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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.

How low can Trump go?

What race card. Islam ain't a race ,and Afro Americans know the dangers of it. Only folks trumper. upsets are wimps n PC cowards
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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.

How low can Trump go?

What race card. Islam ain't a race ,and Afro Americans know the dangers of it. Only folks trumper. upsets are wimps n PC cowards

The religion of piece! A piece of this country and a piece of another. They are a nation without borders and apply their own Rules (Sharia) wherever they go disregarding the laws of the host state. To me they are a nation,not a race or religion! So please stop whining about religious persecution

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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.

How low can Trump go?

What race card. Islam ain't a race ,and Afro Americans know the dangers of it. Only folks trumper. upsets are wimps n PC cowards

Only racists argue the toss about what is or isn't racist. ...and are usually too dim to recognise a false dichotomy when they use one.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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American commentator on BBC World this morning said Trump appealed to those with a toxic mix of hate, anger and ignorance.

I put it down to poor education!

Terrific demolition job on Question time (Youtube) - basically he would be welcomed to explain his unpleasant views and be taken apart by the other panelists and the audience.

Finally, Steve Job's father was a Syrian immigrant - be careful what you wish for!

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They are a nation without borders and apply their own Rules (Sharia) wherever they go disregarding the laws of the host state. To me they are a nation,not a race or religion! So please stop whining about religious persecution

Kinda like an alien that invades the host and slowly spreads its tentacles through all the organs slowly and insidiously….any attempt to cut it off later only ends up causing damage to the body….but no choice now…it must be done even though it causes some pain…..think of it as chemo for a cancer that has gotten out of control.

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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.

How low can Trump go?

What race card. Islam ain't a race ,and Afro Americans know the dangers of it. Only folks trumper. upsets are wimps n PC cowards

Only racists argue the toss about what is or isn't racist. ...and are usually too dim to recognise a false dichotomy when they use one.
. And only nanny state kids are correct
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Wow. Some of you are really doing IS's work for them. They want you to believe they represent all muslims. They want to provoke an all-out war. And you're running into their trap with both eyes open!

If you really believe they want an all out war'they should pay attention to what Putin has recently said. Nukes are on the table!

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Wow. Some of you are really doing IS's work for them. They want you to believe they represent all muslims. They want to provoke an all-out war. And you're running into their trap with both eyes open!

If you really believe they want an all out war'they should pay attention to what Putin has recently said. Nukes are on the table!

We're talking about a group that believe they're fulfilling a apocalyptic prophecy predicting that all but a few of them will be killed before Jesus returns to earth to lead the remainder to their final victory.

I'm not sure even nuclear weapons are a deterrent to that kind of thinking.

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The Jewish faith have been waiting over 5000 years for their Messiah, not a peep yet. It's amazing people still believe this crap will happen.

The Japanese were willing to fight to the last man,2 nukes and they surrendered in 3 days.

Easy to say you will fight to the last until Ragga is gone and your the last man

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Will He ban import of oil from muslim country's as well?

Let's face it he won't need to...half the world would apply sanctions on the US.....they won't be able to buy or sell anything. I bet the rednecks will ove paying full-price for the fuel for their pickups.

of course US will be self-sufficient in oil....It will be interesting to see how the middle-class react to fracking in their back yards......

Don't forget there'll be no more "rapist" Mexicans either - They'll have to dig their own gardens and collect their own rubbish too

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50,000 estimated IS sympathizers said to be in Malaysia


Maybe waiting for US tourist or fiancé visas... Keep em out Donald!!!!

50,000 estimated IS sympathizers said to be in Malaysia

how do they come up with these figures???

I guess it might have been a phone survey.......

"Hello - Im from El Gallup, do you have time to answer a few questions?


Q - What's your favourite chocolate?

A - Cadbury's

Q- Favourite Supermarket?

A - Tesco Lotus

Q - and terrorist organisation

A- Oh that's easy IS every time!.......your not with the government are you?

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The petition to close the UK's borders is growing like topsy, far faster than the anti-trump petition. Past 450k and got an asinine response from the govt already. The lefties are going to regret opening their petition very soon when it is shown they are a tiny minority(although a very vocal one)

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The petition to close the UK's borders is growing like topsy, far faster than the anti-trump petition. Past 450k and got an asinine response from the govt already. The lefties are going to regret opening their petition very soon when it is shown they are a tiny minority(although a very vocal one)

I think one has to question the validity of the sources you use, your premise and thus the conclusions you draw. A best the concept is highly contentious and has feet of clay

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Don't forget there'll be no more "rapist" Mexicans either - They'll have to dig their own gardens and collect their own rubbish too

What an absolutely ignorant statement. News flash... Mexicans are not muslim. Need to find something else to regurgitate.
Really? Are you sure??? .. It seems your reading and comprehension skills are minimal. May I suggest you read my post again before blurting out such nonsense?
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BTW - USAis self-sufficient in oil largely due to new extraction methods...these only work at a price. To be economically viable oil must remain asbove a certain cost...in the event of an embargo this would mean US oil would be too dear for the world market and the cost at home would rise exponentially. I think it would be hard for any government in the States to survive after massively hiking the price of fuel....

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The petition to close the UK's borders is growing like topsy, far faster than the anti-trump petition. Past 450k and got an asinine response from the govt already. The lefties are going to regret opening their petition very soon when it is shown they are a tiny minority(although a very vocal one)

Is that the one started by the woman who lives in Spain?

How is it growing faster than the trump one if it has less signatures in more time?

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The petition to close the UK's borders is growing like topsy, far faster than the anti-trump petition. Past 450k and got an asinine response from the govt already. The lefties are going to regret opening their petition very soon when it is shown they are a tiny minority(although a very vocal one)

Is that the one started by the woman who lives in Spain?

How is it growing faster than the trump one if it has less signatures in more time?

Most of the signatures must by ISIS ,

I am sure they would like nothing better, The damage to the UK that closing it's boarder would inflict would be far greater than any damage ISIS could possibly inflict on it's own

.And imagine the effect a terrorist attack would have after the UK closes it's boarders?

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