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EP's foreign affairs chairman reiterates invitation to Yingluck important


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I stand by my original comment which you trolled.

The junta is making $4!t up and they do it every day.

Adios. coffee1.gif

Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in Europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

no such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


Edited by rubl
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If they really wanted to talk to her so badly they could have come here. If they just wanted to speak to the opposition they could have called her brother or another redshirt leader. They seem to be trying to force her exit from Thailand for reasons whereas there are other solutions to get what information they want. Besides, if she went there she would need her entourage with her to tell her what to say or how to answer them. Unless they want some shopping advice

The former Prime Minister of Thailand, who was democratically elected, would be addressing hundreds of EP MPs, academics, business investors and NGOs who have influence in any decision(s) to sanction Thailand for its labour practices, human trafficking and human rights abuses. She would be answering their questions.

It seems some people don't understand that Thailand is sitting on the edge of the abyss of sanctions.

Uhm, Ms. Yingluck was invited by two gentlemen who are MEPs. The current development suggests an exchange of views with the Commission on Foreign Affairs. Important and at the earliest, imagine.

Ms. Yingluck is not invited to speak before the EP, therefore she wouldn't be addressing hundreds of MEPs. Furthermore I have no idea where the non-MEPs like architects, business investors etc., etc. suddenly come from.

BTW on 2015-10-08 we had

"12. Takes note of the measures taken by the Thai Government to comply with minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and to put an end to endemic modern-day slavery in the supply chain of its fishing industry; encourages the government to implement these measures as a matter of urgency and to step up its efforts;"


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Since some have it that Ms. Yingluck appearing before the EP is so really urgent and important, may I ask if some one can point out to me where on the EP web site there is any mention of this important event?


I mean talking about EP we talk about democracy, transparency, responsibility and accountability. So surely such would be documented?

Who said that Yingluck appearing before the EP was urgent and important? Which posters?

Anyway, one minute you insist it was a private invitation, now you want us to look at the official website. Which is it to be, not that you ever give a direct answer to any question you may wish to wriggle out of at a later point.

Yes baboon, got you confused did I? Excuses, terribly sorry and all that.

Just go back to reading posts of posters you like, that should get you on the right track again. May I recommend you do so 'at your earliest convenience' ?

As I thought. No answers, and you know what you can do with any recommendations of yours.

Lack of objective, sensible comments suggests you have none. Therefore the distractions.

So, from 'if possible and convenient' to 'important and at the earliest', allegedly. No copy of the letter to the Thai Ambassador seen yet.

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Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

so such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


So EP letter head, they mentioned the EP in their letter, and somehow you thought it was a private exchange. Pray tell, why did all of the newspapers come to a different conclusion ? One that is confirmed by the second letter I might add.

Maybe you should address your complaints at the two MP's and ask them to be more specific next time, so that even people that are extremely biased and have utter contempt for the person addressed in the letter don't have to post many messages on here trying to downplay the significance of the invitation ?

Now can we stop the broken record please, we are well beyond that now.

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

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well, let's just say that this OP leaves little to the imagination, even for nitpickers such as you.

I understand for a Junta supporter such as you it is almost impossible to understand why the EP would even be interested in a "proxy" such as Yingluck. And your vain attempts at downplaying the invitation with silly reasons have been noted, the problem is, it's not working, quite on the contrary, it just shows your bias and achieves absolutely nothing. Maybe the mad monk believes you, the rest of the world doesn't .

The OP makes it clear that someone seems to have realised his mistake and now uses his position of Chairman of the EP Commission of Foreign Affairs to tell the government of thailand via it's representative in Brussels (i.e. the Ambassador) that he stresses the importance of having Ms. Yingluck for an exchange of views 'at the earliest'. Imagine Ms. Yingluck would rather spent the festive season with her husband and son than some grumpy old men in Brussels or Strasbourg. I assume the next step would be threads of sanctions, the UN and maybe a planeload of German Paratroopers?

Of course some may think that for the functioning of the EP and possibly the survival of the E.C. it is of utmost importance Ms. Yingluck comes to Europe ASAP, but that seems to be stressing the truth a bit too much. Silly reasons indeed.

As for the personel attacks, well I'm getting used to it. Just shows you have no objective arguments to address the issues I raise.

Personal attack ? Hmm I don't see any. My accusation that you are trying to downplay this is accurate and for all to see. The original letter didn't leave much to the imagination and the Nation and Bangkok Post got it right the first time, the OP is testament to that. It was never just about meeting two "private persons" as you claimed.

Now as to the functioning of the EP, I don't think you need to worry about it anymore than you need to worry about the survival of the EC. The worries are about the state of affairs in Thailand, as they are regarded by many as sad and unacceptable.

The junta could've just let her go, that way this reminder would not have been necessary, I guess the junta is not comfortable with Yingluck expressing views outside of Thailand where draconian measures for anyone speaking their mind are absent...

The original letter might give the impression that THE EP invited Ms. Yingluck, but actually only two of it's MEPs did so. They didn't even indicate that they were MEPs. To be honest I even had to look up who these two gentlemen were and no doubt many of the posters here would have done the same.

Now there's news that the 'if possible and convenient' is 'important and at the earliest'. Allegedly in the OP. I guess I'll wait for a copy of the letter.

As for the Thai government could have let her go, well the court rejected Ms. Yinglucks request. Do you want the government to interfere in justice? Ms. Yingluck herself asked for justice and a chance to explain her RPPS in court.

Edited by rubl
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Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

so such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


So EP letter head, they mentioned the EP in their letter, and somehow you thought it was a private exchange. Pray tell, why did all of the newspapers come to a different conclusion ? One that is confirmed by the second letter I might add.

Maybe you should address your complaints at the two MP's and ask them to be more specific next time, so that even people that are extremely biased and have utter contempt for the person addressed in the letter don't have to post many messages on here trying to downplay the significance of the invitation ?

Now can we stop the broken record please, we are well beyond that now.

So, mis-use of European Parliament property (a sheet of EP paper with EP letter head). Text suggesting the EP is writing this or did ask the two gentlemen to write this. The two gentlemen sign by name only.

It would seem the letter says more by suggestion than by what's written.

BTW if you think I post too much feel free to report this to the moderators. You may tell them I post my opinion which is not your opinion and therefore should be removed. That's really democratic.

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

and telling her that she's accountable resulted in her facebook page with "democracy died today".

As for amnesty, well Ms. Yingluck tried that with her blanket amnesty bill which covered her own two years in office. As if she knew she needed it.

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Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

so such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


So EP letter head, they mentioned the EP in their letter, and somehow you thought it was a private exchange. Pray tell, why did all of the newspapers come to a different conclusion ? One that is confirmed by the second letter I might add.

Maybe you should address your complaints at the two MP's and ask them to be more specific next time, so that even people that are extremely biased and have utter contempt for the person addressed in the letter don't have to post many messages on here trying to downplay the significance of the invitation ?

Now can we stop the broken record please, we are well beyond that now.

No chance of that. He's your new best pal now. He isn't going anywhere...??
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I really wonder; Are these expats who regularly taunt YL for being stupid, so intelligent that they have the capacity to give speeches to an international forum in Thai? I doubt very much they could understand a short, simple speech by YL in Thai, let alone express their own ideas fluently.

What if it's a back and forth discussion / Q and A. Do you think she could really handle that, in any language?


She is a very competent speaker in Thai.

I regularly listen to Thai Parliament to hone my language skills and have heard her give perfectly adequate addresses to the House of Representatives on many occasions.

She isn't as polished as Abhisit, a lifelong politician, who has never worked a day in his privileged (meaning of his name) life.

Compare that to her CV;

2006-2011: Chairman, SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited, a property development business with top ten ranking in Thailand and classified as "Excellent" amongst listed companies in the property and construction sector

Wide-ranging experiences in Branding, Corporate Culture, Operation Management, Services, Corporate Culture, Technology Innovation, Franchise System.

1999 - 2006: Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited

2002: President

2001: Senior Executive Vice President-Wireless Corporate Planning

1999: Executive Vice President - Service Operation

1995 - 1999: Shinawatra Directories Company Limited

1997: Vice President - Shinawatra Directories Production

1995: General Manager Shinawatra Directories Production

1994: Rainbow Media Company Limited

General Manager

1993: Shinawatra Directories Company Limited

Production Director

Maybe you scorecard, & your scornful junta loving buddies are superb linguists & orators, with outstanding CVs, but somehow I guess the truth is far from that.

Another Shin apologist who tries to insist all who dare post comments against the elite Shins must be junta lovers - simply not true.

You will note every company she's ever "worked" for has been a family business and never lower than GM or director. And that is what big brother wanted to turn Thailand into.

Exactly how many parliamentary debates did she take part in? Or Q & A sessions? The family pretty and a reasonable actress at best.

That's rich coming from one of the first to jump on any anti-junta post as a red apologist/Shin lover!

Exactly, how many Thai parliamentary debates have you watched Baerboxer?

None! So why would you comment on something you have no idea about?

Oops, I forgot. You do that on a daily basis. Bleating out your yellow prejudiced BS.

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Won't that just peeve the men with guns goverment off

In the land of face saving, you bet. Imagine overthrowing the people's elected prime minister, grabbing power illegitimately and telling the Thai voters that other world officials support the junta, only to have the elected prime minister invited by those world officials to come to Europe on behalf of Thailand and Asean. Ooops!

Tell me any civilised country whose notoriously corrupt government could get away with passing a blanket amnesty bill in that disgraceful manner to absolve themselves of all charges of corruption back to 2004 and survive in office.

Why do you people keeping putting out the lie that the Junta overthrew the elected government and PM ?. Yingluck had already been removed by the court for abuse of power (putting Paradorn in charge of the NSC ready for an amnesty bill attempt) and the country was operating under a caretaker government because that farce of an election they tried to hold during mass street protests and emergency law failed. And even then, they only got about 30% of the vote.

Can you not get this into your head ?. Or do you know it already, but prefer to pretend the lie is what happened ?.

They only got 30% of the vote because the guns had already come out,they were to scared to vote so get that into your head

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I really wonder; Are these expats who regularly taunt YL for being stupid, so intelligent that they have the capacity to give speeches to an international forum in Thai? I doubt very much they could understand a short, simple speech by YL in Thai, let alone express their own ideas fluently.

What if it's a back and forth discussion / Q and A. Do you think she could really handle that, in any language?


She is a very competent speaker in Thai.

I regularly listen to Thai Parliament to hone my language skills and have heard her give perfectly adequate addresses to the House of Representatives on many occasions.

She isn't as polished as Abhisit, a lifelong politician, who has never worked a day in his privileged (meaning of his name) life.

Compare that to her CV;

2006-2011: Chairman, SC Asset Corporation Public Company Limited, a property development business with top ten ranking in Thailand and classified as "Excellent" amongst listed companies in the property and construction sector

Wide-ranging experiences in Branding, Corporate Culture, Operation Management, Services, Corporate Culture, Technology Innovation, Franchise System.

1999 - 2006: Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited

2002: President

2001: Senior Executive Vice President-Wireless Corporate Planning

1999: Executive Vice President - Service Operation

1995 - 1999: Shinawatra Directories Company Limited

1997: Vice President - Shinawatra Directories Production

1995: General Manager Shinawatra Directories Production

1994: Rainbow Media Company Limited

General Manager

1993: Shinawatra Directories Company Limited

Production Director

Maybe you scorecard, & your scornful junta loving buddies are superb linguists & orators, with outstanding CVs, but somehow I guess the truth is far from that.

Another Shin apologist who tries to insist all who dare post comments against the elite Shins must be junta lovers - simply not true.

You will note every company she's ever "worked" for has been a family business and never lower than GM or director. And that is what big brother wanted to turn Thailand into.

Exactly how many parliamentary debates did she take part in? Or Q & A sessions? The family pretty and a reasonable actress at best.

That's rich coming from one of the first to jump on any anti-junta post as a red apologist/Shin lover!

Exactly, how many Thai parliamentary debates have you watched Baerboxer?

None! So why would you comment on something you have no idea about?

Oops, I forgot. You do that on a daily basis. Bleating out your yellow prejudiced BS.

And your bleating out your red prejudice

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Won't that just peeve the men with guns goverment off

In the land of face saving, you bet. Imagine overthrowing the people's elected prime minister, grabbing power illegitimately and telling the Thai voters that other world officials support the junta, only to have the elected prime minister invited by those world officials to come to Europe on behalf of Thailand and Asean. Ooops!

Tell me any civilised country whose notoriously corrupt government could get away with passing a blanket amnesty bill in that disgraceful manner to absolve themselves of all charges of corruption back to 2004 and survive in office.

Why do you people keeping putting out the lie that the Junta overthrew the elected government and PM ?. Yingluck had already been removed by the court for abuse of power (putting Paradorn in charge of the NSC ready for an amnesty bill attempt) and the country was operating under a caretaker government because that farce of an election they tried to hold during mass street protests and emergency law failed. And even then, they only got about 30% of the vote.

Can you not get this into your head ?. Or do you know it already, but prefer to pretend the lie is what happened ?.

" Yingluck had already been removed by the court ..... "

And of course the court is staffed and judged by supporters of ... Yea, you can guess it's not red supporters and not biased or having yellow supporter friends and business contacts.

It's easily overlooked that the legal and judicial system here has as many holes in it as a fishing net. Hence a 60 year reduced to 30 year prison term for a Facebook post and two elderly people given a hefty (I can't remember) stint for picking mushrooms for their lunch. Compared to death by dangerous driving of a round the world cyclist offender being fined B2000 and the same thing for an underage driver causing 9 deaths getting community service. Let's not forget the red bovine guy, how was it he got to leave Thailand? (Rhetorical question)

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Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in Europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

no such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


You still here? Read my post - you'll see the link to the full resolution there..........................

"This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use."

Can you possibly get any more pathetic? It never ceases to amaze me that supposedly educated individuals on this forum will go to the lengths they do to back up a military regime purely because they don't like the people the junta usurped.

"It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?"

I've just re read the resolution, Item 12 being about trafficking and 15 about LGBT affairs - was that you attempting a jibe?

I was wrong you can get more pathetic, well done.

Edited by thelonius
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Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in Europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

no such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


You still here? Read my post - you'll see the link to the full resolution there..........................

"This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use."

Can you possibly get any more pathetic? It never ceases to amaze me that supposedly educated individuals on this forum will go to the lengths they do to back up a military regime purely because they don't like the people the junta usurped.

"It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?"

I've just re read the resolution, Item 12 being about trafficking and 15 about LGBT affairs - was that you attempting a jibe?

I was wrong you can get more pathetic, well done.

So do you believe yingluck is the right person to make statements about trafficking and LGBT matters? Do you believe she can make focused, specific,objective, knowledgeable and insightful statements about both subjects?

Surely there are many good folks (not politicians) who are much more specifically knowledgeable and insightful about these two subjects. It seems appropriate that these folks should be part of any discussions on these subjects.

Further, did she / her gang ever make any specific policy statements / take any real and solid actions of either subject? Do they have a solid respectable track-record on these subjects?

And since your so knowledgeable about the letter from Europe, what is the objective:

- For yingluck to read a prepared speech and then sit down. In this scenario it's a no-brainer that she would not write the speech, therefore not really her opinion.

- For yingluck to engage in a two-way Q and A discussion about these subjects? IMHO her personal knowledge on these subjects would be strongly wanting and in a Q and A session she would be left looking rather 'lonely' and lacking in meaningful dialogue and lacking in credibility.

- In both scenarios above do you really believe she would give unbiased comments?

In any event she could make a speech / engage in a Q and A by Skype or similar.

Edited by scorecard
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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

Flag: 'diversion' and nothing more...

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

Flag: 'diversion' and nothing more...

Flag: ultranationalist 'obfuscation' nothing more

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Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in Europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

no such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


You still here? Read my post - you'll see the link to the full resolution there..........................

"This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use."

Can you possibly get any more pathetic? It never ceases to amaze me that supposedly educated individuals on this forum will go to the lengths they do to back up a military regime purely because they don't like the people the junta usurped.

"It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?"

I've just re read the resolution, Item 12 being about trafficking and 15 about LGBT affairs - was that you attempting a jibe?

I was wrong you can get more pathetic, well done.

No need to lie, my dear thelonius. There was no link to the EP motion, only a pathetic

"partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah".

and I didn't even modify anything of that pathetic line.

See for yourself


So, still from 'drop by if possible and convenient" to now allegedly "important, at the earliest". Next the threat of boycots? 'give us Ms. Yingluck or we will democratically enforce our might on you?"

Things are slowing down in Europe, holiday season in the air. Please come back mid-January wai.gif

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

Flag: 'diversion' and nothing more...

Flag: ultranationalist 'obfuscation' nothing more

Flag: 'remember the Alamo', or more to the point "democracy in Thailand died the day Ms. Yingluck was held responsible and therefore accountable for the RPPS losses. Ms. Yingluck wrote that on her facebook page herself, allegedly that is.

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Won't that just peeve the men with guns goverment off

In the land of face saving, you bet. Imagine overthrowing the people's elected prime minister, grabbing power illegitimately and telling the Thai voters that other world officials support the junta, only to have the elected prime minister invited by those world officials to come to Europe on behalf of Thailand and Asean. Ooops!

Tell me any civilised country whose notoriously corrupt government could get away with passing a blanket amnesty bill in that disgraceful manner to absolve themselves of all charges of corruption back to 2004 and survive in office.

Why do you people keeping putting out the lie that the Junta overthrew the elected government and PM ?. Yingluck had already been removed by the court for abuse of power (putting Paradorn in charge of the NSC ready for an amnesty bill attempt) and the country was operating under a caretaker government because that farce of an election they tried to hold during mass street protests and emergency law failed. And even then, they only got about 30% of the vote.

Can you not get this into your head ?. Or do you know it already, but prefer to pretend the lie is what happened ?.

They only got 30% of the vote because the guns had already come out,they were to scared to vote so get that into your head

I would like to suggest to drop this otherwise I will need to dig up the real figures which weren't too promising for Pheu Thai. Not that this has anything to do with the topic of course.

Seems some need distractions from an open invitation to an alleged 'important at the earliest' exchange of views.

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after I posted my reply, I saw all of the others and realized that we are just feeeeeeeding him...


Absolutely, my dear tbthailand.

Any other useful comments? Anything close to the truth maybe?

I stand by my original comment which you trolled.

The junta is making $4!t up and they do it every day.

Adios. coffee1.gif

Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

I will not call you a troll because that can be considered flaming and flaming is against the forum rules.

But recall that you were the one who trolled my post. Now you expect me to provide you with objective arguments. To do that would be a thing called "feeding" which is also something to be avoided on the forum,

None the less, the link to the original letter was posted and it is, definitively, an objective argument refuting your bizarrely backwards position. The fact that you chose to not understand the contents of the letter correctly and the fact that you wilfully misconstrue the meaning of the letter is evidence that there is no sense in discussing the issue with you further because you are just doing that thing that I refuse to accuse you of doing...

Hence, my sign-off above which I shall repeat one final time...

Adios. coffee1.gif

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Absolutely, my dear tbthailand.

Any other useful comments? Anything close to the truth maybe?

I stand by my original comment which you trolled.

The junta is making $4!t up and they do it every day.

Adios. coffee1.gif

Your 'feeding him' gives just the right level of suggestion that you may refer to 'feeding the troll' without explicitly saying so. The 'troll' part then automatically suggests a diminished value or even lack of value.

Since you disagree with me on the issues I raise and since you have no objective arguments you seem to be left with 'attack the poster'.

So, a letter from 2015-10-07 for a talk if 'possible and convenient, greetings Elmar and Werner' is now an explanation by the chairman of the EP Commission on Foreign Affairs that the exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck is important and should be 'at the earliest'.

I will not call you a troll because that can be considered flaming and flaming is against the forum rules.

But recall that you were the one who trolled my post. Now you expect me to provide you with objective arguments. To do that would be a thing called "feeding" which is also something to be avoided on the forum,

None the less, the link to the original letter was posted and it is, definitively, an objective argument refuting your bizarrely backwards position. The fact that you chose to not understand the contents of the letter correctly and the fact that you wilfully misconstrue the meaning of the letter is evidence that there is no sense in discussing the issue with you further because you are just doing that thing that I refuse to accuse you of doing...

Hence, my sign-off above which I shall repeat one final time...

Adios. coffee1.gif

So writing "we're just feeding him' is your bypass of the forum rule?

As for 'trolling' your post, if you refer to


I guess you simply didn't like my reply and therefore call it trolling.

You don't have any objective, serious, sensible remarks, do you? That's why you keep on preferring the 'accuse of trolling' trail.

As for my interpretation of the 'letter', if you got such letter wouldn't you first look up the figure head, check the two people who signed and then wonder about a talk 'if possible and convenient' ? The latest twist (allegedly) is that the talk is important and should be at the earliest. Strange, very strange.

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Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)

'' info from EP website presented in a poster favoured way deleted"

as for the letter you give the impression was written on the back of cigarette packet here is a facsimile of the letter as it appeared in the Matichon newspaper

'' letter removed, displayed many times already ""

The usual distractions.

What the EP thinks about the Thai government has no relation to the topic of the chairman of the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs stressing the importance of having Ms. Yingluck over there as the earliest.

Furthermore I never said the letter was a scrap of paper, but indicated

. EP letter sheet with EP letter head

. informal text

. invitation for a talk if possible and convenient'

. signed Ermar Brok, Werner Langen

. no title or function indication

This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use.

That all of a sudden the talk is important and should be at the earliest (at least as reported, no letter seen yet) seems strange. No info on the EP website on this 'obviously' important exchange of views' meeting. I guess in Europe things are starting to close down already for the festive season. Please come back mid-January.

PS as for "partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah;"

no such thing when taking info from the EP website and providing a link. It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?

Here the motion in full

"European Parliament resolution of 8 October 2015 on the situation in Thailand"


You still here? Read my post - you'll see the link to the full resolution there..........................

"This suggests a private action by two gentlemen who didn't have their own sheet of paper to use."

Can you possibly get any more pathetic? It never ceases to amaze me that supposedly educated individuals on this forum will go to the lengths they do to back up a military regime purely because they don't like the people the junta usurped.

"It's seems more a case of the motion contained elements you didn't like. Items 12 and 15 maybe?"

I've just re read the resolution, Item 12 being about trafficking and 15 about LGBT affairs - was that you attempting a jibe?

I was wrong you can get more pathetic, well done.

No need to lie, my dear thelonius. There was no link to the EP motion, only a pathetic

"partial quote in accordance with the fair use policy blah blah blah".

and I didn't even modify anything of that pathetic line.

See for yourself


So, still from 'drop by if possible and convenient" to now allegedly "important, at the earliest". Next the threat of boycots? 'give us Ms. Yingluck or we will democratically enforce our might on you?"

Things are slowing down in Europe, holiday season in the air. Please come back mid-January wai.gif

Why would I lie rubl, I do not need to lie to expose your inability to put your point forward ( I take it you do have a point but I'm beggered if I can see it in all your posts that twist around in ever decreasing circles until they disappear up your fundament). I suggest you take another look at my post number 10175171 - you've even handily included it your abusive post above. In particular, this sentence;

"Look, if you really want to know what the EU thinks of the ruling Junta I suggest you read this; (a vote held in the European Parliament on the 7th October 2015 a day after the letter was sent to Yingluck.)"

You see the word "this" that is underlined (it shows up as being underlined and in a different colour to normal text when posting/editing) thereby denoting a link? Well, blow me if it isn't a link to The European Parliament resolution that you accuse me of not providing.

Edited by thelonius
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Scorecard - surely the issue is whether or not she is allowed to, not whether or not she would make a complete backside of it?

Surely it's more than that. IMHO there are plenty of folks who are not convinced the whole thing is really genuine.

Given that yingluck is in the midst of a serious case against her, it seems to me (and other have already commented on this) surely the court should require that she not be allowed to go abroad until the case is finalized.

Don't forget that she's claimed several times she hasn't been given enough time to prepare her defense, surely she should get per priorities right and focus on her defense preparations at the same time respect the processes of justice, not go to Europe at this time and make comments about trafficking and LGBT issues.

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Scorecard - surely the issue is whether or not she is allowed to, not whether or not she would make a complete backside of it?

Surely it's more than that. IMHO there are plenty of folks who are not convinced the whole thing is really genuine.

Given that yingluck is in the midst of a serious case against her, it seems to me (and other have already commented on this) surely the court should require that she not be allowed to go abroad until the case is finalized.

Don't forget that she's claimed several times she hasn't been given enough time to prepare her defense, surely she should get per priorities right and focus on her defense preparations at the same time respect the processes of justice, not go to Europe at this time and make comments about trafficking and LGBT issues.

Well reasoned, on topic and civil argument. Doesn't half make a change from some on here...
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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

and telling her that she's accountable resulted in her facebook page with "democracy died today".

As for amnesty, well Ms. Yingluck tried that with her blanket amnesty bill which covered her own two years in office. As if she knew she needed it.

Ýet she tried and failed, the ones I talk about did not fail, as they wrote their own laws. Yet somehow that is ok is it not ?

If you were consistent you would scream bloody murder, yet you don't, double standards for all to see.

Do you even take yourself serious ? most of the rest on here probably don't ..

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If her visit to Mongolia and subsequent speech she made to defend her criminally convicted brother is anything to go by then the Junta have very strong justification to not let her travel. One also has to take into account the Shinawatra's trait of never ever wanting to face the consequences of their actions by running away from accountability and then stating everything they did wrong is all someone else fault and a great big conspiracy. Well done on the Junta for at last seeing the flight risk she is.

Anyway, if she is too busy to attend official hearings in Bangkok she would never find the time to travel to Europe anyway. Poor thing must be run off her feet domestically with all her complaining about never receiving justice in Thailand.

At the very least Yingluck is accountable. Your friends currently running the show aren't, as they granted themselves amnesty. Next.

Flag: 'diversion' and nothing more...

No, just a statement of facts. You guys still don't get it do you ? On the one hand you scream accountability when Yingluck is concerned and overlook the total lack of accountability of the current rulers of the Kingdom.

You simply have no credibility left.

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