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PM's shot, bombed comment bad for nation: academics

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...any chance that it was taken out of context.....and badly translated.....

...because it does seem that nowadays.....if anyone is offended in any way....they might face such extreme 'reactions'....

...as a general statement is is merely a reflection of events that have taken place recently....

...to suggest that he would have been making such a statement as a 'threat' to the opposition....or to intimidate them....

...sounds like the infantile hogwash that is being paid for by the 'sore losers'.....

No chance it was taken out of context or badly translated. I saw the video and read the text. It was a threat. Why else should Thai academics protest?

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...any chance that it was taken out of context.....and badly translated.....

...because it does seem that nowadays.....if anyone is offended in any way....they might face such extreme 'reactions'....

...as a general statement is is merely a reflection of events that have taken place recently....

...to suggest that he would have been making such a statement as a 'threat' to the opposition....or to intimidate them....

...sounds like the infantile hogwash that is being paid for by the 'sore losers'.....

The people of thailand are sore losers for wanting an election, a vote, a say in who they want to be governed by?

I would say the sore losers are the ones who cannot get into govt legally so hold the country to ransom by a coup and taking it by force.

They are the sore losers.


... not that long ago you could not go for a wander in Lumpini Park without danger of gunfire and bombs... or wander out for an early morning smoke around Lard Prao without danger of gunfire and bombs... or wander round Victory Monument near Rajavethi Hospital without danger of gunfire and bombs...or Chaeng Wattana or three Southern Provinces or... or...

Maybe the academic group should apply a bit more thought before engaging in sensational press.....

not that long ago you couldnt even visit erewan shrine...oh wait, forget it


Doesn't anybody wonder who, and how many, the members of this 'Thai academics for civil rights' group might be...? Also, the possible link(s) with the agitated agitating 'academics' from Thammasat?

For sure missing elegance and refinement, the words spoken by an army-man, body and soul, should be placed inside their context, we heard nothing about.

Quoting only, expertly picked, bits and parts of statements is so easy to put someone on a pedestal, ...or, like here, to vilify someone, in order to 'prove' ones self-proclaimed 'good rights', but never it can be the work from broad-minded (university // universal) well-meaning intellectuals to reduce someone's speech to such a caricatural 'slogan-esk' size, in order to polarize opinions favourably towards one's (here: sulfuric) theories, self-serving propaganda from some irresponsible(!) mandarins, locked up in their ivory tower, this no doubt can be.


I, as millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet.

Ahh but not a majority of millions tho is it !!


He has no right to claim to be the leader of this country. Many praise him for the job he is doing. But if you have absolute power anyone could run the country. Yes even including Khun Abhisit.

so let's go back to the bombings and shootings ....

let's go back to the street protests and blocking of highways and roads ...

let's go back to the security problem when thailand was lawless ...

let's go back to the controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ...

who in their right mind would question the past vs the present ...... huh.png only those who are in denial

General Khun Prayuth Cha o char was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king, he was chosen as no one else was fit enough or had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

I, as millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet.



...any chance that it was taken out of context.....and badly translated.....

...because it does seem that nowadays.....if anyone is offended in any way....they might face such extreme 'reactions'....

...as a general statement is is merely a reflection of events that have taken place recently....

...to suggest that he would have been making such a statement as a 'threat' to the opposition....or to intimidate them....

...sounds like the infantile hogwash that is being paid for by the 'sore losers'.....

No chance it was taken out of context or badly translated. I saw the video and read the text. It was a threat. Why else should Thai academics protest?

Not his first either. This guy has priors.


He has no right to claim to be the leader of this country. Many praise him for the job he is doing. But if you have absolute power anyone could run the country. Yes even including Khun Abhisit.

so let's go back to the bombings and shootings ....

let's go back to the street protests and blocking of highways and roads ...

let's go back to the security problem when thailand was lawless ...

let's go back to the controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ...

who in their right mind would question the past vs the present ...... huh.png only those who are in denial

General Khun Prayuth Cha o char was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king, he was chosen as no one else was fit enough or had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

I, as millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet.

A post at the same intellectual level as the General's comment

bombings and shootings

Erewan (possibly more on the way,) and too many shootings to list since the coup. guns and shootings are a fact of Thai life

security problem

8 Syrian terrorists on the loose in Thailand

thailand was lawless

Not even you can claim Thailand is any more lawful now than it was then. Even Royally connected projects are tainted by institutionalised corruption

controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ..

Hmm the more things change, the more they stay the same. Some politicians cannot even control their own mouths - hence this story

was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king

The coup came before the blessing, given to a fait accompli. The legality of the coup is subject for debate (or would be in a society with free speech)

he was chosen

Only by himself and a handful of Generals and plutocrats. The people had chosen someone else.

had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

The country has neither economic nor political stability, there are opposing factions within the army itself and the economy is suffering. There is a 60% increase in crimes against property. millions of rural people face ruin due to water mismanagement coupled with a drought. That will continue for at least another year. The airlines and fishing industry are under threat and the issue of succession has yet to be faced. But hey, to be fair you can now buy a lottery ticket at the printed price so its not all bad.

As another poster has said if it is true that millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet. Then there is nothing to fear by holding an election to let them have their say.

I don't know millions of Thais but I do know some dozens of Thais, very few of whom are happy with the current government or would vote for the General if he were to run for legitimate office.

Your retort suggested some validity until you got to "water mismanagement". Seek some facts on that issue and learn something !


He has no right to claim to be the leader of this country. Many praise him for the job he is doing. But if you have absolute power anyone could run the country. Yes even including Khun Abhisit.

so let's go back to the bombings and shootings ....

let's go back to the street protests and blocking of highways and roads ...

let's go back to the security problem when thailand was lawless ...

let's go back to the controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ...

who in their right mind would question the past vs the present ...... huh.png only those who are in denial

General Khun Prayuth Cha o char was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king, he was chosen as no one else was fit enough or had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

I, as millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet.

And I am amazed at foreigners writing inane posts like this one. If Thailand is back on it's feet then they sure are wobbly, and if millions of Thais are grateful then why not hold an election to confirm this??

wobbly they may be at times but it's a hell of a lot better than before ... many projects moving again that had been stalled, also the china-thai rail.

I love your avatar ... he's looking and saying 'huh'

You don't expect to be taken serious, do you?


China’s New Rail Project With Thailand Hits Snag

By Prashanth Parameswaran

Reports indicate another disagreement has emerged on the multi-billion dollar railway project.

BANGKOK: -- The finalization of multi-billion dollar railway project between China and Thailand has been placed on hold due to outstanding disagreements, Thai media outlets reported on December 2.


He has no right to claim to be the leader of this country. Many praise him for the job he is doing. But if you have absolute power anyone could run the country. Yes even including Khun Abhisit.

so let's go back to the bombings and shootings ....

let's go back to the street protests and blocking of highways and roads ...

let's go back to the security problem when thailand was lawless ...

let's go back to the controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ...

who in their right mind would question the past vs the present ...... huh.png only those who are in denial

General Khun Prayuth Cha o char was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king, he was chosen as no one else was fit enough or had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

I, as millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet.

A post at the same intellectual level as the General's comment

bombings and shootings

Erewan (possibly more on the way,) and too many shootings to list since the coup. guns and shootings are a fact of Thai life

security problem

8 Syrian terrorists on the loose in Thailand

thailand was lawless

Not even you can claim Thailand is any more lawful now than it was then. Even Royally connected projects are tainted by institutionalised corruption

controversial PM or inept person leading the country who couldn't control the situation ..

Hmm the more things change, the more they stay the same. Some politicians cannot even control their own mouths - hence this story

was put in as PM at the blessing of HM the king

The coup came before the blessing, given to a fait accompli. The legality of the coup is subject for debate (or would be in a society with free speech)

he was chosen

Only by himself and a handful of Generals and plutocrats. The people had chosen someone else.

had the ability to bring stability and security back to the people.

The country has neither economic nor political stability, there are opposing factions within the army itself and the economy is suffering. There is a 60% increase in crimes against property. millions of rural people face ruin due to water mismanagement coupled with a drought. That will continue for at least another year. The airlines and fishing industry are under threat and the issue of succession has yet to be faced. But hey, to be fair you can now buy a lottery ticket at the printed price so its not all bad.

As another poster has said if it is true that millions of Thais are grateful for his hard work and dedication in getting Thailand back on it's feet. Then there is nothing to fear by holding an election to let them have their say.

I don't know millions of Thais but I do know some dozens of Thais, very few of whom are happy with the current government or would vote for the General if he were to run for legitimate office.

Your retort suggested some validity until you got to "water mismanagement". Seek some facts on that issue and learn something !

Are you suggesting water resources in Thailand are well managed?

Increasing pollution of surface and ground water

extraction of ground water above sustainable levels

expansion of agriculture both in area and in number of crops per year beyond available water supplies

refusal to switch to available low water requirement rice strains

first failure to release water from dams early enough to avoid floods, then over compensation and failure to preserve water supplies in drought conditions.

Weather patterns may be changing but to my mind, the job of an effective government department is to recognise and plan for that. If they don't do it it is water mismanagement. My point was not that this government was particularly bad at this, but that mismanagement by successive governments contributes to instability due to its affect on the lives of the general population, especially those outside urban centres.

However thank you for suggesting at least some validity to my comments. You cannot imagine how I value your endorsement


some nayers I see ... well if the government doesn't suit them they can always return to their home country ... whistling.gif

aha ...... didn't think so !!

Ahh the old if you don't like it go home chestnut, very original and something I expect to hear regularly from the rose tinted specs brigade....

just out of interest do you really believe this Muppet is the right man for the job?

do you really believe he is doing a good job?

it seems to me the nation is rushing backwards at a rapid rate of knots and me going back home will not change that one way or the other as the lunatics are well and truly in charge of the asylum...


some nayers I see ... well if the government doesn't suit them they can always return to their home country ... whistling.gif

aha ...... didn't think so !!

Then why didn't you leave when the previous lot were in power?

Where do you suggest dissatisfied Thais move to?

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