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driving it further to one of my neighbours who got kids always playing in the garden, in the neighbourhood???

== sorry for my english, it meant to be: driving it further SO THAT IT CAN NOT go to one of my neighbours...

but my meaning should still be understandable... how could it lead you to consider as i gonna put the snake into my neighbours??? snake itself might mean that, but not human, i assume you understand snakes better??!!!

'you're back cos you're using internet, but i can't treat you like how i treated the snake.'

...you are so funny. Killing a helpless snake must have made a man out of you.....nah..perhaps not.

this was referring to your saying that the snake came back by using GPS... what makes you compare YOURSELF with a snake???

Oh this is too easy. Back to the playground, methinks.

== n'importe quoi !!! sorry for my french

Edited by JiaJia
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I love snakes. But I respect them and try to keep a distance from the wild variety.

One year late 1990s in KPG, there were many cobras in the dry season. Coming down the "mountain" looking for food or water, I guess. Always laughed at the big, burly, intrepid backpackers screaming in fright when they found something on the path.

Seems snakes like neglected, overgrown spaces, so if the yard is tidy with not too much ground cover, it should be safer.

KPG, don't think the Thong Sala hosp stocks anti-venom...

I studied some of the herbal remedies, but forget the plant names. Will try to go back thru my records. Could be helpful, just in case.

:o I live in Wat Kok. A small village 2km from LanSaka. In Nakhon Se Thammarat provance.We do NOT kill snakes on our land.We have about 5 rai So we see snakes all the time. They are very shy and move away as soon as they become aware that i am near. Snakes keep the rats,and other vermin under control.We have to remove them if they come to close to the house because my dogs go nuts.I do that myself and take them to the mountians behind my house.I am no expert but you dont have to be, A large burlap bag and a short lenght of bamboo works fine.Take a little time learn to the difference between good and bad before you kill. Its great to know that there are people here that respect the creatures that we live with papa bill

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I love snakes. But I respect them and try to keep a distance from the wild variety.

One year late 1990s in KPG, there were many cobras in the dry season. Coming down the "mountain" looking for food or water, I guess. Always laughed at the big, burly, intrepid backpackers screaming in fright when they found something on the path.

Seems snakes like neglected, overgrown spaces, so if the yard is tidy with not too much ground cover, it should be safer.

KPG, don't think the Thong Sala hosp stocks anti-venom...

I studied some of the herbal remedies, but forget the plant names. Will try to go back thru my records. Could be helpful, just in case.

:o I live in Wat Kok. A small village 2km from LanSaka. In Nakhon Se Thammarat provance.We do NOT kill snakes on our land.We have about 5 rai So we see snakes all the time. They are very shy and move away as soon as they become aware that i am near. Snakes keep the rats,and other vermin under control.We have to remove them if they come to close to the house because my dogs go nuts.I do that myself and take them to the mountians behind my house.I am no expert but you dont have to be, A large burlap bag and a short lenght of bamboo works fine.Take a little time learn to the difference between good and bad before you kill. Its great to know that there are people here that respect the creatures that we live with papa bill

RESPECT (no, I don't normally speak like that, but the word seemed most apt.)

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We had a visitor to Grandma's bathroom an Indochinese Spitting Cobra to be exact. I found out it was a spitting cobra after it sprayed my glasses with venom. I made the decision to kill it because it was too dangerous to

handle safely. Though I have handled snakes since I was a teenager being an amateur herpetologist for 25 years I became worried as my pregnant wife and kids were in the next room. I regret my decision now because the snake was passive. To be honest even Grandma wished I hadn’t killed it.


Here's some more Thai snakes and critters http://www.karamanosfamily.com/thaireptile/ThaiAnimals.html

Some of my pet snakes and lizards I had in thailand http://www.karamanosfamily.com/pets/pets.html

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Opened my bedroom window yesterday morning only to be greeted by a small snake wound around the security grate and climbing vines. About 1/4 meter long, with very distinctive white coloring with black stripes, running around it's head and girth. For lack of a name, I call it my "zebra snake." Was very shy, and immediately disappeared in a niche between the window and the frame (shudder).

I steered clear, knowing that even some baby or juvenile snakes can deliver potent venom (such as the American Rattler, which carries a worse venom-packing bite as a baby snake, than an adult can).

Can anyone tell what I had from that description?

My book indicates it was probably a young non-venomous Malayan Banded Wolf Snake. I think I've seen one on my farm once.

Actually, just this morning, my neighbor identified it: A "Sam Tahn" snake. Very venomous, they warned. Well, whatever it is, I'll stay clear just to play it on the safe side. :o

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I'm not an expert by any means, BUT, neither are the Thais. I was appalled at their ignorance and their determination to kill ANY snake they see. ALL snakes are poisonous to them! The teachings of Buddha are totally forgotten when most Thais see a snake. Fortunately my wife refuses to kill any snake and considers seeing a snake good luck. My wife was upset when a neighbor killed a big one that she had been watching.

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The craziest thing I seen was a Thai woman riding her Honda Wave cut accross 2 lanes of highway to kill a small Oriental Rat Snake. She nearly got herself killed for this scrawny snake, how much meat could there be? Obviously by her uniform and newish looking bike she wasn't starving.

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i have a great photo of a 5 metre king cobra taken on koh phangan. :bah:

i was riding my motor cycle over the mountain to T.N.P and was confronted with this monsterous thing taking up the whole road. :D

i wont tell you what i done as you would not believe me but had my camera and got some good shots. :D

will never forget it as you die real quick if you get bitten. :D

cheers :D

Terry has asked me to post these images on his behalf. His sudden ability to post in understandable English has not improved his technology skills. :o The note on the back of the photo is that it was taken in 1989.


If you look at the images you will notice the snake is crossing a new road, the tracks are from a D9 earthmover to give a sense of scale.


I am surprised that Terry did not put a cigarette pack or a box of matches next to the critter as these are often a standard device to give scale. I think it is his clean living that prevented the use of these devices.

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have a gander at my great snake photos,

terence :o

Look at the size of Terry's snake. No wonder that he's a hit with the ladies.

Great pictures Terrence, although I noticed that there are no headshot close-ups. If I'd taken the photos the snake may just have been recognisable as a small black line in the far distance.

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we have the most venemous land snakes in the world here in Oz and none of them will kill you in 15 minutes, sea snakes are worse

Bronco is right

venem facts

Most venemous snake=sea snake

Most venemous land snake Aussie brown snake

stongest venem=So. Am. spitting tree frog

If a snake has any red in its color, it is usually dangerous

I kill them all, cuz i got no mice or rats, and the bamboo

viper looks like the hamless garder snake where i come

from, and i got kids. :o

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have a gander at my great snake photos,

terence :o

I have a feelng that you were a naughty boy eh Terry ... you went and grabbed its tail didn't you ....? :D

you know dave,

i must of been extra insane that day as thats exactly what i did. :D

That's no ornery cobra snake, Terry. You've been pulling Jet Gorgon's tresses again, haven't you?

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That is one Bad ass snake my man,

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

I seen a few snakes in my time here especially at our factory near Sam Roi Yawt, but the biggest one I seen was half that size.


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That is one Bad ass snake my man,

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

I seen a few snakes in my time here especially at our factory near Sam Roi Yawt, but the biggest one I seen was half that size.



i recon good old terry has pulled the rabbit out of the bag with that photo, and im so glad ive got the shots to prove it. :D

i should be given a life membership to the mighty " thai visa forum " for services rendered to the viewing public.

as a sweetener, all my warnings should be suspended forthwith. :o


from an english gentle man that is " terence " :D


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Just in case anyone wants "THE book" that 1/2 of us seem to have, the ISBN Number is 1-84330-019-2 and its called "Snakes and other reptiles of Thailand and SE Asia"

I had a small cobra at the house in Pattaya, only about 2ft long but, boy was it hacked off at my cat!!!! Gave me a good shot with the machete!! Also had a golden tree snake on the patio but he was very quick to GTF out of dodge!

I find quite a few af these suckers, I know it's not a snake but you don't want one to bite you, VERY painful and usually gets infected!!


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That is one Bad ass snake my man,

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

I seen a few snakes in my time here especially at our factory near Sam Roi Yawt, but the biggest one I seen was half that size.



i recon good old terry has pulled the rabbit out of the bag with that photo, and im so glad ive got the shots to prove it. :D

i should be given a life membership to the mighty " thai visa forum " for services rendered to the viewing public.

as a sweetener, all my warnings should be suspended forthwith. :o


from an english gentle man that is " terence " :D


Isn't it amazing, the two things in this world that terrify me, one has no legs the other has 8...

Here in Phuket we had a small Black Cobra, as it turned out, about a metre long at work..

The Thais called some rescue mob, two boys came caught it and took it away to be

released in the wild..I'll never forget that Blood Curdling Hiss..

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How many snake stories do you guys want to hear? I could wear out my keyboards withem. The scarriest is running over a largish (3 meter +) king cobra on a honda wave at 40 KPH on the wet pavement at Koh Chang, that caused major shringage. Fortunately I got the breaks locked and stopped the time a reticulated python shot out into the road, it would have wrecked me for sure. Ive ran over about a dozen nameless one meter types and stoped or shot around a few dozen more ( Cobras, Russles vipers, banded kraits, Malaysian kraits, and 5 or more types of green snakes ), all in a days fun.

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Isn't it amazing, the two things in this world that terrify me, one has no legs the other has 8...

Here in Phuket we had a small Black Cobra, as it turned out, about a metre long at work..

The Thais called some rescue mob, two boys came caught it and took it away to be

released in the wild..I'll never forget that Blood Curdling Hiss..

You miscounted and they are not legs.

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i recently saw a small snake swimming in the sea... i didn't pay much attention to it as it was tiny and it buried itself under the sand... but later someone told me they are incredibly venomous- can someone confirm that thailand has these dangerous sea snakes and that they can kill you? if so i will never go in the water again! :o

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i recently saw a small snake swimming in the sea... i didn't pay much attention to it as it was tiny and it buried itself under the sand... but later someone told me they are incredibly venomous- can someone confirm that thailand has these dangerous sea snakes and that they can kill you? if so i will never go in the water again! :o

Though sea snakes do have the most toxic venom of snakes they are also one of the most docile. Many divers often handle them gently and rarely has anyone been bitten. You have a 1000 times more chance getting killed on your way to the beach than by seas snakes.

The fact is 99% of snake will do everything they can to avoid humans (African Black Mamba exempt) so as long as you don't corner them or worse handle them you should be safe.

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I live in the middle of Bangkok (off Ramkhamhaeng) in a Moo Baan. Our house has a garden and is adjacent to a canal.

The other day, when I came home, the maid was all excited and scared. She had seen a snake disappearing under our porch. She described it as about 50 cm long, brown with a red tail.

I called the local Firemen and they came withing 20 Min with their snake squad. They couldn't find anything but they believed it was there, probably under the house. They suggested I open the porch and make sure nothing can crawl under the house.

Of course, the neighbors came to ask what had happened. When I told them, most of them just shrugged, oh yeah, we too, we have snakes under the house, that's normal.

Then, this morning we found a dead Phyton in the canal, about 2m long, so probably still a young one. I just wonder what killed it, the water in the klong?

But I really wonder what snake is brownish and has a red tail. Can anyone help?

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have a gander at my great snake photos,

terence :o

Piddle terry, thats just a whippersnapper :D

It reminds me of the snake that appeared in the village near my house around 1991, It was well over 4-5m long, and a King Cobra. It reared up just as a local songthaew drove by, the guy floored it because the snake was looking in the back at the passengers!

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I love snakes, as a matter of fact I have a big one, it keep the pested relatives away :o:D . Just be careful snake usually avoid people, unless you surprise one. Keep your area(living) nice and tidy, no clutter or places for a snake to hide and you should be a ok. :D

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