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America's bizarre reaction to mass shootings


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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

"And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change... "

Oh, but it can, that's why it's called an AMENDMENT. And I have high hopes it will, when enough Americans wake up to the fact that the 1800's are long gone and the idea of an armed militia/citizenry protecting the country is absurd.

Not anytime soon and not for 20 years ... Any amendment to change any portion of the U.S. Constitution requires ratification by the states -- Now and for the foreseeable future ... the greater majority of STATES needed to ratify a change to the Second Amendment is controlled by REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS and REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURES ... .Good luck in your Gun Grab Amendment fantasy...

The republicans need to seriously reinvent themselves or they will fade into oblivion as the US becomes browner. One of the things they need to change is their pandering to the rabid right and the NRA as too many Americans are pro gun control.

You could not be more wrong ... just wait until the November 2016 Elections and you will see how detached and silly your statements are...

Yes, HRC vs Trump. That's going to be REAL close!
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_______________________________________Australians Want Their Guns Back!___________________________________________________________

When you give the government the power to take away your rights. You also give them the power to never give them BACK!

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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.

And it does not matter what Gun Grabbers want ... the Second Amendment is not going to change...

The Incident in California a few days ago was a Terrorist action done by radical Muslim Terrorists... the FBI now admits it was a Terrorist Action... Paris is a gun free zone and the country of France is tightly gun controlled but radical Islamic Terrorists shot well over one hundred... because no one who was a target could shoot back...

No one in the building in California could shoot back - as they did not have guns...

No amount of breast beating by Gun haters and Gun grabbers will change the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .... Society has to change ...

Blacks killing blacks constitute a huge percentage of gun killings in America - the largest bloc of gun killings ... Blacks killing whites with guns also makes a big dent in the murder statistics ...

It is not white people killing anyone that makes up the lopsided percentage. And white gun owning Americans are not going to take the rap for all the shootings and give up their Constitutional Rights ...

Rant all you want -- guns are not the problem in America.. .the Ignorant black racists that are killing each other and killing whites that is the main problem --

GO READ THE FBI CRIME STATICS before you spout off ...

And please if possible try to separate a Terrorist action by Islamic Radicals from the other incidents - This couple made bombs too - had a bomb factory in their home - let's ban bombs too... OH ... I forgot they are banned...

The number of so called mass shootings has skyrocketed under President Obama as compare to the time periods of all other Presidents .... Could it be that Obama's spreading of divisiveness and racial hate and fanning the flags of black racism towards whites could explain the problem?

Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

A hideous post from a hideous mind.

Attitudes are learned. Babies are not genetically endowed with them. Such base, racist and chauvinistic attitudes as expressed above must have come from somewhere. Such attitudes do not come from civilised, mature or balanced minds.

It is apparent that the claim by the Fox nitwits that they exist in a post-racial America after the election of the first black (sorry, half white) President, is clearly bogus.

The interpretation of a Constitutional Amendment can turn on a word. It has happened before and will happen again. It may well be that President Hilary Clinton's SCOTUS will interpret the words 'well regulated' in a manner that is different to the current assumption.

Clearly the memo has been issued on the current situation - the talking point is Gun Free Zones. Good to see that the wing nut stalwarts are following the instructions. However, there is one flaw in your argument. You state that 'almost' all of the mass shootings have been in Gun Free Zones. Almost is not all. Is there any example of a mass shooting in a non gun free zone that has resulted in 'Conceal Carry' Citizens (I have adopted your penchant for irrelevant capitalisation) fighting back. For the Armed Citizenry argument to hold water, every shooting in a non gun free zone should be prevented by such Citizenry. Yet this has not happened. It won't happen because the argument is entirely baseless in fact and quantifiable data.

Actual academics who refer to statistics for analysis point to the role of racism in the disproportionate rate of crime committed by minorities and their incarceration rate http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/august/prison-black-laws-080614.html.

Mass shootings are not 'so called'. The definition of mass shooting is clearly established. What's your problem with it? You don't accept the definition? How many more dead bodies are required to satisfy you?

A truly hideous mind.

I think President Trump and Vice President Cruz will have a different say of these issues... And appointments to SCOTUS.

funny you would say that

I am sure they will have many appointments in front of Scotus since many of the things they propose are unconstitutionallaugh.png

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So all you Brits criticizing America's gun laws are you now going to demand the UK ban all machetes, knives and hatchets?

Machete 'Syria revenge' stabbing in London now treated as TERROR attack

A man was stabbed in the ticket hall at Leytonstone station this evening by another man who witnesses say shouted "This is for Syria" as he slashed his throat.

Another three are thought to have been injured.

The Met Police said its counter-terrorism command unit is now investigating the incident.


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So all you Brits criticizing America's gun laws are you now going to demand the UK ban all machetes, knives and hatchets?

Machete 'Syria revenge' stabbing in London now treated as TERROR attack

A man was stabbed in the ticket hall at Leytonstone station this evening by another man who witnesses say shouted "This is for Syria" as he slashed his throat.

Another three are thought to have been injured.

The Met Police said its counter-terrorism command unit is now investigating the incident.


Good thing about he UK gun laws. Prevented him from having any guns, so nobody died.

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On December 3, The Washington Post reported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones; WaPo claims those shootings are on the increase.

Increases in gun ownership correlated with drastic reductions in firearm-related homicides, but creating zones where law-abiding citizens are denied the ability to be armed for self-defense have allowed high-profile attackers to find easy targets.

These kinds of cherry picked stats with illogical conclusions are the kind of gun death statistics Wingnuttia loves. The US murder rate remains three to four times higher than those found in generally similar multicultural democracies like Britain, Canada or France. 35,000 gun deaths in America yearly and rising. Half a billion dollars in medical costs from guns.

Why don't you guys ever post stats like this instead of your usual nonsense: 87% of children killed worldwide by guns were Americans.

Now there is a statistic that doesn't require a conservative think tank spin. Hey, maybe those kids deserved killing? It was probably in self defense. Yeah, everyone needs guns around the house. facepalm.gif

Someone armed for self-defense has never stopped a mass shooting and to advocate further arming of individuals to avoid these mass shooting, is just pure craziness. Who is the idiot this week who wanted people going to NFL games to be allowed to carry? Oh my Buddha.

Saint Ronald Reagan once made a White House speech arguing for moderate gun-control regulations that might reduce the alarming rate of firearm homicides.

Today’s GOP has left its supposed revolutionary hero far behind, and embraced a platform built on death. All we can do is publicize every gun death until there is a tipping point...and sane people do something about it.

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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Gun violence needs research? Sounds like a liberal boondoggle to me.

It's the liberal ideology convincing themselves that perpetrators must be the real victims...... The same demented ideology thats intent on turning the masses against the cops and saying the words "radical jihad" creates more terrorists...

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

No dead because of gun laws.

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Best idea I've heard recently is to introduce a compulsory insurance with every gun purchased legally purchased. Obviously won't rule the hard core terrorists out but would help those hurt with guns legally obtained and it is undeniably a factor.

Edited by rijit
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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress during the 111th Congress (2009-2010).

Democrats controlled the Executive branch during the same time frame.

Where were you then and why did the Democrats do nothing about the problem?

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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress during the 111th Congress (2009-2010).

Democrats controlled the Executive branch during the same time frame.

Where were you then and why did the Democrats do nothing about the problem?

Yes, so? This is a national problem.

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

As said before, nobody died!!!

If this lunatic had a gun it would be a complety different story. Probebly the story you like to convince yourself that everybody needs to carry a gun.

Please, you get with the program.

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

As said before, nobody died!!!

If this lunatic had a gun it would be a complety different story. Probebly the story you like to convince yourself that everybody needs to carry a gun.

Please, you get with the program.

"Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today."

A single mad black man at a tube station threatening people with a knife.....how does that equate to Terrorists armed with knives attack in London. Is every criminal a terrorist now...brainwash brainwash brainwash.....this happens every week in towns all across the UK

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

As said before, nobody died!!!

If this lunatic had a gun it would be a complety different story. Probebly the story you like to convince yourself that everybody needs to carry a gun.

Please, you get with the program.

Sorry chummy, but anyone who attacks with a weapon had an agenda. If his weapon did not kill then he <deleted> up..rolleyes.gif

Which is besides the point dutchisaan is making.

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Almost all the so called mass shootings of multiple people in America in the past several years have been in Gun Free Zones or buildings... No way to defend one's self. People are sitting ducks.


Again - go look at the statistics before ranting ...

I did look up the FBI stats & unless I misunderstand your points they counter your argument.


Your data is for all homicides, not just firearms.

Interesting that the firearm homicide rate/100,000 fell by about half in the past 20 years. Must be doing something right?


Also interesting that mass killings that get all the headlines, barely register on the statistics at <1% of all homicides.


Source: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/05/07/chapter-2-firearm-deaths/

Edited by impulse
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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Gun violence needs research? Sounds like a liberal boondoggle to me.

Do you get as far as the headline before you feel compelled to come out with a cliche? Or did you get as far as it being deemed a Public Health issue (which considering the deaths and injuries caused every year it damned well ought to be).

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

exactly the point,

if the terrorist in England had guns available to him , would he be using a knife?

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How The NRA Killed Federal Funding For Gun Violence Research


Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress during the 111th Congress (2009-2010).

Democrats controlled the Executive branch during the same time frame.

Where were you then and why did the Democrats do nothing about the problem?

Because they are sleazebag politicians saving their own ar$es from a frying by the NRA; or pocketing a nice campaign contribution from them.

But I think you know that.

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

As said before, nobody died!!!

If this lunatic had a gun it would be a complety different story. Probebly the story you like to convince yourself that everybody needs to carry a gun.

Please, you get with the program.

Sorry chummy, but anyone who attacks with a weapon had an agenda. If his weapon did not kill then he feeeeerked up..rolleyes.gif

or his weapon was inadequate? wink.png

Just like your replylaugh.png

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It is not cliche. It is reality. Gun violence is a major cause of premature mortality in the US. The ghouls in the NRA, the weapons industry, and their pimps in the US congress just do not want it talked about. They only want more sales of guns. Nothing else.

I hate to say it but I really think the pictures of all the children slaughtered at Sandy Hook elementary should have been publicised.

Edited by arunsakda
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Sounds like the shooters bought a lot of stuff black market so how would gun laws deter this? The criminals will always get the guns plain and simple. People don't trust their govt to protect them so they want to protect themselves. Understandable;

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

exactly the point,

if the terrorist in England had guns available to him , would he be using a knife?

How frecking naive can you be? Jihadis killed 3000 on Sept 11, without firing a shot. Another 200 were killed on a train in Spain without one shot being fired. 100's more killed in embassy bombings and not one shot was fired... and on and on.... It's really stupid to believe a ban on guns is going to stop terrorist attacks anywhere, anytime.

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Sounds like the shooters bought a lot of stuff black market so how would gun laws deter this? The criminals will always get the guns plain and simple. People don't trust their govt to protect them so they want to protect themselves. Understandable;

you said it broclap2.gif

The shooters bought a lot of the stuff in the black market. The laws made it difficult to get the "stuff" and they had to buy it in the black market,

would you rather we make it easier to get the "stuff" or MORE difficult?

I will let you answer that question.

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Terrorists armed with knives attack in London...today.

Read the news. Guns or no guns....

We are dealing with terrorists.....plain now for all to see. The incident in both California...and today..in England...not because of gun laws.

get with the program.

exactly the point,

if the terrorist in England had guns available to him , would he be using a knife?

How frecking naive can you be? Jihadis killed 3000 on Sept 11, without firing a shot. Another 200 were killed on a train in Spain without one shot being fired. 100's more killed in embassy bombings and not one shot was fired... and on and on.... It's really stupid to believe a ban on guns is going to stop terrorist attacks anywhere, anytime.

who said "anywhere anytime"???

I would settle for some, but if you want to stop terrorists attacks "everywhere everytime" go ahead , I am all for it

what's your plan???

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