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Serves him right...maybe he's learned to keep his foul-mouthed transphobia to himself!

LOL, no such word as transphobia, yet another made up-word to try and shoot down free speech. Stop being a bigot and accept people have different views and as such are entitled to express them.

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Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

I no longer get bothered by them, might have something to do with having my 40kg pitbul with me wink.png

Happy to rent him out on hourly basis smile.png

Not that this happens often, but smiling and saying thank you but no thank you, and maybe giving them a shawadee, has alsways got me through these encounters.


The guy got what he deserved and ran to the police like the big mouthed, bigoted little coward he obviously is.


Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

agree 100 % ..i was also in Pattaya last weekend to visit a couple of friends, and i got very angry at a bunch of ladyboys that harrassed me while walking up the road, i tried to ignore them but when one or more start grabbing at your nuts , then thats too much... i was very close to knocking a couple of them out until my friend guided me up the road and warned me i would be jumped later or if they saw me again... something has to be done about them,


He wasn't "politically correct" (polite) and expressed his hatred openly to their faces.

And got his ass kicked, 555

You mean he expressed his opinion after being accosted by a bunch of men dressed as "Ladies"


Agreed. But you should be able to walk around freely without being harassed by these nut jobs. They are the source of many crimes here in Pattaya. Don't want to generalize, but those on beach road late at night need to be dealt with.

I agree but if you read the story "the police could'nt find them"------- so what can you do cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

oh - lets think about what you can do.

How about a competent police service that can find them. There is CCTV all along beach road. I find it 'odd' that they cannot be found, but I'd fully understand that little effort was made to find them.. maybe those that could have found them thought it was the chaps own fault :Som Nam Na.

How about patrols to better monitor these men. Police know exactly where these men hangout. As I said the CCTV could be monitored and when they appear send a couple of policemen down to hang around with them.

How about when one does get caught they face 6 months instead of a 500tbh fine.

How about not accepting it as the norm and actually trying to tackle the problem.

While I think the bloke that got a kicking should have kept his mouth shut, to accept violent behaviour creates a bad reputation which in turn affects all folk that operate legitimate businesses in the area.


Ignore them or smile and say no thanks. Being stupid by considering there existence an affront and vocalising it equates to a beatdown.


One more data point. The "early hours" are for sleeping.

So morning jogs are not permitted?

Of course they're permitted. They're just at a higher risk to your personal safety from criminals and drunks and drivers in the dark.

Balanced against cooler weather, maybe it's worth it. Me? I'm staying in bed.


Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

Good luck..


Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

Good luck..

I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.


Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

Good luck..

I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

If you want a petition set one up, if you don't then just say what you feel.. The joys of freedom.

Not sure it is possible to prevent a British person getting a UK visa. blink.png you havn't really thought this through have you.


The guy is an idiot, simple as that.

Don't gob off to ladyboys...... Just smile and keep walking These are guys with female hormones coursing around there veins...........

If in doubt remember this; 'They are not girls with dicks........ They are guys with tits', Think about it that is quite a difference.


Looks like a Hi-So tourist and start to throw verbal profanities at a GROUP of actually young men who dress like women at the age 69.

facepalm.gif I would only do that if I am sure I can outrun them (if they wear hi-heels)

He should have shut his mouth before making the last statement to police. Above posters have pretty well covered the subject. Yes at 69 out late at night only trouble will follow you.


I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

In some circles, that would be considered just another night of good fun. Win some, lose some.


Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

Good luck..

I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

But surely you don't condone this? Unpleasant attitude or not, he didn't deserve to be beaten up by these thugs.


I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

you could always report him here


but I doubt if it would be relevent as the hate crime occurred outside of the UK.

No sympathy for anyone who instigates an UNPROVOKED attack regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of those involved but IMO in this case 2 wrongs really did seem to make a right

The most supprising thing about this story is the Ladyboys on the motorbike had crash helmets 555


Where can I sign the online petition to keep this transphobic individual and his anti-transgender hate speech from entering the UK?

Set one up and let us all know how you get on.

Good luck..

I just might...especially as we're given his name as Leslie Patrick Murphy. However, it's probably enough that this individual is forever memorialized on the internet as the self-admitted transgenderphobic hatemonger that was given a whooping by some ladies who didn't take kindly to his attitude.

But surely you don't condone this? Unpleasant attitude or not, he didn't deserve to be beaten up by these thugs.

No he did not deserve to be beaten up nor did the group of ladyboy deserve a homophobic rant from him. What they should have done is gone to the police themselves and reported him


"revealed to Police his hatred of Ladyboy’s" - that appears to be the key to understanding the incident? ( I take it the possessive "'s" is a typo!)

oh, again wisdom words???! cheesy.gif


No sympathy for anyone who instigates an UNPROVOKED attack regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of those involved but IMO in this case 2 wrongs really did seem to make a right

Easy to pass judgement, but the guy's a tourist. From the linked article:

Mr. Murphy explained that he was walking along Jomtien Beach Road when he encountered a group of Ladyboy’s who offered Mr. Murphy sexual services in exchange for money.

I wasn't there, but every time I've been "offered sexual services" by LB's, it's come in the form of unwanted and very physical contact with the possible intent of picking my pockets while I was focusing on getting the hand off my crotch while maintaining a smile. The toughest part for me is maintaining the smile.

I'm pretty sure that those of us who have been here a few years are better prepared (through experience) to deal with these encounters more calmly than a tourist fresh off the airplane. So I'd cut the guy some slack when he reacted to a strange and threatening situation in perhaps an inappropriate manner. Perfectly natural adrenaline fed fight or flight reaction.


Hatred will get you into 'bovver' anywhere on the planet.

Deport him to Syria as the UK ambassador and see how long he lasts.

Obviously he 'aint got no behaviour'.


The guy is an idiot, simple as that.

Don't gob off to ladyboys...... Just smile and keep walking These are guys with female hormones coursing around there veins...........

If in doubt remember this; 'They are not girls with dicks........ They are guys with tits', Think about it that is quite a difference.

First rule of survival in Thailand (In capital letters re Pattaya):

Don't "gob off" at any group of Thais, full stop.


I learned a lesson about these guys early on when I came out of the old carfour and someone put a flower like thing in my hand. I carried it with

me and got on a baht bus and two lady boys got on with me. One of them said to me that his friend wanted to go with me. I told him I had a girl friend

waiting for me in my room and I also ask why he ask me to go with his friend. He told me that the thing in my hand was an indication that I liked

lady boys, I explained to him that I did not know what the thing represented and that I liked ladies. As we were traveling back toward my stop the lady boy

who the first said wanted to go with me came and sat across from me and started to break down, his face was going crazzy so I jumped off that bus

and went into a crowed market and was very glad that I was not followed. I know that the guy was thinking of attacking me from the look on his

face. I learned my lesson as it has not happened gain.

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