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SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

SURVEY: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?  

338 members have voted

  1. 1. Survey: Do you support the UK petition to ban Donald Trump for hate speech?

    • Yes, I am a UK citizens and I support a ban.
    • No, I am a UK citizen but I do not support a ban.
    • Yes, I am not a UK citizen but I would support a ban.
    • No, I am not a UK citizen but I would not support a ban

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I voted 'No' in this poll and have not signed the petition.

Not because I support him or his statement in any way, shape or form; I don't.

But simply because I feel he should come to the UK; for two reasons.

1) To face the people of Aberdeenshire whose homes were cut off by his golf course, which also destroyed a site of special scientific interest; the only one of it's kind in Europe outside Scandinavia.

A golf course nobody there wanted, and only got built after Aberdeenshire County Council refused planning permission because his then mate Salmond got the Scottish parliament to overturn that refusal.

Of course, he and Salmond later fell out because Salmond wanted to build an offshore windfarm which would spoil Trump's view when he stayed at his hotel. So Trump threw a hissy fit and built another golf course in Ireland: poor Irish!

2) To tour London and see for himself that his statement that there are areas of London where the Met are afraid to go is totally untrue and ridiculous.

A remark best responded to by good old Boris Johnson saying "The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump."

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Le Pen and her FN went bust in yesterday's regional elections.

Didn't win a single region. She's talking about suing for a conspiracy against her and the FN. clap2.gif The fascist parties post WW2 are pretty well locked out of ever gaining power again, which is the whole idea. As bad as things are, they could be light years worse.

It's a definite foreshadowing of what's coming for Trump sooner or later.

I didn't vote yet.

It is of course up to UK what to do about allowing into their country a Benito Mussolini kind of guy from USA whose election campaigns will end in a heap at one point or another.

If UK wants to get severe about it then fine. Mussolini succeeded on the continent whereas he never would have had any success in the USA, so the experience of fascism on the respective sides of the pond are different.

Trump hasn't any actual and real sense of politics, law, diplomacy, elections or voting. Which is why among other factors in which Trump is profoundly deficient he will fail. The political center-middle has already congealed against him.

Do you really believe this ? And Center is the Middle.

The question is of course a rhetorical flourish of a statement. Since there are no arguments presented either way as a reply, the interogatories can only be that exactly. A waste of bandwidth besides.

Center-middle is a term of political art. It describes the bell-shaped curve of the electorate. The outside margins of either side then the broad mass in between.

Most of the center-middle are either center-right or center-left. Some others are more of one or the other as we move toward either margin.

The center-middle held in France in Sunday's voting. The center-middle will hold in the USA also regardless of whether the Republican party might nominate either Trump or Cruz. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is closer to the political center-middle than either Trump or Cruz.

Time now for a cigarette break so light 'em if you got 'em cause that concludes this bloc of instruction.


British soldiers 'invade' Washington DC to save US from Donald Trump

Hey guys, nice bagpipes. Who are you with?

Guy with bagpipes: "The British Army."

"Not every day ya see the British Army marching on Capitol Hill.”

Soldier on the far left: "We saw Doland Trump was about to become President so we thought it was a good time to invade and help you out.”




We should vote him off ofthe island ( planet)!

There is no place for such racism and bigotry in today's world.

He is only making a play for the support of the passionately uneducated and uninformed in America....and there are a lot of them.


The petition is faintly ridiculous. You are handing a megaphone to a small number of people already with the loudest voice, without right of dissent, refutation, reply or counter argument. It is Coffee Shop politics at its worst. If Trump has broken laws which would bar him from the UK then proceed on that basis - but simply because Leicester Poly students had nothing better to do on Friday night than click on a 'petition page'? It is about as anti-democratic as you can get! It is the subversion of a democratic process into a lobbying process.


We should vote him off ofthe island ( planet)!

There is no place for such racism and bigotry in today's world.

He is only making a play for the support of the passionately uneducated and uninformed in America....and there are a lot of them.

I think most folks have endured enough of the PC crap.

He's saying what he feels so what's the big deal !! many feel the same ....

oh wait ! you can't speak your mind .... you have to keep quite and be politically correct. BS bah.gif


A number of off-topic posts have been removed along with replies. I don't think we need to go over WWII nor the 2nd amendment.


We should vote him off ofthe island ( planet)!

There is no place for such racism and bigotry in today's world.

He is only making a play for the support of the passionately uneducated and uninformed in America....and there are a lot of them.

I think most folks have endured enough of the PC crap.

He's saying what he feels so what's the big deal !! many feel the same ....

oh wait ! you can't speak your mind .... you have to keep quite and be politically correct. BS bah.gif


I am about as far as a person can get from being "politically correct'.

It is not one of my conserns and like you, I do not care for it.

But, there is a great difference between what is politically correct and what is right and wrong.

Most civilized and educated people agree that hate and racism are wrong.

No need to wait...I do speak my mind.

* I do agree that Trump does speak his mind.

But his mind is f#cked up and i do not find it refreshing...I find it frightening!


I said yes, even though I think its a little harsh to ban someone based on speech.

But his speech is influential, hence the Yes vote. Hate crime against Muslims is on the rise in the US.

The society is becoming more fragmented, racial tension is on the rise.

Before his speech, people were more tolerant or at least held their view to themselves, now everyone is coming out of the woods.


The overwhelming support of ThaiVisa Forum posters for Donald Trump is in stark contrast to the condemnation heaped on his weirdly-coiffured head by the Press and politicians around the world. Who would have dreamed he would be so popular?

He is an unlikely hero, but a hero none-the-less in standing up for that increasingly rare commodity, free speech. And he has shown, in response to the predictable mass media reaction to his outspoken comments, that he can take the flak as well as dish it out.

I am reminded of an incident from my childhood when I arrived home from school one day in tears after some nasty verbal bullying from my playground peers. My old Mum, a Cockney of limited formal education but infinite wisdom, was totally unsympathetic.

She told me stop sniveling and, by way of advice, recited an old proverb, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but calling never hurt me".From that day forth I resolved to grow a thicker skin and, as a quid pro quo, to insist on saying what I honestly believed about issues that really mattered to me, irrespective of the wrath this invoked.

It is getting less easy these days to speak as one finds. Slowly but surely, as the political and corporate oligarchy tightens its grip on all our lives, so-called "hate laws" are being used to stifle dissent and ensure that the silent majority stays that way - silent.

Preliminary results from the Forum poll show - literally graphically - what can happen when the gag is removed, as it urgently needs to be in all quarters.

The freedom to cause offence is a vital component of free speech and a privilege which should be enjoyed equally by citizens of all true democracies - be they Islamic immigrants voicing their public support for Islamic terrorists or a flamboyant wannabe Presidential candidate who says it is time to throw away the Muslims Welcome mat.

Whats sauce for the goose. . .

So, you infer that by not supporting a ban we support Trump? What kind of twisted logic is that?

I would not bar home from the UK but I still think he is a deeply unpleasant buffoon. Fortunately, after insulting momen, Mexicans, the disabled and all Muslims he has no chance of becoming president.

I do hope the republicans select him as their candidate!


Donald duck .. I mean Trump sorry !! he spoke his mind and all the dogooders come of the woodwork ...... oh you can't say that .. !!

it might hurt someone's feelings and put our soldiers at risk .....

what a load of hogwash ..... grow up and get a life politicians !!

Go Donald !! quack quack post-48292-0-05290100-1450163578_thumb.j


His predictable position on (extreme) islam, but nevertheless, Spot On.

The visibile result of this Poll thus far, seems to indicate that the multi-cultural progressive view has a very loud microphone, but when the vast majority of people pick the bones out of the bluster, they arrive at a sensible conclusion.



The visibile result of this Poll thus far, seems to indicate that the multi-cultural progressive view has a very loud microphone, but when the vast majority of people pick the bones out of the bluster, they arrive at a sensible conclusion.

In the last few years that microphone has been in possession of all sorts of marginal groups. The majority has just about had enough and is now squishing the media hoggers. It was only loud because the background was quiet.


The visibile result of this Poll thus far, seems to indicate that the multi-cultural progressive view has a very loud microphone, but when the vast majority of people pick the bones out of the bluster, they arrive at a sensible conclusion.

In the last few years that microphone has been in possession of all sorts of marginal groups. The majority has just about had enough and is now squishing the media hoggers. It was only loud because the background was quiet.

Agreed. Frustated as both extremes are hosted by anxious bobble heads on 24/7 "news", while normal people try to sift through the BS looking for sanity.


I say let him enter the UK, but do not give him any speaking appointments, media coverage or acknowledgement.

He is a fool


Way too bad. You had the chance to inject:

I am a US citizen, and I do support the ban.
I am a US citizen, and I do not support the ban.

It's unfortunate, because really, what American really gives a good g*dda*n what a Brit or any other chuckhole's opinion is about our country or our politics. I don't care that Britain has a PM who is willing to put his penis in the mouth of a pig as the selected representative of their country. So, if you want such a person to run your country, so be it. But stay out of our politics. It's not about you -- non-US foreigners. Do you understand???

Now, if you are critical of this, state right up front -- I'm an American, and I disagree with you. Personally, I could care less what a non-American thinks of my country.

Really? Really!


Way too bad. You had the chance to inject:

I am a US citizen, and I do support the ban.

I am a US citizen, and I do not support the ban.

It's unfortunate, because really, what American really gives a good g*dda*n what a Brit or any other chuckhole's opinion is about our country or our politics. I don't care that Britain has a PM who is willing to put his penis in the mouth of a pig as the selected representative of their country. So, if you want such a person to run your country, so be it. But stay out of our politics. It's not about you -- non-US foreigners. Do you understand???

Now, if you are critical of this, state right up front -- I'm an American, and I disagree with you. Personally, I could care less what a non-American thinks of my country.

Really? Really!

Lol.... Your comments display an amazing amount of ignorance and lack of education

We now live as a global community, dealing with global issues, and to do this responsibility, we need elected responsible people, operating transparently, for the good of A/ principally, their own country B/ the planet as a whole

Every single person on this planet has an interest in what our ( would be) leaders have to say... And just as importantly, we also have a vested interest in monitoring the responses ignorant people , such as yourself, make, to gauge, if nothing else, the total ignorance of a community as a whole, to enable the rest of us prepare to for what the future effect may be.

Unless, of course, you believe that the power and influence of your elected president, amounts to the equivalent of a rabid monkeys influence

Oh... My vote... No ban... i want to hear it all, for the very reasons as stated above.

Always remember that had chamberlain really listened to hitler, WW2 may never have happened.... And that was a war that engulfed the whole world...

Ergo my comment about being uneducated and ignorant

Grow up and join the global community


Way too bad. You had the chance to inject:

I am a US citizen, and I do support the ban.

I am a US citizen, and I do not support the ban.

It's unfortunate, because really, what American really gives a good g*dda*n what a Brit or any other chuckhole's opinion is about our country or our politics. I don't care that Britain has a PM who is willing to put his penis in the mouth of a pig as the selected representative of their country. So, if you want such a person to run your country, so be it. But stay out of our politics. It's not about you -- non-US foreigners. Do you understand???

Now, if you are critical of this, state right up front -- I'm an American, and I disagree with you. Personally, I could care less what a non-American thinks of my country.

Really? Really!

Lol.... Your comments display an amazing amount of ignorance and lack of education

We now live as a global community, dealing with global issues, and to do this responsibility, we need elected responsible people, operating transparently, for the good of A/ principally, their own country B/ the planet as a whole

Every single person on this planet has an interest in what our ( would be) leaders have to say... And just as importantly, we also have a vested interest in monitoring the responses ignorant people , such as yourself, make, to gauge, if nothing else, the total ignorance of a community as a whole, to enable the rest of us prepare to for what the future effect may be.

Unless, of course, you believe that the power and influence of your elected president, amounts to the equivalent of a rabid monkeys influence

Oh... My vote... No ban... i want to hear it all, for the very reasons as stated above.

Always remember that had chamberlain really listened to hitler, WW2 may never have happened.... And that was a war that engulfed the whole world...

Ergo my comment about being uneducated and ignorant

Grow up and join the global community

You are a man, or woman, who has a brain and an opinion. I'll grant you that.

Don't scoop so deep as to think I'm neither educated nor knowledgeable of world affairs. Never forget that Prescott Bush was one of the seven directors of the Union Banking Corp which bankrolled the Nazi Reich. How forgetful we tend to be when it doesn't serve our personal interests, 'eh farcanell? So, you grasp worldly affairs??? Do you grasp global interests that were set forward in the 1930s. Is this something that is off your personal radar, as you criticize me?

You have no depth, farcanell. Dig deeper son. Dig deeper.


I voted not a UK citizen but support the ban.

Why, you ask?

I want to read all the moaning and wailing from the Brits on this forum in a year or so after a ban comes up and bites them in the posterior.

We've bailed them out enough. Let them sort out the problems this causes all by themselves.

You bailed out who?

VOTE TRUMP!!!! my kind of guy.


It's unfortunate, because really, what American really gives a good g*dda*n what a Brit or any other chuckhole's opinion is about our country or our politics.

Good question.

But stay out of our politics.

Ah, we have an answer.

Newsflash: This ain't America, so suck it up big boy.


We now live as a global community

No we don't. Most issues in people's lives are completely local. It's strange how the same people who cry over biodiversity of bugs without a pause assume humans are the same world over. Much as I despise the idea of nations organized by violence against each other, it seems to be the only way human kind can inhabit the planet. There's a distinct need for discrete communities, with their own rules, values and traditions. Even if it's a silly system of a coup every few years, they want it, let 'em have it. <deleted> globality.



The visibile result of this Poll thus far, seems to indicate that the multi-cultural progressive view has a very loud microphone, but when the vast majority of people pick the bones out of the bluster, they arrive at a sensible conclusion.


If you think that "sensible conclusion" is that all those who voted 'No' support Trump or agree with his views on anything; you are very much mistaken.

Like myself, many posters have said that even though they voted 'No' it was not because they support or agree with him but because they think banning him is not the right way of countering him and his views.

IMHO, the poll options were poorly chosen; better, I think, if there had been an option of "I don't agree with Trump, but don't think he should be banned from the UK."

As I have said, one of the reasons I want him to come here is so he can see for himself how ridiculous his ignorant statements about life in my country are.

Though if he's got any sense, he wont go to Scotland; particularly Aberdeenshire! If you look at the petition map, you will see that is one of the areas with the largest number of signatories! They hate him up there; and with good cause.

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