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World leaders arrive in Paris to talk tough on climate change at COP21 summit


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World leaders arrive in Paris to talk tough on climate change at COP21 summit


"It's much better to have an agreement, even if it's insufficient, than no agreement at all"

PARIS: -- World leaders have been arriving in Paris to talk tough on climate change, as the COP21 summit gets underway.

The aim of the international conference is to bring about a wind of change – striking a deal that turn countries away from a dependence on fossil fuels and towards cleaner energies, such as solar power, instead.

“It’s much better to have an agreement, even if it’s insufficient, than no agreement at all,” said climatologist Jean-Pascal van Ypersele.

Pascal Canfin, from the World Resources Institute, added: “Everyone knows that we need more than just intent, to reach the goal of limiting warming to two degrees (Celsius).

“The economic world is actually mobilising, the financial world too, so the political decision is now easier than it was in 2009 in Copenhagen.”

France has said that almost all governments have outlined plans for fighting global warming beyond 2020.

But it is widely acknowledged that the talks in Paris will not be easy.

“Technical negotiations have started ahead of the main programme,” said euronews reporter Grégoire Lory, who is at the summit in Le Bourget, near Paris.

“This is to give more time and means to strike an agreement within the deadline set by the United Nations. The 195 countries represented in Paris have until the 11th of December to reach a compromise.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-30

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1. Concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.037% !!! Human made CO2 is 6% of 0.037% overall which turns out to be 0.002% of the atmosphere is impacted by humans !!!
... who actually believes this CO2 BS ???

2. Greenhouse-gas theorie is just this: A THEORIE !!!

3. None of the climate models from 20 years ago match todays climate ... meaning the predictions are all WRONG !!!

4. Solar energy is NOT sustainable as the energy-balance of a solar collector is negative ! [not even included batteries or all the grid problems connected to slar energy]

5. Please do not confuse environmental distruction with climate change - it's two completely different affairs !!!

The climate is changing, allways did and allways will. Making humans feel guilty about it is just what is happening .... fearmongering on a huge scale.

There is no indication [scientifically !] that humans are changing the climate.

It is mostly based on assumptions and computer modells which usually turn out to be pretty wrong.

Get educated and don't just simply repeat what's in the news as most of it is pure propaganda and does not stand any scientific observation at all !!!

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Among the 50,000 participants to this Greenblob Annual Ritual are important stakeholders such as the:

* Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University,

* Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) ,

* Sjoham Baabaji Mission,

* All India Women's Conference (AIWC) and the

* International Social Science Council (ISSC) ,

.... all keen to show how noble and caring they are, while racking up the CO2 emissions.

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Most on their private planes no doubt...I'll take "climate change" more seriously when they all start flying commercial like everyone else.

Why should they all travel commercially. There is nothing happening at the conference that requires personal attendance other than shopping and side trips.. The entire conference could be done electronically . Now that would impress me that they are starting to get serious about it.

The "it' is environmental damage and waste of resources, which is far more important than "climate change".

Edited by tigermonkey
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Even Friends of the Earth has given up on the conference before it starts, as have other experts:

“. . what we absolutely need to see is governments recognise in Paris the inadequacy and unfairness of the offers they’ve made – the INDCs that are currently on the table that quite simply don’t add up to big enough emissions cuts to stop dangerous climate change.” - Craig Bennett: Chief executive, Friends of the Earth

"Paris needs to deliver rates of mitigation far beyond the unscientific and inequitable levels voluntarily offered by national governments [in their INDCs].” - Kevin Anderson: Professor of energy and climate change at the University of Manchester

The INDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) are not up for renegotiation at this conference, so they're not even "on the table".

Some observers believe that Paris will be a backward step, even worse than useless.

“Most observers seem unaware that the new climate deal currently in the making is likely to have the opposite effect of its intended purpose. The agreement will likely remove all legal obligations for governments to limit CO2 emissions. A deal with no binding CO2 targets, however, will be toothless. Instead of decarbonisation we would see a continuous rise in global CO2 emissions for decades to come.” - Benny Peiser: Director of the Global Warming Policy Forum

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I honestly think it is NOT funny:

CO2 does NOT change the climate !

As a fact:

CO2 is needed to grow plants !!!

This CO2 nonsense [and everybody who falls for this BS !!!] is so far from anything that

it's not a surprise that the whole world seems to be going mad !!!

Reducing CO2 levels simply means less plant growth !!! ... for all of you out there who like nature to be green and healthy !

Healthy nature depends on CO2 !!!

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Little wonder there's global warming with all the hot air these politicians spout.

Obama is on about the chance to save the planet, Merkel sounds as if she simply changed the word migrant to climate change in her bog standard speech and so on.

However on the sidelines of the conference India has calmly announced they intend to increase their use of coal no matter what anyone says.

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