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The all-new Post of the Week thread!


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Just for fun, I thought it might be good to have a topic to highlight those posts we particularly enjoy.

Here's how it works - if you see a post you particularly like and feel is worthy of this prestigious accolade, then quote it here, perhaps with a link to the original topic.

If you agree with someone else's suggestion, simply 'like' the post containing it.

At the end of the week, the one with the most likes is the winner. And gets a badge. Or something.


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To start the ball rolling, I nominate this one - from http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/878920-from-prostitute-to-proper/

I have to agree with Konying on this one.

Based on casual observations and candid discussions with Thais of how they perceive foreign men/Thai women couples, I believe the default assumption of most Thais is that the Thai woman met the foreign man through the sex industry. From what I have seen, the reason that Thais harbor this "default" perception is because in the vast majority of cases it is true. Only if there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary are these perceptions altered. In relationships which have stood the test of time, or where the man is perceived as a good provider and the woman is perceived as genuinely happy, these relationships are, of course, socially legitimized over time.

Newcomers, and those who cannot communicate in Thai can be forgiven for thinking that Thais are disinterested in whether or not someone is a prostitute. While it is true that Thais are very pragmatic about human sexuality and don't have the same Judeo-Christian judgmentalism as many Westerners, prostitution does carry an undeniable social stigma here. People may laugh and smile and welcome a foreign man when he visits the family home, but that doesn't mean tongues aren't clucking once you're out of earshot.

When I first started coming to Thailand years ago, one of the things which attracted me to the beer bars was the perception that the girls were so carefree that it was easy to feel like there was no exploitation or psychological damage being done. None of the angst and depressing spiritlessness so associated with prostitution in the West seemed to exist. None of the girls seemed to have any psychological hangups, come from broken homes, suffer from substance abuse, or come from abusive environments. While I have never been to a prostitute in the West, and doubt I ever will, I felt comfortable and guilt free in Thai beer and go-go bars.

However, after living in a small village for 10+ years and knowing the family backgrounds of some of the local girls who end up in the sex industry, I no longer see Thailand's sex industry through the same romanticized rose-colored glasses I once did.

I'm not moralizing here, just sharing social observations.

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To start the ball rolling, I nominate this one - from http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/878920-from-prostitute-to-proper/

I have to agree with Konying on this one.

Based on casual observations and candid discussions with Thais of how they perceive foreign men/Thai women couples, I believe the default assumption of most Thais is that the Thai woman met the foreign man through the sex industry. From what I have seen, the reason that Thais harbor this "default" perception is because in the vast majority of cases it is true. Only if there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary are these perceptions altered. In relationships which have stood the test of time, or where the man is perceived as a good provider and the woman is perceived as genuinely happy, these relationships are, of course, socially legitimized over time.

Newcomers, and those who cannot communicate in Thai can be forgiven for thinking that Thais are disinterested in whether or not someone is a prostitute. While it is true that Thais are very pragmatic about human sexuality and don't have the same Judeo-Christian judgmentalism as many Westerners, prostitution does carry an undeniable social stigma here. People may laugh and smile and welcome a foreign man when he visits the family home, but that doesn't mean tongues aren't clucking once you're out of earshot.

When I first started coming to Thailand years ago, one of the things which attracted me to the beer bars was the perception that the girls were so carefree that it was easy to feel like there was no exploitation or psychological damage being done. None of the angst and depressing spiritlessness so associated with prostitution in the West seemed to exist. None of the girls seemed to have any psychological hangups, come from broken homes, suffer from substance abuse, or come from abusive environments. While I have never been to a prostitute in the West, and doubt I ever will, I felt comfortable and guilt free in Thai beer and go-go bars.

However, after living in a small village for 10+ years and knowing the family backgrounds of some of the local girls who end up in the sex industry, I no longer see Thailand's sex industry through the same romanticized rose-colored glasses I once did.

I'm not moralizing here, just sharing social observations.

What is wrong with my posts? Are they not worth nominating?

No more 'likes' for you SB.

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I enjoyed this one. Not sure if fully agree, but it was a point well made.

Posted by KittenKong on Today, 13:37 in Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership

colinneil, on 17 Dec 2015 - 15:22, said:snapback.png

I thank the lord that i live in an Issan village.
Do not have these problems. Do not have problems with neighbours over cockerels in the morning, just a nice quiet life.

Why would any sane person want to live in a condo?

Why would any sane person want to live in an Isaan village? It sounds like hell on earth to me.

And what makes you think that the people in your village are any less devious than some condo managers are? Most of them grew up in a village.

Why do I live in a condo?

I can own it. It requires little or no maintenance. Other people take care of the building and pool and car park at very little cost to me. I can shut the front door and go away for a week or a year without even thinking about it. It's very secure. I have a thousand restaurants of all types and prices within a few minutes walk or drive. I have a good view of the beach and sea from my living room and balcony (in fact I can see about 20 miles or more without leaving my bed). My utilities work nearly all the time.

Edited by BookMan
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I nominate this one by Soi Biker

Posted Today, 17:30


Just for fun, I thought it might be good to have a topic to highlight those posts we particularly enjoy.

Here's how it works - if you see a post you particularly like and feel is worthy of this prestigious accolade, then quote it here, perhaps with a link to the original topic.

If you agree with someone else's suggestion, simply 'like' the post containing it.

At the end of the week, the one with the most likes is the winner. And gets a badge. Or something.


Edited by uptheos
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Well, there is already a quote of the day thread and a poster of the year competition - so why not.



On a point of order - does the week start on Sunday or Monday?

Also, if the posts are to be judged on the number of "likes" why not just ask admin to publish the top scoring "liked" posts each week?

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I nominate this one by Soi Biker

Posted Today, 17:30


Just for fun, I thought it might be good to have a topic to highlight those posts we particularly enjoy.

Here's how it works - if you see a post you particularly like and feel is worthy of this prestigious accolade, then quote it here, perhaps with a link to the original topic.

If you agree with someone else's suggestion, simply 'like' the post containing it.

At the end of the week, the one with the most likes is the winner. And gets a badge. Or something.


That's a bit meta.

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My contribution to post of the week

If we're going to start spamming the thread with random cat videos, we'll be in the pub before sundown.

It's the first sensible thing I've heard on that thread yet, but I shouldn't leave the office before 1815

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Here at Thai Visa we manufacture facts and statistics out of thin air. Usually it involves an (often dubiously one-sided report of) incident with one Thai that immediately becomes generalized to all Thais. In F arang Land if you have a disagreement or difficult experience with one person, one doesn't immediately indict all farangs or if you feel unloved in one location it's not because they ALL are uncouth, but in Thailand THEY all think and act exactly in lockstep and they're all out to get the noble, virtuous farang.

Likewise one incident is extrapolated to "most." In many cases it's just a matter of Khun Farang suffering a suspected loss of face. Unless rose petals are strewn in his path by the natives, THEY ALL hate ALL farangs. I mean in Farang Land, wherever Khun Farang goes he's treated like royalty. Khun Farang does not handled perceived loss of face with grace.

from http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/879623-nana-a-terrible-place-to-live/

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It should just be a rolling thread, highlighting some exceptional post during a recent period but it should not have to be fixed. The post posted once and liked if agreed.

Don't open and close and agree no commentary. I have seen this on other sites and it becomes and a great read itself over time, a bit of a time box too for posters and what was going on at the site. Clear rules, little management and you got something for after x time interest.

Edited by optad
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This is not going to work.

This kind of concept is not in the slightest bit original.

To make it work, you need an editor.

With the volume of content here, that's like a full time job and should be a paid one.

So now and try and prove me wrong.

Don't think that will happen.

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This is not going to work.

This kind of concept is not in the slightest bit original.

To make it work, you need an editor.

With the volume of content here, that's like a full time job and should be a paid one.

So now and try and prove me wrong.

Don't think that will happen.

Which of course translates as:

Bugger, why didn't I think of this?

And why has no one asked me to be in charge?

I know -- perhaps I could sneak in and take control of the thread when SoiBiker's not looking.

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This is not going to work.

This kind of concept is not in the slightest bit original.

To make it work, you need an editor.

With the volume of content here, that's like a full time job and should be a paid one.

So now and try and prove me wrong.

Don't think that will happen.

Which of course translates as:

Bugger, why didn't I think of this?

And why has no one asked me to be in charge?

I know -- perhaps I could sneak in and take control of the thread when SoiBiker's not looking.

That's an interesting window into your mind.

But wrong on all counts.

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This is not going to work.

This kind of concept is not in the slightest bit original.

To make it work, you need an editor.

With the volume of content here, that's like a full time job and should be a paid one.

So now and try and prove me wrong.

Don't think that will happen.

Which of course translates as:

Bugger, why didn't I think of this?

And why has no one asked me to be in charge?

I know -- perhaps I could sneak in and take control of the thread when SoiBiker's not looking.

That's an interesting window into your mind.

But wrong on all counts.

I've got your number, JT.

I now know exactly what you are.

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This is not going to work.

This kind of concept is not in the slightest bit original.

To make it work, you need an editor.

With the volume of content here, that's like a full time job and should be a paid one.

So now and try and prove me wrong.

Don't think that will happen.

Which of course translates as:

Bugger, why didn't I think of this?

And why has no one asked me to be in charge?

I know -- perhaps I could sneak in and take control of the thread when SoiBiker's not looking.

That's an interesting window into your mind.

But wrong on all counts.

I've got your number, JT.

I now know exactly what you are.

Yeah sure.

Ignore list time.

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I'll kick the new week off with this one from the SC

The way things are with censorship etc I'm not sure being poster of The Year is such a good idea.

May attract even more unwanted attention depending on what side of the fence the posting has basically fallen on.

I think it's worth mending fences even if the post is on the wrong side.

To be honest, the worst damage to fences I've seen is from people sitting on them.



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