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Innovation for Thai food to be developed


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Innovation for Thai food to be developed

BANGKOK, 3 December 2015 (NNT) – Industry Permanent Secretary Arthit Wuthikharo said Thai food products have been exported to several countries around the world since Thailand is considered the "Kitchen of the World".

However, some food products may not have succeeded mainly due to lack of innovation to keep up with the changing consumption habits of the world consumers.

According to the Global Competitive Index (GCI) between 2014 and 2015, Thailand's capacity to make innovation ranks 67th in the world, compared to 66th in 2013. For that reason, he said, innovation for Thai food should be developed.

The Ministry of Industry and National Food Institute have developed and promoted products to enhance their competitiveness to meet the needs of the global markets. Currently, some 330 entrepreneurs in food industry are attending a promotional program for food manufacturing development.

-- NNT 2015-12-03 footer_n.gif

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"Industry Permanent Secretary Arthit Wuthikharo said Thai food products have been exported to several countries around the world since Thailand is considered the "Kitchen of the World"."

Thailand is considered "kitchen of the world", why? As food products have only been exported to "several" countries.

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"However, some food products may not have succeeded mainly due to lack of innovation to keep up with the changing consumption habits of the world consumers."

Not really. With the advent of Thai restaurants permeating the west, people have an option to the food exports which are full of preservatives and additives to keep them from spoiling. The restaurant food might not be authentic, but the ingredients are fresh and have a cleaner taste. If the customers' only comparison is the canned and packaged export, fresh will usually win out.

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Don't blame Thai food for the lack of innovation! The junta has already stolen the march on this!

Thai food is "one" of the reasons there are so many TV correspondents here.

More powerful that a TAT campaign, it is also probably one of this country's main attractions for the tourists that come here, and for those that stay in their home country and just go to their local Thai restaurant.

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This is a joke....'kitchen of the world'???!!! Been here three months and I am fed up already,I can't imagine how the foreigners that actually relocate here and have to eat this food for a longer period of time survive.

Couldn't agree more, I've been here a long time and I just can't handle Thai food, over spiced, over MSG'd and I have hard time working out exactly what is in the dish. Usually some chopped up pork with what looks like a few local weeds thrown in. Ok I can recognise the fried egg on top especially with 25% of the white uncooked.

To me it's all the same cheap crap with different percentages of chili added. Fish sauce that has your body need of salt for a month in a teaspoonful.

I make 90% of what I eat myself, the other 10% comes from tinned produce imported from UK, and I know I've washed my hands after going to the loo.

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Geez, you guys are too critical.

I've been eating the food here for years, and I still enjoy it!

In my opinion, while the seafood is nothing special, the eggs, chicken, and pork are as good as anywhere else I've experienced.

My only issue is that too much sugar is used in cooking. But, all you have to do is just say you don't want MSG or sugar and the cooks usually oblige.

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Geez, you guys are too critical.

I've been eating the food here for years, and I still enjoy it!

In my opinion, while the seafood is nothing special, the eggs, chicken, and pork are as good as anywhere else I've experienced.

My only issue is that too much sugar is used in cooking. But, all you have to do is just say you don't want MSG or sugar and the cooks usually oblige.

This is a joke....'kitchen of the world'???!!! Been here three months and I am fed up already,I can't imagine how the foreigners that actually relocate here and have to eat this food for a longer period of time survive.

Couldn't agree more, I've been here a long time and I just can't handle Thai food, over spiced, over MSG'd and I have hard time working out exactly what is in the dish. Usually some chopped up pork with what looks like a few local weeds thrown in. Ok I can recognise the fried egg on top especially with 25% of the white uncooked.

To me it's all the same cheap crap with different percentages of chili added. Fish sauce that has your body need of salt for a month in a teaspoonful.

I make 90% of what I eat myself, the other 10% comes from tinned produce imported from UK, and I know I've washed my hands after going to the loo.

Take the time and trouble to look into the food on offer in the markets, food courts and street stalls and you will find far more than "chopped up pork with a few weeds on top". Bother to learn the Thai for " no msg please", or " less sugar please", say it with a smile and they will prepare it that way. It's not difficult, even a numpty like me can do it.

Alternatively, you can waddle off to McDonalds or KFC, or pop down to 7/11 for another can of Pringles!

I don't know about "Kitchen of the World" but you can easily get good tasty and healthy fresh food here cheaply, and at a fraction of the price you would pay for processed crap in Europe.

Mind you, I do miss my fish and chips of a Friday lunchtime!


Edited by JAG
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This is a joke....'kitchen of the world'???!!! Been here three months and I am fed up already,I can't imagine how the foreigners that actually relocate here and have to eat this food for a longer period of time survive.

Couldn't agree more, I've been here a long time and I just can't handle Thai food, over spiced, over MSG'd and I have hard time working out exactly what is in the dish. Usually some chopped up pork with what looks like a few local weeds thrown in. Ok I can recognise the fried egg on top especially with 25% of the white uncooked.

To me it's all the same cheap crap with different percentages of chili added. Fish sauce that has your body need of salt for a month in a teaspoonful.

I make 90% of what I eat myself, the other 10% comes from tinned produce imported from UK, and I know I've washed my hands after going to the loo.

Lol.. cooking for yourself is the only option,plus of course bringing some stuff from your country if you or a friend happens to go on vacation.

Edited by EVEIE
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the Thais seem to be adding more and more sugar to everything, and I guess thats because Thais buy it, also msg to the point that the food in crunchy and you are left with the taste in your mouth all day. also if you dont want white rice you are out of luck. I used to eat all my meals out but not any more

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This is a joke....'kitchen of the world'???!!! Been here three months and I am fed up already,I can't imagine how the foreigners that actually relocate here and have to eat this food for a longer period of time survive.

Couldn't agree more, I've been here a long time and I just can't handle Thai food, over spiced, over MSG'd and I have hard time working out exactly what is in the dish. Usually some chopped up pork with what looks like a few local weeds thrown in. Ok I can recognise the fried egg on top especially with 25% of the white uncooked.

To me it's all the same cheap crap with different percentages of chili added. Fish sauce that has your body need of salt for a month in a teaspoonful.

I make 90% of what I eat myself, the other 10% comes from tinned produce imported from UK, and I know I've washed my hands after going to the loo.

Lol.. cooking for yourself is the only option,plus of course bringing some stuff from your country if you or a friend happens to go on vacation.

Just a heads up for any newbies, if you eat a dish at a local ma and pa's outdoors resturant and they tell you its pork and it tastes like lamb, its Dog.

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Having lived in Italy for a good time in the past and a spell in Germany I would venture that both countries have given more in the way of interesting, tasty and nutritious food to the world scene than some I could mention. Obviously France has added to the world table as well. My wife,Thai, admits that seafood from many countries, especially cold water seafood is way ahead of seafood in Thailand.

North Sea lobster, crab and cod are her favourites and they don't need loads of spices sugar and MSG to make them taste of something.

Next trip to UK I will introduce her to Clabbydoos, (my spelling).

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Personally i prefer Vietnamese and Indonesian food to thai food, but that's just my choice. Not to say some of the Thai food isn't superb.

I think what I do miss though is the quality of the starter meats and seafood that is grown in cooler climates. For me the best meat and seafood that I have eaten comes from NZ.

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I just don't understand why they want to designate something as real and authentic. This is cuisine, not an exam. If chefs want to put coconut cream in a bloody curry or something new in a stirfry, who cares.

Arguing whether original pad Thai has a dried shrimp in it isn't really the point is it.

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They might want to innovate in the areas of bakery, dairy products, vegetables growing in colder climates like up north, whole meat, etc. They've had access to the ingredients for a long time already. No need to stick to the weeds+rice base.

Oh yeah and do extend your beer production beyond the standard lagers.

Edited by DrTuner
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If u don't like the food it's time to go home. Big Mac's and Mac and cheese, waiting for you.

Go to a real Thai Restaurant and spend a 1000 bt, not 40 baht on the road. Thai cooking is a complex mix of flavors. Tell Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey that Thai's can't cook !

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Having lived in Italy for a good time in the past and a spell in Germany I would venture that both countries have given more in the way of interesting, tasty and nutritious food to the world scene than some I could mention. Obviously France has added to the world table as well. My wife,Thai, admits that seafood from many countries, especially cold water seafood is way ahead of seafood in Thailand.

North Sea lobster, crab and cod are her favourites and they don't need loads of spices sugar and MSG to make them taste of something.

Next trip to UK I will introduce her to Clabbydoos, (my spelling).

I would also add China to this list.

Or if you are into cakes Austria.

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Don't blame Thai food for the lack of innovation! The junta has already stolen the march on this!

Thai food is "one" of the reasons there are so many TV correspondents here.

More powerful that a TAT campaign, it is also probably one of this country's main attractions for the tourists that come here, and for those that stay in their home country and just go to their local Thai restaurant.

Are you sure about this???

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They might want to innovate in the areas of bakery, dairy products, vegetables growing in colder climates like up north, whole meat, etc. They've had access to the ingredients for a long time already. No need to stick to the weeds+rice base.

Oh yeah and do extend your beer production beyond the standard lagers.

you mean substandard lagers?

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If u don't like the food it's time to go home. Big Mac's and Mac and cheese, waiting for you.

Go to a real Thai Restaurant and spend a 1000 bt, not 40 baht on the road. Thai cooking is a complex mix of flavors. Tell Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey that Thai's can't cook !

Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey in the same sentence...and ...if you don't like the food its time to go home...explains a lot about our new friend here...

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They might want to innovate in the areas of bakery, dairy products, vegetables growing in colder climates like up north, whole meat, etc. They've had access to the ingredients for a long time already. No need to stick to the weeds+rice base.

Oh yeah and do extend your beer production beyond the standard lagers.

you mean substandard lagers?

Yes, I did mean Thai standard, which in global context equates to substandard.

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If u don't like the food it's time to go home. Big Mac's and Mac and cheese, waiting for you.

Go to a real Thai Restaurant and spend a 1000 bt, not 40 baht on the road. Thai cooking is a complex mix of flavors. Tell Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey that Thai's can't cook !

No matter where I am in the world I like to eat different cousines from day to day. Limiting yourself to one locality is masochism, but hey, if that's your thang, go for it.

Good Thai food is hard to come by and doesn't seem to correlate with the price. Last time I found good stuff, it was at Khrua Apsorn in Thanon Samsen, Bangkok. They aren't expensive at all. Splashing 1000baht on food made out of very basic ingredients isn't necessary.

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