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Sweden jails two men for life for crimes in Syria


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Sweden jails two men for life for crimes in Syria
By Robert Hackwill


GOTHENBURG: Two men have been jailed for life in Sweden for committing acts of murder in Syria. They are the first to be jailed for terrorist crimes committed in the country.

The men, both Swedish, deny the charges and at least one says he will appeal.

They are accused of beheading and cutting the throats of two men in Aleppo in 2013.

One insisted he had gone to Syria to fight against the Assad regime, but film emerged of him and his colleague enthusiastically taking part in acts of savagery.

It had been kept by the youngest of the accused on a USB key at his home in Gothenburg.

Both men lived in Sweden’s second city, which has sent over 120 people to fight in Syria, making it one of Islamic State’s main recruiting centres in Europe.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-15

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Life sentence in Sweden is without time limit. After 10 years of you can apply to get a set amount time, minimum 18 years.

And you are right Ezzra, the inmates in Sweden have a better life than many on the outside. In the past (before they all joined EU) there where people going to Sweden from Eastern Europe just to commit crimes. One Polish man said in an interview (about 15 years ago) that he made more money serving 3 months in a Swedish prison than he could make working a year in Poland...

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Is there really much difference between the likes of Assad and butchers being bankrolled by the West to bring him down? And when he has gone will the people of Syria be left to pick up the pieces as they have been in Iraq and Libya?

It is becoming increasingly evident that IS, like Al Qaeda before it, is another CIA-created rent-a-mob being used to destabalise an entire region and effect the regime change necessary for the latest phase of worldwide US hegemony.

Why else should that most duplicitous of NATO alliance members Turkey have deliberately downed a Russian warplane, just as Putin's highly-effective raids on IS supply lines from Turkey were softening up the jihadists for a joint US/Russian sucker punch (the US had flown over a thousand bombing missions with, inexplicably, virtually no impact on the "enemy").

Turkey's intervention, a false flag if ever there was one, also torpedoed the seemingly imminent prospect of the two super powers sinking their differences over Syria in a bid to end the civil war which has displaced millions and threatens to overwhelm the resources of European countries with an unprecedented exodus of refugees/economic migrants.

Unlike Russia, The US wants Assad out at any price, despite having no viable replacement in the wings and the certainty that his departure would simply pave the way for more Iraq-style chaos. Britain, France and the rest of the NATO allies, to their shame, have gone along with this excuse for a plan.

As IS continues to extend the boundaries of its bogus Caliphate, we can expect the roll-out of more inefficient, corrupt and unrepresentative US-proxy regimes, such as that currently being foisted, as IS forces beat at the gates of Tripoli. on the long-suffering people of Libya. This war-ravaged country, under Muhammar Ghaddafi the poster boy of African nations in terms of human resource development, is now a pathetic shadow of its former self, fought over by IS and other assorted dogs of war.

The web of military imperialism in which the Middle East and parts of Africa are being enmeshed may appear a tangled one. But there is no mistaking the spider.

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I bet the Oslo Hilton is pretty plush...Play Stations, saunas, and probably a Starbucks too.

What has the Oslo Hilton got to do with anything?

Oslo is in Norway not Sweden.

My bad...55555...Stockholm Hilton of course. I've got Oslo and Norway on the brain as one of my favorite Tubers blogs from Norway.

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