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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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"Republican presidential ticket frontrunner Donald Trump on Monday called to bar Muslims from entering the United States hours after signs that a competitor had overtaken him in the polls."

..so hoodwink the ignorant with rope a dope racism/religionism and fear tactics

Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Mr Trump said in the email.

..Is that an oxymoron or just plain moronic?


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First off you have to realize that ISIL cannot defeat us militarily. They have neither the manpower or the resources to do so. What they are trying to do is to cause us to defeat ourselves. If they can create a major division between western cultures and the millions of immigrants that have come to the West in the last sixty years or so.........they win. Trump is now creating that division and doing ISIL's work for them. Now he has identified who has caused you not to have the life you dreamed of. All he has to do is convince you to kill them. Donald Trump or Slobodan Milosevic, two demagogues with bad hair and a pissy attitude.

Don't rant on about "terrorist attacks in the US" to me. There have been 355 mass murders in the United States so far this year. Four of them can be associated with Jihadist movements the other three hundred and fifty one are just local "batshit crazy" mass murderers. Let's deal with the three hundred first.

That's were you made a mistake " Let's deal with the three hundred first.".History shows wars bring a country and people together.United we stand united radical Islam falls.These people have taken the Submit or die to literal.War with them

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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Those sports figures you mention are converts to Islam and many Muslims do not consider such converts as real Muslims and see these converts as useful idiots ...

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

Jaidam, jaidam, jaidam (Is that addressing you or accusing you?)....Firstly, you are not comprehending the OP. Trump is not suggesting to "expel all Muslims". Where on earth did you get that from, besides your bigoted wishful thinking? But, if that were to happen, the US would be victim of all sorts of calamities. International condemnation and sanction not being the least. Is there a medical test to ascertain "muslimness"? Do you think the people who hold a grudge could not get in to do what they will? Would Trump's Mexican wall stop illegal entries? How about that Canadian wall? What about boat people from Cuba?

Your imagined scenario of mass expulsion is ludicrous. cheesy.gif

Most Muslim women in the world are allowed to drive. Idiot Bush tried the same silly sort of diversion when recruiting the ignorant masses, only he used burkas and FMG to stir up resentment. Your sarcasm is silly.

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Well at least Trump's got the Gonats to say what part of the world just dare to think,This would be a good start ,than one can clean up the ones already in the country including the home bred ones.

Maybe you could round them up and put them in camps or something?

Seriously. Some of you need to stop for a second and think about what you're saying here. Don't let yourself be this easily manipulated.

I think the people you worry about understand quite well the threat of massive Muslim migration and the violent radicals that hide among them ... The reason ... is allegiance to the Quran and to Islam comes before allegiance to their adopted country ... Assimilation by Muslims to become Americans in the America they live in is at a very low percentage . Muslims create a world apart from the countries to which they move to.... If you adopt America as your home but do not adopted it in your heart - then with Anti-American feelings abounding in Muslim communities it becomes a formula for disaster. Anyone who can deny that Islam and the Muslim followers are the largest source of violence and terrorism around the world would deny that the sun does not rise and set...

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The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

Yes, most objective folks do wonder why the hatred after we've given their countries literally trillions of dollars in humanitarian aid...wink.png

Ah yes, money talks. All hail the Holy Dollar.

Don't worry about the hundreds of thousands of lives that the US has taken. Drones, illegal invasions, propping up murderous factions, wars....

You sound like the farang wife-beater in Thailand. "I've given you and your family thousands of dollars, of course I have a right to beat you when I'm grumpy!"

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

what does hate for America have to do with Islam ?

What about the muslim terror attacks in India and the Sudan and Algeria and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and Kuwait and Ethiopia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Tanzania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and Germany and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and Cameroon and Djibouti and Australia and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously ?

Pathetic attempt to muddy the waters.

Hatred for America stands apart from all the incidents (of which one you listed WAS US, lol).

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Firstly it appears that there are quite a few Americans who think this is a good idea.

Secondly they demonstrate how incredible stupid both the idea and they are by actually going public in their support without realising how stupid this makes them look in th eyes of the rest of the world

OMG! The only stupid thing the USA is guilty of is bastardizing the English language besides America doesn't care what they look like in the eyes of the world.Was that a politically correct statement? I hope not! Thanks to the left we are all in the same mess, globally.

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Great idea…..Cameron?

Even though his party has its fair share of idiots, Cameron is not that stupid.

Too far along for that. Cameron needs the muslim sme votes.

However a lot of the muslims in the country and already established would be in favour of pulling up the ladder now to stop more coming in. Except, of course, for their own family, friends etc

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Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

Why don't you present us with the dishonest radical Islamic talking points once again?

The premise of why they hate America makes sense, theoretically, but in practice it doesn't quite cut it. Why the terrorist events in France, which is pretty liberal and pretty welcoming of Muslims? It also has a long history of tolerance towards Islam. The French have not usually sided with the US in the ME, either.

I think it's a matter of haters just going to hate.

While I agree with you that there will certainly be times when haters are just going to hate, I think it's wrong to conflate what gripes daesh have with France (or Russia), and the gripes terrorists have with the US. Two separate theatres of war.

Same goes for the list of other countries where terrorism has occurred.

It's not all about America and America has it's own specific crimes to answer for.

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The Donald's heart is in the right place, but his plan is not realistic.

I find it disturbing that people think he actually believes the things he says.

He's jerking off in front of his biggest audience ever and millions of people are marveling at it.

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Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

Those sports figures you mention are converts to Islam and many Muslims do not consider such converts as real Muslims and see these converts as useful idiots ...

Hey, we actually agree on something. That is EXACTLY what I think of these fools.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Unfortunately he's a total liar. Today he posted on his twitter.. he has never seen any muslim sports heroes.. yet his website has photos of him with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil.

He is interested in two things and two things only: making people afraid of it and telling who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.

Even my father is now wanting to vote for him. I was stunned. I tried reasoning and asked my dad today who was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis.. he didn't remember and said Obama. Then I asked my dad who took care of him during his CABG surgery (I had taken a month off work to be the primary caretaker) and he didn't remember.. he said he did it himself.

I don't want to go so far as to call my dad a senile old man, but the fear is truly working..

Trump will probably become president. Conservatives rejoice!

Those sports figures you mention are converts to Islam and many Muslims do not consider such converts as real Muslims and see these converts as useful idiots ...

Rubbish, and besides, how does that belie the fact of Trump's lie?

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I bet the majority of Americans agree with him

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No, not the majority, but certainly a significant number. These same Americans would also support not allowing any more Mexicans, Chinese...heck, anyone from a non-white country, into the US. Their argument will be "national security," but it's really not that at all.

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What hogwash.

What do you think would happen if Trump were to say "No more Mexicans into the country until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on?"

His supporters would have multiple orgasms and his poll numbers would go up. You know this to be true.

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The Donald's heart is in the right place, but his plan is not realistic.

I find it disturbing that people think he actually believes the things he says.

He's jerking off in front of his biggest audience ever and millions of people are marveling at it.

So who's your presidential candidate?

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Horse manure. Try no more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and you might have a point. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not welcome anywhere.

There's the grass that feeds the horse manure.

"Legal" is what the politicians say it is. Whether it be "No Muslims" or "OK, Mexicans can come and work", whatever the government decides is what is "legal".

Trump is suggesting make Muslims illegal.

Stroke of a pen.

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

Exactly, but what those voters may overlook is that they vote an idiot into the white house.

Looking at Trumps history, the below may be a reality when he becomes president.


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Horse manure. Try no more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and you might have a point. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not welcome anywhere.

Sure UG, keep playing politics. Trump may insists that it's just the illegals he's after, but his supporters understand that to mean all Mexicans...and they applaud him. That's the problem with his kind of rhetoric. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure you don't see it that way.

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Trumps grabbing media attention plays on the American public insecurities and more than likely to radicalise some, if he is fair dinkum (for real) were all in trouble, do we need another saber rattling president in the US?

Exactly, but what those voters may overlook is that they vote an idiot into the white house.

Looking at Trumps history, the below may be a reality when he becomes president.


GW Bush left office years ago. No need pointing out the obvious.

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First of all as we seen in all of the muslim terror attacks since 9/11 in the US, all of them were middle class. This last one made $70,000 a year and lived in California. Same with the Time square bomber and the fort Hood shooter.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists. Because as we can see in Thailand, India, Russia and the Phillipines, muslim terrorists are not swayed by individual policies. There has been more muslim terror attacks in the aforementioned countries then there has been in the west.

And to top it all off, Jews or blacks are 3 times more likely to suffer from a hate crime then Muslims in the US.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists

Forgive me but this is utter nonsense. Do you really believe that the American Govt and it's allies can act with total disregard as there will be no consequences to their actions? The mind boggles at such a view point.

Then tell me what Thai people did to deserve constant muslim terror attacks in the south. Or what the Phillipines did to deserve terror attacks in their country. Or the Indian govt. What did they do ?

And the US has done way worse things to other populations and they don't terrorize them for it. Stealing all the native N Americans land for instance.

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You can almost

You can almost smell the fear coming out of some sections of the US at the moment and DT is stoking them up good and proper.

Seems like "Land of the free, home of the brave" is going to be obsolete pretty soon.

You are aware that being tolerant to the intolerant is suicide ?

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