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Charges for Immigration Home Visits.

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Exceptional home visit for retirement extension, whatever next ? but charge em 1000 baht lol.

1000 bahts is cheap compared to hiring an agent and traveling down there to PM and waiting from 5 to 5 and possibly returning the next day for your passport. Does one have to be sick to avail themselves of this service. I can borrow my neighbors wheelchair as well.

...and you promote the practice of corruption? In this case, I'd take them to task. You're advocating becoming a complicit partner out of fear. Weakling! Really?

Ask for a receipt. If you get one, report them to the corruption line with receipt in hand. Otherwise, tell them F/O.

Edited by connda
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If you feel lonely move to Kap Choeng and you will have visitors.

Since a while I read about these home visits even for retirees.

They have too much time and staff!

Thats would be worth reporting.

Fortunately in Khon Kaen they are busy enough.

In Chiang Mai, they have the staff for home visits, but not the staff to process the increasing numbers of retirees living in the region. I'm thinking...."Problem".

In CM, they have visited our home, and never asked for a donation, and I live a considerable distance from CM. Which is good. Because by now, you'd understand the reception they'd get. If they don't want to drive so far, they can establish an office in Lampang.

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I can understand a home visit for a Non O visa based on marriage to confirm that you are married and living with your wife...

But why a home visit for a retirement Non O?

To confirm that you are retired and relaxing?gigglem.gif

Can anyone explain the logic of this?

Edited by willyumiii
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what a crowd of cheapskates on this forum who have nothing better to do than bash everything in Thailand. These posters have hundreds of thousands of baht their bank accounts, equaling 5 to 10 years pay for the average immigration officer and they begrudge a few Baht. Perhaps I live in a different world from them and have a different backround, but it is always been our custom to give a small tip to tradesmen, police officers, the postman and others like immigration and consequently I've always found them respectful pleasant and helpful.

Thank you for sponsoring, supporting, and promoting corruption in Thailand, and in whatever country you come from.

I guess you don't know the meaning of Boxing Day. Look it up on Google. I pity you for your ignorance

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what a crowd of cheapskates on this forum who have nothing better to do than bash everything in Thailand. These posters have hundreds of thousands of baht their bank accounts, equaling 5 to 10 years pay for the average immigration officer and they begrudge a few Baht. Perhaps I live in a different world from them and have a different backround, but it is always been our custom to give a small tip to tradesmen, police officers, the postman and others like immigration and consequently I've always found them respectful pleasant and helpful.

There is a difference between giving someone money, because of good services and a bribe that is demanded. They are not entitled to this money but they ask for it. Totally different story.

They expect some kind of Tip because most Thais would do so. Because they are much more generous than the average Farang here. So perhaps that's why they ask for something. And why do they have to come to your house? because so many farangs marry a Thai girl so they can stay here. So they check up to see whether the marriage is genuine, or one of convenience. perhaps you look like one of these people because none of my friends married to Thais or I have ever had at any time, any visits by the police to our houses. But as I said, perhaps we live in different worlds from you

Edited by gamini
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They want money,

Ask for a receipt and take their photo.

Then complain to the generals corruption line.

Yes, i though of that, but you know like others, they are a law unto themselves.

They have you by the b*lls. One is in a no win situation with corrupt officials.

If I refuse then they could easily block my visa as they make up their own rules as they go along.

Not a nice situation to be in but what can one do. Nowt

It would depend on the amount they want. I my self highly enjoy living here in Thailand. The immigration people are the ones who I definitely do not want to piss off. I have seen on Thai Visa to many times the things they do to make it hard on you. Particularly on the Marriage yearly extensions.

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A friend of mine went yesterday to Korat Immigration for his first extension based on a Non-Immigrant-O Married Visa. He had to pay 2.900 Baht (with receipt, no teamoney!). He asked why 1.000 Baht more as usual? They told him, it is only for the first extension, the next will cost 1.900 Baht.

May be that this is the new Price inv´cluding the visit at home!

Look in his passport. Did they give him a single re-entry permit @ 1,000 Baht?

They ask me every time I pick up my approved extension. Comes across as being anxious to sell me the stamp, but I think they are trying to be helpful by anticipating what is often requested by many western foreigners who get it all done in one visit vs. having to come back later for a re-entry permit.

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what a crowd of cheapskates on this forum who have nothing better to do than bash everything in Thailand. These posters have hundreds of thousands of baht their bank accounts, equaling 5 to 10 years pay for the average immigration officer and they begrudge a few Baht. Perhaps I live in a different world from them and have a different backround, but it is always been our custom to give a small tip to tradesmen, police officers, the postman and others like immigration and consequently I've always found them respectful pleasant and helpful.

What country do you come from where it is customary to tip police and the postman?

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A friend of mine went yesterday to Korat Immigration for his first extension based on a Non-Immigrant-O Married Visa. He had to pay 2.900 Baht (with receipt, no teamoney!). He asked why 1.000 Baht more as usual? They told him, it is only for the first extension, the next will cost 1.900 Baht.

May be that this is the new Price inv´cluding the visit at home!

Look in his passport. Did they give him a single re-entry permit @ 1,000 Baht?

They ask me every time I pick up my approved extension. Comes across as being anxious to sell me the stamp, but I think they are trying to be helpful by anticipating what is often requested by many western foreigners who get it all done in one visit vs. having to come back later for a re-entry permit.

No, he paid 2.900 Bath and got e receipt. In his passport he has the normel stamp to come back in 1 month to get the married-extension.

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I wouldn't answer the door. Let them come back again, like we have to, countless times. coffee1.gif

Pretty stupid advice...they'ed probably deny the visa extension based on incomplete documentation.

This is why in the past 8 years I have always used non im o visas, obtained in my home country.

They can be stretched to 17 months if you are married to a Thai.

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