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Thai Police: IS militants not found in Thailand


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Let me get this straight

1 The PM stated quite publically there were no IS in Thailand.

2. leaked Document alleging IS have arrived (10 )

3 Russian Consul in Phuket stated he warned the Thai police and others when he knew.

4 Everyone knew in October but seemed to neglect to tell anyone, we are NOW in DECEMBER

5 2 days after a media announcement the Royal Thai Police categorically state NO IS in Thailand

So we can therefore assume they have checked the credentials of every Muslim arriving in Thailand and those who currently reside here, ensured none of them are up to no good and all premises so habited by them all have been checked for explosives and other equipment designed to maim or kill.

If not then that latest statement is so much BS !!!

Yes sir....and that is how they commonly handle important matters in Thailand while their personal agendas commonly supersede the national agendas while they always claim they will deal with the issues ( Which they usually do.....sooner or later ) ......but usually at a leisurely pace relative to their personal agenda that supersedes national matters of grave importance.

The usual format.


How can they have checked them out if they dont know where they went. They have lost track of them because half the cameras dont work and the easy option was to just check border control and if there were not 10 muslims on the same plane coming in then they didnt.

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The authorities should be more careful in making such statements. Those of us who have been here for many years remember well government officials stating categorically that SARS was not present in Thailand, that Al Qaeda militants were not in Thailand and that bird flu had not surfaced in Thailand and that all three of these statements had to be walked back when found to be untrue.

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No daeshies found here, well obviously they didn't turn themselves in as expected, following old Thai tradition, nasty foreigners.

What, they also didn't report themselves per TM30-form as requested, or maybe - just maybe - under fake address, but no, can't be ...? However, fine them!

Nut, nutter, LaLa-land!

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great, lets not worry about it then, let put our effert into catching the real criminals, the ones who released the documents

There really is no 'catching of real criminals' here. It really isn't that much of a stretch to be fully aware, unless deaf dumb an stupid, that Thailand is indeed many criminals' favourite hide out, give anyone can buy their way into this country at all of it's national portals' immigration points up to and including Suwanabhumi.

The 'real' criminals are the bent govt agencies, of all and any stripe. The occasional 'bust' is a very effective diversionary ploy. DUH

Edited by dageurreotype
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Unlike most Thia's, terrorists are not very good at giving themselves up, so you will have to investigate. OR more likely wait for the next attack. THEN say it was not IS it was another Muslim group.

HERE IS THE NEWS :- Message for RTP There is no race or country called IS, it is a made up name and the only commonality is the they are ALL Muslims. Some of Thailand's home grown Islamists could now be affiliated to IS. They only have one roll and that is to kill in the name of their God. Then they would have us believe their God is picky so they are allowed to kill fellow Muslims especially if they are children.

I cannot understand why Muslim women do not rise up and take back their God given rights. If we are supposed to believe the Old Testament (called the book in the Qur-an) we are told that God made man and woman. It is unlikely that HE

made man and then as an after thought made an inferior version and called it a woman.

There WILL be other attacks and sooner or later we will have deal with the threats. Putin has the right idea, if they wish to live under Sharia Law then move to a Muslim country that has that. If they want to change the way we live and our

values then go back to a Muslim country.

It is worth noting that if the continuous attacks were coming from 1 country, war would be declared and that country would be exterminated, because the attacks are coming from a number of different directions it makes life more difficult

but patience is wearing thin and something will happen.

Islam needs to learn to live in harmony with other faiths if they cannot do this them go back and make their own rules in their own country. Of course that country would be ruled be a Dictator who at times would be cruel and do nasty things,

but in the main there would be peace. Hang on, Muslims had that system in Egypt Libya Tunisia, then came the Arab Spring and democracy ruled. Well it did for about 5 minutes, then fighting started, then along come IS and we know where

we are now

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Unlike most Thia's, terrorists are not very good at giving themselves up, so you will have to investigate. OR more likely wait for the next attack. THEN say it was not IS it was another Muslim group.

HERE IS THE NEWS :- Message for RTP There is no race or country called IS, it is a made up name and the only commonality is the they are ALL Muslims. Some of Thailand's home grown Islamists could now be affiliated to IS. They only have one roll and that is to kill in the name of their God. Then they would have us believe their God is picky so they are allowed to kill fellow Muslims especially if they are children.

I cannot understand why Muslim women do not rise up and take back their God given rights. If we are supposed to believe the Old Testament (called the book in the Qur-an) we are told that God made man and woman. It is unlikely that HE

made man and then as an after thought made an inferior version and called it a woman.

There WILL be other attacks and sooner or later we will have deal with the threats. Putin has the right idea, if they wish to live under Sharia Law then move to a Muslim country that has that. If they want to change the way we live and our

values then go back to a Muslim country.

It is worth noting that if the continuous attacks were coming from 1 country, war would be declared and that country would be exterminated, because the attacks are coming from a number of different directions it makes life more difficult

but patience is wearing thin and something will happen.

Islam needs to learn to live in harmony with other faiths if they cannot do this them go back and make their own rules in their own country. Of course that country would be ruled be a Dictator who at times would be cruel and do nasty things,

but in the main there would be peace. Hang on, Muslims had that system in Egypt Libya Tunisia, then came the Arab Spring and democracy ruled. Well it did for about 5 minutes, then fighting started, then along come IS and we know where

we are now

An interesting post.

I would add that what also saddens me is that - to my knowledge - there has not been a single march or demonstration in any wetern (or other country) by Muslims showing placards saying simply 'Not in my name'. I do remember a small demo after 9/11 along these lines in the US, but not since.

I can only conclude it must be fear, which makes the situation even worse,given we are constantly reminded that the majority of Muslims would not support terrorist acts. I actually believe that, but for heavens sake why can't they be more pro-active in demonstrating this.

I agree with you that the subservience of women seems a major priority for these dreadful men.

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The extraordinary thing is that these people seem to think that these statements have a purpose - I presume it's meant to be reassuring but nobody, Thai or Farang believes anything the police say. In this case it may be true that they haven't found any Islamic Scumbags lurking around but then that's not very comforting. If the Islamic Scumbags are stupid enough to commit a Paris style atrocity here, I hope the gentle Buddhists will express their displeasure quite forcefully.

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Well, if this would be the first time the RTP could not find what they are looking for, I would probably believe the message.

I think one needs to be Thai to understand that these 3 news make perfect sense

Edited by Lupatria
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1. He must be really thirsty, look at all that water!

2 Talking of water - well out of their depth aren't they.

1. I notice that the water bottles in the picture are adorned with the RTP insignia, someone is making a buck here......

2. Yes If they are not found they do not exist, very clear and easy case!

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The RTP need to notify Phuket police that there is no reason to be on "high alert". They have determined with absolute certainty that there are no terrorists in Thailand. Relax...go back to sleep.

The IS terrorists probably got scammed by the jet ski mafia and left in disgust.

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