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Australia 'disappointed' by Japan whaling restart, PM Turnbull says


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Australia 'disappointed' by Japan whaling restart, PM Turnbull says

TOKYO: -- Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said his country is "very disappointed" by Japan's decision to resume whaling in the Antarctic.

He made the comments after arriving in Tokyo for his first visit to North Asia since becoming leader of Australia.

He has vowed to raise the issue with his Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe, during bilateral trade talks.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-35128301

-- BBC 2015-12-18

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Not surprised

It is arrogance and self-centred

We shall do what we want and to hell with opinion outside our borders - this is the mindset

I hope Greenpeace can sabotage their plan and individuals carry out their own sanctions

Don't buy their cars for example or their electronic goods

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Perhaps the Japanese are upset with the Australians culling camels and kangaroos.

Neither are endangered, camels are not indigenous, and kangaroo numbers are the highest they have ever been, due to easier access to food and water. I guess, if you eat meat, then you should re-assess your diet. The other thing to remember, the Japanese have out fished their own waters and now are trying to do the same to the worlds oceans. And here is something else for you to consider, would the Japanese allow other nations to fish in their seas.

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I understood that it was now against international law to hunt whales therefore why doesn't the Australian or NZ navy or AF simply ask the crew to get off their ships then sink them. If they refuse to leave just sink them anyway.

The Kiwi's haven't got a navy,rely on Aust.,and Aust is to pissweak to upset their trading partners.Up to Greenpeace to do the hard work.

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