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Petition to ban Trump from UK passes 300K, could be debated in Parliament

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PS. There are plenty of worse people on the planet that I'd like to ban, but where would it end? This is an example of sheeple at their worst, baaaaaaaaaa.

Yes, how about asking every Muslims who wants to enter the U.K. about his views on Womans equality, homosexuality, Jews ,Israelis , Americans , infidels etc etc. and then start a petition to ban him from entering if he has any unpleasant points of view

No problem with that. Most muslims will agree with you. Or does that fact not fit with your biased view.

But why would their view on americans be relevant in the uk?

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I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

There will be no violence or flare ups, because they are the Religion of peace, remember .

It can flame up racist bigots to to do what they want. Not what muslims might do. Inflaming right wing nutters to cause anyone distress is still violence.

I guess logic is a bit hard for some


I ask again, which of the 4 violations that could, apparently, result in a UK visa van for hate speech, does Donald Trump's hollow suggestion violate?

  • Format, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs;
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

There will be no violence or flare ups, because they are the Religion of peace, remember .

It can flate up racist bigots to to do what they want. Not what muslims might do. Inflaming right wing nutters to cause anyone distress is still violence.

I guess logic is a bit hard for some

Now that's a load of apologist jibberish right there.

Edit/Question: Who would these right wing "nutters" visit their violence upon in the UK?


PS. There are plenty of worse people on the planet that I'd like to ban, but where would it end? This is an example of sheeple at their worst, baaaaaaaaaa.

Yes, how about asking every Muslims who wants to enter the U.K. about his views on Womans equality, homosexuality, Jews ,Israelis , Americans , infidels etc etc. and then start a petition to ban him from entering if he has any unpleasant points of view

No problem with that. Most muslims will agree with you. Or does that fact not fit with your biased view.

But why would their view on americans be relevant in the uk?

No we are in agreement . If a Muslim were have homophobic , Anti-semetic views or view Woman as being second class, then ban them from entering the UK.

We agree on something .


The lady who started the petition was white, British and a Christian

Doesn't surprise me. Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome?


This is essentially a poll. 300+ thousands want the roll-out of the caliphate in the UK, while approx 75 million clearly do not. As a percentage the frothing Trump haters account for roughly 0.7% of the Brits. Such a noisy small group.


The vast majority of the voters were white British citizens. The Muslim leaders have asked that Trump is not banned but on the contrary he should visit the Muslim communities here to see for himself. The lady who started the petition was white, British and a Christian.

Personally I don't think he should be banned from the UK There are plenty of bigoted, racist, sexist morons here already so why ban him? In reality people voted to ban him to show their disgust. I think he should come and see what sort of reception he gets here. I doubt he would stay long

Can you share the link this came from please?

Muslim Council of Britain press release stated they would prefer Trump to be banned from entering UK - IMO not going to happen - went on to say...

We know that Mr Trump does not represent the views of ordinary Americans, and we reject his ignorant remarks suggesting that London has no-go areas where even the police are afraid to enter. Should he be allowed to enter the UK, and if he is able to name such areas, we would be happy to organise a multi-faith delegation to accompany Mr Trump and tour these areas and pay for his lunch.”



Freedom of speech simply has no tradition in Europe.....

You forgot only a few important words:

"Glorification of violence and hate" in freedom of speeck have no tradition in (civilised) Europe, particularly not in Great Britain.


Funny how all the bleeding hearts forget democracy so easily.. So with the UK population of roughly 64 million, around 500,000 people have signed a petition against Trump.. So what ? That is less that 1% of the population ( forgive me if my maths is wrong ) Funnier still, when we get more people petitioning to ban immigration, stop overseas aid, leave the EU etc etc etc.. it is blown off by the loony left as being insignificant.. Yes his rhetoric has be inflammatory but within lies a grain of truth. Very strict followers of islam really aren't compatible with modern Western values. If they don't with to assimilate, dress and act as westerners in a western society they would be better off staying wherever they came from. The sooner the World wakes up to the fact that religion is obsolete the better.

You obviously do not understand how these Parliament petitions work!

Anyone can start one, and if it receives more than 10,000 signatures the government will respond; if more than 100,000 signatures the subject will be debated in Parliament.

As I type, the Trump one has received 520,127 signatures and so will be debated in Parliament.

One entitled Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated has received 447,814 signatures and so will also be debated in Parliament.

What action Parliament decides to take on either is up to Parliament. We are a Parliamentary democracy.

I understand how UK Parliamentary petitions work perfectly well thank you. Being English I have signed many of them ( including the "stop immigration" one you mentioned). If you re-read my post you may realize that my point was actually about all the media attention that the Trump petition was receiving which is totally out of proportion. When similar petitions have be started advocating leaving the EU, Stopping immigration and dozens of other subjects they get little or no press coverage. Yes once they pass the 100k mark they are debated.. If you have ever signed one you will receive an email notification saying it will be debated. Then a further update. usually these emails are just a contrite explanation of Govt policy and worm around the fact that nothing will get done. The petition system seems to act more as a "safety valve" and lets people vent. I have no knowledge of any of these petitions actually changing a law or turning Govt opinion. But it may have happened.

Be that as it may, with social media these days and the huge army of benefit grabbing, save the World liberals any petition can gather signatories. Especially when pushed by activists. People fake outrage and sign because it's become a trend.. All stirred up by the usual brigade of champagne socialists and human rights campaigners.. The Beeb and the Observer are loving the drubbing they think Trump is getting.. Oh the outrage ! Why is it that the left only want freedom of speech when it concerns their policies ? But anyone right of centre should be gagged.. Similarly the right are always branded as being evil and "Nazis". But Stalin and Mao ( both Socialists ) killed more...


What a bunch of slackers. A petition to toss him out of the USA would have millions of signatures by now.

And just as much legal effect. Nada. Zero. Zip. (Except for the satisfaction)


WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

I am not Muslim...

I doubt many of those who put their name to the petition are Muslims, that is just a slur put about by fascists and racists...

Maybe. However very interesting to note from the previous map, from what areas they are obtaining votes. I just wonder if they used the same postal voting system as recently used in Oldham,where In some areas 100% voted en mass for one candidate.

mpa, on 12 Dec 2015 - 13:28, said:


Considering the media coverage. Hardly surprising.

The government has responded, probably more than once by now. The answer is No. No qualification for it. End of.

Me thinks too many people on The Dole with too much time on their hands. UK likes to levy tax. Ought to have a Lazy Lay About Television Watching Internet Surfing Petition Signing Tos$er Tax. Problem is that would drive even more of them to Thailand where they wind up whinging on ThaiVisa about pretty much everything and everyone else.


mpa, on 12 Dec 2015 - 13:28, said:


Considering the media coverage. Hardly surprising.

The government has responded, probably more than once by now. The answer is No. No qualification for it. End of.

Me thinks too many people on The Dole with too much time on their hands. UK likes to levy tax. Ought to have a Lazy Lay About Television Watching Internet Surfing Petition Signing Tos$er Tax. Problem is that would drive even more of them to Thailand where they wind up whinging on ThaiVisa about pretty much everything and everyone else.

Whinge over?



But this isnt X-factor, is it . People are not voting for who they want to win . 100 000 people have already signed the petition for the subject to be debated in Parliament Anymore votes for either campaign are superfluous to requirements . Just in case you didn't notice, both campaigns have the same subject .

100 000 people have voted for the subject matter to be discussed . Whether he should be allowed in or whether he shouldn't be allowed in, are both the same topic of discussion . So, there is no reason to sign the other petition.



But this isnt X-factor, is it .

People are not voting for who they want to win .

100 000 people have already signed the petition for the subject to be debated in Parliament

Anymore votes for either campaign are superfluous to requirements .

Just incase you didnt notice, both campaigns have the same subject .

100 000 people have voted for the subject matter to be discussed .

Whether he should be allowed in or whether he shouldnt be allowed in, are both the same topic of discussion .

So, there is no reason to sign the other petition

Correct, no reason to sign either. The government already signaled the answer quite publicly.

Perhaps the public will demand parliment invent a new regulation just to fit this situation, and then ban Trump using it.

I think another/other posters had it right. People just want to express their displeasure. Some switched on guy is going to make lapel button saying, "I voted to ban Trump", so muslims will view the bearers more favorably, which could save their life in the coming End Times. The buttons will cost 3 Pounds 99 Pence, sold at Boots, and the guy will become a millionaire, escape to Thailand and live unhappily ever after with all the other miserable cows.


This is essentially a poll. 300+ thousands want the roll-out of the caliphate in the UK, while approx 75 million clearly do not. As a percentage the frothing Trump haters account for roughly 0.7% of the Brits. Such a noisy small group.

I found a 2011 estimate of 4.4% Muslims in the UK. It must be a lot higher now as it has increased at a rapid rate since 2001. All the PC talk has paid off - In just 10 years to 2011 the UK has successfully added one million - many born, many imported.

Even if the poll reaches 1 million, it's no big deal.


mpa, on 12 Dec 2015 - 13:28, said:


Considering the media coverage. Hardly surprising.

The government has responded, probably more than once by now. The answer is No. No qualification for it. End of.

Me thinks too many people on The Dole with too much time on their hands. UK likes to levy tax. Ought to have a Lazy Lay About Television Watching Internet Surfing Petition Signing Tos$er Tax. Problem is that would drive even more of them to Thailand where they wind up whinging on ThaiVisa about pretty much everything and everyone else.

Whinge over?

Ah, good afternoon, sleepy head. Nice of you to join us. Pay attention old boy. You see, there's this bloke called Donald J. Trump over in America............


What a bunch of slackers. A petition to toss him out of the USA would have millions of signatures by now.

And just as much legal effect. Nada. Zero. Zip. (Except for the satisfaction)

How many signatures would a petition to throw Obama out of the USA get?


What a bunch of slackers. A petition to toss him out of the USA would have millions of signatures by now.

And just as much legal effect. Nada. Zero. Zip. (Except for the satisfaction)

How many signatures would a petition to throw Obama out of the USA get?

I can't count that high without getting a nosebleed.


What a bunch of slackers. A petition to toss him out of the USA would have millions of signatures by now.

And just as much legal effect. Nada. Zero. Zip. (Except for the satisfaction)

How many signatures would a petition to throw Obama out of the USA get?

Relatively little going by the "Impeach Obama President of the United States of America"

Since August 6, 2009 only collected 22,261 signers, which is about 0.0000007% of the US population..

impulse, it should take you about 2.5 hours to count to 22,261.. Not a very high figure - are you on Warfarin?


WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

I am not Muslim...

I doubt many of those who put their name to the petition are Muslims, that is just a slur put about by fascists and racists...

Maybe. However very interesting to note from the previous map, from what areas they are obtaining votes. I just wonder if they used the same postal voting system as recently used in Oldham,where In some areas 100% voted en mass for one candidate.

"where In some areas 100% voted en mass for one candidate".

Where did you get that information... UKIP???, and they quoted one ballot box containing 99% labour votes not 100% http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/parliamentary-constituencies/oldham-west-and-royton/12031040/oldham-west-royton-by-election-results.html

Unless thing have changed since I last attended an election count, of which I have attended many...

Individual ballot boxes are opened out onto a table, and counted into bundles of 25's to ensure that the box contains the same number of votes that should be in that box, if the numbers do not tally, then they recount them, if they still do not tally then count again, then the (acting) returning officer will check the return sheets counterfoils, cancelled votes and unused votes for any mistakes, but at no time are the votes sorted, this normally happens on other tables but by then the ballot papers are mixed with other boxes so any statement saying that there was 99% votes for labour is only a guess at best and probably exaggerated.


How many signatures would a petition to throw Obama out of the USA get?

If he could run again he would win the presidency for 3rd time in a row. Most popular president I guess.


What a bunch of slackers. A petition to toss him out of the USA would have millions of signatures by now.

And just as much legal effect. Nada. Zero. Zip. (Except for the satisfaction)

How many signatures would a petition to throw Obama out of the USA get?

Relatively little going by the "Impeach Obama President of the United States of America"

Since August 6, 2009 only collected 22,261 signers, which is about 0.0000007% of the US population..

impulse, it should take you about 2.5 hours to count to 22,261.. Not a very high figure - are you on Warfarin?

No, I'm not on Warfarin, but you must be. It was a tongue-in-cheek comment about a hypothetical pole. Impeachments don't normally result in presidents losing office, do they? ... but he's not as popular as you think.


(Nested quote removed to comply with forum software)

  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK

There will be no violence or flare ups, because they are the Religion of peace, remember .

It can flate up racist bigots to to do what they want. Not what muslims might do. Inflaming right wing nutters to cause anyone distress is still violence.

I guess logic is a bit hard for some
Now that's a load of apologist jibberish right there.

Edit/Question: Who would these right wing "nutters" visit their violence upon in the UK?

Assaults or attacks on persons of Muslim Background

Some of those listed, like the egg throwing, may seem trivial; unless you're the victim!

But there are many far more serious examples as well, including assaults which resulted in the death of the victim.

It is not only Muslims who are subjected to this kind of racist violence; Teenage girl who kicked Sikh pensioner, 80, in attack may face new charges after he DIES three months later


WOW 300,000 Muslims in UK who hate Trump

I am not Muslim...

I doubt many of those who put their name to the petition are Muslims, that is just a slur put about by fascists and racists...

Maybe. However very interesting to note from the previous map, from what areas they are obtaining votes. I just wonder if they used the same postal voting system as recently used in Oldham,where In some areas 100% voted en mass for one candidate.

"where In some areas 100% voted en mass for one candidate".

Where did you get that information... UKIP???, and they quoted one ballot box containing 99% labour votes not 100% http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/parliamentary-constituencies/oldham-west-and-royton/12031040/oldham-west-royton-by-election-results.html

Unless thing have changed since I last attended an election count, of which I have attended many...

Individual ballot boxes are opened out onto a table, and counted into bundles of 25's to ensure that the box contains the same number of votes that should be in that box, if the numbers do not tally, then they recount them, if they still do not tally then count again, then the (acting) returning officer will check the return sheets counterfoils, cancelled votes and unused votes for any mistakes, but at no time are the votes sorted, this normally happens on other tables but by then the ballot papers are mixed with other boxes so any statement saying that there was 99% votes for labour is only a guess at best and probably exaggerated.

It was in 1948 that postal votes were first allowed, restricted to those who were infirm or who were in the forces,this was relaxed in the 80's to include those on holiday. In the late 1990's the Labour Party under (surprise,surprise)Tony WMD Blair allowed postal voting on demand.This change in policy has allowed a vast increase in the postal votes,and not surprisingly the party who has gained the most is the Labour Party, especially in those constituents were there is a large Pakistani/ Bangldesh population. According to the Election Commission who state the the electorial rules in certain constituencies are akin to those in a Bannana Republic. Not only in Tower Hamlets but all around the Uk, and to be fair not restricted solely to the Labour Party. In 2009 the Tory candidate in Slough Eshaq Khan was jailed for using Ghost postal votes. And so the list goes on.Now I don't know about you, but I think the right to vote is something that the British people should cherish,after all it took many painful centuries before every one was granted that right. We should protect our voting system and if that means reverting to the rules pre 1990 so be it .

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