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Trump’s comments condemned by Muslims around the world


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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

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What Trump said was reprehensible, arrogant, racist, ugly, and reveals who this hate monger true is.

But, the fact remains, that those same moderate Muslims who are adamantly speaking out against Trump for these racist comments, are quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to condemning the super freaks who are raining terror upon the world. Where is their condemnation of that? Why so quiet? It reeks of complicity and sympathy, to the average person. While people are being slaughtered, young girls are getting kidnapped and raped, and countries are getting thrown into chaos, where is the Muslim community, and the Muslim world standing, in regard to that? Why are we hearing so little?

I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.

Why don't we see million man marches, amongst the Muslim community, decrying the super freaks amongst them? I do not expect this from degenerate nations like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. But, I do expect it from relatively moderate nations like Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, and many others. So far, the only one who is really speaking out is the King of Jordan, and he is a hero. But, where are the other leaders on all of this?

This is a favorite bullshit argument of the xenophobic right. This gets repeated over and over.

Let's try again: Every single Muslim organization in the US has vehemently condemned the violence. They are a religion of peace.

Why don't all the Christian "forced birthers" march for the victims of Planned Parenthood violence?

"We" don't need to hear the apology. We know where Muslims stand on the violence, bruv.

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What Trump said was reprehensible, arrogant, racist, ugly, and reveals who this hate monger true is.

But, the fact remains, that those same moderate Muslims who are adamantly speaking out against Trump for these racist comments, are quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to condemning the super freaks who are raining terror upon the world. Where is their condemnation of that? Why so quiet? It reeks of complicity and sympathy, to the average person. While people are being slaughtered, young girls are getting kidnapped and raped, and countries are getting thrown into chaos, where is the Muslim community, and the Muslim world standing, in regard to that? Why are we hearing so little?

I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.

Why don't we see million man marches, amongst the Muslim community, decrying the super freaks amongst them? I do not expect this from degenerate nations like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. But, I do expect it from relatively moderate nations like Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, and many others. So far, the only one who is really speaking out is the King of Jordan, and he is a hero. But, where are the other leaders on all of this?

This is a favorite bullshit argument of the xenophobic right. This gets repeated over and over.

Let's try again: Every single Muslim organization in the US has vehemently condemned the violence. They are a religion of peace.

Why don't all the Christian "forced birthers" march for the victims of Planned Parenthood violence?

"We" don't need to hear the apology. We know where Muslims stand on the violence, bruv.

Well, I am definitely not a member of the right. I have never voted Republican in my life. So, you got the wrong guy. I was not referring to the several tens of millions of Muslims that live in the US. I was referring to the well over a billion Muslims worldwide, who have been quite a a church mouse and are NOT speaking out. Very, very few of them are speaking out, nor are their governments, their leaders, and their Imans. Very, very few. Too few. Way too few.

And I do not need to hear an apology. I need to hear a complete denunciation. I need to hear moderate Muslims, who I have always defended, and who I count many as my friends, say we are not going along with this ridiculous, murderous nonsense. They are not us. We do not support them, nor anything they are doing! I need to head that. So do billions worldwide. This is a HUGE reason why people are so angry right now. They are NOT hearing this.

Are you not paying attention? Did you read the rants on this thread? Do you not see how angry the average non Muslim is at this very moment in time? And that anger is building. And there is a chance that this anger will be directed at a lot of innocent, moderate people, if they do not speak out SOON!

We do not know where Muslims stand on the violence! Are you one of the quiet ones, perhaps? If so raise your voice. If not, do some research. We are at the tipping point.

And I am not your bruv, ok?

Edited by spidermike007
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I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.


Always seen it that way, but I suppose the Muslims I know, i.e. the same Muslims everyone is referring to when writing "I've got Muslim friends...", to fend off shouts of racism (when actually being bigot... or not)

are Muslims who keep their faith private and it's actually not really a faith anymore but mere cultural traditions. Like most western Christians hold it: you put up a Christmas tree, drag the family to church that

one time of the year, when it's Easter you maybe decorate the house a little and that was it. Maybe charity you book down on being a good Christian, when you might as well do it as a good person.

That is what Islam needs to degenerate into; or evolve into, depending on how you see it. And those are the Muslims, that will blend into society and will be nothing to worry about, you would not notice them, and why?

Speak out? Just vented a little anger on my Facebook-page in German about this week's alleged terrorist incursion into Thailand, nothing bad, just saying if you got Islam (obviously meaning the nutters and the

non-moderate masses that spawn them) in a country there was bound to be trouble, explicitly taking out the moderate masses in clear words, and got lambasted within the hour.

I'd have to say, the US have it better. Starting with not having 5-8% already in the country like some EU-states, I don't mean only the above nice guys.

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As usual, when the owners of the media wish to trash someone, they take his words out of context.

Essentially what he said is that the barring of Muslims entering the US would be temporary until the US government straightens out its immigration policies.

This article is about a few knee-jerk reactions from unreliable sources.

Due to the fact that both major political parties in the US hate him, I am totally for President Trump in '16.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....

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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

They're not that stupid when there is an easy way out, and a nice civil war in your home country gives you a refugee status that opens the gates to some rich country

that would not have dreamed of letting you in on what probably will be a permanent basis with the level of education prevalent in your home country.

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I was working at Dubai Women's College when 9/11 took place, and Arab "colleagues" from across the Arab world said the American civilians had it coming. So much for their humanity, compassion and denouncing of terrorism. not going to happen, ever. Also, some of my "students" were in total denial--it was all a US conspiracy to make Muslims look bad. But that didn't stop them form placing Osama bin Laden on their desktop wallpaper.

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I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.


Always seen it that way, but I suppose the Muslims I know, i.e. the same Muslims everyone is referring to when writing "I've got Muslim friends...", to fend off shouts of racism (when actually being bigot... or not)

are Muslims who keep their faith private and it's actually not really a faith anymore but mere cultural traditions. Like most western Christians hold it: you put up a Christmas tree, drag the family to church that

one time of the year, when it's Easter you maybe decorate the house a little and that was it. Maybe charity you book down on being a good Christian, when you might as well do it as a good person.

That is what Islam needs to degenerate into; or evolve into, depending on how you see it. And those are the Muslims, that will blend into society and will be nothing to worry about, you would not notice them, and why?

Speak out? Just vented a little anger on my Facebook-page in German about this week's alleged terrorist incursion into Thailand, nothing bad, just saying if you got Islam (obviously meaning the nutters and the

non-moderate masses that spawn them) in a country there was bound to be trouble, explicitly taking out the moderate masses in clear words, and got lambasted within the hour.

I'd have to say, the US have it better. Starting with not having 5-8% already in the country like some EU-states, I don't mean only the above nice guys.

Yes, and they're better integrated than in Europe, and they generally like personal freedom more than conducting Sharia patrols. That's why I resent Trump trying to alienate the good ones we do have.

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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

These are very good points. Why are the Muslims nations not involved in the fight against the extremists?

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What Trump said was reprehensible, arrogant, racist, ugly, and reveals who this hate monger true is.

But, the fact remains, that those same moderate Muslims who are adamantly speaking out against Trump for these racist comments, are quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to condemning the super freaks who are raining terror upon the world. Where is their condemnation of that? Why so quiet? It reeks of complicity and sympathy, to the average person. While people are being slaughtered, young girls are getting kidnapped and raped, and countries are getting thrown into chaos, where is the Muslim community, and the Muslim world standing, in regard to that? Why are we hearing so little?

I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.

Why don't we see million man marches, amongst the Muslim community, decrying the super freaks amongst them? I do not expect this from degenerate nations like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. But, I do expect it from relatively moderate nations like Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, and many others. So far, the only one who is really speaking out is the King of Jordan, and he is a hero. But, where are the other leaders on all of this?

This is a favorite bullshit argument of the xenophobic right. This gets repeated over and over.

Let's try again: Every single Muslim organization in the US has vehemently condemned the violence. They are a religion of peace.

Why don't all the Christian "forced birthers" march for the victims of Planned Parenthood violence?

"We" don't need to hear the apology. We know where Muslims stand on the violence, bruv.

Well, I am definitely not a member of the right. I have never voted Republican in my life. So, you got the wrong guy. I was not referring to the several tens of millions of Muslims that live in the US. I was referring to the well over a billion Muslims worldwide, who have been quite a a church mouse and are NOT speaking out. Very, very few of them are speaking out, nor are their governments, their leaders, and their Imans. Very, very few. Too few. Way too few.

And I do not need to hear an apology. I need to hear a complete denunciation. I need to hear moderate Muslims, who I have always defended, and who I count many as my friends, say we are not going along with this ridiculous, murderous nonsense. They are not us. We do not support them, nor anything they are doing! I need to head that. So do billions worldwide. This is a HUGE reason why people are so angry right now. They are NOT hearing this.

Are you not paying attention? Did you read the rants on this thread? Do you not see how angry the average non Muslim is at this very moment in time? And that anger is building. And there is a chance that this anger will be directed at a lot of innocent, moderate people, if they do not speak out SOON!

We do not know where Muslims stand on the violence! Are you one of the quiet ones, perhaps? If so raise your voice. If not, do some research. We are at the tipping point.

And I am not your bruv, ok?

Hey bruv - you're repeating the bullshit xenophobic argument, "Why aren't they speaking out?" No one has to speak out against the violence to your or anyones standards. You don't see the Muslims dancing in the streets, do you?

A religion or any group doesn't have to apologize for the actions of a few crazies. It doesn't work that way. No one gets to condemn a religion for the actions of a few and that's what the Republicans LOVE to do.

Does the Pope have to apologize when a Planned Parenthood Clinic is attacked? How is that different?

Your "I'm a Muslim supporter but..." argument is bullshit.

Here is a fact: It's much more likely you'll killed by lightning in America than a Muslim terrorist attack. Stop the ridiculous "Why aren't they speaking out..." rhetoric.

You know who is angry? The wingnuts, but they're always angry...and afraid. And that's what all this xenophobic rhetoric is about...fear. Call it anger but it's fear.

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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

These are very good points. Why are the Muslims nations not involved in the fight against the extremists?

Iran is, to a limited degree. They are Shia, so naturally oppose fundamentally Sunni IS.

Most Muslim states around are Sunni and see little reason helping the Shia-dominated government in Bagdad or Assad (Shia/Baht-party) out.

Jordan did some military strikes there, you might remember they had a plane shot down and the pilot massacred. But Jordan is tiny, so is Lebanon.

Britain tried training a battalion of Libyans in Britain, until discipline broke down; maybe had it too cozy. The US tried training some "moderated Muslim resistance fighters"

from Libya they otherwise would not have touched with a 10-foot pole... went to nothing.

The only Muslims really putting up a fight are the Kurds in northern Syria with support from Turkish Kurds and German weapons and trainers, seems to work.

And speaking of the Turkish Kurds, there always is Turkey with everyone's favourite nutter-in-chief who apparently will accept everything because that might end Assad.

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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

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Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?

London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think it’s important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."

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KhaoNiaw, on 09 Dec 2015 - 12:26, said:

Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?


London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think it’s important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."


I could give you first hand accounts of police ( non ) actions that you would not believe.

A briefing from the met police would be as reliable as a Sun newspaper poll.

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As expected: the Trump- followers and right wingnuts on the forum, make up BS ("No Muslim ever condemned blah blah blah...") to cement their intolerant and bigot world view!

Discussing any subject of matter with you guys, is like talking to a brick wall...only less entertaining!

Vote for Trump!

I hope, you get what you deserve!

Well at least they would get a patriot for president in place of an appeasing, gutless Islamic ass licker

It's rather ignorant to call the POTUS a gutless Islamic ass kisser. You obviously don't understand that the USA cannot go it along in this world. It needs to sell its products to others, of which the nearly 2 billion muslims are the others. The USA also needs to import rare items from others, including muslims. The USA also needs muslims to help it in its clashes against China and Russia or else the USA will risk being relegated to 2nd tier status very quickly.

How is Trump a patriot? Did he volunteer for any service during the Vietnam war? He didn't have to serve in a combat role. There were medical and rehab positions available for conscientious objectors and pacifists. How about Desert Storm? Did he support any relief efforts for troops deployed in Afghanistan or during the 2nd Iraq war? How exactly is he a patriot? A patriot would pay his fair share of tax, not engage in elaborate loophole use. Yes, I know the loopholes are legal. Has Trump endowed the USA with anything significant? Bill Gates has given hundreds of millions. Even Warren Buffett has done more.

I happen to be fond of the Donald. I don't believe he is a bigot, and I actually believe he is a caring man. He has always advocated that the poor be given an opportunity to improve their lot in life, and was an advocate of national health care long before Mitt Romney the former GOP presidential candidate implemented it in Massachusetts. He's not an extremist despite the rhetoric and he's much smarter than the rest of the GOP candidates. However, the fact of the matter is that he hasn't really been that charitable or patriotic or brilliant.

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KhaoNiaw, on 09 Dec 2015 - 12:26, said:

Trump is using the same scaremongering lies that Fox were spouting a few months ago. Why not state a genuine case without the ignorance and lies? Or does he actually believe this? Do people who support Trump think this is true?


London's Metropolitan Police weighed in, rejecting the suggestion that there were areas in the city that officers were too scared to patrol.

"We would not normally dignify such comments with a response, however on this occasion we think it’s important to state to Londoners that Mr. Trump could not be more wrong," a spokeswoman for the police said in a statement. She offered Trump a tutorial: "Any candidate for the presidential election in the United States of America is welcome to receive a briefing from the Met Police on the reality of policing London."


I could give you first hand accounts of police ( non ) actions that you would not believe.

A briefing from the met police would be as reliable as a Sun newspaper poll.

Of course I'd believe it. Been there, done that.

It doesn't make what Trump said anything like reality. Just because the Met is full of BS doesn't mean Trump knows anything about London.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

These are very good points. Why are the Muslims nations not involved in the fight against the extremists?

So far as 'boots on the ground' neither Assad or the Iraqi government want combat infantry from foreign Sunni nations for obvious reasons. Local Kurds, Iranian Shiites and some others are permitted so long as they are affiliated to the ruling parties and not seen as a threat to their power base or let's say perceived as manageable.

There are of course contributions from Sunni nations air forces, but for example KSA has prioritised deploying air power against Iranian sponsored Yemeni Shia forces. KSA recently had to place orders worth billion plus dollars on the US to replenish their air delivered munitions expended in Yemen.

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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

Thats a huge downside to it. Also, not all muslims have multiple wives, it really is only for those that can afford it. You must also have a willing first wife, she gets the final say.

I have a friend who took a second wife and after a year the first wife had had enough so divorced him. Also with many club memberships etc the family membership is only for the first wife, the others dont get the membership benefits.

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What Trump said was reprehensible, arrogant, racist, ugly, and reveals who this hate monger true is.

But, the fact remains, that those same moderate Muslims who are adamantly speaking out against Trump for these racist comments, are quiet as a church mouse, when it comes to condemning the super freaks who are raining terror upon the world. Where is their condemnation of that? Why so quiet? It reeks of complicity and sympathy, to the average person. While people are being slaughtered, young girls are getting kidnapped and raped, and countries are getting thrown into chaos, where is the Muslim community, and the Muslim world standing, in regard to that? Why are we hearing so little?

I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting sick and tired of how quiet they have been, with regard to the killers amongst them. Speak out. Speak out now. Speak out loudly, and vociferously, or forever hold your last vestiges of peace. The time has come to step up. Every man, woman and child needs to speak out, and condemn what is being done, and to condemn the hijacking of their faith, by the infidel murderers. And we need to hear it. The media needs to report it.

Why don't we see million man marches, amongst the Muslim community, decrying the super freaks amongst them? I do not expect this from degenerate nations like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. But, I do expect it from relatively moderate nations like Lebanon, Egypt, Indonesia, and many others. So far, the only one who is really speaking out is the King of Jordan, and he is a hero. But, where are the other leaders on all of this?

This is a favorite bullshit argument of the xenophobic right. This gets repeated over and over.

Let's try again: Every single Muslim organization in the US has vehemently condemned the violence. They are a religion of peace.

Why don't all the Christian "forced birthers" march for the victims of Planned Parenthood violence?

"We" don't need to hear the apology. We know where Muslims stand on the violence, bruv.

Well, I am definitely not a member of the right. I have never voted Republican in my life. So, you got the wrong guy. I was not referring to the several tens of millions of Muslims that live in the US. I was referring to the well over a billion Muslims worldwide, who have been quite a a church mouse and are NOT speaking out. Very, very few of them are speaking out, nor are their governments, their leaders, and their Imans. Very, very few. Too few. Way too few.

And I do not need to hear an apology. I need to hear a complete denunciation. I need to hear moderate Muslims, who I have always defended, and who I count many as my friends, say we are not going along with this ridiculous, murderous nonsense. They are not us. We do not support them, nor anything they are doing! I need to head that. So do billions worldwide. This is a HUGE reason why people are so angry right now. They are NOT hearing this.

Are you not paying attention? Did you read the rants on this thread? Do you not see how angry the average non Muslim is at this very moment in time? And that anger is building. And there is a chance that this anger will be directed at a lot of innocent, moderate people, if they do not speak out SOON!

We do not know where Muslims stand on the violence! Are you one of the quiet ones, perhaps? If so raise your voice. If not, do some research. We are at the tipping point.

And I am not your bruv, ok?

Hey bruv - you're repeating the bullshit xenophobic argument, "Why aren't they speaking out?" No one has to speak out against the violence to your or anyones standards. You don't see the Muslims dancing in the streets, do you?

A religion or any group doesn't have to apologize for the actions of a few crazies. It doesn't work that way. No one gets to condemn a religion for the actions of a few and that's what the Republicans LOVE to do.

Does the Pope have to apologize when a Planned Parenthood Clinic is attacked? How is that different?

Your "I'm a Muslim supporter but..." argument is bullshit.

Here is a fact: It's much more likely you'll killed by lightning in America than a Muslim terrorist attack. Stop the ridiculous "Why aren't they speaking out..." rhetoric.

You know who is angry? The wingnuts, but they're always angry...and afraid. And that's what all this xenophobic rhetoric is about...fear. Call it anger but it's fear.

The degree to which you are wrong, is astonishing, and continues to bear out my argument. When you say only the wing nuts are angry, that gives away your lack of knowledge, insight, wisdom, and clarity on this very important issue. The moderates DO have to speak out. You know why? Nearly all of my moderate, kind hearted, compassionate, middle of the road friends, are starting to call for blood. These are not Trump or Bush supporters. These are artists, and liberals. These are very angry folks, who are starting to wonder why the moderate Muslims are not acting, and fighting and screaming their lungs out, about these atrocities being committed in their names.

You (not bruv) are not getting it yet. But you will. Just give it a bit more time. And as to:

A religion or any group doesn't have to apologize for the actions of a few crazies. It doesn't work that way. No one gets to condemn a religion for the actions of a few and that's what the Republicans LOVE to do.

Incorrect. When an insurgency gets to the level it has risen to, many need to apologize, and distance themselves from the crazies. Same as Germany in 1937. How many were speaking out?

Does the Pope have to apologize when a Planned Parenthood Clinic is attacked? How is that different?

If there were tens of thousands of Christians out there blowing up cities, in the name of Christianity, you had better believe the Pope would make a statement about it. And so would hundreds of other leaders. There is a zero percent chance they would not.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


Sharia legal system

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.

From wikipedia

here something more to read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_religion_in_Malaysia#Apostasy_under_state_law

That 550 were denied the change means something...and it is only allowed in one state.


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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

These are very good points. Why are the Muslims nations not involved in the fight against the extremists?

So far as 'boots on the ground' neither Assad or the Iraqi government want combat infantry from foreign Sunni nations for obvious reasons. Local Kurds, Iranian Shiites and some others are permitted so long as they are affiliated to the ruling parties and not seen as a threat to their power base or let's say perceived as manageable.

There are of course contributions from Sunni nations air forces, but for example KSA has prioritised deploying air power against Iranian sponsored Yemeni Shia forces. KSA recently had to place orders worth billion plus dollars on the US to replenish their air delivered munitions expended in Yemen.

But an argument could easily be made that the entire Yemeni campaign is about maintaining the status quo in Saudi Arabia. They cannot afford to let it get much further out of hand. The Saudis have never been involved in anything noble in their history, have they?

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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

Multiple wives sound fun when they are all young....but when they are all 50 and overweight you regret to have married multiple.

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Muslims are right to condemn Trumps remarks. He's a kook. On the other hand, I would like to see more Muslims of fighting age in uniform, on the ground, kicking the crap out of Isis. Isil. Daesh -- whatever the flavor of the month hate freaks are calling themselves now. MUM -- Man up Muslims!

These are very good points. Why are the Muslims nations not involved in the fight against the extremists?

So far as 'boots on the ground' neither Assad or the Iraqi government want combat infantry from foreign Sunni nations for obvious reasons. Local Kurds, Iranian Shiites and some others are permitted so long as they are affiliated to the ruling parties and not seen as a threat to their power base or let's say perceived as manageable.

There are of course contributions from Sunni nations air forces, but for example KSA has prioritised deploying air power against Iranian sponsored Yemeni Shia forces. KSA recently had to place orders worth billion plus dollars on the US to replenish their air delivered munitions expended in Yemen.

But an argument could easily be made that the entire Yemeni campaign is about maintaining the status quo in Saudi Arabia. They cannot afford to let it get much further out of hand. The Saudis have never been involved in anything noble in their history, have they?

What dictatorship acts outside of the their self interest, ain't unique to KSA

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I have a problem with Trumps position. What of the secular, the gays, women desiring a western lifestyle, what of minority sects that reject violence? There is a huge operational problem though, how to sort out those compatible with the U.S and those who are not?

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I have the solution : we must all convert to Muslim...

I m converted already.

Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

Thats a huge downside to it. Also, not all muslims have multiple wives, it really is only for those that can afford it. You must also have a willing first wife, she gets the final say.

I have a friend who took a second wife and after a year the first wife had had enough so divorced him. Also with many club memberships etc the family membership is only for the first wife, the others dont get the membership benefits.

How many husbands can a wife have?

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Let's do it. I'd fit right in, in my neighborhood.

Except for the no pork and booze and all the prayer, I'm down with the multiple wives though.

Multiple wives mean multiple mothers in law.

Thats a huge downside to it. Also, not all muslims have multiple wives, it really is only for those that can afford it. You must also have a willing first wife, she gets the final say.

I have a friend who took a second wife and after a year the first wife had had enough so divorced him. Also with many club memberships etc the family membership is only for the first wife, the others dont get the membership benefits.

How many husbands can a wife have?

I know a Thai guy here with five wives. It seems to be about how many you can afford, and how many you can put up with. I myself cannot imagine more than one. But, some like their lives very complicated and expensive.

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