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This one is from Australia, it's off topic I know, but I think it may shade you "big one" Terry. That's a Kangeroo it is pulling up.


thats not a bad sized snake mick, and just goes to show australia is still the topper of the toppers when it comes to all things bad. :D

hope it enjoyed that roo. :o

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I like living in the city.

Still get snakes in the city meadish.Over the last two years I have seen 1 x krait (killed by the cat) 1 x cobra (killed by the bloke next door...who was well 'ard) one extreamly agressive rat snake and another one that I just saw the tail of scampering away.

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we have the most venemous land snakes in the world here in Oz and none of them will kill you in 15 minutes, sea snakes are worse

Bronco is right

venem facts

Most venemous snake=sea snake

Most venemous land snake Aussie brown snake

stongest venem=So. Am. spitting tree frog

If a snake has any red in its color, it is usually dangerous

I kill them all, cuz i got no mice or rats, and the bamboo

viper looks like the hamless garder snake where i come

from, and i got kids. :o

well let me add my two cents I would not pick one up and I would not go out of my way to kill one since they keep mice & rats as well as other varmits from over populating but I have to agree when you have children you must protect them at all cost now as for fear I fear a vicuois dog more than snake since I can run from a snake but a dog I have face it down and fight it that scare me because i know the sob will get a few bites of me before i strangle it if I am lucky enough to win the battle

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So instead of driving further, you decided to kill it. Next you'll be telling us it came back using GPS. And you call me aggresive.

Snakes were there before you. You're in the wrong place. And you want me to read fables.

It's a snake. It gets rid of vermin....oh I see what you mean now. Sorry.

driving it further to one of my neighbours who got kids always playing in the garden, in the neighbourhood???

the snake won't come back, cos it's been killed. you're back cos you're using internet, but i can't treat you like how i treated the snake.

i was there before the snake, as same as i was here on this thread before you.

snake bites, so as some human beings

Jia Jia you are such a brute! I think you eat some of the millions of chicken, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, dogs, insects,frogs........... that are killed every month around the world also! Most of them are no threat to your dogs or children. Shame on you! If you look more closely you will often see snakes kindly taking rats, mice and insects far away from where they live so no harm will come to them. You should follow their good example or move to a condo at he North Pole. People like you make me sick!

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have a gander at my great snake photos,

terence :o

Piddle terry, thats just a whippersnapper :D

It reminds me of the snake that appeared in the village near my house around 1991, It was well over 4-5m long, and a King Cobra. It reared up just as a local songthaew drove by, the guy floored it because the snake was looking in the back at the passengers!


unless you can produce the photo of your said snake, i win the game for the greatest snake photo on this thread. :bah:

we must have photographic evedence. :D

micks kangaroo shot was good but my king cobra would of swollowed his python and the kangaroo no problem :D .

thank you very much. :D

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  • 1 month later...

the heat is bringing out the snakes! just this week in my yard i have found a cobra and a pit viper, and i went in to get something from a box on top of my fridge yesterday and out slithered another snake! luckily it was harmless, no fangs, but a very long, skinny snake with stripes. my friend found a cobra under a pillow on her sofa a few days ago as well. i am checking my entire house a couple of times a day.

p.s. does anyone know of a good snake identification guide online?

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the heat is bringing out the snakes! just this week in my yard i have found a cobra and a pit viper, and i went in to get something from a box on top of my fridge yesterday and out slithered another snake! luckily it was harmless, no fangs, but a very long, skinny snake with stripes. my friend found a cobra under a pillow on her sofa a few days ago as well. i am checking my entire house a couple of times a day.

p.s. does anyone know of a good snake identification guide online?

Your friend found a cobra under her pillow? Really? Did it bite her? The so-called "sofa cobra" (cobrus sofus in Latin) usually waits till cold season for pillow appearances. At least that's what I've been told.

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the heat is bringing out the snakes! just this week in my yard i have found a cobra and a pit viper, and i went in to get something from a box on top of my fridge yesterday and out slithered another snake! luckily it was harmless, no fangs, but a very long, skinny snake with stripes. my friend found a cobra under a pillow on her sofa a few days ago as well. i am checking my entire house a couple of times a day.

p.s. does anyone know of a good snake identification guide online?

try www.siam-info.com



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Your friend found a cobra under her pillow? Really? Did it bite her? The so-called "sofa cobra" (cobrus sofus in Latin) usually waits till cold season for pillow appearances. At least that's what I've been told.

ha, yeah i know... that's the village gossip anyway :o

p.s. that's a great snake site

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  • 4 months later...

You were really bitten by a King Cobra?

What's that story then?

Couldn't have been as bad as that drunken idiot who was bitten by the King Brown in Western Australia.

Do not get bitten by a King Cobra - I was bitten (in Thailand) about 11 years ago - and will live for the rest of my life with the damage to my leg (my own stupid fault to be honest).


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I stay around Don Muang and in May we saw 4 snakes in as many weeks in our moo baan. in fact 3 of them were on our property.

It does seem to be that you see more snakes in the wet season than the dry and always when clearing the ground in towns or country. In 7 years living here i have only seen 5 snakes the latest a large Python seen in this link. We were passing in my car in photo as they held it up.


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Anyone recognize this little bugger caught today reasonably close to my moo ban. Fortunately they took it to the local wat and let it go.

About 2 metres long - I suspect it is a python of some sort, but would welcome any input.

It looks like a reticulated python.

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These are 1 x 1 ft square tiles I think and this guy was wondering past our door a few weeks ago. My wife saw one of her dogs taking an interest in something and this was it.


Especially in the rain season i get many snakes in my garden. I kill them all. I got a small kid, and three dogs. Sorry, no compassion for snakes. Killing them is a lot easier than catching them.

I am far more worried though about centipedes. Different than snakes, centipedes are very aggressive, and their bites hurt a lot, can kill even a child. In the rains now we kill one nearly every second day. :o

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Catching and releasing a snake isn't for everybody and people shouldn't be encouraged to catch and release them.

Is this one some kid of Boomslang? Didn't know they had those here in Thailand.


here's the little one found by my dog in the garden of my house. was told that a bitten could lead to death within 12 hours, even though it looked sooo cute. i saw this pretty while my dog was playing happliy with it !!! eventually we shot a close-up before it's been killed. poor snake, you just came to a wrong place ~~~

Couldn't you just catch it and release it a few miles away? ...ya wally.

'just came to a wrong place'...I think you're in the wrong place.

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It's usually not that the venom is more potent just they aren't old enough to know how much to deliver and keep biting hence inject more.

Opened my bedroom window yesterday morning only to be greeted by a small snake wound around the security grate and climbing vines. About 1/4 meter long, with very distinctive white coloring with black stripes, running around it's head and girth. For lack of a name, I call it my "zebra snake." Was very shy, and immediately disappeared in a niche between the window and the frame (shudder).

I steered clear, knowing that even some baby or juvenile snakes can deliver potent venom (such as the American Rattler, which carries a worse venom-packing bite as a baby snake, than an adult can).

Can anyone tell what I had from that description?

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Fierce snake is the most venomous land snake isn't it?

Inland Taipan

we have the most venemous land snakes in the world here in Oz and none of them will kill you in 15 minutes, sea snakes are worse

Bronco is right

venem facts

Most venemous snake=sea snake

Most venemous land snake Aussie brown snake

stongest venem=So. Am. spitting tree frog

If a snake has any red in its color, it is usually dangerous

I kill them all, cuz i got no mice or rats, and the bamboo

viper looks like the hamless garder snake where i come

from, and i got kids. :o

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mmmm......you're clearing land - thats why you are seeing so many of them. They are otherwise shy creatures and will push off as soon as their habitat is turned upside down, but it's not unusual to find them in rooves and under floors. Take it out or leave it along - it presents no threat left alone.

Sad that the Thai's tend to kill them.

Do not get bitten by a King Cobra - I was bitten (in Thailand) about 11 years ago - and will live for the rest of my life with the damage to my leg (my own stupid fault to be honest).



In the ancient Pali texts it says, to the effect, "Even the wise men and venerable sages rejoice at the killing of a venomous snake or insect that drinks blood?"

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Anyone recognize this little bugger caught today reasonably close to my moo ban. Fortunately they took it to the local wat and let it go.

About 2 metres long - I suspect it is a python of some sort, but would welcome any input.

It looks like a reticulated python.

Thanks Farma - after your post I did a bit more research, and agree with you.

Still has a fair bit of growing to do - largest recorded is 10 metres and 160kg :o

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  • 8 months later...

Anyone have any idea what kind of snake this is? I know it's not a great pic, but it was taken on the beach of an island in Koh Taruatao National Park, not far from Koh Lipe (extreme Southern Thailand) :o ...I've searched several websites but to no avail...


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I'm guessing not a water snake...I should have mentioned that it came down a wall of rock from the thick jungle to snag this lizard then slithered back up the wall/roots of trees to the canopy above. I have a video of said happenings, but i guess that'd be a pain in the ass to post...I think you're right though, about it being a scary blue snake.

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I'm guessing not a water snake...I should have mentioned that it came down a wall of rock from the thick jungle to snag this lizard then slithered back up the wall/roots of trees to the canopy above. I have a video of said happenings, but i guess that'd be a pain in the ass to post...I think you're right though, about it being a scary blue snake.
It looks like a green tree snake in a blue phase, not uncommon,quite harmless usually ends up in the cookpot rather quickly :o Nignoy
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