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Petition to ban Trump from UK passes 300K, could be debated in Parliament

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Deep down, so many people who desperately want to be an American but are stuck with their fate, I guess.

You cannot imagine how many guys would flee their homeland if given the chance, including a great number of US citizens.

The only hate I'm getting is from you for Donald Trump.

Whilst he is all about love isnt he?


For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Donald has the right to U.K citizenship and thus abode, if he wishes to have it

Please enlighten us...

P.S. his mother was born Hyde Park, New York not London...


His mother was born in Lewis, in 1912.

But still without claiming British citizenship he should not be allowed in...


For those who have no right of abode in the UK, entering the UK is a privilege not a right...

Donald has the right to U.K citizenship and thus abode, if he wishes to have it

Please enlighten us...

P.S. his mother was born Hyde Park, New York not London...

My pleasure..........

Donald Trump is the son of a Scotswoman. His mother, Mary Anne MacLeod was from the hebridean Island of Lewis, off the west coast of Scotland, from where she emigrated to America and met and married Frederick Trump, of German origin.


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.


And , there are those dumb enough to sign just to show it may be possible to commit fraud. well played you just gave it more traction.. That's a bit like jeering when you favourite team comes on the pitch, just because you can..--

It's not "dumb" to reveal fraud. It is a sign of desperation, however, to try and obscure the fact that apparently you can sign this petition from anywhere in the world, including the terror hotspots. I do know in the US that many congressmen's websites prevent you from even submitting them a request unless you're verified to be a constituent. The so-called petition is the sort of thing grimy little anarchist backpackers get all excited about before the spend the rest of the day sleeping off last night's drunk.

You wilfully missed the point that "There is an algorithm for validating all submitted; you often see around 20% are discarded as fraudulent. "

Clearly the UK Government knows who lives where in the UK.. Clearly there are ways to determine which signatures are the fake.

Clearly a petition is somewhat like a "cheer" when your team comes on the pitch.

Clearly you are offended that 100,000s of UK citizens find your Man abhorrent, and not conducive to the good of our nation..

Your man wants to ban Muslims, we want to ban Trump..

Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing

This could also apply to your musings about the US.

"Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing"

PS: Please disregard my "like" on your post. It was a mistake.

My "musing about the US.".. Sorry Sonny, I've no "musing about the US" This is about the a petition in UK.

You chappies seem to think you can dictate what we petition our Government about.

Let's have it right.. I'm over the moon to see you guys vote for which ever chap you want for POTUS. I fully support democracy in all its forms

I've stated several times, its not my business who you want as your leader.

Good luck..

P.S: regard my "like" as a deliberate act!

no mistake, I liked your post. wai2.gif

Thanks for the "sonny" bit. I just passed my 78th birthday in October.

Let me be clear. I don't give a hoot in hell what you Brits do. It is no skin off my nose either way so just jump right out there and do it.

Having said that, IF Trump were to be elected President, wouldn't the fact that he might be PNG present some awkward moments?

The thought about stiff upper lip and all that makes me laugh.


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Please substantiate your claim...

I am here in the UK and I know what most people think of him...

The SNP did not drop him from being their Business Ambassador for no reason...

The Robert Gordon University did not rescind his honorary for no reason...

Anyway if he does claim his British citizenship I hope they make him swear the oath of allegiance...

I, [name], [swear by Almighty God] [do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare] that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs, and successors, according to law.

Then I would be all for him being president of the USA... gigglem.gif


This could also apply to your musings about the US.

"Nothing you can say here will change that - thanks for playing"

PS: Please disregard my "like" on your post. It was a mistake.

My "musing about the US.".. Sorry Sonny, I've no "musing about the US" This is about the a petition in UK.

You chappies seem to think you can dictate what we petition our Government about.

Let's have it right.. I'm over the moon to see you guys vote for which ever chap you want for POTUS. I fully support democracy in all its forms

I've stated several times, its not my business who you want as your leader.

Good luck..

P.S: regard my "like" as a deliberate act!

no mistake, I liked your post. wai2.gif

Thanks for the "sonny" bit. I just passed my 78th birthday in October.

Let me be clear. I don't give a hoot in hell what you Brits do. It is no skin off my nose either way so just jump right out there and do it.

Having said that, IF Trump were to be elected President, wouldn't the fact that he might be PNG present some awkward moments?

The thought about stiff upper lip and all that makes me laugh.

biggrin.png Wow 78 that's a ripe old age. Congrats.

"Let me be clear. I don't give a hoot in hell what you Brits do. It is no skin off my nose either way so just jump right out there and do it."

And yet here you are posting on a thread about what "Brits" do..

I highly doubt any petition to deny Trump a UK visa will succeed..

What it does do is send a message.. It's been a hot topic on many websites, not least of all this one.

Ain't no stiff upper lip here old boy.. biggrin.png

Enjoy your weekend


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Please substantiate your claim...

I am here in the UK and I know what most people think of him...

I am also here, albeit only for a few months and over the Christmas, NY period.

I haven't met anyone yet who would disagree with him, but I haven't been to Tower Hamlets, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton or Slough yet. wink.png Oh and I don't mix with right wing extremists or Nazis, just people who are sickened by what Islam is doing, not just here but everywhere they can get a foothold.


Donald trump has been lambasted as a right wing ( Insert your own phrase ) which may or may not be the case. What has done opened up debate on a subject that was taboo.

The petition was started by Suzanne Kelly in Aberdeen. I happen to know Aberdeen quite well. And I am willing to lay odds that this petition was very little to do with he said, but more of a personal grievance over his golf resort in Aberdeen.

As this thread concerns the UK and indirectly, through the words of Trump, Muslims. Here are the words of a left wing professor at Oxford University, giving his views on Germany.


German society will have to change some of its settled ways rather rapidly


Germany will have to change some of its ways rather rapidly.

And people are surprised that the right is on the rise throughout Europe.


Funny how all the bleeding hearts forget democracy so easily.. So with the UK population of roughly 64 million, around 500,000 people have signed a petition against Trump.. So what ? That is less that 1% of the population ( forgive me if my maths is wrong ) Funnier still, when we get more people petitioning to ban immigration, stop overseas aid, leave the EU etc etc etc.. it is blown off by the loony left as being insignificant.. Yes his rhetoric has be inflammatory but within lies a grain of truth. Very strict followers of islam really aren't compatible with modern Western values. If they don't with to assimilate, dress and act as westerners in a western society they would be better off staying wherever they came from. The sooner the World wakes up to the fact that religion is obsolete the better.


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Please substantiate your claim...

I am here in the UK and I know what most people think of him...

I am also here, albeit only for a few months and over the Christmas, NY period.

I haven't met anyone yet who would disagree with him, but I haven't been to Tower Hamlets, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton or Slough yet. wink.png Oh and I don't mix with right wing extremists or Nazis, just people who are sickened by what Islam is doing, not just here but everywhere they can get a foothold.

If it opens for you, watch the first item on last night's Question Time.

Pay particular attention to Conservative Cabinet Minister Greg Clarke and Daily Mail journalist Quentin Letts.

Or maybe you consider them to be PC lefties?


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Here here! Those signature do have some meaning. They can be used, instead of census, to estimate the active Muslim population of the UK.

From the Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/11/muslim-population-england-wales-nearly-doubles-10-years ):

The Muslim population of England and Wales is growing faster than the overall population, with a higher proportion of children and a lower ratio of elderly people, according to an analysis of official data.

One in three Muslims is under 15, compared with fewer than one in five overall. There are also fewer elderly Muslims, with 4% aged over 65, compared with 16% of the overall population.

In 2011, 2.71 million Muslims lived in England and Wales, compared with 1.55 million in 2001. There were also 77,000 Muslims in Scotland and 3,800 in Northern Ireland.

Considering that such a large percentage of Muslims are still under voting age, this petition will probably soon run out of steam.

Good luck to you people for the future. With the rapidly increasing young Muslim population I don't envy you guys in 20 years from now. They'll be running the show and you'll wish you had given Trump the red carpet treatment.

The US Muslim population is only 0.6% compared to the UK at 4.4% (2011)


Funny how all the bleeding hearts forget democracy so easily.. So with the UK population of roughly 64 million, around 500,000 people have signed a petition against Trump.. So what ? That is less that 1% of the population ( forgive me if my maths is wrong ) Funnier still, when we get more people petitioning to ban immigration, stop overseas aid, leave the EU etc etc etc.. it is blown off by the loony left as being insignificant.. Yes his rhetoric has be inflammatory but within lies a grain of truth. Very strict followers of islam really aren't compatible with modern Western values. If they don't with to assimilate, dress and act as westerners in a western society they would be better off staying wherever they came from. The sooner the World wakes up to the fact that religion is obsolete the better.

You obviously do not understand how these Parliament petitions work!

Anyone can start one, and if it receives more than 10,000 signatures the government will respond; if more than 100,000 signatures the subject will be debated in Parliament.

As I type, the Trump one has received 520,127 signatures and so will be debated in Parliament.

One entitled Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated has received 447,814 signatures and so will also be debated in Parliament.

What action Parliament decides to take on either is up to Parliament. We are a Parliamentary democracy.


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Please substantiate your claim...

I am here in the UK and I know what most people think of him...

I am also here, albeit only for a few months and over the Christmas, NY period.

I haven't met anyone yet who would disagree with him, but I haven't been to Tower Hamlets, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton or Slough yet. wink.png Oh and I don't mix with right wing extremists or Nazis, just people who are sickened by what Islam is doing, not just here but everywhere they can get a foothold.

If it opens for you, watch the first item on last night's Question Time.

Pay particular attention to Conservative Cabinet Minister Greg Clarke and Daily Mail journalist Quentin Letts.

Or maybe you consider them to be PC lefties?

I have already come to the conclusion the Ultra Right Wing element of TV must be on a different planet...


Donald the majority of the UK welcome you and your policies any time any day, signatures from 500,000 (mostly Muslim at a guess) mean nothing.

Please substantiate your claim...

I am here in the UK and I know what most people think of him...

I am also here, albeit only for a few months and over the Christmas, NY period.

I haven't met anyone yet who would disagree with him, but I haven't been to Tower Hamlets, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton or Slough yet. wink.png Oh and I don't mix with right wing extremists or Nazis, just people who are sickened by what Islam is doing, not just here but everywhere they can get a foothold.

If it opens for you, watch the first item on last night's Question Time.

Pay particular attention to Conservative Cabinet Minister Greg Clarke and Daily Mail journalist Quentin Letts.

Or maybe you consider them to be PC lefties?

I thought the girl made a good point about Charlie Hebdo and how we then defended free speech.

Question time isn't representative of a nation's view, even DD mentioned a quarter of the population agreeing with him.


I am sure if I started shouting about the rights of the indigenous Americans and saying they should kick out the white men, I would be band from America.

(as if I would be so worried, have been once and have no intention of going back)tongue.png .


I am sure if I started shouting about the rights of the indigenous Americans and saying they should kick out the white men, I would be band from America.

(as if I would be so worried, have been once and have no intention of going back)tongue.png .

Of course, you wouldn't. In fact, mexican illegals say that all the time and they can't even be kicked out or banned for being in the country illegally, much less based on what they say.


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

(Some nested quotes removed to comply with forum rules)

I am also here, albeit only for a few months and over the Christmas, NY period.

I haven't met anyone yet who would disagree with him, but I haven't been to Tower Hamlets, Blackburn, Bradford, Luton or Slough yet. wink.png Oh and I don't mix with right wing extremists or Nazis, just people who are sickened by what Islam is doing, not just here but everywhere they can get a foothold.

If it opens for you, watch the first item on last night's Question Time.

Pay particular attention to Conservative Cabinet Minister Greg Clarke and Daily Mail journalist Quentin Letts.

Or maybe you consider them to be PC lefties?

I thought the girl made a good point about Charlie Hebdo and how we then defended free speech.

Question time isn't representative of a nation's view, even DD mentioned a quarter of the population agreeing with him.

Again you have (deliberately?) missed the point!

You implied that only PC lefties and Muslims disagreed with Trump.

I showed you that this is not true.


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

I am sure if I started shouting about the rights of the indigenous Americans and saying they should kick out the white men, I would be band from America.

(as if I would be so worried, have been once and have no intention of going back)tongue.png .

You are suggesting that all modern day Americans are Whitemen .

What about Americam citizens of other races ?

Or dont you consider them to be Americans ?

You have dropped your guard ,

IMO, some of the lefties have an anti Whiteman agenda .

Hence your pro Muslim/Anti Donald stance .

Or was it just a slip of the tongue ?


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

His statement is towards America not UK.

Why would it foster hatred and violence in the UK?

I'll tell you why, the hatred from Islam is already there (here), it just needs any old excuse to flare up!


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

His statement is towards America not UK.

Why would it foster hatred and violence in the UK?

I'll tell you why, the hatred from Islam is already there (here), it just needs any old excuse to flare up!

As someone who actually lives in the UK rather than just visits occasionally, and furthermore lives in a town with a substantial Muslim population, I know that you, Uptheos, are completely and absolutely wrong.

Yes, there are those who preach hatred and bigotry, Choudray and Yaxley-Lennon for example, and they do have their followers.

But, fortunately, scum like them are a tiny minority. A minority who, unfortunately, get a lot of media attention, but a minority nonetheless.


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

Well, heck. That's broad enough of a description to drive a bus through. By that definition, you would need to ban visiting soccer teams from other countries.


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

There will be no violence or flare ups, because they are the Religion of peace, remember .


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

His statement is towards America not UK.

Why would it foster hatred and violence in the UK?

I'll tell you why, the hatred from Islam is already there (here), it just needs any old excuse to flare up!

I thought you (Basil) might choose that one. Most would when they realize none of them apply.

Quite something that you have such a low opinon of the people in the UK. Maybe you know something we don't?

End of the day, America has had a rash of attacks on their soil by muslim terrorists, and the group(s) responsible have publicly stated they are part of a global campaign, and the attacks will continue. That's undeniable.

I don't agree with Donald Trump's unqualified, incomplete, clumsily made suggestion because it's logistically impracticle, at least the way the system is arranged now. Which is precisely the point Donald Trump was making.

It's obviously too simplistic for this scale, but the fundamentals apply. When you've been attacked, you lock down the gates to prevent attackers, or more of them, from getting inside the perimeter. You then conduct a thorough search for attackers inside the wire. Once security has been re-established, you figure out who, what, when, where, why and how, then adjust your operational policies and security posture to deter, detect and defend against the next attack.

Edit: Oh and a wall on a border you know is being over-run, is also about as basic as it gets. As much as I kick myself for agreeing with the fundamentals of what he's saying, Trump's not wrong on that point either.


The vast majority of the voters were white British citizens. The Muslim leaders have asked that Trump is not banned but on the contrary he should visit the Muslim communities here to see for himself. The lady who started the petition was white, British and a Christian.

Personally I don't think he should be banned from the UK There are plenty of bigoted, racist, sexist morons here already so why ban him? In reality people voted to ban him to show their disgust. I think he should come and see what sort of reception he gets here. I doubt he would stay long


The vast majority of the voters were white British citizens. The Muslim leaders have asked that Trump is not banned but on the contrary he should visit the Muslim communities here to see for himself. The lady who started the petition was white, British and a Christian.

Personally I don't think he should be banned from the UK There are plenty of bigoted, racist, sexist morons here already so why ban him? In reality people voted to ban him to show their disgust. I think he should come and see what sort of reception he gets here. I doubt he would stay long

Can you share the link this came from please?

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