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PM's ID card idea draws public outcry

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I would have thought there are plenty more important things that need fixing before looking at new ideas that clearly have been thought up on the spot and the implications such a scheme have not been investigated by anyone with any common sense, I am really surprised that he came up with this idea, I thought he was better than that.

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And will his ID card have his occupation (dubious) and his income (again dubious) listed ?

I fear for Thailand the longer this administration remains in office (in power). Thai freedoms are being lost.


I'm waiting for the imminent announcement that each individual will have to log in with their ID card or passport number to use the internet. Fail to change the user and the last logged on user will pay the price for any web related insubordination.


Big Tu’s big idea: Prayuth mulls putting salary, occupation on ID card

By Coconuts Bangkok


A screenshot of Prayuth Chan-ocha on the "Return Happiness to the People" show

BANGKOK: -- Junta chief Prayuth Chan-ocha has come up with the bright idea of displaying monthly salary and occupation on citizens’ ID cards.

To prepare the nation for the upcoming ASEAN economy, PM Prayuth said during his televised address on Saturday morning that national ID cards should provide this information so the government can update labor statistics of the country.

"Our problem is how we organize the information. In 2017, we should succeed at having ID cards that show the cardholder's profession and salary," Prayuth said in his “Returning Happiness to the People” show, which was moved from Friday night to Saturday morning last week.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/12/14/big-tus-big-idea-prayuth-mulls-putting-salary-occupation-id-card


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-12-14

I have not seen this show "Returning Happiness to the People" is it like "The VOICE"?


I would have thought there are plenty more important things that need fixing before looking at new ideas that clearly have been thought up on the spot and the implications such a scheme have not been investigated by anyone with any common sense, I am really surprised that he came up with this idea, I thought he was better than that.

"I thought he was better than that."

Whatever gave you that idea???


The VAT/GST is too low. Exempt food and some essentials to protect the poor and increase it to 15% so that those who consume, pay.

VAT is a tax that punish mostly the poor one, not the rich one.

I think 7% is just right. Reduce corruption, reduce the many useless state employees and keep the state slim.

And not forget to check how many Generals and top officers the Thai army really needs.

Low taxes and slim efficient state helps to make the country and everyone wealthy.....high taxes and taking money from the middle class will make everyone (beside the rich) equal poor.

VAT is not an unfair tax, rich people buy more expensive things and then pay more tax. In many countries luxury items have a higher VAT (sometimes 33%) and basic essentials have a lower VAT. But there are some exceptions like gasoline that everybody has to buy at the same overtaxed price that only the rich can easily afford and then burn it in their gas-guzzling limousines.


What a load of Bullshit this is going to be ,Like Thais changing jobs Quicker than their Clothes they would have to get a new ID every time they change Job ,,Like every month,,Who is going to pay for the new ID ? The Government ? I don't think so.,,,,This is not for helping the poor people, it's only to get everyone in to the TAX system,most people do not make enough money ,and can't afford to pay tax because the greedy employers don't pay enough.


Nobody foreigner understands why he is doing this, we need to educated in the matter.

The media has also misunderstood his comments and need to be invited for correct understandings.

This is about bringing happiness back to the people. People need to be patient forever and give

the Government forever to sort out the problems. You don't want Mr Jones back, do you.


So, what would they put on my wife's ID card? How much her Farang husband is worth? Or even the fact that she is married to a Farang so that she can also pay extra to get into National Parks?


It won't be long now before he comes out and either says he was only joking or the media blew it out of proportion.

Another trial balloon shot down in flames. Not to worry he has more that he wants to try on you for size. Personally I think he filled the latest one up with laughing gas. Maybe if we had enough balloons we could send him up in a lawn chair for a real view of "his" country. That should bring a lot of flintlocks to bear. Pull.


If he gives much of this "Return Happiness to the People" the people will burst at the seams

Kind of reminds me of force feeding geese for foie gras. I wonder if all that heavy drinking in my younger stupid years has created foie gras for my liver. Well working OK for today will worry about tomorrow when it comes.


I would have thought there are plenty more important things that need fixing before looking at new ideas that clearly have been thought up on the spot and the implications such a scheme have not been investigated by anyone with any common sense, I am really surprised that he came up with this idea, I thought he was better than that.

I didn't. I await breathlessly his next exotic idea. I wonder if we check his lineage that Caesar would show up. Can he play a fiddle?? Keep him away from matches.


Completely ridiculous, and in any respect completely unworkable. What about cash based workers - their income ebbs and flows; dependents; noodle sellers, housewives, girlfriends, mia-nois, What does your GF put on there - what you pay her, or what you have - she has nothing herself. If it wasn't such bad idea it might actually be funny! Surely even Ling Prayuth understands that farmers income is dependent on the going rate for produce - or are we going to get into guaranteeing them an income...? I thought we'd been down that route once already.


So, what would they put on my wife's ID card? How much her Farang husband is worth? Or even the fact that she is married to a Farang so that she can also pay extra to get into National Parks?

She would also have to pay tax on that generous allowance you no doubt give her. You know bedroom tax, laundry tax, cooking tax, cleaning tax, back rub tax, Thai personal advisor tax, haircut tax (well in my case anyways) and with a little thought I could come up with a dozen more. And to think I waited 25 years and a detour to Mexico before coming to the promised land and my name isn't even Moses.


This is the long and short of it If it is on a micro card then there is room for major abuse by anyone with a card reader. This is a given that that information will be for sale to the right bidders

Why do western societies not do this BECAUSE IT IS AGAINST PERSONAL FREEDOMS AND no one else business. PERIOD

Funny this, but in Norway, the level everyone's tax contribution is part of PUBLIC record. Since one is contributing to the PUBLIC purse, why not make their tax return part of public record.

Would do wonders for transparency.


I'm waiting for the imminent announcement that each individual will have to log in with their ID card or passport number to use the internet. Fail to change the user and the last logged on user will pay the price for any web related insubordination.

Geeze don't go putting idea's in his head. He has already floated a trial balloon on "Gating" us. He is no doubt on his "red" hotline phone to China to see what next he should implement. From the way the world is going he no doubt gets a "busy" signal from time to time. The oracle of China has all kinds of tricks like the present one of jailing a prominent civil rights lawyer. Yes uncle Li K is constantly smiling in the press but he is slowly assuming complete control over the country rooting out his predecessor's faithful followers. What an amazing culture smilingly hand down the baton of power and then erase all signs of your predecessor. Is it like the preying mantis that eat their own? He constantly reminds the minions that they are in the land of peace and happiness but on a very short leash much like here. His IRS team went to Washington and borrowed CD's on the IRS's American operation to use in China. I guess there were just to many rich Chinese not paying their fair share and pirating money out of the country into "Western" real estate. Guess they are not happy with their lot in China.


If your married, I betcha your wife will have to declare your income especially if you have a work permit.

This guy is determined to suck the life out of this country


I would have to say that I don't think it is a good idea to list a persons financial status (income and job) on an ID card, as for one thing that can change rapidly and could even change a number of times during a year - also as it would give the financial info to anyone who saw the card, it is likely to increase the criminal targeting of individuals based on their income.

Not good at all - the ID card is often photocopied and used in all kinds of applications or registrations by private organisations - and there is no guarantee of the security of the storage or dissemination of that essentially private information.

I would guess they would encrypt the data and it would be on a smart chip, just like the US military ID card and your bank card. You would need the ID software and a reader to view the data. It would not be printed on the card. Using the chip allows for updates of job/salary info as required as apposed to printing something with data that has a limited life.


I'd like to see more effective tax collection measures implemented (i.e. Taxing those who sell online through bank transfers only), but I'm not entirely sure how the ID card scheme would help in this process?

May I ask, exactly why you would like to see this ?

Sure. I'm interested in seeing Thailand develop as a nation, and part of this is closing loopholes that are being exploited to evade tax. Let's face it, there's no way that those online websites in Thailand that only accept bank transfers are submitting their Phor.Ngor.Dor 50/51 tax forms on a semi annual basis declaring all of their revenue and paying 20% net of expenses in corporate income tax! Why do you think the BOI, BOT and partially AMLO are pushing for more electronic payment systems (e-wallets) such as those provided by AIS/True/DTAC? Pretty soon you're going to see those government agencies push a rule in place whereby frequent transfers in/out must be explained (each has their own agenda, but all are in favor).

Of course, cutting corruption (as others have mentioned in this thread; and something I see Prayuth doing a better job of than any prior government - still not EU standards but better) is important; and it's being addressed. But the money out problem is much more difficult to fix than the money in problem.


then , 4 changes on my gf's ID this month....

5 days selling fruits on the market (salary depends on what she have sold)

1 week working in the rice fields (200 baths / a day)

working as maid 1 time (half day) a week

and between all above , no work (O baths), no income


There are just SO MANY things wrong with this concept it is mind boggling!

I cannot believe anybody except an Orwellian government or an utter and total knave (being sheeple'd into being a good Orwellian citizen of the STATE) could see anything good about it.

yes all thais are equal, but the rich and the army are more equal ......... why don't they tattoo your income on your forhead, or does that sound like Nazi ism???

heil the pm


so lose your ID card and someone can tell how much you earn and get all the information about you, and sell it on. Could even happen when someone swipes your card at a Bank for example when opening an account.

Its not a good idea. Plus you don't lose the ID card.


so lose your ID card and someone can tell how much you earn and get all the information about you, and sell it on. Could even happen when someone swipes your card at a Bank for example when opening an account.

A hotel CEO once refuted identity theft to a Japanese guest as not possible and a figment of his imagination. CEO was later transferred to an inactive post for sex crimes with staff. Cherished Thainess.


A great idea, now the government officials will know how much bribe they can expect to get from you.

You are on the right track here.

This is not an ID card, it is a Sakdina card. Anybody that sees it immediately knows your status on the ladder of Thai Sakdina culture. It takes institutionalized inequality to new heights.

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