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Putin: Turkey 'will regret' downing Russian bomber in Syria


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Putin: Turkey 'will regret' downing Russian bomber in Syria

MOSCOW: -- Russian President Vladimir Putin has castigated Turkey's leaders, warning that they will regret shooting down a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syria.

In a state of the nation speech, broadcast live on Russian television, he said that "if anyone thinks Russia's reaction will be limited to trade sanctions, they are deeply mistaken".

"We'll remind them again what they did - they will regret it."

Russia's fight against "terrorists" came top in his speech to parliament.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34993629

-- BBC 2015-12-03

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Turkey should down a few more Russian jets, that come into their air space. A few more missiles up Putin's _ss will teach him that not everyone bows to the great Mr. Putin or mother Russia.

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Let the show begin but I think in a couple of month Erdogan is gone.

He becomes a liability to the Turks and remembers me on Mursa of Egypt.

The Turkish military will sort it out, most properly with the Turkish Constitution Courts and put him under arrest. His son will be arrested for corruption and his daughter for terrorism.

Case closed

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cigar7, on 03 Dec 2015 - 18:15, said:

Turkey should down a few more Russian jets, that come into their air space. A few more missiles up Putin's _ss will teach him that not everyone bows to the great Mr. Putin or mother Russia.

You didn't really think that one through, did you ?

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Let the show begin but I think in a couple of month Erdogan is gone.

He becomes a liability to the Turks and remembers me on Mursa of Egypt.

The Turkish military will sort it out, most properly with the Turkish Constitution Courts and put him under arrest. His son will be arrested for corruption and his daughter for terrorism.

Case closed

It's not only Putin that Erdogan drives crazy and sends off the deep end.

Putin's fanboyz are known for their fanticising but this one is fantasticly far fetched. Even Putin while he lies awake nights couldn't expect anything like this to eventuate.

Erdogan just got a big re-election win. He btw took control of the military several years ago after a huge purge at the top.

We begin to see why Erdogan's opponents in Turkey hate him. He drives you nuts. Erdogan is a strongman leader. Get in his way and you get busted in the chops.

It looks meanwhile like the masses in Russia have seen their last tomato till Putin wins his wars. Rumor has it the last tomato in Moscow was thrown at the Turkey embassy building after the shootdown. Moscovites just hadn't known it at the time.

Damascus or bust. Whichever comes first.

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None of this is good. Just a brief review of the absurd things that have previously led to wars should cause great concern with these clowns. Wars triggered by cults of personality are very alarming. People should pause at the height of this information age pinnacle of arrogance. Humans have not morally evolved as our technology/abilities have. Our behavior and drama and outcomes are as primitive as they have ever been. Any series of "events" that would force Turkey to "regret" their actions would be equally able to trigger a full blown mid/high intensity conflict in the region; it may well be the same trigger.

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I'm not an erdogan fan, but until now hes acting much more rationally. Hes a political genius, seens like he ditched his anti western rhetoric completely and is moving closer to NATO and the west. Suddenly he realized his country is a NATO member after this incident LOL

Countries backing Russia:



North korea

Countries backing Turkey:



And obviously NATO

China stated it will remain neutral

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None of this is good. Just a brief review of the absurd things that have previously led to wars should cause great concern with these clowns. Wars triggered by cults of personality are very alarming. People should pause at the height of this information age pinnacle of arrogance. Humans have not morally evolved as our technology/abilities have. Our behavior and drama and outcomes are as primitive as they have ever been. Any series of "events" that would force Turkey to "regret" their actions would be equally able to trigger a full blown mid/high intensity conflict in the region; it may well be the same trigger.

Well said. Leaders were much more rational during the cold war. Remember the cuban missile crisis, both kennedy and his counterpart acted very pragmatically. Putin is an idiot compared to ex soviet leaders.

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Russia has just banned import of tomatoes from Turkey. Damn what a bad blow that will be.

In Russiacoffee1.gif do they pronounce tomato as tomato or tomato?
I know you're a foodie.

They say 'pomidor'...for a tomato in Russia.

Comes actually from Italian 'pomi d'oro'.

Majority of cereals of Syria were exported to Italy before the Syrian civil war. Syria was main supplier for decades.

So, yes you could say that the Italian pizza is depending on Syrian cereals and Turkish tomatoes, thanks to the Russian intervention!

The topping remains a domestic Italian issue.

Edited by Thorgal
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Erdogan already stuffed him for Thanksgiving.

Let's see what Santa has in store for Putin this Christmas.

Maybe Rayyip will send Vlad a collectors edition T-shirt with the Russian fighter jet on fire and nosediving.

The Russian Air Force Sukhoi-24 jet fighter aircraft shot out of the sky by the TuAF Fighting Falcon F-16


And here's the kind of US created F-16CG Fighting Falcon that shot down the sucker. Turkish AF 141st Squadron, 4th Main Jet Base Group Command, Akinci AB Turkey.


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Russians will "regret" supporting Putin.

So what else is new?

Certainly ranks high in the current world megalomaniac ratings, and yes many a fool hardy UssR nationalists think hes the ONE. <snip>

Mod Edit: Inappropriate reference removed.

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It's interesting.

Two nations with a very inflated view of their importance in the modern world.

Yes, but only one that is actually important to the 'modern world' . Turkey once was a decent country run by sane people, until Islam reared it's nasty head and became the dominating power. Now it's arrogance is only exceeded by it's ignorance in dealing with very minor infractions of ithe 'soveriegnty' of it's air space.Did the Turks think they were under attack? Hardly, they were just being 'macho', now they will probably be emasculated. The only reason it did happen was because of NATO, if Turkey had not had 'BIG Brother' quietly sitting behind it, this situation would not have arisen. Russia should completely close the border between Turkey and Syria. Cut the oil off, starve both ISIL and the corrupt people buying the oil in Turkey of funds. Arm and support the Kurds. As to the reporting of the closing of the Bospherous, to Russian ships, it's probably illegal as they are currently not at 'war' with Russia. If they were they would already have lost control of it anyway.

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It's interesting.

Two nations with a very inflated view of their importance in the modern world.

Yes, but only one that is actually important to the 'modern world' . Turkey once was a decent country run by sane people, until Islam reared it's nasty head and became the dominating power. Now it's arrogance is only exceeded by it's ignorance in dealing with very minor infractions of ithe 'soveriegnty' of it's air space.Did the Turks think they were under attack? Hardly, they were just being 'macho', now they will probably be emasculated. The only reason it did happen was because of NATO, if Turkey had not had 'BIG Brother' quietly sitting behind it, this situation would not have arisen. Russia should completely close the border between Turkey and Syria. Cut the oil off, starve both ISIL and the corrupt people buying the oil in Turkey of funds. Arm and support the Kurds. As to the reporting of the closing of the Bospherous, to Russian ships, it's probably illegal as they are currently not at 'war' with Russia. If they were they would already have lost control of it anyway.

Nato was created to keep the Soviet Russian military forces within their own borders, since 1949. It is why Nato continues to exist given the Chekist Putin and his Soviet Russia Lite. Because of Nato, USSR Moscow immediately had become unable to pick off one country at a time. This remains true, which enables Erdogan as the leader of one muscular Nato country to kick a sh*t like Putin in the ass.

Russia hasn't the resources militarily or in their economy to do anything proposed in the wishlist post. If anyone did as proposed in the post, i.e., cut off oil to Turkey and close the border of Syria-Turkey, then Erdogan could well close the Bosphorus to Russia regardless of international law.

Keep in mind, Turkey is the world's 10th strongest and most modern military. It is a long-standing component of Nato which has a more powerful military than Russia itself has.

Turkey is a peninsular so it's spent decades operating a large submarine fleet that is modern, well equipped, trained, commanded and led. Turkey is bordered by the eastern Med and the west end of the Suez Canal/Red Sea, the Agean Sea, Seat of Crete and the Thracian Sea. It commands access to the Black Sea.

Russian ASW (anti-submarine warfare) is meanwhile five ASW aircraft from the 1960s recently upgraded, six more to upgrade and 12 others of 'em in storage. Russian submarines have themselves sent more Russian Navy sailors to the deep six than have any enemy attacks. Certainly since WW2. Russian Navy surface ships have some ASW capabilities but it is not their focus.

People who speak recklessly can find themselves saying some very risky and even dangerous things. Putin is the model of it and Erdogan isn't much better. Each is an sob. Each among us is free to choose his poison. Up to you, up to me. Let's just be real about it.


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Russia has just banned import of tomatoes from Turkey. Damn what a bad blow that will be.

In Russiacoffee1.gif do they pronounce tomato as tomato or tomato?

And if Turkey retaliates with a ban on Russian potatoes, would they spell it potato or, in deference to the former US VP Dan Quayle, potatoe?


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Keep in mind, Turkey is the world's 10th strongest and most modern military. It is a long-standing component of Nato which has a more powerful military than Russia itself has.

Militarily, the only thing Turkey has going for it is it is part of NATO.

Given a choice, I would rather work with 10 Russian troops than 100 Turkish troops. It might be the 10th strongest and Modern military in the world. Fancy gear and strong numbers mean diddly.

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Russia has just banned import of tomatoes from Turkey. Damn what a bad blow that will be.

In Russiacoffee1.gif do they pronounce tomato as tomato or tomato?

And if Turkey retaliates with a ban on Russian potatoes, would they spell it potato or, in deference to the former US VP Dan Quayle, potatoe?

it's all Borscht to me

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Keep in mind, Turkey is the world's 10th strongest and most modern military. It is a long-standing component of Nato which has a more powerful military than Russia itself has.

Militarily, the only thing Turkey has going for it is it is part of NATO.

Given a choice, I would rather work with 10 Russian troops than 100 Turkish troops. It might be the 10th strongest and Modern military in the world. Fancy gear and strong numbers mean diddly.

I'd rather work with 10 Nato troops than the 100 Russian troops who need to be led by the nose or on a leash. The brains, technology, education, equipment, civilisation are superior.

Almost everyone in the region has defeated the Russian army over time, from Finland, Poland, the allied powers in WWOne to include the Ottomans early on. Japan in 1905 sent the Russian fleet to the bottom. In WW2 the Red Army didn't start scoring wins until after the allies opened a Western Front beginning with D-Day in northern France and wrapped up the Nazi armies across that swathe.

Putin knows he could not possibly try in Turkey what he's doing in Ukraine. Nato would not need to lift a finger and could sit back and watch the Turkish military and the population included completely run Russians right back out.

It's the Russian Air Force Su 24 that keeps getting blown out of the sky. Anybody's plane can crash and burn, but this isn't the first Su-24 to get popped off.

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Publicus, on 04 Dec 2015 - 13:58, said:
SgtRock, on 04 Dec 2015 - 11:55, said:

Keep in mind, Turkey is the world's 10th strongest and most modern military. It is a long-standing component of Nato which has a more powerful military than Russia itself has.

Militarily, the only thing Turkey has going for it is it is part of NATO.

Given a choice, I would rather work with 10 Russian troops than 100 Turkish troops. It might be the 10th strongest and Modern military in the world. Fancy gear and strong numbers mean diddly.

I'd rather work with 10 Nato troops than the 100 Russian troops who need to be led by the nose. The brains, technology, education, equipment, civilisation are superior.

Almost everyone in the region has defeated the Russian army over time, from Finland, Poland, the allied powers in WWOne to include the Ottomans early on. Japan in 1905 sent the Russian fleet to the bottom. In WW2 the Red Army didn't start scoring wins until after the allies opened a Western Front beginning with D-Day in northern France and wrapped up the Nazi armies across that swathe.

Putin knows he could not possibly try in Turkey what he's doing in Ukraine. Nato would not need to lift a finger and could sit back and watch the Turkish military and the population included completely run Russians right back out.

It's the Russian Air Force Su 24 that keeps getting blown out of the sky. Anybody's plane can crash and burn, but this isn't the first Su-24 to get popped off.

Would that be 10 NATO troops or 10 Turkish troops ? There is a vast difference.

Is there an Army that has never been defeated ? That was not my point.

We can beg to differ on where a perceived Russia V Turkey might go. I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Anybody can blow a plane out of the sky, especially when it is done on the sly.

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Publicus, on 04 Dec 2015 - 13:58, said:
SgtRock, on 04 Dec 2015 - 11:55, said:

Keep in mind, Turkey is the world's 10th strongest and most modern military. It is a long-standing component of Nato which has a more powerful military than Russia itself has.

Militarily, the only thing Turkey has going for it is it is part of NATO.

Given a choice, I would rather work with 10 Russian troops than 100 Turkish troops. It might be the 10th strongest and Modern military in the world. Fancy gear and strong numbers mean diddly.

I'd rather work with 10 Nato troops than the 100 Russian troops who need to be led by the nose. The brains, technology, education, equipment, civilisation are superior.

Almost everyone in the region has defeated the Russian army over time, from Finland, Poland, the allied powers in WWOne to include the Ottomans early on. Japan in 1905 sent the Russian fleet to the bottom. In WW2 the Red Army didn't start scoring wins until after the allies opened a Western Front beginning with D-Day in northern France and wrapped up the Nazi armies across that swathe.

Putin knows he could not possibly try in Turkey what he's doing in Ukraine. Nato would not need to lift a finger and could sit back and watch the Turkish military and the population included completely run Russians right back out.

It's the Russian Air Force Su 24 that keeps getting blown out of the sky. Anybody's plane can crash and burn, but this isn't the first Su-24 to get popped off.

Would that be 10 NATO troops or 10 Turkish troops ? There is a vast difference.

Is there an Army that has never been defeated ? That was not my point.

We can beg to differ on where a perceived Russia V Turkey might go. I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Anybody can blow a plane out of the sky, especially when it is done on the sly.

I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Which is of course the whole point of Nato. Turkey is in the Nato equation sarge. Permanently 24/7, with 28 countries total and together.

And yes there is of course a vast difference between 10 Turkish troops or 10 Nato troops. Which is again the whole point.

A Nato country such as Turkey which has muscle in economics, militarily, in diplomacy, regionally, historically and the like can kick a little sh*t like Putin in the arse and tell him to stay out of the back yard. Conversely and disastrously, the not in Nato Ukraine thought they'd be safe not to provoke Putin so Ukraine stayed out of Nato. Which proves that with Putin you get sh*t on both ends of the stick.

Putin's not gonna blast Turkey right off or at all because it is in Nato. If it weren't for Nato Putin already would have done his jig dance down the Champs d' Elysee as his crowning finale to a piece by piece slicing of Europe into a new Russian Empire.

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I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Which is of course the whole point of Nato. Turkey is in the Nato equation sarge. Permanently 24/7, with 28 countries total and together.

And yes there is of course a vast difference between 10 Turkish troops or 10 Nato troops. Which is again the whole point.

A Nato country such as Turkey which has muscle in economics, militarily, in diplomacy, regionally, historically and the like can kick a little sh*t like Putin in the arse and tell him to stay out of the back yard. Conversely and disastrously, the not in Nato Ukraine thought they'd be safe not to provoke Putin so Ukraine stayed out of Nato. Which proves that with Putin you get sh*t on both ends of the stick.

Putin's not gonna blast Turkey right off or at all because it is in Nato. If it weren't for Nato Putin already would have done his jig dance down the Champs d' Elysee as his crowning finale to a piece by piece slicing of Europe into a new Russian Empire.

Turkey Picked The Wrong Fight With Russia - Forbes

4 days ago - Despite that, Russia is unlikely to cut natural gas supplies to Turkey. Russia accounts for 55% of Turkey's total foreign natural gas supply.

Russia gives $1.39 bln for Turkey's first nuclear plant ...

Apr 10, 2014 - Turkey has received $1.39 billion from Russia for the construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant in Akkuyu for the first quarter of 2014.

Russia-Turkey Crisis: Ankara Set To Be 'Main Loser' After ...

4 days ago - Millions of Russian tourists will no longer be soaking up the sun in ... Russia is Turkey's ninth largest export market at approximately $6 billion.

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Publicus, on 04 Dec 2015 - 14:37, said:
SgtRock, on 04 Dec 2015 - 14:04, said:

Would that be 10 NATO troops or 10 Turkish troops ? There is a vast difference.

Is there an Army that has never been defeated ? That was not my point.

We can beg to differ on where a perceived Russia V Turkey might go. I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Anybody can blow a plane out of the sky, especially when it is done on the sly.

I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Which is of course the whole point of Nato. Turkey is in the Nato equation sarge. Permanently 24/7, with 28 countries total and together.

And yes there is of course a vast difference between 10 Turkish troops or 10 Nato troops. Which is again the whole point.

A Nato country such as Turkey which has muscle in economics, militarily, in diplomacy, regionally, historically and the like can kick a little sh*t like Putin in the arse and tell him to stay out of the back yard. Conversely and disastrously, the not in Nato Ukraine thought they'd be safe not to provoke Putin so Ukraine stayed out of Nato. Which proves that with Putin you get sh*t on both ends of the stick.

Putin's not gonna blast Turkey right off or at all because it is in Nato. If it weren't for Nato Putin already would have done his jig dance down the Champs d' Elysee as his crowning finale to a piece by piece slicing of Europe into a new Russian Empire.

Thank you for enlightening me. I was not aware that Turkey was a member of NATO whistling.gif It is the ONLY reason Turkey is trying to flex a bit of muscle.

You changed the dynamics. I said give me 10 Russians over 100 Turks.

I do not know where you are getting your information from. Your adulation for the capabilities of Turkey are way over estimated.

You are correct. Putin will not blast Turkey right off. There is more than way to inflict damage on a Country, as Turkey will find out. Like most Muslim Countries, Turkey's greatest traits are corruption and corruption. Everything else is a poor second.

Remember that old adage. '' Revenge is a dish served cold ''

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Publicus, on 04 Dec 2015 - 14:37, said:
SgtRock, on 04 Dec 2015 - 14:04, said:

Would that be 10 NATO troops or 10 Turkish troops ? There is a vast difference.

Is there an Army that has never been defeated ? That was not my point.

We can beg to differ on where a perceived Russia V Turkey might go. I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Anybody can blow a plane out of the sky, especially when it is done on the sly.

I would not be betting on Turkey ( Taking NATO out of the equation )

Which is of course the whole point of Nato. Turkey is in the Nato equation sarge. Permanently 24/7, with 28 countries total and together.

And yes there is of course a vast difference between 10 Turkish troops or 10 Nato troops. Which is again the whole point.

A Nato country such as Turkey which has muscle in economics, militarily, in diplomacy, regionally, historically and the like can kick a little sh*t like Putin in the arse and tell him to stay out of the back yard. Conversely and disastrously, the not in Nato Ukraine thought they'd be safe not to provoke Putin so Ukraine stayed out of Nato. Which proves that with Putin you get sh*t on both ends of the stick.

Putin's not gonna blast Turkey right off or at all because it is in Nato. If it weren't for Nato Putin already would have done his jig dance down the Champs d' Elysee as his crowning finale to a piece by piece slicing of Europe into a new Russian Empire.

Thank you for enlightening me. I was not aware that Turkey was a member of NATO whistling.gif It is the ONLY reason Turkey is trying to flex a bit of muscle.

You changed the dynamics. I said give me 10 Russians over 100 Turks.

I do not know where you are getting your information from. Your adulation for the capabilities of Turkey are way over estimated.

You are correct. Putin will not blast Turkey right off. There is more than way to inflict damage on a Country, as Turkey will find out. Like most Muslim Countries, Turkey's greatest traits are corruption and corruption. Everything else is a poor second.

Remember that old adage. '' Revenge is a dish served cold ''

Thank you for enlightening me. I was not aware that Turkey was a member of NATO whistling.gif It is the ONLY reason Turkey is trying to flex a bit of muscle.

No need to be so modest. I didn't remind you of anything. I am successful to have got across the point I took the liberty to underscore in the quote of your post. Yes, because Turkey is in Nato (whereas Ukraine is not) Turkey can kick Putin in his Chekist little ass while Vlad can't do anything about it militarily without severe consequence from Europe and US, i.e, Nato. Turkey can do it, Nato member Latvia cannot. Pretty simple.

Your adulation for the capabilities of Turkey are way over estimated.

No "adulation" of Turkey here sarge. Turkey is a long standing member of Nato. Russia is the reason Nato was founded in 1949. It's Nato's raison d'etre currently and going forward. Erdogan has thrown himself in to the fight against Assad while Putin has come in to support Assad. Erdogan +1, Putin -1 in the ME broadly speaking. Minus one on RuAF jet fighters too btw.

Judging from these two points I've had to address, you might want to visit here: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/building-reading-comprehension-through-139.html

Putin's GDP in Russia is minus 5 percent and he's spending a lot of money on his Syrian military campaign to prop up Assad. Inflation in Russia is running 20 percent and now Vlad is cutting off more food imports. Interest rates in Russia are mid-teens much as the temperature is.

Turkey can handle this much better than Russia. EU just delivered a big check to Ankara of 3 bn euros. Putin instead is trying to shrink the Turkey economy. Vlad is not making any new friends anywhere btw but I'm sure you're going fine. smile.png

Till next time....wink.png

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Publicus, on 05 Dec 2015 - 20:00, said:
SgtRock, on 05 Dec 2015 - 14:04, said:

Thank you for enlightening me. I was not aware that Turkey was a member of NATO whistling.gif It is the ONLY reason Turkey is trying to flex a bit of muscle.

You changed the dynamics. I said give me 10 Russians over 100 Turks.

I do not know where you are getting your information from. Your adulation for the capabilities of Turkey are way over estimated.

You are correct. Putin will not blast Turkey right off. There is more than way to inflict damage on a Country, as Turkey will find out. Like most Muslim Countries, Turkey's greatest traits are corruption and corruption. Everything else is a poor second.

Remember that old adage. '' Revenge is a dish served cold ''

Thank you for enlightening me. I was not aware that Turkey was a member of NATO whistling.gif It is the ONLY reason Turkey is trying to flex a bit of muscle.

No need to be so modest. I didn't remind you of anything. I am successful to have got across the point I took the liberty to underscore in the quote of your post. Yes, because Turkey is in Nato (whereas Ukraine is not) Turkey can kick Putin in his Chekist little ass while Vlad can't do anything about it militarily without severe consequence from Europe and US, i.e, Nato. Turkey can do it, Nato member Latvia cannot. Pretty simple.

Your adulation for the capabilities of Turkey are way over estimated.

No "adulation" of Turkey here sarge. Turkey is a long standing member of Nato. Russia is the reason Nato was founded in 1949. It's Nato's raison d'etre currently and going forward. Erdogan has thrown himself in to the fight against Assad while Putin has come in to support Assad. Erdogan +1, Putin -1 in the ME broadly speaking. Minus one on RuAF jet fighters too btw.

Judging from these two points I've had to address, you might want to visit here: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/building-reading-comprehension-through-139.html

Putin's GDP in Russia is minus 5 percent and he's spending a lot of money on his Syrian military campaign to prop up Assad. Inflation in Russia is running 20 percent and now Vlad is cutting off more food imports. Interest rates in Russia are mid-teens much as the temperature is.

Turkey can handle this much better than Russia. EU just delivered a big check to Ankara of 3 bn euros. Putin instead is trying to shrink the Turkey economy. Vlad is not making any new friends anywhere btw but I'm sure you're going fine. smile.png

Till next time....wink.png

There is no modesty on my part. I call a lame duck when I see one. Not only did I see it I worked with it.

Why do you insist on mentioning the Ukraine ? This is nothing but deflection.

You are talking through a hole in your backside and you are backing the wrong horse.

I have lived it, I have worked it, what have you done ?

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