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Fatal road accident ,Advise required


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My 31 yo Thai stepson was fatally injured in a fall from a moving pickup and was cremated last week.

Today my wife had to attend the local police station with his personal details for them to do an accident report requested by the pickup owners insurance company.

The police doing the report demanded 10,000 baht for the service from my wife,as she would be paid by the insurance company for his death

Rightly or wrongly ,I told her to pay them nothing and that if and when she receives a payment from the insurance company she can pay them no more than 5000 baht .

It has really upset me that these "people" have the hide to make these sorts of demands of a woman who has just lost her only son.

They have also demanded 5000 baht from the pickup owner who had no fault in the accident.

Did I give her the right advise or should it be done differently ??

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Speak with the puuyai baan. If he agrees with you let him go with your wife to policestation. Demand that they only want to speak with the highest in charge there. Let the thais sort it out.

A human life has no value, let alone a dead one. Shameless bottomfeeders !

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The telephone number to report this very type of detestable behavior by the BIB, is directed to the army /anti corruption office in your area.. I think the army may be able to put things straight rather quickly, in your wifes favor.

The BIB deserve absolutly nothing in the way of money , from insurance, family. etc.

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I am guessing that the police are trying it on because there is a Falang involved. Is it not breaking the law to have passengers traveling on the back of open pickups? Although I see it constantly.

The Falang is best not to show himself and I wouldn`t pay the police a brass cent. The mother should complain to a higher authority.

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Contact the NCPO. They profess to helping out in situations like this and they say they want to know about this type of stuff.

If the correct number isn't 1515, they should be able to give you the correct number.

You gave your wife 100% correct advice. I would have also given that advice to my wife.

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If the insurer of the pickup has requested a report, then I would contact them and advise them of the police attempting to extort money from your wife. Also contact the NCPO and inform them of what the police are demanding. I would say that the police are maybe expecting your family to sue the driver's insurer and want a piece of the action, up front. Unfortunately, earlier this year, my wife was involved in a fatality, and had a little difficulty at first but told me in no uncerain terms that I was not to come anywhere near the police as they would see $$$$ signs in the eyes. All worked out well in the end, her insurer stood by her and she was absolved on any wrongdoing.

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First 'they' get an award for doing their jobs, now 'they' are requesting payment to do their job? Sickbah.gif I knew of a similar instance of this happening, fortunately the friend knew a high level individual and a simple call rectified the payment request.

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Disgusting,, doesn't even BEGIN to describe this,,, I'd say, there are 3 options,, 1, report it to the NCPO, 2, let the insurance company deal with them, 3, do BOTH... Simply letting the insurance company deal with it, will most likely give you a satisfactory outcome,, BUT, will probably not keep them from doing it again and again,,, Which is why I would go with option 3,,

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You start making trouble for the Local police yourself, it won't go down very well, it might not be right, but it's the way it is.

There will never be an end to corruption in Thailand, and remember, the corruption money flows uphill, hence the reason the Generals are all fabulously wealthy on a paltry salary.

Leave it to the Insurance reps to sort out.

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You start making trouble for the Local police yourself, it won't go down very well, it might not be right, but it's the way it is.

There will never be an end to corruption in Thailand, and remember, the corruption money flows uphill, hence the reason the Generals are all fabulously wealthy on a paltry salary.

Leave it to the Insurance reps to sort out.

There is the problem, while I agree with everyone posting about reporting it, it comes down to, is it worth the hassle? I like to think I am a man of principle but I would let it go because down the road with the hassle these people can bring then its not worth it.

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Many thanks for the kind advise and condolences guys.

I have stayed right out of the drama,in fact I am having a break from the farm and enjoying a little time in Udon.

The bib know there is "farang' involved as my wife took my name 13 years ago .

I was directed to a local insurance coy manager who is a farang and he basically echo'd many of your replies,so I told the wife this morning to pay nothing and offer nothing,if they tried to bully her to say she had been given a phone number of a big boss army officer.

I dont know what transpired but she got the report this afternoon and said she gave nothing although the driver forked over 5k to them.

A bloke feels like a real girl,having his wife go through this drama with the coppers alone but I am not known to keep my cool during dealings with these parasites and living and having a business in our small community means discretion over valour is sometimes called for.

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Many thanks for the kind advise and condolences guys.

I have stayed right out of the drama,in fact I am having a break from the farm and enjoying a little time in Udon.

The bib know there is "farang' involved as my wife took my name 13 years ago .

I was directed to a local insurance coy manager who is a farang and he basically echo'd many of your replies,so I told the wife this morning to pay nothing and offer nothing,if they tried to bully her to say she had been given a phone number of a big boss army officer.

I dont know what transpired but she got the report this afternoon and said she gave nothing although the driver forked over 5k to them.

A bloke feels like a real girl,having his wife go through this drama with the coppers alone but I am not known to keep my cool during dealings with these parasites and living and having a business in our small community means discretion over valour is sometimes called for.

Don't feel that way, there is no need to pump your chest, it will never get us farang's anywhere in doing so. I felt weak when letting my wife deal with this alone but like her, it appears your wife has fortitude and followed the right advise. My wife, as part of the culture, did give B2000 toward the cost of the funeral but nothing to the coppers or the family of the deceased, as it was proven, through the autopsy, that the deceased was totally at fault owing to where he sustained the fatal injuries and the fact that he was DUI. I was amiss in my first post for not offering my condolences, so please accept them now.

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You start making trouble for the Local police yourself, it won't go down very well, it might not be right, but it's the way it is.

There will never be an end to corruption in Thailand, and remember, the corruption money flows uphill, hence the reason the Generals are all fabulously wealthy on a paltry salary.

Leave it to the Insurance reps to sort out.

There isn't monetized society on the face of the Earth where this sort of thing doesn't take place. In a monetized society, everything has and comes with a price.

I've a good friend and close colleague is lawyer, if you want to make something of it PM and I'll direct you.

Very sorry about your loss.

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My sincerest condolences to you and your wife.

I was in a similiar situation a year ago in which a person was fatally injured in a road accident. Although I found, and still find, it disgusting that the police expect to be paid extra to do their jobs, I can only advise you/your wife at this point in time to pay the p*gs and keep the process rolling. Failure to do so could cause serious delays, additional paperwork, more visits to the police station, etc., etc.

Your wife doesn't need the extra aggrovation right now. I know it's more about the principle, but at the end of the day you and your wife don't really need this issue with the police/insurance company to drag on and on...

My advice is to pay the requested sum, make it clear to them that there are no more payments and you expect the paperwork to pe perfect.

Good luck and remember to always remain cool and calm when dealing with them.

Keep your emotions under control at all times.

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You start making trouble for the Local police yourself, it won't go down very well, it might not be right, but it's the way it is.

There will never be an end to corruption in Thailand, and remember, the corruption money flows uphill, hence the reason the Generals are all fabulously wealthy on a paltry salary.

Leave it to the Insurance reps to sort out.

There is the problem, while I agree with everyone posting about reporting it, it comes down to, is it worth the hassle? I like to think I am a man of principle but I would let it go because down the road with the hassle these people can bring then its not worth it.

So so sorry to hear this story, and sickened to the core about this corruption. If we always just let it go to stop the hassle then it will only get worse. It must be challenged or it will never change.

Wish you and your wife a happier future

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Speak with the puuyai baan. If he agrees with you let him go with your wife to policestation. Demand that they only want to speak with the highest in charge there. Let the thais sort it out.

A human life has no value, let alone a dead one. Shameless bottomfeeders !

Well the loss of one can be quite lucrative to those in positions of power apparently.

Not unusual for the police to be requiring a share of any payouts.

Shameless isn't it!

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You start making trouble for the Local police yourself, it won't go down very well, it might not be right, but it's the way it is.

There will never be an end to corruption in Thailand, and remember, the corruption money flows uphill, hence the reason the Generals are all fabulously wealthy on a paltry salary.

Leave it to the Insurance reps to sort out.

There is the problem, while I agree with everyone posting about reporting it, it comes down to, is it worth the hassle? I like to think I am a man of principle but I would let it go because down the road with the hassle these people can bring then its not worth it.

So so sorry to hear this story, and sickened to the core about this corruption. If we always just let it go to stop the hassle then it will only get worse. It must be challenged or it will never change.

Wish you and your wife a happier future

Who is going to challenge and change it ?

The powerful families who run Thailand ignore the rampant corruption, having thousands of loyal armed men in uniform at your disposal ensures their own way of life continues, that loyalty is paid for by allowing those in charge of the guns to get a piece of the wealth, the only ones to suffer are the poor, and nobody ever gave a toss about them.

The elite have got it all sewn up in Thailand, they can virtually do as they please, and their most loyal servants are not far behind them.

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My sincerest condolences to you and your wife.

I was in a similiar situation a year ago in which a person was fatally injured in a road accident. Although I found, and still find, it disgusting that the police expect to be paid extra to do their jobs, I can only advise you/your wife at this point in time to pay the p*gs and keep the process rolling. Failure to do so could cause serious delays, additional paperwork, more visits to the police station, etc., etc.

Your wife doesn't need the extra aggrovation right now. I know it's more about the principle, but at the end of the day you and your wife don't really need this issue with the police/insurance company to drag on and on...

My advice is to pay the requested sum, make it clear to them that there are no more payments and you expect the paperwork to pe perfect.

Good luck and remember to always remain cool and calm when dealing with them.

Keep your emotions under control at all times.

I totally disagree with your advise, there is absolutely no need to allow this type of corruption to continue. There are so many posting on here complaining about the errant actions of the poice, whilst the poster is seeking advise to prevent such a situation arising. So your advise, continue on with it and condone the attempted extortion by the BIB. If the people start taking a stand, and let the coppers see that the tide is turning, then slowly but surely, it will be brought to a level where it highlighted throughout the nation and overtime, it will be reduced dramatically. Yes, there is a principle here and it sure ain't what you're suggesting. Yes and make it clear that there will not be and never be any payments forthcoming. All of this of course will be handled by the insurer so it leaves the poster and his wife out of the link.

Yes, it will take time but unless the people stand up, it will never go away. And, of course, corruption will never be erradicated, not as long as there is a quick buck to be made, but hopefully, it will not be as rampant as it currently is. As for dragging it on, the insurance company will see to it that it does not as it isn't in their interest to allow this to happen. Proof of this is how my wife, backed by her insurer, stood up to the BIB and even though they insisted she attend the police station on 4 occasions, in the end, the police and the family, both of whom were trying to extort funds, were put in their place and neither of them received anyting, except a B2000 contribution toward the deceased's funeral.

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He's been advised to let the Insurance reps thrash it out and stay clear.

People can't stand up to corruption as the most corrupt make the laws, and protest is deemed as unlawful.

It's the way it is in Thailand, idealism does nothing to alter that fact.

Edited by Broken Record
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My sincerest condolences to you and your wife.

I was in a similiar situation a year ago in which a person was fatally injured in a road accident. Although I found, and still find, it disgusting that the police expect to be paid extra to do their jobs, I can only advise you/your wife at this point in time to pay the p*gs and keep the process rolling. Failure to do so could cause serious delays, additional paperwork, more visits to the police station, etc., etc.

Your wife doesn't need the extra aggrovation right now. I know it's more about the principle, but at the end of the day you and your wife don't really need this issue with the police/insurance company to drag on and on...

My advice is to pay the requested sum, make it clear to them that there are no more payments and you expect the paperwork to pe perfect.

Good luck and remember to always remain cool and calm when dealing with them.

Keep your emotions under control at all times.

I totally disagree with your advise, there is absolutely no need to allow this type of corruption to continue. There are so many posting on here complaining about the errant actions of the poice, whilst the poster is seeking advise to prevent such a situation arising. So your advise, continue on with it and condone the attempted extortion by the BIB. If the people start taking a stand, and let the coppers see that the tide is turning, then slowly but surely, it will be brought to a level where it highlighted throughout the nation and overtime, it will be reduced dramatically. Yes, there is a principle here and it sure ain't what you're suggesting. Yes and make it clear that there will not be and never be any payments forthcoming. All of this of course will be handled by the insurer so it leaves the poster and his wife out of the link.

Yes, it will take time but unless the people stand up, it will never go away. And, of course, corruption will never be erradicated, not as long as there is a quick buck to be made, but hopefully, it will not be as rampant as it currently is. As for dragging it on, the insurance company will see to it that it does not as it isn't in their interest to allow this to happen. Proof of this is how my wife, backed by her insurer, stood up to the BIB and even though they insisted she attend the police station on 4 occasions, in the end, the police and the family, both of whom were trying to extort funds, were put in their place and neither of them received anyting, except a B2000 contribution toward the deceased's funeral.

The OP asked for our advice, not for your opinion on other member's advice.

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