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What questions would you like to ask the Poster of the Year Finalists?


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Well, I got some feedback from some of the members more likely to advance to the GRAND FINALE and they have signaled a willingness to answer the 10 Questions for the Top 5.

Thus, I reckon that means I am sort of committed to actually getting this question list together.

Oh, the pressure.

Because of that, those who are so inclined to make SUGGESTIONS, please do so with a view that a list is really going to happen, and please do your best to suggest questions that might realistically fit in such a list.

I make no claims that a perfect or even very good list will result from this. I'll do my best.

Perhaps a "tradition" can be started here and future lists can build on such a start, and even get asked of the candidates at an EARLIER stage.

We'll see.

BTW, I think I am going to go with a 50 - 50 division of question types.

Half more substantive and half more silly.

The bias will be towards question topics relating to their presence on the forum and also touching on THAILAND.

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Do you think letting JT run the poll was a good idea?

I am not going to waste one of the ten questions on opinions about me. It will be about the finalists. I realize you have decided to BRAND your campaign to be about hostility towards me. I'm not making that up as you basically said your campaign was about a "protest vote" against me. Weird because I am not a candidate. But I do respect your political creativity ... NEGATIVITY can really work, look at Trump.

Which reminds me, I think there will be one question asking the finalists to describe their personal BRAND in the POLITICAL sense.

Back to this topic: I am really seeking QUALITY question suggestions. Anyone tempted to post trollish suggestions as above, please restrain yourself. Thank you.

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Question : What was or is your favorite topic ?

That is a tough one, though I do like to look for guys/gals motoring woes and try to think/provide a possible solution....smile.png

Music is always playing whilst my old gray cells try to sort stuff...So music too is high priority.

Oooooop's, should save my replies for my possible Christmas Hamper prize...laugh.png

No need to jump the gun, transam.

The list doesn't exist yet.

This is just a suggestion thread.

But it's cool, you're showing your personality, which is kind of the point of the questions idea.

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I am not sure how this voting system works but I think the best way to judge is to factor in LIKES . If someone posts 4000 times in a year and only receives 2000 LIKES it shows that most of his posts are just one liners or posts that don't really add to the subject. Now if a poster has 200 posts and 500 likes then I would say that they posted things that got attention and inspired people to comment and added to the subject. These are the sort of people who matter most. In addition, people who assist others on medical and engineering matters are important and should be considered before anyone who just takes up space and bandwidth.

My question; Do you believe that you have truly helped others on this site or created thoughtful discussions on important matters or events ?

Which one of your posts reflect the real you and why ?

I have already suggested about the "likes" That would be the way to find the genuine "poster of the Year".

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I am not sure how this voting system works but I think the best way to judge is to factor in LIKES . If someone posts 4000 times in a year and only receives 2000 LIKES it shows that most of his posts are just one liners or posts that don't really add to the subject. Now if a poster has 200 posts and 500 likes then I would say that they posted things that got attention and inspired people to comment and added to the subject. These are the sort of people who matter most. In addition, people who assist others on medical and engineering matters are important and should be considered before anyone who just takes up space and bandwidth.

My question; Do you believe that you have truly helped others on this site or created thoughtful discussions on important matters or events ?

Which one of your posts reflect the real you and why ?

I have already suggested about the "likes" That would be the way to find the genuine "poster of the Year".

It comes up every year. Why have a voting contest then, at all? Nobody is stopping people from doing the math but that is a different think than a voting contest. Also, to add, this year Like ratio math has already been used for TIE BREAKERS.

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Why is transam bangin' on about usernames?

Cos ol' Trans actually knows a lot...Not just hansum with an angels voice....Trans has friends out there......smile.png .......What song would you like to hear....?....giggle.gif

So transam is saying that TV moderators shares personal information with him.

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