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America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings


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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Edited by MZurf
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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Good luck with that ???

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In the case of he San Bernardino massacre, the alleged terrorist purchased his guns 4 years ago. He was reportedly a law abiding, educated US born citizen. Nothing in his background suggested he was dangerous. Nothing at the time of the purchase would have given just cause to stop him from purchasing the weapons, even if there were lengthy waiting periods, or more intensive screenings.

He was in Saudi Arabia a year ago where he allegedly became radicalized. One could say that he should have been investigated at the time and had his guns seized.

Well, many of the people now whinging about his guns would have been up in arms if this religious muslim had been profiled and singled out. He had legal rights. Don't tell me that the gun control lobby now embraces Trump's totalitarian approach to muslims?

In respect to the Planned Parenthood killer, he too owned firearms dating back some time. Although odd, he had done nothing to suggest that he was dangerous. Had someone singled him out to take away his guns because he was an alleged wacko, we'd have seen claims of discrimination. The fact is, that this man would have found another way to kill, most likely with a vehicle where he would have run people down.

The issue has gone way beyond easy access to guns. It's now an issue of selfishness and moral collapse. All the taboos of rational society have been ruptured. We are witnessing Sodom & Gomorah on speed. This will not end nicely.

This is why guns should be treated the same way vehicles are in the U.S.

1) Ownership registration.

2) A licence required to operate one, after proving you know how to operate ( and store) one safely, and are mentaly and physically healthy...that is renewed every few years to be sure you are still mentaly and phisically healthy.

3) And liability insurance to cover any damage you may cause.

Exactly! Can any of you guns for everyone advocates please explain why this should not be the case?

Laudable sentiments and quite appealing. Unfortunately, here's the fatal flaw: It won't work. Let's use your example of vehicle licensing, registration and insurance. Every year in the USA, uninsured or unlicensed or unregistered vehicles are involved in serious fatal collisions where people are killed or maimed or crippled. The sad reality is that irresponsible selfish idiots will continue to engage in illegal activity. What's the solution? To lock them up? The USA already has one of the highest per capita incarceration rate in the word and its costing billions. I believe in gun control, but I also recognize that law abiding people should have access to firearms. Three quick fixes that would cut criminals access to firearms;

1. Elimination of the loophole that allows independent gun dealers to avoid doing background checks or to impose waiting periods on purchases.

2. Imposition of strict liability including severe criminal penalties on those who sell firearms illegally or to known criminals.

3. No sales of the various near automatic weapons or weapons easily converted to automatic,

None of the 3 will happen.

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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

Rubbish. You have repeated GOP Presidential nominee candidate Ted Cruz's nonsensical statement verbatim. He was wrong, and so are you.

Since 2005 there have been 225+ mass killings in the USA depending on which police agencies' data one uses. You also ignore the fact that in most cases there was no way for people to defend themselves since the attack came by surprise.

Let's look at the most recent mass killings (nothing is cherry picked and they appear as they occurred);

- 29-Nov-2015 3 dead, 9 shot @ outside Planned Parenthood clinic - Not a Gun free zone. An armed police officer was murdered during the attack. Others had firearms. The responsible person appears to be a mentally deranged man with extreme right wing views.

- 1 Oct-2015 9 dead, @ community college where there was armed security. The responsible party was described as a white supremacist, who legally owned 14 firearms. He was killed by responding police. The people he killed were in his immediate vicinity.

- 16-July-2015 5 dead, 3 shot at 2 military recruiting offices when an Islamic extremist opened fire in a planned targeted drive by shooting. Even if the victims had been armed to the teeth, it would not have helped because of the manner in which the assailant attacked.

- 18-June-2015 9 dead when a white supremacist specifically targeted and killed afro americans attending bible study class. After shooting the people, the assailant fled and was later apprehended by police. The dead were praying and were caught unaware. Even if they had firearms, it would not have saved them from the actions of the killer who waited until they had bowed their heads in prayer.

Do you see a common characteristic? All of the murders involved people with legally acquired firearms. The assailants were extremists and in many cases were mentally ill. They planned their killings. In none of the cases would there have been a difference if the victims had been carrying firearms as most were murdered in cowardly surprise attacks.

Your claim becomes more silly when one considers the Fort Hood shootings in 2014 Again, another extremist, a jihadist was involved. It took place on a military base and was carried out by a trusted member of the community. Here's the issue the Tea Party types like Cruz refuse to acknowledge: Mentally ill, but functional people are allowed to keep firearms. Under the US Constitution if someone with Down's Syndrome wants to keep a gun, it is allowed; If a manic depressive wants to keep a gun, there is little one can do to stop it. The claim that if more people had guns, would stop attacks, isn't supported by the facts. The mass killings are typically planned in advance and are surprise attacks, killing people when they are unprepared. Remember the Aurora cinema mass murder? The mentally ill assailant shot people in their backs as they watched Batman. How would having a sidearm have saved anyone in a case like that where a madman is shooting up a darkened cinema? If you want to be caught in a shoot out when some slob with poor firearm control let's loose a volley because he/she thinks an attack is underway, good for you. I don't. It takes skill, training and practice to use a firearm properly when under stress and the typical US gun owner neither practices nor has undergone the necessary training. Sadly, I believe the reason why there are mass killings is because of the moral disintegration in the USA and because of views similar to the ones you espouse. It's all about me, me, me. Selfishness to the extreme.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Mentally Ill people who show violent tendencies should be locked up and forcible LONG BEFORE they apply to get a gun... Most all of the NON Islamic Terrorists mas Shooters who were known by doctors, university officials, high school officials, parents, siblings as being a violent nut case with mental health issues documented a hundred meters long ... BUT STATE And FEDERAL LAW PROHIBIT their incarceration against their will for no more than a paltry 72 hours... That is why we have a Mental Health problem in America NOT A GUN PROBLEM

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By the way gents..

read the news.

These people were not crazy...just recruited for dealing out death...through any means possible.

Could happen in any country, at any time.

again and again...non americans spouting off totally ignorant viewpoints on what americans should and should not do.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good god man...thank goodness you people will finally stbukup.

Go back to britonia or wherever you buggers are from....and learn how to cook or something. I get sick and tired of your nonsense...and smirking, uppity attitude about how americans are this and that. Just for the fact that you focus on just Americans...tells volumes about your own insecurities.

Edited by slipperylobster
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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good god man...thank goodness you people will finally stbukup.

Go back to britonia or wherever you buggers are from....and learn how to cook or something. I get sick and tired of your nonsense...and smirking, uppity attitude about how americans are this and that. Just for the fact that you focus on just Americans...tells volumes about your own insecurities.

Not all Americans are from Britonia. I am not sure of Arunsakda's heritage...it may even be Native American, but as he stated, he's American.

Does that give him free reign to speak on the issue, or is it only pro-gun lobbyists that are allowed an opinion?

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good god man...thank goodness you people will finally stbukup.

Go back to britonia or wherever you buggers are from....and learn how to cook or something. I get sick and tired of your nonsense...and smirking, uppity attitude about how americans are this and that. Just for the fact that you focus on just Americans...tells volumes about your own insecurities.

Chummy, though I respect your post, are you saying Americans can cook something without frying it...?

No, he's saying spotted dick and toad in the hole are not his cup of tea.

Ironic, really. Processed cheddar on a hamburger is more the culinary fave.

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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

Rubbish. You have repeated GOP Presidential nominee candidate Ted Cruz's nonsensical statement verbatim. He was wrong, and so are you.

Since 2005 there have been 225+ mass killings in the USA depending on which police agencies' data one uses. You also ignore the fact that in most cases there was no way for people to defend themselves since the attack came by surprise.

Let's look at the most recent mass killings (nothing is cherry picked and they appear as they occurred);

- 29-Nov-2015 3 dead, 9 shot @ outside Planned Parenthood clinic - Not a Gun free zone. An armed police officer was murdered during the attack. Others had firearms. The responsible person appears to be a mentally deranged man with extreme right wing views.

- 16-July-2015 5 dead, 3 shot at 2 military recruiting offices when an Islamic extremist opened fire in a planned targeted drive by shooting. Even if the victims had been armed to the teeth, it would not have helped because of the manner in which the assailant attacked.

- 18-June-2015 9 dead when a white supremacist specifically targeted and killed afro americans attending bible study class. After shooting the people, the assailant fled and was later apprehended by police. The dead were praying and were caught unaware. Even if they had firearms, it would not have saved them from the actions of the killer who waited until they had bowed their heads in prayer.

Do you see a common characteristic? All of the murders involved people with legally acquired firearms. The assailants were extremists and in many cases were mentally ill. They planned their killings. In none of the cases would there have been a difference if the victims had been carrying firearms as most were murdered in cowardly surprise attacks.

Your claim becomes more silly when one considers the Fort Hood shootings in 2014 Again, another extremist, a jihadist was involved. It took place on a military base and was carried out by a trusted member of the community. Here's the issue the Tea Party types like Cruz refuse to acknowledge: Mentally ill, but functional people are allowed to keep firearms. Under the US Constitution if someone with Down's Syndrome wants to keep a gun, it is allowed; If a manic depressive wants to keep a gun, there is little one can do to stop it. The claim that if more people had guns, would stop attacks, isn't supported by the facts. The mass killings are typically planned in advance and are surprise attacks, killing people when they are unprepared. Remember the Aurora cinema mass murder? The mentally ill assailant shot people in their backs as they watched Batman. How would having a sidearm have saved anyone in a case like that where a madman is shooting up a darkened cinema? If you want to be caught in a shoot out when some slob with poor firearm control let's loose a volley because he/she thinks an attack is underway, good for you. I don't. It takes skill, training and practice to use a firearm properly when under stress and the typical US gun owner neither practices nor has undergone the necessary training. Sadly, I believe the reason why there are mass killings is because of the moral disintegration in the USA and because of views similar to the ones you espouse. It's all about me, me, me. Selfishness to the extreme.

Please permit me:

1. "- 29-Nov-2015 3 dead, 9 shot @ outside Planned Parenthood clinic - Not a Gun free zone. An armed police officer was murdered during the attack. Others had firearms. The responsible person appears to be a mentally deranged man with extreme right wing views. "

​The police officer was responding to the 911 call. Following is PP's policy on guns:

"PPNNE is committed to providing safe health care and work places for patients and staff. All PPNNE facilities are weapons-free, including health centers and administrative offices."

See more at: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-northern-new-england/for-patients/policies/weapons-free-facilities-policy#sthash.uTv4XcNv.dpuf

2. "- 16-July-2015 5 dead, 3 shot at 2 military recruiting offices when an Islamic extremist opened fire in a planned targeted drive by shooting. Even if the victims had been armed to the teeth, it would not have helped because of the manner in which the assailant attacked."

Your report is partially correct. The Islamic assailant fired at the recruiting office located in a shopping mall from his car. According to Tennessee law carrying a weapon in a car is legal, therefore it was not a gun free zone. There were no fatalities at the recruiting office. The Islamic assailant then drove to a Naval Reserve training center where he rammed his car through the gate and began shooting at unarmed military personnel. All US military bases are gun free zones by federal mandate. The four deaths occurred at the gun free zone.

3.. "- 1 Oct-2015 9 dead, @ community college where there was armed security. The responsible party was described as a white supremacist, who legally owned 14 firearms. He was killed by responding police. The people he killed were in his immediate vicinity."

Partially correct yet again. The laws in Oregon say anybody with a permit may carry anywhere. However with educational institutions they have the options of where the weapons are to be allowed. Umpqua Community College had the rule that students were not allowed to carry weapons in any of their buildings or sporting events. As the killings took place in a classroom it was a gun free zone. Outside the building was not a gun free zone but no shots were fired outside the building.

4. "- 18-June-2015 9 dead when a white supremacist specifically targeted and killed afro americans attending bible study class. After shooting the people, the assailant fled and was later apprehended by police. The dead were praying and were caught unaware. Even if they had firearms, it would not have saved them from the actions of the killer who waited until they had bowed their heads in prayer."

​It would seem your source (Bloomberg?) tends to stretch the actual facts. South Carolina law allows concealed handguns on church property if the permit holder is given express permission by the church authorities. Since young Dylan Roof was unknown to church authorities, it can be safely assumed he had no such authority and since the AME Church was against open carry as well as stand your ground laws, it is unlikely anybody had a permit to carry. It was effectively a gun free zone.

5. The final example you use concerns Major Nidal Hassan. Fort Hood was, like all US military bases, a gun free zone established by a Department of Defense Directive in March 1992 declaring only security personnel would be armed. Major Hassan on 9 November 2009, murdered 13 US military personnel at an out-processing session for troops preparing to go on deployment. All of them were unarmed by DOD Directive.

The same situation applied to the Washington Navy Yard shooting where 12 people were gunned down in 2013. It, too, was a gun free zone by DOD Directive.

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Its a wonder Americans can survive in other countries without their guns. Must send them crazy looking over their shoulder waiting to be attacked.

Not picking on you Linky, simply choose your reply to make a couple of points.

I dont know where you are from, looked in your profile but it did not say, but just as I dont really understand your country the way you do, many of the people who have an opinion about America don't really understand America.

First point. We are you.

American culture consists of a number of subcultures, as I am sure does your country, but in America , more so than most other countries because , we are a country of immigrants, much like Australia, but more so because we are such large country..

and within these subcultures there are even more subcultures depending on how long these people have being here, extend of assimilation, fusion of different cultures geographical location with in the US etc.

I am an American of Greek immigrant parents, my Daughter is the product

of an Irish American and a Greek American who is now married to a Thai, who is fast becoming a Thai American, living in the North , and south east, but spending a significant amount of time in Europe and Asia.

From having lived in Europe and Asia, I know something about these cultures but not enough to enter in generalisations.

So to wonder about Americans is to wonder about nothing, Many Americans are just as perplexed about the behaviour of other Americans, as you are of as. And many Americans probably misunderstand the behavior of other American subcultures just as much as you misunderstand Americans.

I dont own a gun, never had, never felt the need for one, never had the need for one, Don't personally know of anyone who has a gun.I am sure some of the people I associate with must own one, but they dont talk about it with me.

Aside from all the other obvious dangers associated with owning a gun, I believe that having a gun , gives you a false sense of security that in a dangerous situation will lead you to engage in risky behaviour, and /or not take adequate precautions, which in it's self is risky behaviours.

In some situations it might be beneficial to have one, but the inherent dangers of having one vastly outweigh that benefit.

Just a simple risk benefit analysis.

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After 20 mostly first graders were blown to dog-meat in their own school and nothing was done I gave up. American gun enthusiasts are so psychologically invested in gun culture myth as no logic or reason can penetrate. They are too far gone to reach. Politicians are helpless before the NRA and their pimps in the congress. Nothing will ever change, it's hopeless- arunsakda (American)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good god man...thank goodness you people will finally stbukup.

Go back to britonia or wherever you buggers are from....and learn how to cook or something. I get sick and tired of your nonsense...and smirking, uppity attitude about how americans are this and that. Just for the fact that you focus on just Americans...tells volumes about your own insecurities.


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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Not anytime soon and not for 20 years ... Any amendment to change any portion of the U.S. Constitution requires ratification by the states -- Now and for the foreseeable future ... the greater majority of STATES needed to ratify a change to the Second Amendment is controlled by REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS and REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURES ... .Good luck in your Gun Grab Amendment fantasy...

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France has a problem with radical islam, even if only from a relative minority in that group.

The Government has moved to take mosques away from immams spouting jihad/hate speech. One well known TVF member opined this move was useless because they'll just find another way to get it done. This struck me as awfully accomodating and lazy rationale, given his (and others') positions on American gun control.

When it comes to that, a problem also involving a relative minority, it's straight to terminating the inalieable rights of all Americans, like some conquering force of Red Coats in ridiculous white wigs. Try to use the "it won't work because they'll still find a way" rationale, they gufaw and dismiss, and usually end with ad hominem slurs and insults.

Free practice of religion is enshrined in the US Constitution, as is the right to keep and bear arms. Both are equal, one is not more sacrosanct than the other. You don't get to choose. As a non-American, you don't even get a say in the matter. In other words, "Thanks, mate. You may ____ ___ now". biggrin.png

Edited by 55Jay
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The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is a Federal right which has been adjudicated and justified by the Supreme Court of the United States. Under Federal gun laws there are certain types of firearms that do require registration in the United States: those subject to the National Firearms Act, including machine guns, shotguns and rifles with barrels shorter than 18 inches, and silencers. Additionally Gun LAWS also fall within the purview of each of the 50 individual States and can be implemented through referendum and the same can be said of individual counties. cities or districts, (District of Columbia). The U.S. has the best-armed civilian population in the world, with an estimated 270 million total guns. That’s an average of 89 firearms for every 100 residents. If strict gun laws prohibiting the ownership of guns was enacted tomorrow there would still be 270 million gun owners in America. Does anyone actually believe these 270 million citizens would hand over their guns the day after such a prohibition went into effect?

Foreigners have no voice whether or not the U.S should or should not have more strict gun laws but they do have a choice rather or not they visit the U.S. If they do choose to visit they would be obliged to do their homework and see what states have the gun laws which would make them feel safer and more comfortable. Visit sunny California, where the Jihadis just slaughtered 14 and wounded 21 which is one of the strictest states and also has a nude beach so you can actually see who might be carrying a gun.

To define an entire country and it's population by the acts of a very few sick, twisted, or vial perpetrators is both asinine and ignorant.

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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Not anytime soon and not for 20 years ... Any amendment to change any portion of the U.S. Constitution requires ratification by the states -- Now and for the foreseeable future ... the greater majority of STATES needed to ratify a change to the Second Amendment is controlled by REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS and REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURES ... .Good luck in your Gun Grab Amendment fantasy...

The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

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Having lived in Northern New Hampshire on the Canadian border. I was often in conversation with many Canadians. One thing that always stuck with me was, they would often say. "Never give up your guns like we did. You will never get them back". They would even tell me, support organizations like the NRA. They would also tell me that they wished they had an organization like the NRA when the Canadian government came for their guns.

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Having lived in Northern New Hampshire on the Canadian border. I was often in conversation with many Canadians. One thing that always stuck with me was, they would often say. "Never give up your guns like we did. You will never get them back". They would even tell me, support organizations like the NRA. They would also tell me that they wished they had an organization like the NRA when the Canadian government came for their guns.

How many mass shootings in Canada? How many gun homicides? How many accidental gun deaths?
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Having lived in Northern New Hampshire on the Canadian border. I was often in conversation with many Canadians. One thing that always stuck with me was, they would often say. "Never give up your guns like we did. You will never get them back". They would even tell me, support organizations like the NRA. They would also tell me that they wished they had an organization like the NRA when the Canadian government came for their guns.

How many mass shootings in Canada? How many gun homicides? How many accidental gun deaths?

I wasn't debating the facts. Just stating what Canadian citizens told me.

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Britain wants its guns back

A Daily Telegraph online poll has revealed that over 80 percent of Brits would rather a repeal on the hand gun ban over various other "new law" choices. By The Commentator on 29 May 2013 00:45

"Last Friday the Daily Telegraph, Britain's most widely read broadsheet newspaper, issued an online poll asking members of the public which proposal they would like to see introduced as a Private Members' Bill in the UK's Parliament."


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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Not anytime soon and not for 20 years ... Any amendment to change any portion of the U.S. Constitution requires ratification by the states -- Now and for the foreseeable future ... the greater majority of STATES needed to ratify a change to the Second Amendment is controlled by REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS and REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURES ... .Good luck in your Gun Grab Amendment fantasy...

The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

You could not be more wrong ... just wait until the November 2016 Elections and you will see how detached and silly your statements are...

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Having lived in Northern New Hampshire on the Canadian border. I was often in conversation with many Canadians. One thing that always stuck with me was, they would often say. "Never give up your guns like we did. You will never get them back". They would even tell me, support organizations like the NRA. They would also tell me that they wished they had an organization like the NRA when the Canadian government came for their guns.

That's funny, because I talked to all of the Canadians and they told me exactly the opposite?laugh.png

are yo sure you were not talking to them on "Opposite Day??

in Canada "Opposite day is a bigger holiday than Thanksgiving is in America

It is a day where Canadians get together with their American friends , Usually at the boarder.. Canadians stand on their side,, , Americans stand on what ever side they like because they have guns, and whatever Canadians say it means the Oppositetongue.png

PS: Canada is not in America. There is Noth America where Canada is, Central America, South America and American America where the US is in, so dont even go there. No I dont mean dont go to America, I mean don't go there the subject of why Canada is not America and the US is. Grrrrr.

Edited by sirineou
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