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Hitler's Mein Kampf to be published


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This will be interesting.

It's uncivilised to suppress information. Restrict dangerous information is wise, socially, but total suppression is counter to productive thought.

Shattering the myth. That, too, will be interesting.

Agreed. One of the thicker paperbacks in my college office before retirement, as I recall. The annotated edition should be interesting. "Nothing new in history" is quite foolish as new written information comes to light. Given some time, resources and understanding of historical events and personalities becomes as better understood.

DAMN....file clerks (in my mind) are getting sloppy! It was, " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" I remember as being on the thickish side! The rest of my comment stands.

Edited by wwest5829
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The Allies should've let Hitler and Stalin slug it out and then gone after the victor, assuming there was one.

That would have been a terribly unwise strategy. Because without material support from the Allies the Soviets would have been crushed by the Nazi war machine. And without the Russians on their backs the Germans would have had little to fear from the Allies---------------- at least until the advent of nuclear weapons.

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........Unfortunately, Churchill and FDR fell for Stalin's influence operations, and plunged their countries into a conflict which was none of their business, with the result that the USSR enslaved Eastern Europe and menaced Western Europe for 45 years.........

Churchill hardly fell for Stalin's influence, as England had declared war against Germany two long years before the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

And, according to the Molotov - Ribbentrop Non Aggression Pact signed in 1939, Hitler had already agreed with Stalin to invade Poland (which they both did the following month) and to carve up Eastern Europe between them.

So how was England and the USA's entry into the conflict none of their business as you claim.....and..... how was it that such entry resulted in the Soviet Union enslaving Eastern Europe, when Stalin had plans to do exactly that long beforehand?

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England joined The fracas that became WW2 as a direct result of Germaiy's attack on its allied nations, as did Australia, and most countries with the commonwealth, which was the right and honorable thing to do

America entered the war, only because of Pearl Harbor , ( the USA had a policy of " isolationism" at that time) as they were making a fortune by supplying arms to the allied forces, which came to include Russia, once hitler attacked that country

Because Japan had allied itself with Germany, the USA became the enemy of Germany as well

Hitlers disregard for the ten year peace pact with Russia was a blessing, as it divided hitters armed forces, and a lot of Germans never came back from the eastern front

To suggest that the USA and England should not have entered the was is plainly stupid.... They were attacked!

With the big three allied, the European war ended well before it may have otherwise ended, indeed, descendants of that wee island called Great Britain might well now speak German as its primary language, just as Latin became the primary language after the Roman invasion, and likewise, French was the language of the nobility after the Norman conquests,

If not for Japan's imprudent attack on American territories, the world as we know it would undoubtedly be quite different.

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I've read the original version in German, totally boring and illogical,unlikely to get many readers.

I doubt that many of both the promoters nor the haters have read it.....It is a long time but couldn't find anything dramatic in it, but that might be because I fell asleep between....terrible boring no content, if I keep 6 month complete drunk I write a better book.

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Good to see it's getting legally published in Germany.

"Mein Kampf" is the worst crap I have ever read, but 60 millions of Germans were forced to read it and believe it.

In light of Muslims Refuses in German I feel that this book shall be use to whip up the people against these poor Muslims

The outcome shall be camps and killing

I pray I am wrong

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The best way to've stopped Hitler - and Stalin, who was infinitely more dangerous than Hitler ever dreamed of being - was to let Nazi Germany and the USSR slug it out until they pretty much destroyed one another.

Unfortunately, Churchill and FDR fell for Stalin's influence operations, and plunged their countries into a conflict which was none of their business, with the result that the USSR enslaved Eastern Europe and menaced Western Europe for 45 years, not to mention supporting Mao (the greatest mass murderer in human history) and keeping the world a hairsbreadth away from nuclear war the whole time.

The Allies should've let Hitler and Stalin slug it out and then gone after the victor, assuming there was one.

But Hitler and Stalin did "slug" it out. Were it not for the Battle of Stalingrad (with all its ruinous loss of life), where the Russians fought from door to door, WW2 would have been won by Nazi Germany. The Russians prevented the Germans getting to the Rumanian oil-fields, and so turned the whole tide of the world. It was Stalingrad that was the turning-point, the rest was "history".

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It's actually not a big deal. The book was never "banned" as such in Germany, there are still millions of copies around; if you're fond of reading fractal font.

It was never forbidden to posses it, you just could not sell it or make it publicly available. Every town library shelved a copy or two, but it was in the "Giftschrank" ("posion cabinet") and you had to be a teacher or some other researcher to get it from them.

The whole hullabaloo is based on the Bayerische Staatskanzlei's (Bavarian State Chancellery) legal view, it had inherited the copyright to that book as part of "our Adolf's" inheritance as decreed by the treaties governing Germany's surrender in 1945, and that they would hold that copyright until 70 years after it's authors death. Which was late April 1945; at least it's widely believed to have been around that time rolleyes.gif.

That legal view is more than shaky, as copyright is heavily personalized, I can't remember the whole chain of arguing, but it is actually widely held the copyright holders would have been his extended family on the motherly side. However, the State Chancellery actually went on suing every single one internationally over their assumed copyright and they had rather deep pockets.

They announced already several years ago they would keep on suing or actually make it a crime now distributing that piece of junk, nobody knows on what basis. Editing an annotated version was probably the easy way out.

Actually, with the advent of the internet you can image what little practical ramifications their attempted ban had since some 20 years by now. None. There was even a little controversy about copies being sold over British Ebay-accounts and over Amazon...

It's actually much ado about nothing. I got my possibly illegal copy over kazzaa sometime round 1999, never made the first chapter. It's quasi-religious, nationalist drivel, and totally out of time by now.

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I found the book on a flea market when I was younger , and just had to read through it. It was a part of my book collection for years, I don't think it will sell well to be honest, very boring stuff.

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The Russians prevented the Germans getting to the Rumanian oil-fields, and so turned the whole tide of the world. It was Stalingrad that was the turning-point, the rest was "history".

The Romanian oil fields were in Axis hands. I think you mean the Russians prevented the Germans from getting to the Baku oil fields near the Caspian Sea.

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If someone put that book into comic book form I might read it, along with some of Nietszche's writings, much more fun to read with cartoon pictures.

Mel Brooks' The Producers was a good start (I recommend the 1960s version of the movie).

There was a fellow who did a comic graphic novel on the Holocaust, called Maus. The cats run the camps, the mice are the prisoners.


With some of the rhetoric coming out of world leaders and celebrities lately this publications seems pretty timely.

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The best way to've stopped Hitler - and Stalin, who was infinitely more dangerous than Hitler ever dreamed of being - was to let Nazi Germany and the USSR slug it out until they pretty much destroyed one another.

Unfortunately, Churchill and FDR fell for Stalin's influence operations, and plunged their countries into a conflict which was none of their business, with the result that the USSR enslaved Eastern Europe and menaced Western Europe for 45 years, not to mention supporting Mao (the greatest mass murderer in human history) and keeping the world a hairsbreadth away from nuclear war the whole time.

The Allies should've let Hitler and Stalin slug it out and then gone after the victor, assuming there was one.

You seem to have a rather distorted view of history. England & France were committed to war with Germany as soon as the Germans (with the aid of their then allies Russia) invaded Poland. The US did not join the war until after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. Hitler only made his most stupid move and attacked his Russians friends in 1941. Thank goodness he did otherwise we would not be writing this; but victory over Nazism was only achieved at a huge cost in Russian lives. It is interesting to speculate if we would have ended up with a better world if the Germans had not embraced the evils of Nazism and a united west had been able to contain the Soviet Empire. This would certainly have had a knock-on effect in China especially as the west would probably helped the imperial Japanse to knock out Russia as they did before. Aaaa what if, what if?

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

What are you actually hinting at?

A very very different side?

Would we see, what a charming fella Der Groefaz actually was?

A gentle, misunderstood, likable chap?

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

It is the 99 percent side that is the real person and which Western history and Hollywood cannot emphasise and present enough of. Hitler's genocidal madness has always been the valid starting point.

Been staying out of bookstores in Thailand since I heard about this so that I don't risk getting trampled by the large numbers of both Thai and fahlang in their rushes of excitement and anticipation.

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

Sums it up neatly. There was some guy who redacted our Adolf's ramblings into a somewhat readable form and commented on the "original version" as a "Sextaneraufsatz".

I.e. like an "essay" written by a 10-y-o who'd just had made the jump to secondary education.

German can be such a descriptive "bildhaft" language... The opus in question is nowadays often sarcastically refrred to as "Mein Krampf" (I.e not "my fight" but "my cramp")

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

Never heard of it. Doubt it's very insightful and Adolf would ever have made the Pulitzer if he and the Reich had lasted a 1000 years, as they propagated.

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

What are you actually hinting at?

A very very different side?

Would we see, what a charming fella Der Groefaz actually was?

A gentle, misunderstood, likable chap?

Deserves annotation for anyone not German or a native speaker.

GROEFAZ means "GRÖßter Führer Aller Zeiten", one of the sarcastic expressions you could get away with in the Third Reich.

Literally translated means "greatest leader of all times", but strongly alludes to the German "Fatzke", i.e. "pompous twit". Nice twisting of words, in my book.

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Mein Kampf was written when Hitler was in prison in Landsberg, it even doubted which parts of the book were written by him if indeed any of it was. It is basically jumbled claptrap.

If you want to read something that Hitler wrote, go and search for "Zweitas Buch" and "Hitlers Second Book" This is definately written by Hitler and if you have read Mein Kampf then compare it with the Second Book, you will probably bin Mein Kampf.

And if you want an even better insight into Hitler, go and search out "Adol Hitler's Table Talk" You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Holywood media have created.

“You will see a very, very different side to the man that Western history and the Hollywood media have created”

Oh you mean instead of the raving lunatic we see in contemporary German newsreels, we will “suffer a sense of stifling boredom” like poor old Albert Speer who was forced to sit through them.

What kind of neo Nazi are you that would want to impose Hitler’s nonsensical spiel about Christianity on the unsuspecting readers of TV.

“Western history” lets see, if we are to read Thai history will we find that Hitler was really a shining example of Buddha’s enlightenment?

All Hitler’s works are claptrap. What a sorry mf you must be to try resurrect them and promote his warped philosophies which bought so much suffering to the world and to the German people in particular; self-deserved as much of it was at the time.

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

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Having read menzies233 post about different books written by hitler, I cannot understand why he has been attacked as someone promoting nazism

IMHO, he is simply sharing knowledge that may well give the reader a better insite into a madman.... Such knowledge helps in the fight to never let it happen again... And I hope analysts and psychologists do read these works, with the object to do all in our (international) power to prevent any situation whereby a madman has control over anything more dangerous than a wee box of crayons

Arguably, and unfortunately, we do still see dictators of an unstable nature out there, so the lesson has not been properly learnt

Unfortunately, psychiatrists make it too easy nowadays.

They would simply declare him crazy, and by doing so they will never even care how so many people could follow him.

Sociologists talk about charismatic leadership, which isn't very helpful either.

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