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Cambodia Deports 4,312 Illegal Foreigners So Far This Year


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PHNOM PENH, Dec 2 (Bernama) -- ERXinhua) -- Cambodia has expelled 4,312 illegal foreigners to their birth countries in the first eleven months of 2015, according to the report of the General Department of Immigration (GDI) on Wednesday.

From January to November, some 3,759 males and 553 females in 48 nationalities had been deported back to their countries of origin, China's Xinhua news agency quoted the report.

"Some 3,880 (or 90 percent) of the deportees are Vietnamese nationals," Major General Ouk Hai Seila, chief of the GDI's investigation and procedure department, said.

Since the establishment of the GDI in April last year until now, a total of 5,619 illegal foreigners had been sent back to their birth countries, the report added.

Under Cambodia's immigration law, any alien living in the country without valid documents such as passports, visas, or work permits are subject to deportation.


source: http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v8/wn/newsworld.php?id=1195781

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Yea, where all the Thai haters now, stating Cambodia is the place to be... No hassle with visas, etc...........

If you read the story it says 90% are Vietnamese. so maybe you should ask in a Vietnamese forum.!

3,759 males and 553 females in 48 nationalities

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Under Cambodia's immigration law, any alien living in the country without valid documents such as passports, visas, or work permits are subject to deportation.

In the UK the illegals throw away their passports and ID documents to prevent deportation, as many of the countries from which the illegals came from refuse to take them back without proof that they actually came from their country, perhaps the Cambodians should show the Brits the way to get rid of their illegals.

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Yea, where all the Thai haters now, stating Cambodia is the place to be... No hassle with visas, etc...........

If you read the story it says 90% are Vietnamese. so maybe you should ask in a Vietnamese forum.!

3,759 males and 553 females in 48 nationalities

3,880 Vietnamese, but only 432, so on average less than 10 per country, from the 47 other nationalities. So Vietnam's number is 380X the average of the others. The other countries, on average, have a deportation rate only .25% that of Vietnam. And so on. It seems pretty clearly oriented if you will at Vietnam.

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Yea, where all the Thai haters now, stating Cambodia is the place to be... No hassle with visas, etc...........

There ARE NO hassles in Cambodia, but you MUST HAVE documentation. Those deported did not have correct documentation.

I don't believe that varies from country to country.

..no passport, off you go, no visa, off you go, etc.

Thai hating doesn't come into it.

Visas may be less of a hassle in Cambodia, but if you don't have one, you're not welcome

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Yea, where all the Thai haters now, stating Cambodia is the place to be... No hassle with visas, etc...........

If you read the story it says 90% are Vietnamese. so maybe you should ask in a Vietnamese forum.!

And your point is ? Still a foreigner as far as i can understand. Where all the thai haters sated all foreigners are welcome even if illegal..

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