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Section 276 Whoever has sexual intercourse with a woman, who is not wife, against her will, by threatening by any means whatever, by doing any act of violence, by taking advantage of the woman being in the condition of inability to resist, or by causing the woman to mistake him for the other person, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined of eight thousand to forty thousand Baht.

If the offence as mentioned in the first paragraph is committed by carrying or using any gun or explosive, or participation of persons in the nature of destroying the woman, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years and fined of thirty thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

Section 277 Whoever, has sexual intercourse with a girl not yet over fifteen years of age and not being his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four to twenty years and fined of eight thousand to forty thousand Baht. If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is committed against a girl not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

If the commission of the offence according to the first or second paragraph is committed by participation of persons in the nature for destroying a girl and such girl is not consent, or by carrying the gun or explosive, or by using the arms, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for life.

The offence as provided in the first paragraph, if the offender being the man commits against the girl over thirteen years but not yet over fifteen years of age with her consent and the Court grants such man and girl to marry together afterwards, the offender shall not be punished for such offence. If the Court grants them to marry together during the offender be still inflicted with the punishment, the Court shall release such offender.

Section 277 bis If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph of Section 276, or the first or second paragraph of Section 277, causes:

Grievous bodily harm to the victim, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years and fined of thirty thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life;

Death to the victim, the offender shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life.

Section 277 ter If the commission of the offence according to the second paragraph of Section 276 or the third paragraph of Section 277, causes: Grievous bodily harm to the victim, the offender shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life Death to the victim, the offender shall be punished with death.

Section 278 Whoever, committing an indecent act to the person out of fifteen years of age by threatening with any means, by doing any act of violence, by taking advantage of that person to be in the condition of inability to resist, or by causing that person to mistake him for the other person, shall be imprisoned not out of ten years or fined not out of twenty thousand Baht, or both.

Section 279 Whoever, commits an indecent act on a child not yet over fifteen years of age, whether such child shall consent or not, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten years or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.

If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph, the offender commits it by threatening by any means whatever, by doing any act of violence, by taking advantage of such child being in the condition of inability to resist, or by causing such child to mistake him for another person, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding fifteen years or fined not exceeding thirty thousand Baht, or both.

Section 280 If the commission of offence according to the Section 278 or Section 279 causes:

Grievous bodily harm to the victim, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years and fined of ten thousand to forty thousand Baht;

Death to the victim, the offender shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life.

Section 281 The commission of offence according to the paragraph 1 of Section 276 and Section 278, if not to occur in the public, not to cause the grievous bodily harm or death to the victim, not commit against the person as specified in this Section, it shall be the compoundable offence.

Section 282 Whoever, in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person, procures, seduces or takes away for indecent act the man or woman with his or her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years and fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht.

If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of three to fifteen years and fined of six thousand to thirty thousand Baht.

If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the child not yet over fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years and fined of ten thousand to forty thousand Baht. Whoever, in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person, obtains the person who is procured, seduced or taken away according to the first, second or third paragraph or supports in such commission of offence, shall be liable to the punishment as provided in the first, second or third paragraph, as the case may be.

Section 283 Whoever, in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person, procures, seduces or takes away for indecent act a man or woman by using deceitful means, threat, doing an act of violence, unjust influence or mode of coercion by any other means, shall be punished with imprisonment of five to twenty years and fined of ten thousand to forty thousand Baht.

If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

If the commission of the offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the child not yet over fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to twenty years and fined twenty thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life, or death.

Whoever, in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person, obtains the person who is procured, seduced or taken away according to the first, second or third paragraph, or supports in such commission of offence, shall be liable to the punishment as provided in the first, second or third paragraph, as the case may be.

Section 283 bis Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

If the commission of offence according to the first paragraph is occurred to the child not yet over the fifteen years of age, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding seven years or fined not exceeding fourteen thousand Baht, or both.

Whoever, conceals the person who is taken away according to the first or secondparagraph, shall be liable to punishment as provided in the first or second paragraph, as the case may be.

If the offences according to the first and third paragraph are specially occurred in the case of committing to the person exceeding the fifteen years of age, they are compoundable offences.

Section 284 Whoever, takes away an another person for indecent act by using deceitful means, threat, doing any act of violence, unjust influence or mode of coercion by any other means, shall be punished with imprisonment of one of ten years and fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht.

Whoever, conceals the person who is taken away according to the first paragraph, shall be liable to the same punishment as the person who takes away.

The offence according to this Section is compoundable offence.

Section 285 If committing the offence under Section 276, Section 277 bis, Section 277 ter, Section 278, Section 279, Section 280, Section 282 or Section 283 to be act against the descendant, pupil under taken oneself's care, person under oneself's control according to oneself official authority, or person under oneself's tutorship, guardianship or courtship, such offender shall be punished by the heavier punishment then that as prescribed in that Section by one-third.

Section 286 Any person, being over sixteen years of age, subsists on the earning of a prostitute, even it is some part of her incomes, shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.

Any person has no other apparent or sufficient means of subsistence, and:

Is found residing or habitually associating with one or more prostitutes;

Takes board and lodging, or receives money or any other benefit arranged for by a prostitute; or

Take part in order to help any prostitute in her quarrel with her customer,

The provisions of this Section shall not be applied to any person who receives maintenance from a prostitute who is bound to give maintenance according to law or morality.

Section 287 Whoever:

For the purpose of trade or by trade, for public distribution or exhibition, makes, produces, possesses, brings or causes to be brought into the Kingdom, sends or causes to be sent out of the Kingdom, takes away or causes to be taken away, or circulates by any means whatever, any document, drawing, print, painting, printed matter, picture, poster, symbol, photograph, cinematograph film, noise tape, picture tape or any other thing which is obscene;

Carries on trade, or takes part or participates in the trade concerning the aforesaid obscene material or thing, or distributes or exhibits to the public, or hires out such material or thing;

In order to assist in the circulation or trading of the aforesaid obscene material or thing, propagates or spreads the news by any means whatever that there is a person committing the act which is an offence according to this Section, or propagates or spreads the news that the aforesaid obscene material or thing may be obtained from any person or by any means, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.


Thankyou Don Mega.

It seems that in my circumstances 18 is the minimum age for consensual sex whether P4P or not.

My post was to ask for the Legal position and I made it clear that I did not want to break the Law.

Most poster's ignored this and have hijacked this thread to argue their relevant morality and or social acceptance. I don't care for these opinions and why don't you go and start you own discussion elsewhere.

Other poster's just wrote uninformative, hypocritical nonsense or illogical rantings.

What ignorant morons you are.

Anyway, enough time wasted reading your drivel. I don't live in Thailand to waste my time in front of a computer. I am here to enjoy everything I legally can. You just better hope your daughter/niece is locked up at home. Ha ha.

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That's why the law doesn't allow sex with 13 year olds, because they are too immature, and I'll remind you that you were the one who raised that possibility, so don't turn it back on me. You asked what if the law allowed sex with 13 year olds, I replied that would then make it legal, then you have the gall to suggest that I'm the OP, but that's par for the course with you. You contradict yourself at every turn.

I didn't turn anything "back on you"

I asked whether the OP would exercise self-restraint if the law were to allow him to copulate with a 13 year old; you asked why should he exercise self-restraint if the law were to allow it

I said because even if the law were to allow it, one still has a moral responsibility to restrain oneself particularly when the welfare of another is at risk.

That doesn't "turn it back on you".

I asked if you're the OP because you seem to be the most vocal defender of senior citizens' right to come here and pay young girls to do something they'd never dream of doing, particularly with men older than the pyramids


In the Western world, where most of us originate from, sex with somebody below the age of consent is classed as paedophilia. Even if the underage person consents, you will be convicted and put in a nonce wing in jail.

Perhaps one of the 'pro brigade' has a family member, say daughter or niece, they can offer to the OP for his self gratification, as you all seem to be in favour of it, as long as puberty has been reached ?

no, it's not.

what you describe is how ignorant people understand the word "pedophilia".

when two ignorant induhviduals speak together, there usually is confusion on both sides, so both understand the word wrong...

what you are referring to above is "underage sex", which still is not right and is illegal, but is not necessarily pedophilia.


In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.%5B4%5D%5B5%5D This use conflates the sexual attraction (pedophilia) with the act of abuse (child molestation), and does not distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.%5B6%5D%5B7%5D Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided because although people who commit child sexual abuse sometimes exhibit the disorder,%5B5%5D%5B8%5D child sexual abuse offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children,%5B6%5D%5B9%5D%5B10%5D and not all pedophiles molest children.%5B4%5D%5B11%5D%5B12%5D

Regardless of your interpretation of the word paedophilia, in jail you are classed as a nonce, and will, justifiably, be treated accordingly by hardened criminals.

1- not my interpretation. the meaning is an uninterpreted definition, same for all, from the dictionary of English language. And no, you are not allowed to make your own definition or to pickup a wrong definition and then claim it's correct (and pedophilia is not written using "ae").

2- no, in jail I could never be classed as a nonce because I would never put myself in such a situation. You seem to know well what happens in jails?


In the Western world, where most of us originate from, sex with somebody below the age of consent is classed as paedophilia. Even if the underage person consents, you will be convicted and put in a nonce wing in jail.

Perhaps one of the 'pro brigade' has a family member, say daughter or niece, they can offer to the OP for his self gratification, as you all seem to be in favour of it, as long as puberty has been reached ?

no, it's not.

what you describe is how ignorant people understand the word "pedophilia".

when two ignorant induhviduals speak together, there usually is confusion on both sides, so both understand the word wrong...

what you are referring to above is "underage sex", which still is not right and is illegal, but is not necessarily pedophilia.


In popular usage, the word pedophilia is often applied to any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse.%5B4%5D%5B5%5D This use conflates the sexual attraction (pedophilia) with the act of abuse (child molestation), and does not distinguish between attraction to prepubescent and pubescent or post-pubescent minors.%5B6%5D%5B7%5D Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided because although people who commit child sexual abuse sometimes exhibit the disorder,%5B5%5D%5B8%5D child sexual abuse offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children,%5B6%5D%5B9%5D%5B10%5D and not all pedophiles molest children.%5B4%5D%5B11%5D%5B12%5D
Regardless of your interpretation of the word paedophilia, in jail you are classed as a nonce, and will, justifiably, be treated accordingly by hardened criminals.

1- not my interpretation. the meaning is an uninterpreted definition, same for all, from the dictionary of English language. And no, you are not allowed to make your own definition or to pickup a wrong definition and then claim it's correct (and pedophilia is not written using "ae").

2- no, in jail I could never be classed as a nonce because I would never put myself in such a situation. You seem to know well what happens in jails?

It is spelt with an (ae) in both the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries, in fact all British dictionaries.

Same as paediatrics, paediatrician, all meaning 'relating to children'.

Your spelling is the American version.


Why the obsession with age ?

I am not from the 'holier than thou' brigade, I am normal.

Put a relative in the young girl's position, or maybe you would have no problem with your barely legal daughter/niece, being with a sexual predator ?

Hmmmm While I doubt many young girls in my country are having sex with older men (60+ ), the popular belief is that few make it to 16 ( legal age ) as virgins. So, in your world view, are all the boys that bonk underage girls nonces, especially as most of them would be underage as well? I know a solo mum that put her 14 year old daughter on the pill as she was having it off all the time with schoolboys.


To anyone younger than 60 who wants to ban 60 yo's from having sex with younger women ( if they get the opportunity ) Just wait till you are 60 and see how you feel then. Can't believe how narrow minded and repressed some people are. Did you go to a catholic school ? Bu88ered by the teachers ? Or just a recent convert to islam ? Maybe you have a tiny peni5 or a very low testosterone count ? If two people consent to having sex with each other what business is it of yours ?


15 is the legal minimum for sexual activity, but beware. If gifts, coercion or regrets are involved, it could result in being charged with a serious offence.

17 is the minimum age for marriage, with paternal consent.

18 is the minimum age for unfettered consent to sexual activity. It is also the minimum age for working on licenced premises.

20 is the minimum age for marriage without paternal consent. It is also the minimum age for consuming alcohol.


That's why the law doesn't allow sex with 13 year olds, because they are too immature, and I'll remind you that you were the one who raised that possibility, so don't turn it back on me. You asked what if the law allowed sex with 13 year olds, I replied that would then make it legal, then you have the gall to suggest that I'm the OP, but that's par for the course with you. You contradict yourself at every turn.

I didn't turn anything "back on you"

I asked whether the OP would exercise self-restraint if the law were to allow him to copulate with a 13 year old; you asked why should he exercise self-restraint if the law were to allow it

I said because even if the law were to allow it, one still has a moral responsibility to restrain oneself particularly when the welfare of another is at risk.

That doesn't "turn it back on you".

I asked if you're the OP because you seem to be the most vocal defender of senior citizens' right to come here and pay young girls to do something they'd never dream of doing, particularly with men older than the pyramids

You're not living in the real world. What's the difference if a 60 year old senior citizen pays a young girl for sex here or Donald Trump buy his latest young squeeze a Mercedes and a fur coat and pays the rent on her Fifth Avenue apartment? What about the elderly widows that go to Kenya and find themselves a well-hung toy boy for some fun in the sack? Perhaps you should make a pilgrimage there as well. Quite honestly your puritanical ranting is becoming quite the bore.


No, you live in a world of little tolerance for others who choose a different moral code to yourself. No one is suggesting that a 20 year old is with a 60 year old for any other reason than money (generally), so who cares if both get exactly what they want? i don't understand this moral outrage.

The dynamics of P4P relationships aren't at issue here. That's been discussed to death here and two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they like.

The REAL issue in this thread is that the OP APPEARS to be a borderline nonce looking for an opportunity to fly as close to the sun as the law will allow without his wings melting

Do you think this type of man would impose self-restraint if the law were to drop the legal age to 14?? 13??

Hell no, he's here to fulfill his sick sexual preferences and you people are condoning it

20 years is plenty young enough for any wheezer.

Seriously. Especially when you consider the fact that Thai girls in their early 20s look and act like they're in their mid teens. Someone get the OP a 20 yo girl, tell him she's 15, and save the guy a little jail time.


No, you live in a world of little tolerance for others who choose a different moral code to yourself. No one is suggesting that a 20 year old is with a 60 year old for any other reason than money (generally), so who cares if both get exactly what they want? i don't understand this moral outrage.

The dynamics of P4P relationships aren't at issue here. That's been discussed to death here and two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they like.

The REAL issue in this thread is that the OP APPEARS to be a borderline nonce looking for an opportunity to fly as close to the sun as the law will allow without his wings melting

Do you think this type of man would impose self-restraint if the law were to drop the legal age to 14?? 13??

Hell no, he's here to fulfill his sick sexual preferences and you people are condoning it

20 years is plenty young enough for any wheezer.

Seriously. Especially when you consider the fact that Thai girls in their early 20s look and act like they're in their mid teens. Someone get the OP a 20 yo girl, tell him she's 15, and save the guy a little jail time.

Even better, find him a 15 year old with a false I.D. saying she is 20. Grass him up, maybe his taste in very young girls would change after after a lengthy spell inside with some of her hardened countrymen ?


No, you live in a world of little tolerance for others who choose a different moral code to yourself. No one is suggesting that a 20 year old is with a 60 year old for any other reason than money (generally), so who cares if both get exactly what they want? i don't understand this moral outrage.

The dynamics of P4P relationships aren't at issue here. That's been discussed to death here and two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they like.

The REAL issue in this thread is that the OP APPEARS to be a borderline nonce looking for an opportunity to fly as close to the sun as the law will allow without his wings melting

Do you think this type of man would impose self-restraint if the law were to drop the legal age to 14?? 13??

Hell no, he's here to fulfill his sick sexual preferences and you people are condoning it

20 years is plenty young enough for any wheezer.

Seriously. Especially when you consider the fact that Thai girls in their early 20s look and act like they're in their mid teens. Someone get the OP a 20 yo girl, tell him she's 15, and save the guy a little jail time.

Even better, find him a 15 year old with a false I.D. saying she is 20. Grass him up, maybe his taste in very young girls would change after after a lengthy spell inside with some of her hardened countrymen ?

You mean those same countrymen that take underage girls from karaoke bars? And you recommend breaking the law so you can "grass him up"? You really are an example to all.


No, you live in a world of little tolerance for others who choose a different moral code to yourself. No one is suggesting that a 20 year old is with a 60 year old for any other reason than money (generally), so who cares if both get exactly what they want? i don't understand this moral outrage.

The dynamics of P4P relationships aren't at issue here. That's been discussed to death here and two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they like.

The REAL issue in this thread is that the OP APPEARS to be a borderline nonce looking for an opportunity to fly as close to the sun as the law will allow without his wings melting

Do you think this type of man would impose self-restraint if the law were to drop the legal age to 14?? 13??

Hell no, he's here to fulfill his sick sexual preferences and you people are condoning it

20 years is plenty young enough for any wheezer.

Seriously. Especially when you consider the fact that Thai girls in their early 20s look and act like they're in their mid teens. Someone get the OP a 20 yo girl, tell him she's 15, and save the guy a little jail time.

Even better, find him a 15 year old with a false I.D. saying she is 20. Grass him up, maybe his taste in very young girls would change after after a lengthy spell inside with some of her hardened countrymen ?

You in particular still don't get it.

I said I like them young but never stated any age preference. You have misled other posters by adding your own "very young" and extrapolating that to 15 year olds. Don't be misrepresenting me just to support your own prejudiced and intolerant rantings.

I have also stated and repeated that I do not want to break the law but your response is to en-trap me into unwittingly breaking the law. Please explain to us all how that is a logical and sensible contribution to this thread?

I have tolerated your vitriol and abuse but refrain from abusing you back. I will let the other poster's decide for themselves who of us is the truly sick and twisted.

No, you live in a world of little tolerance for others who choose a different moral code to yourself. No one is suggesting that a 20 year old is with a 60 year old for any other reason than money (generally), so who cares if both get exactly what they want? i don't understand this moral outrage.

The dynamics of P4P relationships aren't at issue here. That's been discussed to death here and two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they like.

The REAL issue in this thread is that the OP APPEARS to be a borderline nonce looking for an opportunity to fly as close to the sun as the law will allow without his wings melting

Do you think this type of man would impose self-restraint if the law were to drop the legal age to 14?? 13??

Hell no, he's here to fulfill his sick sexual preferences and you people are condoning it

20 years is plenty young enough for any wheezer.

Seriously. Especially when you consider the fact that Thai girls in their early 20s look and act like they're in their mid teens. Someone get the OP a 20 yo girl, tell him she's 15, and save the guy a little jail time.

Even better, find him a 15 year old with a false I.D. saying she is 20. Grass him up, maybe his taste in very young girls would change after after a lengthy spell inside with some of her hardened countrymen ?

You in particular still don't get it.

I said I like them young but never stated any age preference. You have misled other posters by adding your own "very young" and extrapolating that to 15 year olds. Don't be misrepresenting me just to support your own prejudiced and intolerant rantings.

I have also stated and repeated that I do not want to break the law but your response is to en-trap me into unwittingly breaking the law. Please explain to us all how that is a logical and sensible contribution to this thread?

I have tolerated your vitriol and abuse but refrain from abusing you back. I will let the other poster's decide for themselves who of us is the truly sick and twisted.

If there is a 35 year age difference between you and your misses.. Trust me you like them "very" young.


If there is a 35 year age difference between you and your misses.. Trust me you like them "very" young.

If he's 60 years old that would make the girls 25, not "very young", or illegal.


If there is a 35 year age difference between you and your misses.. Trust me you like them "very" young.

If he's 60 years old that would make the girls 25, not "very young", or illegal.

Would be true if he was 60.. But he said in another thread he was 52.. Whoops the cats out of the bag.


If there is a 35 year age difference between you and your misses.. Trust me you like them "very" young.

If he's 60 years old that would make the girls 25, not "very young", or illegal.

Would be true if he was 60.. But he said in another thread he was 52.. Whoops the cats out of the bag.

Where did the OP state he liked a 35 year age difference ?


I was going to weed out the "personal" remarks.

But, it seens there are a few here quite incapable of discussing a subject without trying to divert it into controversial and personal provoking remarks(intentionally?).

Therefore, this subject is now CLOSED.


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