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Long overstay

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Do you really think Thailand wants any foreigner who cannot pay B20k--what possible legal good are they to Thailand?

Well they'd be leaving obviously. Then if they came back they'd presumably be maintaining a legal visa status of some kind, or going to a cheaper country.

I don't think Thailand really 'wants' any of us long term outsiders - I don't see it heavily advertising for immigration. Do you really think it particularly 'wants' you?

But we're accepted and permitted to stay if we qualify for a visa and stay on it.

There are (as of 2011) about 240,000 persons born in Thailand living in USA. Diplomatic relations are built upon reciprocity. I would doubt the number of persons born in USA now living in Thailand approaches that number. So they really don't have much choice.

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I wonder what happened if one overstays due to emergency situation, like hospitalized / dengue fever / so on? Will that be counted as over-stayed in the passport?

Once you are on an overstay it cannot be cleared without paying the fine.

You can prevent going on an overstay due to an illness or injury that prevents you from traveling by getting an extenion for medical treatment.

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Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

If this enforcement will come around in April, don't you think that the people on overstay have enough notice to get their stuff in order?

Why do you want the Thai government to give them more time and give them a out of jail card?

Why don't you play monopoly and enjoy yourself!


People have been given more than enough notice. In fact by the time the bans start it will be almost 2 years since immigration publicly announced them. Immigration haven't backed down on their proposal in all that time and have been getting people to sign forms acknowledging the rules as well as displaying them publically at borders and immigration offices. It's also been in the national press. I think people have got the message by now.

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Overstay -- the term is not actually used -- is defined in Section 81 of the Immigration Act:

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.

While the current regime is only to impose the maximum fine, 2 years in prison could also be imposed under the current statute.

Edited by JLCrab
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Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

If this enforcement will come around in April, don't you think that the people on overstay have enough notice to get their stuff in order?

Why do you want the Thai government to give them more time and give them a out of jail card?

Why don't you play monopoly and enjoy yourself!

They have over stayed by choice. Kick them out or at the very least heavily fine them. Baht 100,000 sounds reasonable

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Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

If this enforcement will come around in April, don't you think that the people on overstay have enough notice to get their stuff in order?

Why do you want the Thai government to give them more time and give them a out of jail card?

Why don't you play monopoly and enjoy yourself!

They have over stayed by choice. Kick them out or at the very least heavily fine them. Baht 100,000 sounds reasonable

Sounds reasonable to me and any other right minded person.

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Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

T he govt has kindly given overstayers 3-4 months grace,to sort out their affairs and you want to give them a financial reward as well!Most of these rorters know what's what and just play the game,i'll never get caught syndrome cos i'm too smart.Their days of rorting are coming to an end.

There are a hell of a lot of these non law abiding bums here that need to go.Either home of to jail then home.

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... Particularly WRT to long overstays, I don't believe anyone can say with certainty just how an IO will handle you at some future date when you show up wanting to enter with that in your record (and contrary to what some might tell you, I don't actually bet the farm on an IO not being able to access your history, even if you've renewed your passport, and the new one is clean)

To be very clear on this - renewing your passport only helps with dealing with consulates, who do not have access to the Police/Immigration database (i.e. when obtaining tourist visas).

When you enter the country, you are dealing with IOs who DO have access to that information. Therefore, I completely agree that overstaying - most especially for more than a couple days - is utterly foolish if one intends to stay here long-term.

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Based on the growing number of noob posts by overstayers, I would hope that Thai Immigration would make a very public overstay amnesty offer in the New Year where they would waive any and all fines regardless of how long the current overstay. That would allow the huge amount of current overstayers a very last chance to get their act together and depart. This would also enable those with obvious reading and/or genuine financial difficulties to 'get out of jail, free'. Give them the whole of January to get 20k baht and get legal or get lost.

Then, after enacting the new 'overstay and get fined, jailed and banned' regulations in March, anyone pleading ignorance, lack of cash, medical difficulties, the dog ate my passport or whatever lame excuse they can pull out of their bums, can learn the real meaning of som nam nah.

Which, as anyone who has lived here for some time 'NanLaew', won't happen. coffee1.gif

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There is no excuse for the stupidity of these morons who over stay more than a day or two at most. I have been in Thailand for over 30 years and never had a single day overstay. It isnt rocket science just checking when you last day in country legally is.

If you dont think at some point in the future your overstays wont be looked then you are a fool - what am I saying these idiots who over stay 6 months ARE fools or they wouldnt overstay

And if your passport is held up at UK processing then lost in transition? What then. Shit happens and You are the fool. Sanctimonious much?

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Issues regarding the ethics & motivation for overstay notwithstanding, a couple of important caveats (and the longer the overstay the more important they are, even under the current enforcement practices:

* An overstay ending in an arrest is going to be distinctly less enjoyable and more likely to result in unfavorable long-term consequencies (like blacklisting or being banned or just denied entry at some future date) than voluntary departure with payment of fine at the airport

* Particularly WRT to long overstays, I don't believe anyone can say with certainty just how an IO will handle you at some future date when you show up wanting to enter with that in your record (and contrary to what some might tell you, I don't actually bet the farm on an IO not being able to access your history, even if you've renewed your passport, and the new one is clean)

All that said, I think the advice you're getting from most here is sound - settle up and leave now. Continuing your overstay is a game of diminishing returns...

Is not even about them having access to advanced technology like a complete database

The last time I changed my passport for a new one they scribbled in something in Thai regarding the previous visa, I don't know how they knew that because they didn't ask. Me directly...

But the guy wrote in a little note that the visa I'm getting now is an extension of the biz visa I had in the lost passport


He even knew the company name

.. And I didn't tell him so I guess they must have some records... Maybe not complete but some...

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