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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement


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Anyone that says Trump is not a racist, and doesn't spew racist garbage would probably tell you to your face that Hitler wasn't racist, either. Seriously, there are wackos that claim Hitler hired blacks to fight in his army, 555

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race.


It is not really on topic to talk about race re Hitler or Trump. The topic is Muslims and Trump dismissing criticism of his Muslim statement. Whatever "side" you take on this issue, the fact is that Muslims encompass a great cultural and racial diversity. There are black brown and white Muslims so I really don't see why race or racism has become part of the discussion.

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At last someone looking at the question of mass Muslim immigration without resorting to demagoguery. I have already stated that I abhor a situation where every Muslim is treated the same with a potential endgame of civil war and mass deportations. Indeed who would argue for this if there is any alternative?

Nothing Trump proposed is any more draconian than measures already in place throughout much of the Muslim world. Anyone condemning Trump must also condemn equally Countries excluding others based on religion.

If the west treated the Muslim world according to a strict quid pro quo I suspect we would not be facing half the problems we are doing. In highlighting this Trump has done the west a favour, if we were just quick enough to understand this.


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Perhaps you can use this article to support your claim about the police.


Trump is right! Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation


PUBLISHED: 07:20, Thu, Dec 10, 2015 | UPDATED: 07:26, Thu, Dec 10, 2015

Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars.

One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was pointing out something plainly obvious whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities.

Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trumps controversial claims.

read more here: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/625545/Donald-Trump-Muslims-speech-British-police-ISIS-radicalisation-London

The Met say he is wrong and a couple say he is right. And you take that as the Met is wrong?

What I think is immaterial..

If this is main stream media, then please refute it with one that denies the claim the article makes.

There is a great deal of difference to taking operational precautionary measures for self protection as required by police management, to Trump making insinuations police personnel are in fear of Muslims and in effect calling them out as cowards.

He has not said the police are cowards, nor has he implied any such thing. He has said some Muslim communities are so dangerous as to be no-go zones.

Some of the police seem to agree with him.

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There is a great deal of difference to taking operational precautionary measures for self protection as required by police management, to Trump making insinuations police personnel are in fear of Muslims and in effect calling them out as cowards.

He has not said the police are cowards, nor has he implied any such thing. He has said some Muslim communities are so dangerous as to be no-go zones.

Some of the police seem to agree with him.

Trump said “Paris is no longer the safe city it was. They have sections in Paris that are radicalised, where the police refuse to go there. They’re petrified. The police refuse to go in there,” and immediately went on to say "We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that the police are afraid for their own lives". You & I have have a differing interpretation of the linkage & inference, so be it.

BTW where do French / UK police refuse to go to enforce the law, in effect being no go areas.

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And meanwhile the gap between Trump and his closest competitor, Cruz, just gets larger and larger. Rubio fading to 9 percent. Jebbie at 3 percent. And Big Time Carly at 1 percent. In fact, the establishment candidates barely break double figures as a percentage. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-donald-trump-top-ted-cruz-second-hillary-clinton-over-bernie-sanders/

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At last someone looking at the question of mass Muslim immigration without resorting to demagoguery. I have already stated that I abhor a situation where every Muslim is treated the same with a potential endgame of civil war and mass deportations. Indeed who would argue for this if there is any alternative?

Nothing Trump proposed is any more draconian than measures already in place throughout much of the Muslim world. Anyone condemning Trump must also condemn equally Countries excluding others based on religion.

If the west treated the Muslim world according to a strict quid pro quo I suspect we would not be facing half the problems we are doing. In highlighting this Trump has done the west a favour, if we were just quick enough to understand this.


Just answer this :

How will you ban muslim from entering USA? based on what?

The same the Nazi did with the jews by looking at their D.ck?

Or will you ask the world to put their religion on passport?

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Daesh sent a thanks note to Trump for his work...

The ones praising Trump are probably the same who praise the second amendment, and yet spit on the Bill of Rights.

The open door policy got us 9/11, the Boston bombing , the fort Hood shooter, the DC sniper and on and on and on.

But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US bodes well for ISIS ?

You must be a novice in propaganda or blind,

Daesh wants a war between muslims and Christians basically and Trump give them what they want.

They want the occident to hate the whole muslim community and fuel their troops with the hates speech.

Trump and Marine Le Pen, which you have as avatar picture (strange coming from someone who defend the Jew community considering the FN see the jews a bit like the Nazi did

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At last someone looking at the question of mass Muslim immigration without resorting to demagoguery. I have already stated that I abhor a situation where every Muslim is treated the same with a potential endgame of civil war and mass deportations. Indeed who would argue for this if there is any alternative?

Nothing Trump proposed is any more draconian than measures already in place throughout much of the Muslim world. Anyone condemning Trump must also condemn equally Countries excluding others based on religion.

If the west treated the Muslim world according to a strict quid pro quo I suspect we would not be facing half the problems we are doing. In highlighting this Trump has done the west a favour, if we were just quick enough to understand this.


Just answer this :

How will you ban muslim from entering USA? based on what?

The same the Nazi did with the jews by looking at their D.ck?

Or will you ask the world to put their religion on passport?

You can use nationality as an initial check with religion a supplementary question after someone from an excluded Country applies for an exemption. We are of course talking hypothetically here, but the link I provided shows a list of Countries who do not accept Israeli passports and furthermore don't accept passports from any other nationality if there is an Israeli entry stamp in them. Amusingly if the U.S adopted such a measure anyone with a Saudi or Malaysian stamp would be barred entry.

Sounds ridiculous coming from Trump but accepted unquestioned by the world for years when enforced by sundry Muslim nations.

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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

Also, every time Trump makes a racist statement, his support INCREASES. Racists love him.

If you want to make the "claim" Trump isn't racist, you must admit he's leading the pinhead racists around by the nose

Edited by SiSePuede419
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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

The last time I checked, Panama isn't in America. Foreign bases are not on American soil. Fact.

Hawaii is American soil. Fact.

Feel free to post YOUR transcript here. You won't.

What are you hiding?


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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

The last time I checked, Panama isn't in America. Foreign bases are not on American soil. Fact.

Hawaii is American soil. Fact.

Feel free to post YOUR transcript here. You won't.

What are you hiding?


I'm not the President of the USA..

But you knew that, didn't you.

5O 5O 5O 5O

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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

Presidents rarely release their academic records. GW Bush suffered his college transcripts being leaked so we were all surprised to no end to find out George had managed to be as much as a C student.

Donald hollered for years about Barack Obama's birth certificate and for Prez Obama to be the exception by releasing his college transcripts to include law school. It is a private decision for any president or candidate to become president.

Now that The Donald is running for president, calling everybody else stupid while refusing to release his own academic records, it's become a double standard, Or no standards.

Calling President Barack Obama “the least transparent president in the history of this country” back in 2012, Trump offered to give $5 million to the charity of the president’s choosing if he released his college application and transcript.
But now that Trump himself is a candidate for president, he is not exactly volunteering the same transparency he once demanded of Obama.
By questioning the intelligence of his rivals, he is implying that he is smarter than they are. Very well, put your grades where you mouth is, Trump. Let us have a peek at how "great" you did at Wharton, and the other college you attended for two years, Fordham.


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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

Presidents rarely release their academic records. GW Bush suffered his college transcripts being leaked so we were all surprised to no end to find out George had managed to be as much as a C student.

Donald hollered for years about Barack Obama's birth certificate and for Prez Obama to be the exception by releasing his college transcripts to include law school. It is a private decision for any president or candidate to become president.

Now that The Donald is running for president, calling everybody else stupid while refusing to release his own academic records, it's become a double standard, Or no standards.

Calling President Barack Obama “the least transparent president in the history of this country” back in 2012, Trump offered to give $5 million to the charity of the president’s choosing if he released his college application and transcript.
But now that Trump himself is a candidate for president, he is not exactly volunteering the same transparency he once demanded of Obama.
By questioning the intelligence of his rivals, he is implying that he is smarter than they are. Very well, put your grades where you mouth is, Trump. Let us have a peek at how "great" you did at Wharton, and the other college you attended for two years, Fordham.


Some of the comments in that linked article are better than the article itself.

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One is encouraging of other posters around here at his own risk. wink.png

Actually, judging from the grossly out of bounds remarks in the article, one should nonetheless expect Trump was a straight-A student.

He said that Jeb Bush was "not a smart person" and Marco Rubio was "foolish and stupid." He called John McCain a "dummy." He said that Rick Perry should "take an IQ test."
Now he comes out and says Rand Paul is "a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain."
What is it with these sandbox epithets? Five year olds shout "stupid" and "dummy" at one another, not grown men seeking the most powerful office in the world.


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Trump has been making racist statements for years.

He questioned Obama's place of birth (America), yet he didn't question the place of birth of a white guy who ran for president, but was actually born in Panama.

True story, 555

...in a manger in a US naval base hospital.

I'd like to see Obama's school records. Any chance of that happening in our lifetimes?

By the time they're revealed, they'll be irrelevant...

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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement...

...as he should. Read the Hadith, Sira, and Koran. Afterward, you can voice your opinion. Until then, Kafir, you've nothing but ignorant mutterings about that which you do not understand.

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One is encouraging of other posters around here at his own risk. wink.png

Actually, judging from the grossly out of bounds remarks in the article, one should nonetheless expect Trump was a straight-A student.

He said that Jeb Bush was "not a smart person" and Marco Rubio was "foolish and stupid." He called John McCain a "dummy." He said that Rick Perry should "take an IQ test."
Now he comes out and says Rand Paul is "a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain."
What is it with these sandbox epithets? Five year olds shout "stupid" and "dummy" at one another, not grown men seeking the most powerful office in the world.


What is it with these sandbox epithets? Five year olds shout "stupid" and "dummy" at one another, not grown men seeking the most powerful office in the world.

And yet, this is exactly what appeals to the lowest common denominator of the American Public. This is the pablum that feeds the masses through the main steam media. Inquiring minds would hesitate....

There are few inquiring minds in this world, no less the United States of America, I would posit. And minds that do not inquire, are minds numb and dumb to the realities of the body politic.

You're about a "C" student Publicus. Impress me. Defend your agreements from this point on. I've an open ear.

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OK, Turnip, oops Trump is a fascist pig. For a few "inquiring minds" here is something to digest, some of you can't. Oh and perhaps we should talk about MENSA student Bush...lol. And to think, his younger brother is even dumber, but maybe not as brain damaged.


Only interesting part, which isn't saying much, was when the handler tamped down the Trump's stray hair, the whole "it's not a tupee" moved. laugh.png

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The "Trumpster" is anything but mainstream America. And oh so sorry, the fringe right wing lunatics are nowhere near a majority and never will be. In fact their numbers shrink every year. In spite of the gerrymandering, voter suppression and more than probably rigging the electronic voting, which should be done away with, they will not win the presidential election. Hopefully Hillary will be defeated in the primary and Bernie Sanders can bring some sanity to the White House and America, but on the other hand, anybody opposing the batshit crazy Republican clown bus can win. It is the right wing lunatic teabagger types that live in la la land, they are anything but mainstream.

So, how will this play (and I'm going to bookmark this and the post above it) out if Trump becomes POTUS? What will you batship lunar express people do then?

Trump got a big jump in the polls over what he said about Muslims. Polls show that a big majority of Americans agree with him, and that's not just Republicans. I posted a link in the past day or two showing that more than 2/3 of all Americans would prefer an armed neighborhood to one where guns aren't allowed.

You only think you are the mainstream. Trump will be the next POTUS because he is resonating with majority of Americans who are fed up with the status quo. Obama's popularity ratings are in the tank which bodes well for change, as history teaches us.

Trump is mainstream. You guys are the vocal minority.

Bookmarked your post.

I've started a competition to bookmark the most outrageous pro-Trump posts. By this time next year I'll have announced and re-posted win, place, show. The post is already an odds-on favorite to be one of 'em.


Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

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One is encouraging of other posters around here at his own risk. wink.png

Actually, judging from the grossly out of bounds remarks in the article, one should nonetheless expect Trump was a straight-A student.

He said that Jeb Bush was "not a smart person" and Marco Rubio was "foolish and stupid." He called John McCain a "dummy." He said that Rick Perry should "take an IQ test."
Now he comes out and says Rand Paul is "a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain."
What is it with these sandbox epithets? Five year olds shout "stupid" and "dummy" at one another, not grown men seeking the most powerful office in the world.


What is it with these sandbox epithets? Five year olds shout "stupid" and "dummy" at one another, not grown men seeking the most powerful office in the world.

And yet, this is exactly what appeals to the lowest common denominator of the American Public. This is the pablum that feeds the masses through the main steam media. Inquiring minds would hesitate....

There are few inquiring minds in this world, no less the United States of America, I would posit. And minds that do not inquire, are minds numb and dumb to the realities of the body politic.

You're about a "C" student Publicus. Impress me. Defend your agreements from this point on. I've an open ear.

Hey this is a smokin thread biggrin.png

I'd arrived late to it, so been reading it post by blow and I love seeing the right whinge getting its lights punched out across the keyboards. Knocked on its ear. I used to get suspended bi-monthly for this stuff. New day at TVF apparently and that's good news. thumbsup.gif

So you release your transcripts ace and I'll release mine clap2.gif

You first...wai.gif I have mine right here in the next room. Always happy to hand 'em out. smile.png


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That was a funny, perhaps Mr. Yawn you should read the rest. They aren't funny. Trump is a demigod fascist and a danger to the entire world. Oh hell, so is the whole what passes for the Republican party.

Because the troll video was desperately mistitled, which killed the legitamacy of your post, so I went no further.

Anyway, Trump is loud fart, easy to track, I'm concerned about the silent but deadly one - HRC.

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