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Traffic fines reduced to 100 Baht as 'New Year gift'


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"He also insisted that police did not only seek to make money from arrests."

Now why would Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Pol Lt-General Sanit Mahathaworn deem it necessary to say this ???

Same reason McDonald's hired that guy to do a documentary saying that their burgers were actually beef.

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What a lame idea, it's like giving catre blanch to all drunks to go on drink and drive/ride...

I'm waiting for the amnesty announcements for all murderess, rapists and drug barons

out of jail... Gee, of all the nice gestures the government can do for it's people they come

up with this stupid and unnecessary idea....

ITS AN EARLY APRIL FOOLS DAY.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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the PM ordered all government dept to give people a new year present and this is the one from the police blink.png

Makes sense in a way. Smaller fines more people will break the rules. More will be caught and moore money overall will come in. For the record I promise not to do whatever it was I did again at least not until next time.

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Another mixed message from the Gov't. Reducing traffic infringement fines this will not make the drivers behave in a better manner.Other countries increase penaltys over holiday periods.Then the gov't says it will come down heavier on drunk drivers. Speed kills more people throughout the year.Education and law enforcement is what is needed..

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Key phrase here is 'there is no serious repercussion for overdue fines'. No kidding. There are no serious repercussions for just about anything--and that's the problem. Fines should be a deterrent, not a joke, raised not lowered, and should start at around 1000 baht and go up from there. Unpaid after a certain period? Take away the drivers license and the vehicle.

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Thailand England (Minimums)

Driving at 120kmh = 200 THB Fine 3 Penalty Points and 5000 THB Fine and New drivers with 2 years of passing can be banned

No Seat Belt = 200 THB Fine 5000 THB Fine and can carry 2 penalty points

Jumping Red Light =200 THB Fine 3 Penalty Points and 5000 THB Fine and New drivers with 2 years of passing can be banned

Driving at 250 kmh = 200 THB Fine At least 1 year in prison and loss of licence or maybe even 9 years in prison if it is a police chase.

Maybe Thailand needs to look at what the rest of the world is doing regarding driving penalties if they really want to reduce the road related death rate.


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Thailand England (Minimums)

Driving at 120kmh = 200 THB Fine 3 Penalty Points and 5000 THB Fine and New drivers with 2 years of passing can be banned

No Seat Belt = 200 THB Fine 5000 THB Fine and can carry 2 penalty points

Jumping Red Light =200 THB Fine 3 Penalty Points and 5000 THB Fine and New drivers with 2 years of passing can be banned

Driving at 250 kmh = 200 THB Fine At least 1 year in prison and loss of licence or maybe even 9 years in prison if it is a police chase.

Maybe Thailand needs to look at what the rest of the world is doing regarding driving penalties if they really want to reduce the road related death rate.


This is one of the things I like about living and driving in Thailand. Get caught,pay the fine and go without even showing the license.

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So one day they state there getting tough on motorists to reduce fatalities this New Year and the next there saying there reducing fines for no helmet and no seat belt, these are the things that kill people. They should do what they do in Western Australia and have the fines doubled over the holiday period as a disincentive to disobey traffic rules.

Not only the fines have been doubled. So have the demerit points. 9 points gone and you're on the buses for a year. Using a phone and/or texting while driving attracts a $340 fine.

It never ceases to amaze me, seeing folk on motorbikes here, driving with one hand while texting.

I'd have thought a nice Christmas gift to the people of Thailand would be preserving a few hundred lives here over the crazy season.

And the other hand holding either a baby or an umbrella!

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I think this discount to apply to fines already registered, not for future fines. Fines will still be at normal rate. I think they're just trying to rein in fines that have not been paid, sort of an amnesty on unpaid fines.

Edited by thommo46
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So one day they state there getting tough on motorists to reduce fatalities this New Year and the next there saying there reducing fines for no helmet and no seat belt, these are the things that kill people. They should do what they do in Western Australia and have the fines doubled over the holiday period as a disincentive to disobey traffic rules.

Well not sure for the other states in Australia, but NSW also doubles the fines and demerit points, and man are the fines in NSW hefty, but this Xmas gift BS by this nation of this nature if off the ******** charts.

Who on earth comes up with these laws and how on earth are they passed?

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That is just plain stupid. What kind of deterrent is this administration trying to maintain here ? Every single day this government comes up with plans that absolutely defy logic.

By the same token, if a speeding car kills someone, is that considered to be a new years gift as well, to the family and friends of the person killed.

I think that those of us that live in Thailand have become nearly immune to the daft utterings of those in power, however I am sure the rest of the world are not, just dumb struck.

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