legal system where you come from, it must be a real riot.

It sure is. In the UK, you can be jailed if you assault somebody you catch burgling your property.

In America, you just shoot them, that is what I call real justice.

Take a look at this very useful page from the Crown Prosecution Service and Police. It tells you what force you can and cannot use in the event of intrusion. You can legally give someone a good thumping in the uk and not be jailed.


Our house was broken into here while we were sitting on the balcony and once I learned there was someone there I had no hesitation in arming myself with a strong metal bar and going to find him. Luckily for the clown who broke in he jumped out of a windows and ran away. I would do that anywhere wouldn't you? I am sure you would.

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Maybe he was innocent. If he was charged as the report says, then he wasn't convicted.

Oh I see. So the poor Yank has no idea he has been accused of having smacked someone and so left the country completely unaware. In that case, there is clearly no charge to answer is there? What are the Thai and American authorities thinking of?

I would love to see the criminal/legal system where you come from, it must be a real riot.

I'm from the UK and I had a warrant served on me in Texas while I was out of the US for a case that had already gone to court where the judge had agreed that I could leave the country temporarily while serving my probation. Luckily, my attorney managed to contact me about 12 hours before I was due to fly back and I delayed travel while he found out why there was a warrant for my arrest. Apparently the warrant had been served by a lazy-arsed temporary probation officer who chose not to read the case file after his single attempt to contact me (by phone while I was out of the country) failed. Thus he flagged me as an absconder which automatically triggers a warrant being issued. Luckily for me, that was a few years before the Patriot Act forced a whole lot of federal and state agencies to share their databases with US Immigration on arrival. Ultimately, the whole case was dismissed but I still carry the original, signed court-issued case dismissal notice since dismissals do not automatically cancel warrants already in shared databases. I found through experience that US Immigration officers on arrival believe ONLY what their computer screen tells them; unless you have court-issued paperwork and wait for them to take your 'case' to someone beyond their pay grade while languishing in 'secondary inspection'.

So that's the US legal system for starters.

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