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Murder reenactment halted after victim's relatives try to grab suspects

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Reenactment of a murder case cancelled after victim’s relatives try to snatch suspects from police


KANCHANABURI: -- Two prime suspects alleged to be involved in the murder of an 19-year youth in Kanchanaburi province narrowly escaping linching Tuesday after dozens of the victim’s relatives and friends tried to snatch them from the police as they tried to stage a reenactment of the murder at the crime scene.

The reenactment of the murder of 19-year old Krisda Onnom by the two suspects, 25-year old Nitinai “Moss” Watcharanutat and 23-year old Chai-anuwat “Ton” Rodpai was supposed to take place at the crime scene in front of the Arabian Night pub on Saengchuto road in Kanchanaburi’s Muang district.

As the van carrying the two suspects arrived at the crime scene, about 50 relatives and friends of the victim rushed toward the van to block it and some of them tried to open the side door to snatch the suspects.

A brief commotion followed, prompting the police to order the van to leave the scene. The re-enactment was also cancelled.

The victim’s mother, Mrs Kanya Toysheller, said this was the first time that she visited the crime scene where her boy was brutally beaten to death by six men all of them have now been arrested.

She demanded the six suspects to be brought to make an apology in front of the victim’s body before it was to be cremated on Thursday. She also demanded the suspects to be condemned to death or jailed for life.

Pol Colonel Pisut Sukrason, superintendent of the Muang district police, said he could not force the suspects to apologise the victim and this would depend on the will of the suspects.

He also said that the police were concerned with the safety of the suspects if they were to be taken to the victim’s house because his relatives were still very angry with the suspects.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/reenactment-of-a-murder-case-cancelled-after-victims-relatives-try-to-snatch-suspects-from-police

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-15
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Just shows what a farce and potential incident could happen. Whether guilty or not I am not into lynch mobs. Reenactments are just plain sully and do nothing to enhance the keystone cops reputation.


Just shows what a farce and potential incident could happen. Whether guilty or not I am not into lynch mobs. Reenactments are just plain sully and do nothing to enhance the keystone cops reputation.

the bib are,nt in the same league as the keystone cops.


Should have waited 5 minutes until they were out of the van. coffee1.gif

Come up with a well thought out plan ahead of the actual act? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It appears you need a few lessons in Thainess.


Why need a renenactment? The whole bloody thing is on film. Where did the Thai police learn this? From Sherlock Holmes?

Unbelievable how much incompetence there is in this country.. It's overwhelming sometimes.


I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

I mean the families know where the reenactment has to take place, so if they want to exact vengeance...


Just shows what a farce and potential incident could happen. Whether guilty or not I am not into lynch mobs. Reenactments are just plain sully and do nothing to enhance the keystone cops reputation.

the bib are,nt in the same league as the keystone cops.

Now, now, that's hardly a fair comparison, let's face it the keystone cops had genuine talent.


Should have waited 5 minutes until they were out of the van. coffee1.gif

Come up with a well thought out plan ahead of the actual act? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It appears you need a few lessons in Thainess.

I'd rather scrape the inside of my nose with a potato peeler than take a lesson from this crowd. coffee1.gif


Sometimes, Thais are too slow. coffee1.gif

Too quick in this case - should have cooled their heels for a few minutes....

If the police ever needed proof that these 'reenactments' were a bad, stupid, idiotic, moronic idea, here it is.

My thoughts exactly.

There is also the angle that such displays prior to conviction are prejudicial. But I suppose that is what the authorities are going for: another file in the "case solved" pile. A re-enactment is as good as a confession (according to whoever controls the judiciary).

From my (limited) understanding, re-enactments are only conducted post-conviction for a variety of reasons (e.g. to find the remains of victims to bring families closure etc.) and usually as part of a plea deal to reduce sentencing.

Then again, TiT as it awaits its entrance to the 17th century.


If the police ever needed proof that these 'reenactments' were a bad, stupid, idiotic, moronic idea, here it is.

I'm sure some in the BIB know these re-enactments are totally unnecessary but they just have to posture in public to get publicity.

As usual they successfully screw things up, announce the event in advance to ensure maximum publicity, they don't control the scene or keep the media and public well back.

Of course keeping the media under control defeats the purpose of holding the re-enactment since they can't get suitable footage to show the BIB in action.

Bluespunk correctly said it's a wonder situations like yesterday don't happen more often but there will be plenty more opportunities as the BIB's need to have a circus means they won't have learned anything or change procedures.


I've read posts previously suggesting the BIB had said that re-enactments were to be stopped but I have no personal knowledge how accurate that is.

If the police had anything like professional leadership they would be all over this and try to ensure this, and other, stupidity stops.


I've read posts previously suggesting the BIB had said that re-enactments were to be stopped but I have no personal knowledge how accurate that is.

If the police had anything like professional leadership they would be all over this and try to ensure this, and other, stupidity stops.

"If the police had anything like professional leadership...."

Herein lies the problem.


the Bib believes that these reenactments give them credibility in the public eye and distract from their own criminal activities (What's a bit of tea money as along as they catch murderers). Thing is, most of the time they don't catch anybody, they sit in the station waiting for the perp to turn himself in... and that makes them heroes in their own eyes...wub.png


If the police ever needed proof that these 'reenactments' were a bad, stupid, idiotic, moronic idea, here it is.

A mob actually pulled a suspect out of a pick-up and tore him to pieces at MorChit several years ago. But the police continue with the play-acting. Easier than doing any actual investigation work I suppose. "Just show us what you did and we'll take your word for it," and we'll also know you're guilty before even taking you to court. No case to prepare. Job done. Next.


Just shows what a farce and potential incident could happen. Whether guilty or not I am not into lynch mobs. Reenactments are just plain sully and do nothing to enhance the keystone cops reputation.

the bib are,nt in the same league as the keystone cops.

I just shows how little confidence Thai people have in the justice system here. The relatives will probably succeed next time round. Well done to the RTP for catching them and protecting the criminals temporarily from their inevitable end.


If the police ever needed proof that these 'reenactments' were a bad, stupid, idiotic, moronic idea, here it is.

A mob actually pulled a suspect out of a pick-up and tore him to pieces at MorChit several years ago. But the police continue with the play-acting. Easier than doing any actual investigation work I suppose. "Just show us what you did and we'll take your word for it," and we'll also know you're guilty before even taking you to court. No case to prepare. Job done. Next.

The thing I don't understand is why criminals carry out the reenactment, admit to the crime and then pay a solicitor to try and get them off in court. Seems a little late for that!


I agree these 're-enactments' point up the perceived 'guilt' of the perpetrators and should be banned. However, one re-enactment famously (infamously?) blew up in their faces - the Koh Tao Two. If there were any lingering doubt as to the claim those two young confused, thus having to be guided by the police, midgets weren't set up, they were all dispelled at that farce.


A year or so ago, from what I can remember, one of RTP's finest down here in Phuket was involved in some dastardly deed; he refused to participate in the reinactment and the powers that be were in agreement that crime scene reinactments are/were not mandatory.


If the police ever needed proof that these 'reenactments' were a bad, stupid, idiotic, moronic idea, here it is.

A mob actually pulled a suspect out of a pick-up and tore him to pieces at MorChit several years ago. But the police continue with the play-acting. Easier than doing any actual investigation work I suppose. "Just show us what you did and we'll take your word for it," and we'll also know you're guilty before even taking you to court. No case to prepare. Job done. Next.

The thing I don't understand is why criminals carry out the reenactment, admit to the crime and then pay a solicitor to try and get them off in court. Seems a little late for that!

The thing you need to understand is the confessions and reenactments are often done under torture with items like electric tazers etc

Anyone will confess to anything after a few days of that.... Probably also sleep deprivation or whatever else.....

If course later they will retract their confession when the torture is over but by then it's too late because they signed the confessions already and the judge just gets to pick a number of years.....


Just shows what a farce and potential incident could happen. Whether guilty or not I am not into lynch mobs. Reenactments are just plain sully and do nothing to enhance the keystone cops reputation.

Agreed, for me such events just re-enforce the Keystone Cop reputation the BiB have.

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