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VOTE NOW: Poster of the Year GRAND FINALE 2015


297 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your ONE top choice for Thaivisa POSTER OF THE YEAR 2015

    • Crazy Chef 1
    • NancyL
    • SoiBiker
    • Transam
    • villagefarang

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attachicon.gifpaperboy.jpgCrouching NancyL ... Hidden Transam.

Contest tighter than CENSORED.

One day to go.
Vote NOW or shut your pie hole about it!
Transam 78 votes
NancyL 74 votes
Null Vote* 59 votes
villagefarang 23 votes
Crazy Chef 1 -- 10 votes
SoiBiker 7 votes
THE POTTIES Committee in Milwaukee thanks you for voting.
POTY WINNER is crowned at midnight 30 December.
* Null Vote may not be eligible for the POTY crown.
No rights reserved.

It's getting close at the top

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Expat Thailand readies for nail-biting finish in POTY final election day.

May the best BLOWHARD win!


Transam 79 votes

NancyL 75 votes

Null "Vote"* 59 votes

villagefarang 23 votes

Crazy Chef 1 -- 10 votes

SoiBiker 7 votes

THE POTTIES Committee in Milwaukee thanks you for voting.

POTY WINNER is crowned at midnight 30 December.

* Null "Vote" may not be eligible for the POTY crown.

No rights reserved.


Now for a fun mind game.

Between Transam and NancyL who would various famous historical figures vote for?

For examples:

Genghis Khan

Mother Teresa

Joseph Stalin

Walt Whitman


Eva Peron

Mr. Bitey's down low lover, Bartholomeow

Winston Churchill

Harry Krishna

Groucho Marx


OK, Jingthing, I can understand your need to spell out what happens in the case of a tie. You're the anal type and have been very detailed in spelling out every little detail of the rules, especially when you change them. I really like the decision to break a tie by selecting the candidate with the best "Like to Post ratio" The would be the candidate with the most informative and entertaining posts. The candidate who packs the most influence, the candidate others most enjoy reading. But did you have to go and disclose that would be me? Couldn't you just have kept everyone in the dark until the last moment? Let 'em work out the math the way that you did.


Now for a fun mind game.

Between Transam and NancyL who would various famous historical figures vote for?

For examples:

Genghis Khan

Mother Teresa

Joseph Stalin

Walt Whitman


Eva Peron

Mr. Bitey's down low lover, Bartholomeow

Winston Churchill

Harry Krishna

Groucho Marx

None of these people are on TransAm's playlist, are they?


Unless everyone goes and likes a bunch of Transam's posts.

There, see JT, you're giving 'em ideas.

TransAm -- I don't see how you can possibly accuse JT of being biased for me. Look -- he's practically handed you the diamond tiara by disclosing the secret on how Milwaukee will break a tie. Enjoy his nits:


Oh wait, you don't have any hair, do you? Would you like to borrow Hubby's glue gun to keep it in place? He says it's one of his most valuable power tools.


I'm just popping up to the shops. I'll try and find a pigeon with a broken wing or something on the way, just to keep up with recent trends in the contest.

First the cockroach and now a pigeon!

You are a saint Soibiker


In the event of a tie with Nance I will gracefully withdraw because from reading her posts she needs the accolade more than Trans.

For sure the best TVF posters are not in this years contest and I am just happy that I got where I did in the contest, shows me that there are folk out there who appreciate my input on TVF year round and l will continue to do so next year if still breathing.

Just ROCK ON folks.....intheclub.gif

It's tied now. Wait to the very end to withdraw (wink,wink)


Now for a fun mind game.

Between Transam and NancyL who would various famous historical figures vote for?

For examples:

Genghis Khan

Mother Teresa

Joseph Stalin

Walt Whitman


Eva Peron

Mr. Bitey's down low lover, Bartholomeow

Winston Churchill

Harry Krishna

Groucho Marx

who is this 'Harry' Krishna? he's not related to Gary Ganesh or Norman Naga is he?


In the event of a tie with Nance I will gracefully withdraw because from reading her posts she needs the accolade more than Trans.

For sure the best TVF posters are not in this years contest and I am just happy that I got where I did in the contest, shows me that there are folk out there who appreciate my input on TVF year round and l will continue to do so next year if still breathing.

Just ROCK ON folks.....intheclub.gif

It's tied now. Wait to the very end to withdraw (wink,wink)

Can I do my vote swap sooner. I really won't make midnight.

I am pretty sure we all knew what to expect going into this POTY fiasco. No doubt that is why some of the more worthy nominees ran as fast as they could for the exit. For me it was all about managing my expectations. I have told my supporters privately that I will be quite happy if I end up with third place and the dubious title of best of the rest. I was never willing to go after the title and knew I had no chance.

That said I have gotten even more than I had hoped for from this competition. I have received greater exposer for my Blog and Google+ Page. I have been called a snob and a legend and a few things in-between but it could have been worse. There is probably a bit of truth in all of them depending on ones perspective.
As one member put it early on, I have been here since the dinosaurs. I came here younger and have stayed here longer than most. I speak Thai and don’t have to rely on others to get around. I have never been divorced and have no children. My wife and I have been together for the last 18 years and we are still very much in love.
On the surface I would seem to fit the old retired guy profile except that I never really retired from anything and don’t receive a pension or social security. I simply stopped accepting employment requests around forty.
I don’t drink and I don’t believe in gods or magic. Karaoke rates up there with fingernails on the chalkboard with me. I don’t miss anything from my country of birth. I never lose my temper. I long ago outgrew that silly notion that any of us are put on this earth to tell Thais what to do and how to do it. I have deep and personal experience across all levels of Thai society but I unashamedly find that I prefer the company of those on one end of the spectrum than those who dwell on the other end. Some may find that despicable but it is my truth and I will not apologize for not being more populist.
I just hope that through my pictures and posts some people will come see Thailand as the beautiful place I have grown to love over my forty year tenure in this country.

We're currently discussing the possibility of a last minute vote swap at null HQ.

However, negotiations with Bumlooker's people have stalled.

At last some action here, thought you were all at JT's party....laugh.png

JT told me he PMd you the invite.

Did u not receive it?

Apparently JT has called a meeting at POTY central to discuss the possibility of a tie break situation

There is a rumour that there will be an additional run off vote, lasting only 2 weeks, lest there is voter fatigue.


We're currently discussing the possibility of a last minute vote swap at null HQ.

However, negotiations with Bumlooker's people have stalled.

It's an issue Canuckamuck could consider next year.

You could have a system of proxy votes

People could run , not as candidates, but as Proxy holders.

Allocate your vote to the proxy holder and he/she can do what they like with it


In the event of a tie with Nance I will gracefully withdraw because from reading her posts she needs the accolade more than Trans.

For sure the best TVF posters are not in this years contest and I am just happy that I got where I did in the contest, shows me that there are folk out there who appreciate my input on TVF year round and l will continue to do so next year if still breathing.

Just ROCK ON folks.....intheclub.gif

It's tied now. Wait to the very end to withdraw (wink,wink)

Can I do my vote swap sooner. I really won't make midnight.

I will probably be in the land of nod too...If so I will leave instructions here....tongue.png

Still waiting for your Selection for JT


In the event of a tie with Nance I will gracefully withdraw because from reading her posts she needs the accolade more than Trans.

For sure the best TVF posters are not in this years contest and I am just happy that I got where I did in the contest, shows me that there are folk out there who appreciate my input on TVF year round and l will continue to do so next year if still breathing.

Just ROCK ON folks.....intheclub.gif

It's tied now. Wait to the very end to withdraw (wink,wink)

Can I do my vote swap sooner. I really won't make midnight.

Soibiker wont miss it if you drop him early

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