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Trump defends Muslim entry ban as “the right thing to do”

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You rightwingers better get used to the idea most of the U.S. doesn't think like you do, thank God.

38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives. 23% consider themselves liberals. In other words, you don't know what you are talking about.

Another Fox News fun fact from Ulysses. clap2.gif

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You portray Trump as one tough SOB, just the type of person who should be president.

I'm not a real Trump fan, but there is much truth in what you say.

Perhaps a hard nosed negotiator is what has been needed for the past seven years.

Sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and singing "Kumbaya" doesn't seem to be cutting it.

You're confusing singing "Kumbaya" with negotiation, something wingnuts can't stomach. That's another reason the Republican trainwreck is evitable. "Just turn the place to glass" is not the starting point for peace in the world.


You rightwingers better get used to the idea most of the U.S. doesn't think like you do, thank God.

38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives. 23% consider themselves liberals. In other words, you don't know what you are talking about.

Another Fox News fact from Ulysses. clap2.gif

Exactly, a Rush Limbaugh follower for sure who has yet to come to grips with the results of the last two elections. Easier to throw stones at current (eases the right wing embarrassment, how about that top Republican congressman bailing to become a Capitol Hill corporate whore((lobbyist)?) than to realize the country is in a much better place than when the clown left office......



You portray Trump as one tough SOB, just the type of person who should be president.

I'm not a real Trump fan, but there is much truth in what you say.

Perhaps a hard nosed negotiator is what has been needed for the past seven years.

Sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows and singing "Kumbaya" doesn't seem to be cutting it.

You're confusing singing "Kumbaya" with negotiation, something wingnuts can't stomach. That's another reason the Republican trainwreck is evitable. "Just turn the place to glass" is not the starting point for peace in the world.

Yeah, the Obama/Kerry vaudeville team did such a bangup job on that Iran nuclear negotiation.

The European sanctions are gone and Iran hasn't even signed the agreement yet. coffee1.gif


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...


Current laws banning admission to the US, and not requiring new laws. Just need someone like Trump to have them enforced:


gpo~government printing office:

No admission for any alien for Security and related grounds
(3) Security and related grounds
(A) In general

Any alien who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in
(i) any activity (I) to violate any law of the United States relating to espionage or sabotage or (II) to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology, or sensitive information,
(ii) any other unlawful activity, or
(iii) any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means,
is inadmissible.
(B) Terrorist activities
(i) In general
Any alien who
(I) has engaged in a terrorist activity;
(II) a consular officer, the Attorney General, or the Secretary of Homeland Security knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (as defined in clause (iv));
(III) has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;
(IV) is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of
(aa) a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)) or
(bb) a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity;
(V) is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi)
(VI) is a member of a terrorist organization described in clause (vi)(III), unless the alien can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the alien did not know, and should not reasonably have known, that the organization was a terrorist organization;
(VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;
(VIII) has received military-type training (as defined in section 2339D©(1) of title 18) from or on behalf of any organization that, at the time the training was received, was a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or

(IX) is the spouse or child of an alien who is inadmissible under this subparagraph, if the activity causing the alien to be found inadmissible occurred within the last 5 years,
is inadmissible. An alien who is an officer, official, representative, or spokesman of the Palestine Liberation Organization is considered, for purposes of this chapter, to be engaged in a terrorist activity.


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

The new Messiah for old white men.

The advantage I guess of Trump's vague, off-the-cuff, populism is that his panting acolytes can insert their own wet dreams to fill the massive voids. Perhaps you might want to point to these specific policy actions are stated or published? They are not articulated on Trump's candidate website. There are no references to eviscerating government regulations. Nothing about the TSA. No mention of tasking the FBI to spy on American citizens who are followers of Islam. I also wonder under what authority, your anticipated witch-hunt against Obama administration officials will be enacted.

Pity then that there aren't enough old white men to get the Great Blowhard elected in any general election. Let's hope this is the last gasp of the nasties before they go the way of the dodo.


I guess the Aussies don't teach children to respect their elders.

Every person who visits Australia on a visa is required to sign a document that indicates that they have read Australia's Statement of Values https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long. If you are considering a visit Down Under, then the link to form 1281 is https://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1281.pdf

You will of course notice that there is nothing there about respecting elders. In fact, egalitarianism features in the statement. It is integral to Australian society and culture. No-one gets respect that is not earned.

Even morons get old. They are still morons.


I guess the Aussies don't teach children to respect their elders.

Every person who visits Australia on a visa is required to sign a document that indicates that they have read Australia's Statement of Values https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long. If you are considering a visit Down Under, then the link to form 1281 is https://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1281.pdf

You will of course notice that there is nothing there about respecting elders. In fact, egalitarianism features in the statement. It is integral to Australian society and culture. No-one gets respect that is not earned.

Even morons get old. They are still morons.

Ah, yes. But they are experienced morons. Unlike you young ones.


Trump = Mussolini?

The strongman using extra-constitutional means, methods, goals.

Use the democratic system to grab power to ignore the Constitution and the congress. Trump has so far let the Supreme Court be but what will Trump say about them when he gets around to it.

No one is above Donald Trump. Definitely reminiscent of el Duce'.

And most of his supporters just do not see any of that. Few have done research into who this man really is. In addition to bankrupting 4 different companies (that in and of itself takes some real talent) and walking away from $4.7 billion worth of debt, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, in terms of abandoned investment capital, hundreds of the people he has bought and sold buildings from talk about how heinous his business practices are, and how they would never consider doing business with him again. That is not the style of business I like to conduct. I prefer a win, win type of deal. Leave a few bucks on the table for the other guy. He does not use that method. He does not believe in fair. He believe in the "raze and burn, pillage and rape technique" of doing business. Do we really want a pig like this leading the nation? I understand how many find his candor refreshing. And I understand some of the anger people are feeling. And I understand the lack of decent alternative candidates. I get all of that. But, this guy is not the answer. If he got elected, I believe he would make Mussolini look like a man of benevolence and charity, by comparison. He would absolutely destroy America, in just four short years.

Too alarmist Mike. The realities of office would calm his pre election hubris which is all about publicity in order to get there,


I think it's so cute that the TV Teabaggers actually believe Donald Trump or any of the other pathetic Republican candidates could get elected.

I'd burst their bubble, but it would be like revealing there is no Santa Claus to a five year old. Yes Johnny, Trump will be President (ho, ho, ho).


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

The new Messiah for old white men.

The advantage I guess of Trump's vague, off-the-cuff, populism is that his panting acolytes can insert their own wet dreams to fill the massive voids. Perhaps you might want to point to these specific policy actions are stated or published? They are not articulated on Trump's candidate website. There are no references to eviscerating government regulations. Nothing about the TSA. No mention of tasking the FBI to spy on American citizens who are followers of Islam. I also wonder under what authority, your anticipated witch-hunt against Obama administration officials will be enacted.

Pity then that there aren't enough old white men to get the Great Blowhard elected in any general election. Let's hope this is the last gasp of the nasties before they go the way of the dodo.

Watch and see...


I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

What a swiping statement. Looking at the track record of American Baptist Jihadis (Missionaries), should I come to the same conclusion?

Christians in Europe are good and nice People, American Christians are terrible and uncivilized.

I as a Muslim support Trump, call me crazy. Islam needs to adjust to the 21st century. However this ban is not enforceable, there are millions of muslims carrying EU passports, and as far as I know in Europe you dont need to declare your faith. Government doesnt keep a record of their citizens religions, everythings is a guess. Im tired of all the people giving Islam a bad name. THe muslims in USA are good, they are nice people, but the ones in Europe are terrible and uncivilized.

Therein lies the irony. Most of the Muslims in the US are pretty well integrated, more so than their European counterparts. But rhetoric like the one espoused by Trump and his followers do not help the situation. It can only radicalize more moderate Muslims who are already in America.

Well actually, I don't believe that Trump's rhetoric's can only radicalise moderate Muslims but sure,

it does radicalised those crazy, brain dead Christian Americans.


But seams to me, that's perfectly OK for Americans.


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

By the way JD, you just became the "Ellipsis Man of the Day" with that post...

DELETED HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

Okay, I'll bite. Your statement: "What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist.."

Where did you get this gem out of curiosity? Wait, don't tell me, Fox News! Right?

Best election ever. When do the clowns start the debate? I don't actually watch it because I have a life but I love the lowlights. Trump scowling, Cruz pontificating, Rubio drooling, Carly lying (they're all lying) and Bush trying to be relevent. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (attributed. George Santayana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Santayana_).

Here is what the New York Daily News wrote about Hannity after Romney did not win the 2012 Presidential election http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/sean-hannity-big-loser-2012-election-article-1.1228269

The article contains an interesting phrase - Intellectually Closed.

The idea of a "large conservative - real moderate populist uprising ... including ... blacks, hispanics and Democrats" is not actually a thing. It is generational and a new generation is here. They are not interested in the old culture wars. Most issues have been resolved to their satisfaction. Their issues are about income inequality, social justice, diversity, environment and communication. Nobody but a shrinking demographic is interested in the product of mid-20th C white cultural hegemony any more. No amount of wishful thinking, warped representation of data or other intellectually closed rationalisations can make it otherwise.


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

By the way JD, you just became the "Ellipsis Man of the Day" with that post...

HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

Okay, I'll bite. Your statement: "What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist.."

Where did you get this gem out of curiosity? Wait, don't tell me, Fox News! Right?

Best election ever. When do the clowns start the debate? I don't actually watch it because I have a life but I love the lowlights. Trump scowling, Cruz pontificating, Rubio drooling, Carly lying (they're all lying) and Bush trying to be relevent. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

I know it is happening because I do not live in a leftist basement hugging a teddy bear named denial ...


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (attributed. George Santayana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Santayana_).

Here is what the New York Daily News wrote about Hannity after Romney did not win the 2012 Presidential election http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/sean-hannity-big-loser-2012-election-article-1.1228269

The article contains an interesting phrase - Intellectually Closed.

The idea of a "large conservative - real moderate populist uprising ... including ... blacks, hispanics and Democrats" is not actually a thing. It is generational and a new generation is here. They are not interested in the old culture wars. Most issues have been resolved to their satisfaction. Their issues are about income inequality, social justice, diversity, environment and communication. Nobody but a shrinking demographic is interested in the product of mid-20th C white cultural hegemony any more. No amount of wishful thinking, warped representation of data or other intellectually closed rationalisations can make it otherwise.

Romney was a choice forced on the base of the Republican core supporters ... Your remark shows that you understand nothing about the current Populist Uprising that is supporting Trump and Cruz -- TWO of the most popular ANTI-Establishment candidates. In the past candidates Dole, McCain and Romney were hand picked winners of the Republican Elitist Establishment and predictably they were all losers.... They didn't really even have the support of the core of the Republican voters... This time around - this years Romney -- Jeb Bush has been shunted to the side by the vast majority of Republican supporters. This is the populist aspect you do not seen to know anything about... Americans are going to have a real choice this time around ... not Liberal / Leftist and Liberal Lite....

Trumps appearances are being sold out ... his popularity - (that word related to Populist) is overwhelming ... a Trump / Cruz ticket will overwhelm the sad sac Hillary or the lost Sanders...


HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

What a moronic statement. Do you actually believe your own silly partisan spin?


In many polls and combined polls Trump is still leading by a wide margin... one poll said he broke 41%...

Trump is going to be the next U.S. President and he will cut the U.S. Budget in many ways even by cutting entire departments of government and scaling back others by 50%, government regulations will be gutted, government will get out of the way of the lives of Americans, Obama's Executive Orders will be thrown in the trash bin, Illegal Immigrants will be slowly pushed back home, Muslim 'refugees' will be sent back, the TSA will be gutted - then done away with over 2-3 years, Homeland Security will be gutted and streamlined if possible or responsibilities sent back to their original Departments, The FBI will begin again full blown surveillance of Mosques to determine which ones are dealing in fostering jihad, ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished... And that is about 30% of what Trump will do in the first 4 years...

ISIS will be flattened, those who betrayed American under Obama will be investigated, prosecuted and punished..

Let's start with GW Bush and his Dick Cheney at the Hague.

Regardless, the rightwhinge nutosphere is in for a huge change of plan. That is because America's National Front is also in for a big and decisive bust. Deservedly.

Sixty percent of Americans don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to be president

Sixty percent of Americans don't consider Donald Trump to be qualified to be president, according to new polling from the Washington Post and ABC News. Of registered voters, 56 percent hold that position, including over a third of Republicans.

That's a pretty remarkable figure. There's certainly an element of partisanship at play -- more than three-quarters of Democrats think he's unqualified -- but over 60 percent of independents think Trump is not qualified, compared to 37 percent who think he is.


These numbers spell political d-o-o-m for Trump if he's nominated. The sentiment extends to Raphael "Ted" Cruz too btw. And the Republican party regardless of who the nominee may be.

Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

By the way JD, you just became the "Ellipsis Man of the Day" with that post...

HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

Okay, I'll bite. Your statement: "What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist.."

Where did you get this gem out of curiosity? Wait, don't tell me, Fox News! Right?

Best election ever. When do the clowns start the debate? I don't actually watch it because I have a life but I love the lowlights. Trump scowling, Cruz pontificating, Rubio drooling, Carly lying (they're all lying) and Bush trying to be relevent. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

The use of Ellipsis in modern online forum posting emulates conversational style ... too bad you live in an outdated world along with your outdated politics...


As with so many things Trump says people reflexively throw their hands up in horror and then realize he is actually correct. Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration whilst the government got on top of vetting procedures. These are inadequate or totally lacking under the Obama administration and requests for states receiving Syrian refugees to be supplied with information on the screening of individuals they settle has been refused. The progressive liars have in effect mounted one of their largest ever straw man attacks because they know they have goofed big time but don't have the courage or decency to admit it.



Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

By the way JD, you just became the "Ellipsis Man of the Day" with that post...

HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

Okay, I'll bite. Your statement: "What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist.."

Where did you get this gem out of curiosity? Wait, don't tell me, Fox News! Right?

Best election ever. When do the clowns start the debate? I don't actually watch it because I have a life but I love the lowlights. Trump scowling, Cruz pontificating, Rubio drooling, Carly lying (they're all lying) and Bush trying to be relevent. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

The use of Ellipsis in modern online forum posting emulates conversational style ... too bad you live in an outdated world along with your outdated politics...

It is grammatically acceptable to use ellipses in written speech to indicate a pause, although the primary use of this punctuation is to substitute for words edited from text to reduce length of quotations. Use or more importantly over use in discourse detracts from the effectiveness of prose. Discourse is, of course, primarily composed of words, not the lack of them. Think of it like self-abuse, occasional use can be effective but over-use is the sign of a deeper problem.

The wonderful thing about Grammar is that it is timeless. Never goes out of date. I have had my Fowler's Modern English Usage for decades. It was first published in 1926. For people who care about such things, this is the most authoritative reference on the subject available.


Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (attributed. George Santayana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Santayana_).

Here is what the New York Daily News wrote about Hannity after Romney did not win the 2012 Presidential election http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/sean-hannity-big-loser-2012-election-article-1.1228269

The article contains an interesting phrase - Intellectually Closed.

The idea of a "large conservative - real moderate populist uprising ... including ... blacks, hispanics and Democrats" is not actually a thing. It is generational and a new generation is here. They are not interested in the old culture wars. Most issues have been resolved to their satisfaction. Their issues are about income inequality, social justice, diversity, environment and communication. Nobody but a shrinking demographic is interested in the product of mid-20th C white cultural hegemony any more. No amount of wishful thinking, warped representation of data or other intellectually closed rationalisations can make it otherwise.

Romney was a choice forced on the base of the Republican core supporters ... Your remark shows that you understand nothing about the current Populist Uprising that is supporting Trump and Cruz -- TWO of the most popular ANTI-Establishment candidates. In the past candidates Dole, McCain and Romney were hand picked winners of the Republican Elitist Establishment and predictably they were all losers.... They didn't really even have the support of the core of the Republican voters... This time around - this years Romney -- Jeb Bush has been shunted to the side by the vast majority of Republican supporters. This is the populist aspect you do not seen to know anything about... Americans are going to have a real choice this time around ... not Liberal / Leftist and Liberal Lite....

Trumps appearances are being sold out ... his popularity - (that word related to Populist) is overwhelming ... a Trump / Cruz ticket will overwhelm the sad sac Hillary or the lost Sanders...

Well pardon my woeful ignorance. It has been illustrative watching the Republicans eat their own young. The recent history of the Republican party seems to be its inability to deal with the disrupters. Cost GW's Daddy his job. Has smeared the Republican brand as the Party of No. Has generated a succession of clowns pushing their drivel from an alternative universe and re-fighting the 20th C Culture Wars. You deliberately avoid my point on this issue.

I guess your interpretation that my remarks are an indication of ignorance can be independently assessed by readers. Pity that those insults are so predictably banal. Going to tell me how sub-standard my educational system is next?


Political polls conducted by Liberal News Media saying a Democrat would beat a Republican are as predictable as saying the Sun will rise in the morning.. The people who structure polls at Liberal news outfits are often leftists and socialist who see it is their duty to engineer what the populace gets to see. When they want a Democrat to be shown as a winner ... the poll sample is skewed to over sample likely Democrat voters by polling in voting precincts that have shown in the past to have heavy Democrat voting ... hardly guess work ... not even remotely random or balanced... They might as well say they did a poll and just post the numbers they want ... What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist..

By the way JD, you just became the "Ellipsis Man of the Day" with that post...

HATE when you quote legitimate journalistic sources at them. They only recognize right wing news sources for facts and opinions, like Fox News, that bastion of credibility.

Okay, I'll bite. Your statement: "What is actually occurring in America is the largest conservative - real moderate populist uprisings in memory even including the involvement of blacks, hispanics and Democrats ... far eclipsing the pro Republican Congressional voting turnout of 2010 and 2014 - but the American political left just wants to pretend it does not exist.."

Where did you get this gem out of curiosity? Wait, don't tell me, Fox News! Right?

Best election ever. When do the clowns start the debate? I don't actually watch it because I have a life but I love the lowlights. Trump scowling, Cruz pontificating, Rubio drooling, Carly lying (they're all lying) and Bush trying to be relevent. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!

The use of Ellipsis in modern online forum posting emulates conversational style ... too bad you live in an outdated world along with your outdated politics...

It is grammatically acceptable to use ellipses in written speech to indicate a pause, although the primary use of this punctuation is to substitute for words edited from text to reduce length of quotations. Use or more importantly over use in discourse detracts from the effectiveness of prose. Discourse is, of course, primarily composed of words, not the lack of them. Think of it like self-abuse, occasional use can be effective but over-use is the sign of a deeper problem.

The wonderful thing about Grammar is that it is timeless. Never goes out of date. I have had my Fowler's Modern English Usage for decades. It was first published in 1926. For people who care about such things, this is the most authoritative reference on the subject available.

You need to Evolve in online Grammar and in your old socialist politics


The use of Ellipsis in modern online forum posting emulates conversational style ... too bad you live in an outdated world along with your outdated politics...

It is grammatically acceptable to use ellipses in written speech to indicate a pause, although the primary use of this punctuation is to substitute for words edited from text to reduce length of quotations. Use or more importantly over use in discourse detracts from the effectiveness of prose. Discourse is, of course, primarily composed of words, not the lack of them. Think of it like self-abuse, occasional use can be effective but over-use is the sign of a deeper problem.

The wonderful thing about Grammar is that it is timeless. Never goes out of date. I have had my Fowler's Modern English Usage for decades. It was first published in 1926. For people who care about such things, this is the most authoritative reference on the subject available.

You need to Evolve in online Grammar and in your old socialist politics

As much as I would like to engage with an old school American right winger in the vein of Ayn Rand and Teddy Roosevelt, it would be quickly ruled off topic since this is a thread about Trump's Muslim ban.

Traditional socialism emerges from the view that people are altruistic. Traditional capitalism as a political and not economic construct emerges from the view that people are self interested. Neither are fully correct. Neither are fully incorrect. Consequently, political systems based on these views are not entirely satisfactory. But I do not think that the Intellectually Closed can discuss this issue. So we will just have to return to taking pot shots occasionally, although I and a few others will be back after the collapse of the Trump 'Populist' uprising and quite a lot of crow will have to be digested I am sure.

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