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At least 14 people are reported dead in shooting at disabled centre in Southern California


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Seems you have the blinders on, as for ignoring facts maybe you should just do a bit of research instead of regurgitating nonsense - which just shows that you really know very little about anything.

Analysis of Recent Mass Shootings - everytownresearch.org

“Gun-free” Zones

Ninety-one of the 133 incidents (68%) took place wholly in private residences. Of the 37 incidents in public spaces, at least 21 took place wholly or in part where concealed guns could be lawfully carried. All told, no more than 17 of the shootings (13%) took place entirely in public spaces that were so-called “gun-free zones.”

No need to apologise - just do a bit of learning and improve your knowledge.

This story is an immigration issue. Not a gun control issue.

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Yep, there goes Linky, de-railing this thread into gun control. Like clock work.

Edit: Oh yeah, the "enlighted country" comment. Gotta love that troll bait. LOL.

This is about gun control. The only reason things like this happen time and time again only in the US are the very lax gun laws.

Does France have more strict gun laws,? I happen to remember something similar happening there.

A pity you don't keep up on the news and did not read very well. These things happen time and time again in the USA, only in the USA.

A pity that you are a liar. In Lockhart Australia on September 8th 2014 Geoff Hunt shot his wife and three children to death. This was a mass shooting, not according to the stupid Reddit tracker, but according the the FBI's standard (in which a "mass shooting" is defined as having four or more deceased victims in a single incident).

Furthermore since ISIS has taken responsibility for the attack, it is clear that this was an act of terror.

Lastly, the guns used were purchased legally, but not by the shooters. The shooters obtained them illegally from someone else in contravention of a 2011 law prohibiting that very thing. Then they modified the weapons, another felony. One more law would not have stopped them when 20 laws did not.

I'd also like to remind you that "We have to something" was justification for the invasion of Iraq that killed a quarter million Iraqis. Doing something bad is much worse than doing nothing.

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So it turns out the American terrorist was an obsessive Israel demonizer and also a Jew hater.

Not very surprising. Obsessive Israel demonizers are usually Jew haters.

What is a little surprising based on that is why he didn't go after a more Jew concentrated target. Obviously there was that one Messianic Jew that he did kill (a Jesus believing Jew, strange) and there were bagels served at the party. Probably more than anything, it was a target he knew and it was a very soft target.


Farook confirmed that his son spoke of Islamic State (noting, "Who doesn't these days?") and "prescribed to the ideals outlined by IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," which included hating Israel.

"'Be patient,'" he tried to tell his son. "In two years, Israel won't exist anymore. Geopolitics is changing in Russia, China and America too."

Based on the father's quotes, who seems to present himself as a "moderate" Muslim, kind of like father, like son, innit?

I think the father is complicit. He knew the son was radicalized and a hard core HATER, a DAESH supporter, and had obtained at least one weapon ... how come he didn't put two and two together? What kind of good American does nothing when the evidence of a budding terrorist son is so clear?

I find it very hard to believe that he was shocked by this.

Edited by Jingthing
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So it turns out the American terrorist was an obsessive Israel demonizer and also a Jew hater.

Not very surprising. Obsessive Israel demonizers are usually Jew haters.

What is a little surprising based on that is why he didn't go after a more Jew concentrated target. Obviously there was that one Messianic Jew that he did kill (a Jesus believing Jew, strange) and there were bagels served at the party. Probably more than anything, it was a target he knew and it was a very soft target.


Farook confirmed that his son spoke of Islamic State (noting, "Who doesn't these days?") and "prescribed to the ideals outlined by IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," which included hating Israel.

"'Be patient,'" he tried to tell his son. "In two years, Israel won't exist anymore. Geopolitics is changing in Russia, China and America too."

Based on the father's quotes, who seems to present himself as a "moderate" Muslim, kind of like father, like son, innit?

I think the father is complicit. He knew the son was radicalized and a hard core HATER, a DAESH supporter, and had obtained at least one weapon ... how come he didn't put two and two together? What kind of good American does nothing when the evidence of a budding terrorist son is so clear?

I find it very hard to believe that he was shocked by this.

One of the first responses from the family and their lawyers I heard was a demand that Christians and Buddhists be called terrorists, too. They alluded to Burma and, of course, Tim McVeigh. Where would these people be without the over two decade old one off example of Tim McVeigh? This family is aggressive and militant. If this is an example of "moderation," then we have a sea of potential terrorists in our midst. Didn't know about the Israel comments, but that figures, too.

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