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'Awful' GMO legislation will open the door to problems, law professor warns


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'Awful' GMO legislation will open the door to problems, law professor warns


BANGKOK: -- THE Biological Safety Bill will allow genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to damage the nation's ecology and those who will suffer the most are farmers, a law professor warned.

Somchai Ratanasuesakul, a law lecturer at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, cautioned that the bill, which recently received Cabinet approval, will cause incorrigible ecological damage and severely harm agriculture, the nation's core economy.

"There is a very high possibility that this bill will open the door for GMO liberalisation in the future in order to benefit giant biotechnology transnational companies to expand their market in Thailand," Somchai said in a recent interview.

"This bill is not drafted to prevent the possible harm of GMOs as its title indicates; instead, it will intentionally open many legal gaps for biotechnology businesses to open up the market in Thailand and escape without any punishment if their products turn out to be environmentally harmful."

Somchai, who is well known for his opposition to biological patents and GMOs, said the bill would not respect the precautionary principle. He said it must be regarded as very dangerous and harmful until scientific proof clearly points out that it is safe. Therefore, it any possible negative impacts should be treated very cautiously.

"GMOs should be treated with caution because if one 'leaks' into the environment, it is impossible to get rid of the contamination," he said.

"This bill states that it allows GMOs to be used out in an open environment, if lab tests prove that it is safe. But what if [a GMO] is found to be harmful later? There is no indication of such a case in the bill and those responsible can walk free."

Describing the content of the bill as "awful", Somchai said the country needs the Biological Safety Act, but the content of the bill should be revised to ensure that the precautionary principle is followed.

Somchai is also concerned that the bill is a "daydream turned nightmare" for Thai farmers, because they will not get high yields and disease-tolerant crops as promised. Instead, GM crops would raise their expenses with less-than-expected produce.

He argued that if we open the country to GMOs, biotechnology conglomerates such as Monsanto would be able to control Thai seed market and cause seed prices to rise.

"Many studies show that even in the United States, GM plants do not produce a better harvest than normal crops. Furthermore, GM seeds usually sell with specific fertilisers and other chemical products that will increase the cost of farming," he said.

Also, many foreign markets such as Europe lean toward organic products and 16 EU countries have already banned GMOs. Even in the US, more consumers avoid GM products and go for organic food.

"The farmers are more likely to go bankrupt than get rich," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Awful-GMO-legislation-will-open-the-door-to-proble-30274477.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-08

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Meanwhile in the real world.



Oh, and let's not forget the great leader's subsistence lecture to the UN.

Edited by chrisrazz
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This Somchai Ratanasuesakul may well be the most intelligent person in the country. GMO should be banned. It's an outrage on the integrity of nature - a 'meaning of life' issue that the economists haven't yet got a clue about.

Apart from that it should be banned because it creates capacity for unnatural growth, as does certain forms of energy that the world would better do without. There has to be a ceiling or soon we'll have to start looking for another planet. Capping growth in ways such as this should start now.

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Since when is anything done in Thailand that respects the precautionary principle?

Maybe, Thailand can learn from the US (i.e. Delaney clause)?

Thailand should learn NOTHING from this appalling nation that seems intent on destroying the globe by poisoning it, creating conflicts where their was peace before (including spawning that monster IS)!! Now they want to spread their frankenfoods all over the planet, control the seed banks of the world and when we are ill as a consequence, to finish us off with the pharmaceutical industry's pills - you know, the ones that kill more people every year in the states than any other cause of death NB: this does not count indirect deaths or overdoses, just deaths from taking these poison pills as directed by doctors and, just for your knowledge this is from the official US figures ascribing the causes.

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Don't understand; Monsanto is a perfect reflection of Thai business model:

Enslave the poor, poison them (might sell some medecin), poison their crop, do not let them keep and make natural seeds so we make more money....




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Confused. How many people have died from GMO? I think the records stands at 16 trillion GMO meals and not a single attributable death yet. Which farmers have been forced to by GMO seeds?

There's a lot of propaganda and ignorance fueled hysteria surrounding GMOs, as far as I know, they are no worse or harmful than normal seeds; quite the contrary in most instances.

The truth is that at this stage abandoning the scientific progress made to increase yields from crops, through GMOs and other means, will condemn millions to death by starvation.

This is worth watching, and then people should do as this man suggest and actually go out and do some research on what the scientific community says, as opposed to what people peddling an ideology or wanting to sell books say.

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Confused. How many people have died from GMO? I think the records stands at 16 trillion GMO meals and not a single attributable death yet. Which farmers have been forced to by GMO seeds?

I think that I would do some reading up on the subject if I was you - not the propaganda from Monsanto mind you as that is all lies and false science, but from independent scientists with real science to show what these frankenseeds do, such as the giant tumours found in lab rats (conveniently covered up by them) and ignored in their reports.

What about the millions of people who get cancer? Roundup is a glycophosphate and that has just been announced as being a carcinogen with several million lbs sprayed on crops at various stages of the plants development I cannot see how this hasn't had a major effect!! NB: it is useless now as the weeds are resistant to this poison and have mutated into 'super weeds' BTW If you don't know what a carcinogen is then read up on that too.

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Stop the GMO researcher heretics and their farmer lackeys! Burn them! Be a true Conservative and “stand athwart the stream of history and yell ‘Stop!’.” Poverty and hunger are natural human realities, so damn all those who are arrogant enough to try to use science to improve upon Mother Nature and to better feed people. The Frankenstein monster threatens, and we must take up our pitchforks and torches, and follow our herd to kill this scientific beast! Burn them all!

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Confused. How many people have died from GMO? I think the records stands at 16 trillion GMO meals and not a single attributable death yet. Which farmers have been forced to by GMO seeds?

I think that I would do some reading up on the subject if I was you - not the propaganda from Monsanto mind you as that is all lies and false science, but from independent scientists with real science to show what these frankenseeds do, such as the giant tumours found in lab rats (conveniently covered up by them) and ignored in their reports.

What about the millions of people who get cancer? Roundup is a glycophosphate and that has just been announced as being a carcinogen with several million lbs sprayed on crops at various stages of the plants development I cannot see how this hasn't had a major effect!! NB: it is useless now as the weeds are resistant to this poison and have mutated into 'super weeds' BTW If you don't know what a carcinogen is then read up on that too.

Funny. My readings on non hysterical non monsanto science journals says Glycophospate kills cancer. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3749059/

As far as the Retracted Serelini rat study is concerned please learn statistics or at least read the comments from the scientific community instead of blindly reproducing the propaganda of the anti GMO Seralini club. The SD rat strain used are known for developing tumours in the next rainshower. Yes other studies used the same rat strain but Serelini tested 18 treatments on 200 rats and the other study tested 4 treatments on 400 rats.

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Confused. How many people have died from GMO? I think the records stands at 16 trillion GMO meals and not a single attributable death yet. Which farmers have been forced to by GMO seeds?

I think that I would do some reading up on the subject if I was you - not the propaganda from Monsanto mind you as that is all lies and false science, but from independent scientists with real science to show what these frankenseeds do, such as the giant tumours found in lab rats (conveniently covered up by them) and ignored in their reports.

What about the millions of people who get cancer? Roundup is a glycophosphate and that has just been announced as being a carcinogen with several million lbs sprayed on crops at various stages of the plants development I cannot see how this hasn't had a major effect!! NB: it is useless now as the weeds are resistant to this poison and have mutated into 'super weeds' BTW If you don't know what a carcinogen is then read up on that too.

Funny. My readings on non hysterical non monsanto science journals says Glycophospate kills cancer. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3749059/

As far as the Retracted Serelini rat study is concerned please learn statistics or at least read the comments from the scientific community instead of blindly reproducing the propaganda of the anti GMO Seralini club. The SD rat strain used are known for developing tumours in the next rainshower. Yes other studies used the same rat strain but Serelini tested 18 treatments on 200 rats and the other study tested 4 treatments on 400 rats.

California’s Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) intends to list the herbicide glyphosate – the active ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp – as a carcinogenic chemical under the Proposition 65, which requires the state to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Theannouncement came on 4 September 2015, following a conclusion by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in March that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.

Even Monsanto's great friend and collaborator the USFDA has accepted it as a probable carcinogen. If you really want to see the effects of GMO's then Google rats, tumours and GMO pics. Do you think that these tumours are photo-shopped!! Having the study retracted was part of the cover up as it would stop them in their tracks.

Some GMO's have internal herbicides built in that when an insect eats the plant it's stomach literally explodes. Do you think that it is wise to eat something that does this to an insect?

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