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Have you or one of your friends and family fallen for the old gas fill up trick

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Twice this happened. Meter was not reset to zero and they started pumping the gazoline in... once at Shell Pattaya Tai and once at Shell Srinakarin. When I complained to the head office they even did not come with a solution. Since then I have never used Shell again... I drive 40.000 km a year

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Get out of your car and watch the pump.

They only catch out lazy people.

That's the way to do it ...I always get out. Don't think that I have ever seen a Thai do that.

It's normal to get out in the UK as it's a serve yourself job

"Don't think that I have ever seen a Thai do that."

My Thai friend who often drives me here and there always positions the car so he or I can watch the meter and has commented on which stations he knows to be more/less reliable.

The implication that Thais are clueless compared to Khun Farang is laughable and telling.


Fill up at PTT and use the Blue card and that stops any monkeying around. When you use the card the slip you receive indicate the pump number, the date and time, the liters and the amount.

Same at Shell, use your Shell Smart Card, get a receipt, sorted.

I just want to point out, I've noticed in both my Freed and Jazz that if you're absolutely empty and only put in 200 baht, it wont' register even though you have gas in the tank. Just food for thought.


This discussion was a little confusing for me, at first, because in Australia gas = LPG/NCG. Liquid fuels are petrol/benzine or diesel. Anyway, the scam has happened to me once. Normally it takes 1000 Baht of diesel to fill the car. One time the car seemed to be only three quarters full and I couldn't work out why. It's only after seeing this thread that I realise I was probably scammed.


Never had it happen to me here as when I lived in USA when gas was almost $4 a gallon and you would need like $60 + to fill the tank it was known that some gas attendants might short the fill by a dollar. Not much to notice on gage but if the did that to 100 cars thats a $100 tip at the end of the day. I always watch the meter and sometimes get out to "stretch " my legs if I can't see it from inside the car.


I am guilty of stealing a few bucks this way back in the mid 70's when I pumped gas at a Clark gas station across from State Fair Park in West Allis, Wisconsin on 84th and Greenfield.

There was one wonky pump that you could easily start pumping without resetting. I felt guilty when it started on $2 and I sold the lady $5 worth of gas. She drove off with only $3 worth.

I didn't make a lot. I did it less than 5 times when my guilt got to me or I got scared of getting caught.


I am guilty of stealing a few bucks this way back in the mid 70's when I pumped gas at a Clark gas station across from State Fair Park in West Allis, Wisconsin on 84th and Greenfield.

There was one wonky pump that you could easily start pumping without resetting. I felt guilty when it started on $2 and I sold the lady $5 worth of gas. She drove off with only $3 worth.

I didn't make a lot. I did it less than 5 times when my guilt got to me or I got scared of getting caught.

You must never steal from your own kind, are you not embarrassed to admit what you did?

If someone steals or attempts to steal from you, by all means steal back, but if people are fair with you, you

should always be fair with them.


I learn something every day. blink.png

I only have a scooter so no issues. But I still like to learn from other peoples experiences.


The pumps at the gas station display how many liters were pumped and how many Bht that costs.


Yeah, but that means you have to pay attention. Quite similar to a lot of problems here in the LOS.


Get out of your car and watch the pump.

They only catch out lazy people.

I once asked and paid for 1000 baht and only got about 400 baht of diesel, I only discovered it after I left. I went back and complained and got nowhere.

They didn't rob me because I am lazy. They robbed me because I am trusting.

I have lived here for 15 years and as far as I know this is the only time it has happened.


The pumps at the gas station display how many liters were pumped and how many Bht that costs.


Not if the pump is set to reset to maybe 200 Bt each time instead of zero. Get out of the car and check that the pump is zero before pumping commences.


I don't look at the pump. I do however turn the ignition on with the key to see if the needle on the fuel gauge has moved to the correct position before I hand any money over.

I noticed that my Thai friends always do that. I used to wonder why, but this thread appears to explain the reason.


Happened to me once...in my local PTT.

I parked a little further forward than usual and couldn't see the meter - asked for 1000 bt, but as I pulled away I noticed the gauge much lower than I'd expected... so I reversed back and could see there was only 500 bt showing on the pump... So I just sat there... Eventually someone came over to see why I wasn't moving off, and I said I was waiting for my change. The attendant who'd served me finally came out all and claimed I'd only given him 500bt. But when I reminded him I'd originally asked for 1000 bt and would like to speak to the manager he went all sheepish and returned the 500bt.

Much more careful there now...


I get out of the car and watch the pump display. I also check my fuel gauge before driving off.

Because I've noticed overfilling is quite common at the stations where I refuel, I specify an amount in baht which will get my fuel gauge above 3/4. So far it's working.

It's also a good idea to check the fuel gauge on any vehicle before and after they go in for servicing. coffee1.gif


My previous gas guzling statuts symbol that my girlfriend insisted we must have

the fortune i lost on the fortuner taught me a good lesson,, as we lived in the styx

i needed to have the tank fairly full yet many times i went to drive off for shopping

i noticed the tank nearly on empty, it turned out the parasite father would drain it

and sell the diesel,, so the ritual of when the pointer was on the botton notch i

would fill 500 baht,, notice where the pointer stopped and took notice,, the father

did it one more time and i refused to drive anywhere for a week until the G/F had

a word to the father that he wasn't as smart as he thought and it stopped,,

and so did i,, why make my life harder that it has to be, chop the hand that feeds

you, now go suck eggs.


I always go for the full tank and never noticed a problem. I mostly buy gas at the local station and they know me by name - I usually do park where I can see the meter but if I am feeling distrustful, I get out and watch the meter - - of course, I have to keep one foot on the back tire to make sure they are not stealing my tires and replacing them with less expensive more worn tires while they are pumping… of course, if my wife is with me and I get out of the car, I have to worry about her driving off and leaving me and then I have to pay a ransom for her to come and pick me up and bring me back home… oh, I know many of you would not pay the ransom but it is cheaper than hotel and she provides breakfast in the morning - and the service is good because I am a good tipper.

Loved your answer. I always like a good bit of humor to spice things up. Some posters here really know how to articulate but in a dry very scientific way. Impresses the H out of me but I do not laugh. We all want to laugh even at ourselves at time. We post to help each other but humor is the fuel that keeps us putting along. I am surprised at the number of answers but its a guy thing so maybe that explains it. I will pass on all your answers to her about things to watch for. Above all she suffers from Thainess an unwillingness to turn around and tackle a problem head on. But as many posters stated the time to check your fuel intake is just prior to turning the key on. We live in a world where problems are constantly zooming around in our head and we loose sight of the here and now. Thank you one and all. What a diversity in thinking and reasoning guess it makes us all unique in our own way. Kudos


A misunderstanding? Alration. I think it's you that misunderstood. The op said gas,not petrol,400 bht will fill a gas tank.

You think that it's me that misunderstood, willr? His response was''...

"She has a small Mitsubichi 400 bahts usually fills it."

No, it's definitely you that didn't understand. "Gas" is petrol to Americans. If he'd meant to say LPG in the OP he would have mentioned it in that reply or to clarify all the other posts since, don't you think?


Yes, many times and the worst was the guy who put diesel in instead of 95!!! :-( Now I ALWAYS get out and had the guy a 500 or 1000 baht note and watch him or her do the pumping....live and learn....ho hum...:-)


My favourite experience was in Indonesia filling up a suzuki little jeep.

The meter had already 70 litres on it when they started the fill, so obviously the bill was more on it than the tank would hold !!

They refused to call the police, and I c.q. my Bahasa speaking companion refused to pay.

Was my cheapest fill ever.


Sometimes I only put 300 baht of diezel in the truck, main reason is we have a farmer friend who borrows it when he needs to his is not registered so on long trips where there is a chance of police stops we let him use it, we have a car too so no problem, and he normally tops up but if we give it to him with a full tank he won't.


The pumps at the gas station display how many liters were pumped and how many Bht that costs.


wow have you got that wrong , the pump measures units , the operator decides what size a unit is . it happens everywhere displayed price and unit are what the operator wants them to be . liter and unit are not the same = a liter can be 4/5 of a liter but register as a full liter = one unit . the volume per unit is set by the operator as well as the price per unit ....


I can not believe that so many people would use this thread to insinuate that Thais use the gas pump to cheat people out of their baht...have you not heard that the new Thailand has removed corruption?


I just want to point out, I've noticed in both my Freed and Jazz that if you're absolutely empty and only put in 200 baht, it wont' register even though you have gas in the tank. Just food for thought.

Yes you are right . The first 200 baht or so is your reserve which is why when your needle gets just under half it drops so quick . Basicall only 200 baht would register on the fuel gauge so the op is either short of a shilling or just trolling . Nobdy in any car would expect a full tank for 400baht ,8 pound ,$12 unless he just arrived here from mars or somewhere

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