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Daesh set to use weapons of mass destruction in Europe


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Sputnik News? It's the FOX news of Russia, or even worse, FOX news combined with The Onion. Sputnik News was created to be a platform for the Russian trolling factories.

I would not take anything what comes from them seriously.

The BBC is the propaganda arm of the UK. The CBC is the propaganda arm of Canada. Why do people always feel the need to point this crap out ?

Russia was the one who warned the US about the Boston bomber suspects by name but hey " dont take it seriously"

how well did that work out last time ?

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Did anyone actually read the publication from the EU analyst?

Seems to be a fair amount of nonsense being posted - Fact Sheet on Dirty Bombs


Over 200 people died when that Russian plane was bombed out of the sky over Egypt. Then 120 people were killed in the middle of Paris. Then another 120 in Mali. Then 14 people in California. Almost 500 innocent civilians killed in the matter of weeks but hey, this is all fear mongering.

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Which European or Mid Eastern country did they buy these weapons from.?

Probably Pakistan.

At this stage there is no evidence of Daesh acquiring WMDs. However, from the EU report they point to acquiring some materials from facilities captured by Daesh in Syria. Russia has been identified as a source country for corruptly obtaining materials, I assume there must be other potential source countries where corruption is endemic. A Pakistani scientist was involved in the illegal sale & transfer of nuclear technology to State actors such as North Korea.

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Which European or Mid Eastern country did they buy these weapons from.?

Probably Pakistan.

There is only one country in the world that could move/supply nuclear weapons with impunity, who would benefit greatly from the ensuing chaos and NOT face the wrath of the US nuclear arsenal in retaliation. Pakistan is not that country, as they know that even if they did not face huge Nuclear retaliation they would be totally isolated and taken apart brick by brick by the rest of the worlds nations.

Which European or Mid Eastern country did they buy these weapons from.?

I have $50 on Turkey then Saudi arabia

You will lose $50 Harsh wink.png

By the way whoever said it in the last 3 pages, see above, it cannot be Russia either.

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The heading says weapons of mass destruction-

i personally doubt they have nuclear weapons however chemical and biological is perfectly reasonable to assume that they have them. Syria, Iraq and Iran have them and have used them.

iSIL has the finance to strike when it likes and where it likes that has been proved time and time again.

Cannot hide from the inescapable truth they are not around for any negotiations in fact they have a feeling that they have the upper hand.

Their foes sit and debate they without any mercy or thought pull out a knife and the deed is done.

They don't listen or talk they act in a frightingl, ugly way. This is not an academic issue with regards to politics and how wars are started with agendas this is a pure criminal gang that use a totally barbaric distortion of Islam to perpetuate their unholy designs on destroying culture, terrrorising, raping and killing all that oppose them.

We need to stand firm and completely destroy them"

They were let loose from hell, time they were sent back or all hell will break loose in our known World".

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Did anyone actually read the publication from the EU analyst?

Seems to be a fair amount of nonsense being posted - Fact Sheet on Dirty Bombs


Over 200 people died when that Russian plane was bombed out of the sky over Egypt. Then 120 people were killed in the middle of Paris. Then another 120 in Mali. Then 14 people in California. Almost 500 innocent civilians killed in the matter of weeks but hey, this is all fear mongering.

Did you read the content at the URL I provided?

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I would really like to know just what it is that ISIS use or offer people to join with them.

I don't think it is the 100 houris thing for a moment.

In all the media hype about radicalization what is it they can offer that would attract any sort of scientist or professional.

I don't think a religion aspect is enough. Can it be wealth?

Seriously, for all of the millions of articles about this, not one mentions the benefits offered to join these people.

The press are making billions out of this and telling us nothing really.

"Wealth" maybe in the form of a car for the youngsters (no, we're not talking Porsche here, those goons are easy...)

Sex, marriage and family with female slaves or volunteers (those two Cosovar girls from Austria were real pretty. Dead now, wanted out but didn't make it.)

And all of that with the blessings of their conqueror religion and no strings attached and the afterlife on top.

Camaraderie, acceptance, and success when the soooo evil western society totally rejected them for the dimwits they were in the first place

(sorry, no job with those O-levels and attitude, you've had your chance, and can you try and speak German/French/English without an accent, you've been born here!)

That being said, academic merits and all chances apparently don't keep them, the Charlie Hebdo guy was an IT-student.

Trivia: the word "houri" was used in Papal propaganda during the crusades. That's where German "Hure" and English "whore" stem from.

And actually, it's 72 houris. Makes you wonder if they know more than us, somehow doesn't sound like a broad estimate....ermm.gif

Then again, 72 for all of eternity isn't actually that huge a number after all.

Edited by Saradoc1972
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Sadly, I think if ISIS really comes up with a big attack in the US or Europe it sure will be a dirty bomb.

If they dared do this then I'm afraid that a world war 3 would start and civil retaliation would spread throughout Europe.

Sadly we have heard Geoge bush and Blair rave about weapons of mass destruction that never existed just to insight a war with Iraq that has lead to lybias overthrow and the formation of ISIS.

that is about the craziest thing I have ever heard.

this movement has been going for 1200 years..and more.

And the movement that vehemently opposes it for 2015 years ( according to unprovable historical date data ) .blink.png

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