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Trump's Muslim ban idea pushes GOP toward chaos


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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

This is demonstrably untrue. Muslims, under the ideological banner of Islam, have killed far more human beings than most wars combined, by most other armies, anywhere, everywhere. This is not hyperbole. An estimated 1/4 billion have died from the muslim Juggernaut across time (and this is the lower figure available). This is just the largest given slice in an unabated death march across time. One has to outright lie or disassemble to avoid the glaring facts that muslims have, under their warring banning, posed the greatest threat to human evolution the planet has ever known. Only pathogenic viruses have exceeded their killing numbers. I've no problems with enabling jihadi positions but outright lies must be confronted. In the absence of the ideology, these people that kill would not. Its not the people, its the mandate to war.

Americans are struggling to deal with an issue that all or many countries will invariably face shortly, in differing ways. But the equivocal argument you offer is vile. This is the problem with violence stalking within religion. It asserts a protective amulet to ward off circumspection. We actually have more muslims throughout the world protesting that people are protesting them then the voice they raise from all the terrorist acts combined! This unfortunate but timely announcement Trump made ignites the clue we have been looking for- "Where is the silent muslim majority?" Now we know they can here us screaming for their help they just haven't been responding. But yes, they can speak quite clearly!

I increasingly cannot accept my premise that there really is a very large silent moderate majority. Listen to the noise. They are outraged that they are cast into the only net their silence could cast them into, Trump's. Yet bombing after attack after pleading after imploring they offer no similar voice. This is amazing. UK has tons of signatures deploring that Americans are tired of being threatened by radical islam- Trump's inevitable statement. The muslim body speaks with one voice it seems... This clearly suggests the blind spot in our collective calculus. America has a very good formula in its laws to allow for the equal protections of all religions. However, it is not the religion of islam that is being inspected, it is the behavior of its adherents.




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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Linky while I listen to your ideas, and agree that the US seemingly caused ISIS in the recent term, it goes far further back than this to the redrawing of borders breaking up the Ottoman Empire after WW1 and imposing artificial nations on tribal people.Thus the Caliphate do not recognize the Iraq Syrian border.

I can't agree with "The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else" The 1980 war between the Muslim countries Iraq and Iran lost half a million soldiers for starters...


11 million Muslim-on-Muslim killings since 1948 (Statistics) written up 2013, how many more since (shia vs sunni) Surely you know this.....no?
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So when we had our second go, D-Day, we could have done it on our own...rolleyes.gif

Still off topic,

The Brits could have stayed at home, and let Russia roll over Western Europe.

Wouldn't have made any difference in the war against Germany.

Thing is the Tommie's and Yankies wouldn't stay home when they couldn't trust the Ruskies

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The second world war gentlemen? Really!

I do love the American elections because there is always so much passion, so many grievances and so many nutcases (on all sides) that float to the surface. The media, as always run the show whilst they wallow in the cesspit that is home grown politics and politicians. Most of us know what the outcome will be but thank god/Allah for the Trumps and Palins who are worth their weight in gold for their entertainment value.

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Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

Not really because circumcision is very popular in the U.S.

Among older men it's like 90 percent.

"Kids today" it's about 50 / 50.

But as far as "ethnic looks" yes Jews often look similar to typical Muslim ethnicities.

Jews look like Indonesians....I didn't know that.

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Every Republican has to play the fear factor. It's all they really all they have...fear. You better vote for me or (fill in the blank) is going to kill you. Only I can save you.

I don't think Trump winning the nomination would be a disaster for the Republicans. What's the difference between him and the rest of them? They're all in the same place on the issues. When Trump stumbles Cruz takes his place. Can anyone seriously argue that having Cruz win the nomination is better thing than Trump winning? Apparently, he's in first place in Iowa. Then there's Rubio, who's an idiot. And so on and so on. Doesn't matter. There is absolutely no prayer (I was going to say chance but I want to include the appeal to Jesus) of these guys becoming POTUS. Nada.

The whole election is a disaster for the Republicans. Fox News and the Tea Party did this by creating the Wingnut purity test. Republicans appeal only to other people who are afraid, mostly old white men.

My new favorite word is schadenfreude - enjoyment experienced from the pain of others. In this case, the pathetic hypocrites that are the republican party.

Do you hear that? The lemmings are whistling "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" as they march off a cliff.

Best election, ever. clap2.gif

The last two presidential elections the Republicans virtually always find a nominee who somehow finds a way to generate more votes for the Democracts than for themselves. Its funny to see them crap on themselves then ask What's That Smell?

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Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

I wouldn't either and I am neither Muslim nor Jew

Where can I apply for his new career position .... willy inspector.

Finally, a job I am overqualified for!

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Hmmm .... wonder how they would know that you are a Muslim? Would it be a circumcision test at boarder entry points? I guess the Jews would never stand for that.

Im afraid even that wont do it. In some islamic cultures it is not a requirement.

Islam is not just islam, there are a few types of it and interwoven to the culture.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Linky while I listen to your ideas, and agree that the US seemingly caused ISIS in the recent term, it goes far further back than this to the redrawing of borders breaking up the Ottoman Empire after WW1 and imposing artificial nations on tribal people.Thus the Caliphate do not recognize the Iraq Syrian border.

I can't agree with "The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else" The 1980 war between the Muslim countries Iraq and Iran lost half a million soldiers for starters...


11 million Muslim-on-Muslim killings since 1948 (Statistics) written up 2013, how many more since (shia vs sunni) Surely you know this.....no?

Yes i accept that. I meant muslims killing non muslims. But you are correct.

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The only two groups Trump hasn't insulted are Jews and his family members...

No. You're wrong.

He has insulted Jews and some of his family members are Jews.

So he's insulted everyone.

5 Cringeworthy Things Donald Trump Has Said About the Jews


Edited by Jingthing
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Trump is on the right track but he does not go far enough.....Muslims should be restricted from having access to American soil, now and for all time-STEP ONE

STEP TWO: a redux of WWII in Japan...Nuke the Middle East-selected targets...like Japan, they will then play nice, rebuild a new economy, and steal our patents,etc.....barbaric idea? Remember Hiroshima? seemed like the right idea at the time and still does today considering the other option-lose a million American and British soldiers in an unavoidable and protracted land war.

When dealing with 9th Century retards, collateral damage takes on the mantle of righteousness.....the infestation that is Islam requires swift and total barbaric 'justice'.......cowardly Libs need not apply.

Good post.

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For the sake and safety of the rest of the world I hope Trump decides its a lot easier and better for all if he instead banned Americans from leaving their country.

And here, in this comment, you see what lies at the core of the Trump hatred. It's not really Trump. People like Linky want to see damage done to the United States and favor any policy that inflicts it, such as moslem immigration. At bottom, Linky and the others with their one line denunciations of Trump simply hate America and Americans--as this post reveals.

And here, you see a comment that is taken by someone who has blinkers on.

The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

You managed to type all that with YOUR blinkers on? Well done, mate!

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Republicans and their party created this mess which I'd figure one could say is karma. Another way to say it is that the Republican party has shit the bed.

It started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" to realign the white southern vote to the Republican party. Then came the Moral Majority evangelical loonies. Reagan trying to reverse FDR's New Deal. Speaker of the House Newt the Toot Gingrich. GW Bush and his Dick Cheney. The tea party and more rightwingnut evangelical city clerks in Kentucky. Now comes Trump and his walls, another Bush talking war, the lightweight Rubio, another loudmouth Ted Cruz (from Canada) Etc etc.

So anyway....the Republicans are wallowing in their own....you know what.

These are today's lines on who the money says will be the R party nominee for prez, although this is presented knowing full well there's still a long way to go.....

Rubio is at 5-4 to win the nomination, which translates to a probability of 44.4%

Trump is at 5-2 which translates to 35%

Cruz is at 4-1 which is 20%

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is at 7-1 odds which is a 12% probability to win the R party nomination at its quadrennial national convention next summer. Looks like Jeb is not only already into a long cold winter, but it's shaping up like he'll have a long hot summer too.

Chris Christie weighs in at a hefty 16-1, or a percentage nomination probability of 5.88

The rest of 'em are even farther behind in the odds/probabilities. Carson is for example at 25-1 which translates into close your wallet now before you waste any more dough.

Present odds to be elected POTUS in November next year, also a long way away....

HR Clinton is at 8-11 which translates to the probability of 73% to be elected POTUS.

Rubio is at 4-1 which translates to the probability of 20% to become POTUS

Trump is at 5-1 or 16.6%

Cruz is at 12-1 which is 7.6%

Christie comes round at 14-1 which equals a 6.6% probability

John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is at 16-1 which means no more Bush wars (5.8%).

However, no voters have voted yet.

The Iowa caucuses are the first voting event, early in February. However, a caucus is not a polling station election. It is a gathering where interested people (who are anyway registered voters) assemble in a living room or a community center, or the back room of a social club, a church basement etc. A pre-chosen spokesperson for each candidate talks about his/her guy or gal. Then everyone present votes.

In the Democratic party Iowa caucuses participants raise their hands and three party officials count and confer to confirm the numbers for the candidates. In the Republican caucuses the vote is written confidentially on a party paper. Again, several R party people count and the totals are announced. In each party the captain of the meeting calls the result in to the the party head office of Iowa where all the votes are compiled and the results announced.

And the winner is..........

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Trump isn't a politician, he's an entertainer. Half of me wonders if he was to actually get the nomination he'd turn around and say "Nah, second thoughts just kidding...but that was FUN, FUN, FUN"

I'm still doubling down on my various prognostications, that sooner or later he will implode. He is certainly the phenomena of this uber crazy primary season, but the votes haven't started being cast yet. Apart from the true zealots, within the subset of zealots that actually vote in primaries, most don't actually make up their mind until two weeks before the primary.

Trump taps into a white blue collar segment who are angry. They are angry at their loss of status, earning capacity, change of demographics. Trouble is, Trump is the showman, doing what any fairground barker does, winds up the crowd, feeds them the raw meat, gets 'em Ready to Rumble

Now, all that being said, still holding to my Churchillian view 'Americans will always do the right thing, after exhausting all other possibilities' my love of the Republic & democracy still make me believe that at the end of the day the ultimate Republican nominee, wont be Donald J Trump.

I'm a Democrat, but I'm also a democrat, and the system needs sane participants if it's to survive...to my fellow Americans who may deludedly be Republicans, don't prove me wrong!

Edited by GinBoy2
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Trump isn't a politician, he's an entertainer. Half of me wonders if he was to actually get the nomination he'd turn around and say "Nah, second thoughts just kidding...but that was FUN, FUN, FUN"

That was the plan I think. Employed as a shill to make all the other runners seem not so crazy but.... a serious but. The Republicans may well have unleashed a monster that they cannot control. I noticed earlier that he said there is no way he is getting out of the race which means they are screwed either way.

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When obama was running the media was all over him about pastor Right and The Donald was trying to say he was muslim with his birther rants. But Donald Trump was accused by his wife of spousal rape.I have never seen the media cover this. Trump throw a rock... no worries. Trump throw a boomerang then you just might get hit in the back of your rug.

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When obama was running the media was all over him about pastor Right and The Donald was trying to say he was muslim with his birther rants. But Donald Trump was accused by his wife of spousal rape.I have never seen the media cover this. Trump throw a rock... no worries. Trump throw a boomerang then you just might get hit in the back of your rug.

I'm assuming you are referring to Ivana Trump.

Well that lurid little tale was a focal point of a book back in the 90's. The story is sort of dead, since as I recall the only person that could talk about it is Ivana, and she, as part of her divorce settlement cannot discuss Donald J Trump, without obtaining his permission first!

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The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Wrong, Muslims have killed over 250 million since the violent creed was spawned, Islam caused ISIS, not the USA. Trump was not talking about a permanent ban on Muslim immigration, just a temporary one. Did the USA still allow Japanese immigration in WW2? I don't think so and even had Japanese rounded up and put into camps. The west is at war with Islamic fanatics and many Muslims do want to conquer the west, despite wishful thinking liberals and apologists denials.

Edited by jacky54
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Trump now threatening to stand as an independent taking his supporters with him thus splitting the Republican vote. Virtually handing the election to the Democrats before they have even started campaigning.


Nice one Donald.

It wasn't going to make any difference. The election is going to be disaster for Republicans no matter who they prop up there.

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I think it is a foregone conclusion that the GOP will not win the presidency and anybody in their right mind who fancies their chances at being the next Republican President will be keeping their powder dry for at least the next 4 years... and probably longer now the the current bunch of clowns on the nomination platform is destroying the party from within.

America has one of the best political systems in the world. Based on the fact that popular vote means nothing. Electoral vote swings to the favor of whomever is lucky enough to get it.

If you don't believe this...please name (first, middle and last name) of every electoral college delegate. You cannot....because they are anonymous. They have the duty to cast their vote in order with poplular vote (us..that have names)...but can do whatever they so please.

All this, because......back in the day (when we threw George the Fat out....) our founding fathers saw that people could be bribed to vote in any direction.

Electoral........its not up to us.

By the way...my vote was never counted anyways. We had a military officervwho campaiged all the active duty servicemen to do absentee ballots. These were never included (case in point.. George Bush Jr.). Electoral vote in Florida before the absentee ballots were even counted. We also had officeers appointed to collect for charities..(which was a mandatory obligation). In the early seventies...we were paid a pittance...and many were sent to their final duty...but why tax us without representation? And why force charity money...why not the ones that are not sent? I love my country..but hate some of these rules.

The reason I love being american...is I can say all this...without fear. Public knowledge...that few foreigners would even understand.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Wrong, Muslims have killed over 250 million since the violent creed was spawned, Islam caused ISIS, not the USA. Trump was not talking about a permanent ban on Muslim immigration, just a temporary one. Did the USA still allow Japanese immigration in WW2? I don't think so and even had Japanese rounded up and put into camps. The west is at war with Islamic fanatics and many Muslims do want to conquer the west, despite wishful thinking liberals and apologists denials.

They banned the japanese by looking at their japanese passport, not Shinto believers...

How will you scan muslim?

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Is there a box to indicate religion on a US visa application?

Applying for residence/work permit in the middle east, I had to declare my religion. They don't care if you like the question or not. The young Arab full of nationalistic pride would have no problem tossing the app in the bin, Ma Salama, MF'er. I put none and that provided a few interesting interactions, all very polite on the surface of course.

The US can do whatever it wants and it should. They had their great Ellis Island melting pot period taking in the huddled masses. Nothing demands that in perpetuity. US doesn't owe anybody anything.

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The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

You should of stayed home...as your statements are the whackiest ones I have ever read.

Americans have killed more bad guys than anyone else would be more correct. Which is commendable.

Are you limiting this to non muslim being killers In the last decade..or in the history of mankind?

I could mention Alexander the Great, Julius Ceasar, Genghis Kahn, The Holy Roman Empire (yeah dufus...even King Richard)...the domination of the world by England...and the failure we called Hitler.

Give us break...get some kind of reference/knowledge...and quit regurgitating nonsense.

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The US has killed a lot more muslims than muslims killed anyone else. The US caused ISIS. The world would be a lot safer if Americans were not allowed out. Americans are more likely to be targeted, it is best they stay home.

Wrong, Muslims have killed over 250 million since the violent creed was spawned, Islam caused ISIS, not the USA. Trump was not talking about a permanent ban on Muslim immigration, just a temporary one. Did the USA still allow Japanese immigration in WW2? I don't think so and even had Japanese rounded up and put into camps. The west is at war with Islamic fanatics and many Muslims do want to conquer the west, despite wishful thinking liberals and apologists denials.

They banned the japanese by looking at their japanese passport, not Shinto believers...

How will you scan muslim?

Ask them to swear on the Koran that they are not?

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