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Turn off parking camera for Driving Test


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Im aiming to take the Thai driver license test tomorrow but I've been told I can't use the reversing camera for the reversing manoeuvre and it has to be turned off.

I have a new Ford Ranger Wildtrack and as far as I can tell, the camera can't be turned off, and nor can the proximity sensors.

I guess I can put tape over the camera, but not sure if that will work for the sensors or if it will cause the sensor computer to go a bit haywire.

Any suggestions?



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Well it didn't happen today anyway.

Originally I was intending to get a Yellow Book to show residency, so went to Kap Choeng immigration a few weeks back to get registered at my address and received a printout that we were told to take the Amphoe (district) officenin Surin. But once there we were then told we needed to be accompanied by the Phu Yai Ban (Village headman). The officer was happy with the paperwork and said he would issue the book straight away after meeting the Phu Yai Ban.

But we're having trouble getting access to the Phu Yai Ban because he's been away on business and his wife won't give my wife his number or call him for us (apparently he wanted to marry my wife when they were younger) and his wife now doesn't want him talking to my wife!!

So I took a gamble and hoped to use this printout from immigration at the driving licence centre for the residency requirement, the officer thought about it but then decided the paper couldn't be used and said either go get the residency letter from immigration or get the yellow book and come back.

Hopefully we'll get access to the Phu Yai ban soon and I'll get the yellow book and then the license.

It was chaos driving around the licence centre, chocked full of cars, bikes and people all getting in each others way. Manoeuvring in and out of that place is tougher than the test manoeuvre, I feel I should have got my licence just for getting in and out of there in one piece!


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I used a car that they supplied back in 2009

There was a bolt through the middle of the accelerator so that you could only push the accelerator about 1-2 cm. The bolt hit the floor so no more movement of the accelerator

Basically the car (automatic) was just idling around the small course. Hilliarious but I could see that some of the others taking the test were very much capable of putting the car through buildings, so a necessary safety feature.

One test (of 3!) was to reverse about 10 metres in a straight line between cones. The woman in front of me tried about 7 times and then got out crying and left the car in the middle and on top of the cones. She scuttled off

It might have changed. I got the licence and won bets off my Thai inlaws as they were sure the scam is fail first time, pay extra to pass second time. They cheerfully grumbled about falang privileged

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