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UDD leaders agree to present evidences of Rajabhakti Park to anti-corruption centre

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UDD leaders agree to present evidences of Rajabhakti Park to anti-corruption centre


BANGKOK -- Two core leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have agreed to provide information about the Rajabhakti Park to the government’s anti-corruption centre, Justice Minister Paiboon Kumchaya said on Tuesday.

He added that he would arrange for representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the Auditor-General to attend the session when Jatuporn Promphan and Natthawut Saikua, chairman and secretary-general of the UDD respectively, when they present evidences to the anti-corruption centre.

General Paiboon also urged student activist groups campaigning for a probe into suspected corruption in the park project to present their evidences to authorities concerned.

Meanwhile, Deputy Defence Minister Udomdej Seetabutr reiterated on Tuesday that the army had nothing to do with the casting of giant statutes of the seven former Thai kings by foundries. He said the casting of the statutes was strictly a private deal which was not related to the army.

In his capacity as chairman of Rajabhakti Park Foundation, Gen Udomdej insisted that implementation of the project was transparent.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha, in the meantime, shrugged off the diagram presented by the New Democracy Movement suggesting alleged irregularities in the project implementation. He said he had

instructed the government spokesman, Maj-Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd, to make a clarification.

The Rajabhakti Park which was closed on Monday for minor renovation was reopened to public visits today.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/udd-leaders-agree-to-present-evidences-of-rajabhakti-park-to-anti-corruption-centre

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-08


BANGKOK -- Two core leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have agreed to provide information about the Rajabhakti Park rice scam to the government’s anti-corruption centre

Yeah, right!!


He added that he would arrange for representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the Auditor-General to attend the session when Jatuporn Promphan and Natthawut Saikua, chairman and secretary-general of the UDD respectively, when they present evidences to the anti-corruption centre.

Both these guys are dirtbags, but if they have real evidence of corruption in the Rajabhakti Park project let them show it. The more people that expose corruption the harder it will be to make the public accept it.


He added that he would arrange for representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Office of the Auditor-General to attend the session when Jatuporn Promphan and Natthawut Saikua, chairman and secretary-general of the UDD respectively, when they present evidences to the anti-corruption centre.

Both these guys are dirtbags, but if they have real evidence of corruption in the Rajabhakti Park project let them show it. The more people that expose corruption the harder it will be to make the public accept it.

The UDD non elected leaders, and the students need to present their evidence. If they have real evidence, then both the NACC and OAG must be seen to act on it - not sweep it under the carpet or dismiss it with vague comments and illogical reasoning. As we've seen previously, with cases against the previous government too, things just don't get followed up or progress and are allowed to slowly wither away.

If however, they haven't actually got any evidence, other than accusations and appear to have been simply stirring the pot for their political agenda, then they will loose face, credibility and may have to face the consequences.

The mire continues and gets more sticky.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people would like to discredit anybody who challenges/dislikes the unelected UDD leaders (leaders said tongue in cheek).


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

It's called being biased. If they never went after corruption when they were in power, with all the control they needed to deal with this stuff, why do it now? It's purely political. They don't care about corruption. Just want to make the military look bad. Luckily, they're doing a pretty good job of this themselves! LOL


He said the casting of the statutes was strictly a private deal which was not related to the army.

Have they not already admitted that army Officers received kickbacks for the casting. I don't think they were Privates - they would have been at least Captains or Majors, presumably working on behalf of Generals. They returned the kickbacks (once they were rumbled) and obliged the foundries to re-donate them as gifts which made it all legitimate.

" Hey you, yes you, Private Somchai - take this brown envelope and go buy a 10 ton brass statue of King Chulalongkorn will you? Take the Humvee and plenty of rope. Bring me back the change and the receipt and don't ask for commission or you'll be in the stockade for the rest of your National Service!.....................I don't think so, no definitely not a Private deal.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

It's called being biased. If they never went after corruption when they were in power, with all the control they needed to deal with this stuff, why do it now? It's purely political. They don't care about corruption. Just want to make the military look bad. Luckily, they're doing a pretty good job of this themselves! LOL

No, it's called being massive hypocrites. Just like every other one of these people who were silent during Pheu-Thais ridiculous corruption scams.

If they didn't speak out during the lead up to the protests, their opinions are worthless.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

It's called being biased. If they never went after corruption when they were in power, with all the control they needed to deal with this stuff, why do it now? It's purely political. They don't care about corruption. Just want to make the military look bad. Luckily, they're doing a pretty good job of this themselves! LOL

Well I'm glad that you admit it. The UDD have never been in power nor are likely to be. The PTP are not the subject of this OP.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people would like to discredit anybody who challenges/dislikes the unelected UDD leaders (leaders said tongue in cheek).

Could you try again in English please?


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

It's called being biased. If they never went after corruption when they were in power, with all the control they needed to deal with this stuff, why do it now? It's purely political. They don't care about corruption. Just want to make the military look bad. Luckily, they're doing a pretty good job of this themselves! LOL

Well I'm glad that you admit it. The UDD have never been in power nor are likely to be. The PTP are not the subject of this OP.

Well there's a mother of a diversion. Failed!


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

They were. Of course that government had support of 300 out of 500 MP's all of them elected either directly or via party list.

Not sure how you actually believe the NCPO's fight against corruption is not politically motivated and how it does not target all corruption...


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

They were. Of course that government had support of 300 out of 500 MP's all of them elected either directly or via party list.

Not sure how you actually believe the NCPO's fight against corruption is not politically motivated and how it does not target all corruption...

100% agreed! The sword cuts both ways.


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

There is only one leader of a government, the Prime Minister, but I digress. The two people that this OP refers to, and presumably, the subject of your posts, are Jatuporn Prompan and Natthawut Saikua. The context of the OP refers to their positions within the UDD, not the previous government. Jatuporn was a party list MP who was "removed from office" by the Constitutional Court on the 18th May 2012, so hardly a "leader of the last government". Nattawut Saikua, on the other hand, was a member of the cabinet in the last elected government but the context of the OP still stands and their "position" in the last government is irrelevant.

If Abhisit or Suthep or even the mad monk had said they have evidence of wrongdoing at Rajabhakti Park would we be even having this discussion? That was a rhetorical question.

Well the bad boys of Thai politics have said they have evidence so it's put up or shut up time regardless of who they are or what they did or didn't do in the past - can you not accept that?

In juxtaposition of course we are still awaiting the evidence that there was no wrongdoing by the army from the owners of the 6 involved foundries who were to hold a press conference at the beginning of December to clarify the "commission arrangements". Needless to say, it didn't happen.


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

you're just being impatient.

Do you know how much effort is already needed to talk about soon presenting the proof while being full of accusations and grand speeches denouncing the 'others' ?


Has the UDD ever presented evidence in the past about corruption?

What difference would it make if they have or haven't? If they have evidence of corruption with regard to the militarys involvement in the Rajabhakti Park scandal it should be examined by the NACC (for what they're worth) and acted upon.

A shallow attempt at trying to denigrate the alleged evidence because you don't like the people presenting it.

It's called being biased. If they never went after corruption when they were in power, with all the control they needed to deal with this stuff, why do it now? It's purely political. They don't care about corruption. Just want to make the military look bad. Luckily, they're doing a pretty good job of this themselves! LOL

No, it's called being massive hypocrites. Just like every other one of these people who were silent during Pheu-Thais ridiculous corruption scams.

If they didn't speak out during the lead up to the protests, their opinions are worthless.

It's getting somewhat off topic, but I beg to differ.

While Dept. Minister of Agriculture Nattawut went upcountry to explain the RPPS to farmers, on request by Ms. Yingluck even. Had something to do with why they would get less paid.


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

There is only one leader of a government, the Prime Minister, but I digress. The two people that this OP refers to, and presumably, the subject of your posts, are Jatuporn Prompan and Natthawut Saikua. The context of the OP refers to their positions within the UDD, not the previous government. Jatuporn was a party list MP who was "removed from office" by the Constitutional Court on the 18th May 2012, so hardly a "leader of the last government". Nattawut Saikua, on the other hand, was a member of the cabinet in the last elected government but the context of the OP still stands and their "position" in the last government is irrelevant.

If Abhisit or Suthep or even the mad monk had said they have evidence of wrongdoing at Rajabhakti Park would we be even having this discussion? That was a rhetorical question.

Well the bad boys of Thai politics have said they have evidence so it's put up or shut up time regardless of who they are or what they did or didn't do in the past - can you not accept that?

In juxtaposition of course we are still awaiting the evidence that there was no wrongdoing by the army from the owners of the 6 involved foundries who were to hold a press conference at the beginning of December to clarify the "commission arrangements". Needless to say, it didn't happen.

Don't try to turn things round, my dear lonely.

Actually we are waiting for evidence there was wrongdoing with the dealings with and products from the foundries.


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

There is only one leader of a government, the Prime Minister, but I digress. The two people that this OP refers to, and presumably, the subject of your posts, are Jatuporn Prompan and Natthawut Saikua. The context of the OP refers to their positions within the UDD, not the previous government. Jatuporn was a party list MP who was "removed from office" by the Constitutional Court on the 18th May 2012, so hardly a "leader of the last government". Nattawut Saikua, on the other hand, was a member of the cabinet in the last elected government but the context of the OP still stands and their "position" in the last government is irrelevant.

If Abhisit or Suthep or even the mad monk had said they have evidence of wrongdoing at Rajabhakti Park would we be even having this discussion? That was a rhetorical question.

Well the bad boys of Thai politics have said they have evidence so it's put up or shut up time regardless of who they are or what they did or didn't do in the past - can you not accept that?

In juxtaposition of course we are still awaiting the evidence that there was no wrongdoing by the army from the owners of the 6 involved foundries who were to hold a press conference at the beginning of December to clarify the "commission arrangements". Needless to say, it didn't happen.

Don't try to turn things round, my dear lonely.

Actually we are waiting for evidence there was wrongdoing with the dealings with and products from the foundries.

What, turning things round? - Best you get back to your musings about letterheads.


Many of the leaders of the UDD were also leaders of the last government.

There is only one leader of a government, the Prime Minister, but I digress. The two people that this OP refers to, and presumably, the subject of your posts, are Jatuporn Prompan and Natthawut Saikua. The context of the OP refers to their positions within the UDD, not the previous government. Jatuporn was a party list MP who was "removed from office" by the Constitutional Court on the 18th May 2012, so hardly a "leader of the last government". Nattawut Saikua, on the other hand, was a member of the cabinet in the last elected government but the context of the OP still stands and their "position" in the last government is irrelevant.

If Abhisit or Suthep or even the mad monk had said they have evidence of wrongdoing at Rajabhakti Park would we be even having this discussion? That was a rhetorical question.

Well the bad boys of Thai politics have said they have evidence so it's put up or shut up time regardless of who they are or what they did or didn't do in the past - can you not accept that?

In juxtaposition of course we are still awaiting the evidence that there was no wrongdoing by the army from the owners of the 6 involved foundries who were to hold a press conference at the beginning of December to clarify the "commission arrangements". Needless to say, it didn't happen.

Don't try to turn things round, my dear lonely.

Actually we are waiting for evidence there was wrongdoing with the dealings with and products from the foundries.

What, turning things round? - Best you get back to your musings about letterheads.

Do you actually read and understand what you write?

You turned things round with your "still awaiting the evidence that there was no wrongdoing" whereas we're really wating for evidence that was wrongdoing.

You get into the Promphong style "I accuse prove me wrong"


the only thing you can be 100% sure of in thailand is corruption & incompetent cover ups & lying, everything else is guess work & 50/50 chance lol .

The whole country is a sh1t pit & the biggest turd is at the top & the stink is real vile ...

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