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We just completed and moved into a house we had built near Cherng Talay. The wife got a blue book for the house, but I think I need a yellow book with my name in it to show my residency for Immigration purposes. Another issue is the Soi we live on does not have a name. We do get a PEA bill that has a house number on it. Where do I go to get a Yellow book, and which local organization issues names to Sois?


For the Yellow Book go to your Amphur (the same "organization" where your wife gets her id card from) but first do a search here on TV for yellow house book as it is (sometimes) not that easy to apply.

And for your question about Soi names, a lot of sois don't have name, the soi where I live has no name for many many years but still the Post Man and delivery guys can find us.

Edit: Just name it yourself, for example "Soi Scudman" and maybe in due time it will be known as that biggrin.png


I will be interested to read any reports from other Phuket long-stayers about 'yellow' books. I read many reports about this in other Thailand regions, but sparse reports here in Phuket.


I've got my Yellow House Book from Tessa Ban, not Amphor that issue ID-card, same place that make the Blue House Book; however in some towns Amphor and Tessa Ban may be close together, but where I stay they are separated in two different places some kilometers apart from each other. There can be widely difference of what is needed for a Yeollow House Book (for foreigners), so best if someone with local area knowledge advise you - some places is said to be very easy, however in my area it was a quite complicated process taking most of a day, with two local witnesses (one must be government employed) knowing me, and an interview, almost like if I had applied for permanent residency, but no demand for me speaking Thai.

House number has no clear meaning, like being in any number order; however Postman Pat will know the house numbers, so for a postal address you only need house-number (often nnn/x) and village number (moo x), followed by district name and province with post-number. Many village sois has no number, nor name; as mentioned by another poster, a soi's nickname may later end as official name.


Your wife's Blue book will have the address as issued by the Amphur.

The Soi you live on may not be named, it could be a Village number (Moo), as in No 5 Moo 6.

If your still unclear go to your local post office who can give you the official address.

You certainly don't need a Yellow book for Immigration purposes, but they come in extremely handy for lots of other situations where you need proof of address.

Enquire at the local Amphur office that issue the Tabian Baans, your wife will know where.

The requirements vary from Province to Province.

I made an enquiry then prepared the documents myself including a translation of my passport.

I rent. so my landlady had to attend and sign the application form alongside my signature.

My book was issued 20 minutes later.


I built my house end of 2009 and our address was 8/9 Moo X, still the same. We went along and applied for both Blue and Yellow books at the same time, she got hers the next day, mine was about 6 weeks waiting on the police report.

Certainly varies from office to office.

PS. The yellow book saved me 350 baht at Muang Boran last week.


My house number is 60/7, my understanding is that it's the sixtieth house built in Moobahn 7 and has nothing to do with position on the soi which has no name anyway.

Tambon B_ _ _ _ is next in the address.


In my Moo Baan, of 60 houses only about 5 have a post box displaying the number of the house.

God knows how the postmen find the address's...........but they do!


One of the first things I organised when I started living here full time was a post office box.

I've never had a problem receiving domestic mail, international mail and parcels, and I would suggest my mail is more secure sitting in the post office box than in the front of my property.

Just something for the OP to consider.


My house number is 60/7, my understanding is that it's the sixtieth house built in Moobahn 7 and has nothing to do with position on the soi which has no name anyway.

Tambon B_ _ _ _ is next in the address.

That may vary between areas. There are 3 houses on our land, my sister in laws - 8/1, mine - 8/9 and my brother in laws - 8/10. The original house 8/1 was probably there about 60 years ago, I built mine about 6 years ago and my brother in law was about 3 years before that. He didn't bother with a number until we did ours.


My house number is 60/7, my understanding is that it's the sixtieth house built in Moobahn 7 and has nothing to do with position on the soi which has no name anyway.

Tambon B_ _ _ _ is next in the address.

That may vary between areas. There are 3 houses on our land, my sister in laws - 8/1, mine - 8/9 and my brother in laws - 8/10. The original house 8/1 was probably there about 60 years ago, I built mine about 6 years ago and my brother in law was about 3 years before that. He didn't bother with a number until we did ours.

When I bought land there was an old house, which has been used as restaurant, on it. We got a photocopy of a House Book from seller and presumed that was for the house-ruin, and I put a letterbox up, so we could receive mail using the house-number xxx. The postman asked up to add a slash-1, as another house in the other end of the village also used the same number; a house owned by the seller. Okay then it was xxx/1 and that worked fine for several years until we finally got everything ready to build a new house on the land and got our own House Book, now it was number xxx/5.
A few years later I realized another old house in the village also used xxx/1, it was that house’s number, but kind Postman Pat knew how to separate mail by name, so everyone got their stuff. Where number xxx/2 to xxx/4 is, I got no idea, house-numbers here seem to be without any order, perhaps first part of number, xxx, may have something to do with old time original owner’s/families’ land plots, and /x is the number of additional houses build. “/x” is not village number, which comes separate after the house number as “moo x”.

My house number is 60/7, my understanding is that it's the sixtieth house built in Moobahn 7 and has nothing to do with position on the soi which has no name anyway.

Tambon B_ _ _ _ is next in the address.

That may vary between areas. There are 3 houses on our land, my sister in laws - 8/1, mine - 8/9 and my brother in laws - 8/10. The original house 8/1 was probably there about 60 years ago, I built mine about 6 years ago and my brother in law was about 3 years before that. He didn't bother with a number until we did ours.

When I bought land there was an old house, which has been used as restaurant, on it. We got a photocopy of a House Book from seller and presumed that was for the house-ruin, and I put a letterbox up, so we could receive mail using the house-number xxx. The postman asked up to add a slash-1, as another house in the other end of the village also used the same number; a house owned by the seller. Okay then it was xxx/1 and that worked fine for several years until we finally got everything ready to build a new house on the land and got our own House Book, now it was number xxx/5.
A few years later I realized another old house in the village also used xxx/1, it was that house’s number, but kind Postman Pat knew how to separate mail by name, so everyone got their stuff. Where number xxx/2 to xxx/4 is, I got no idea, house-numbers here seem to be without any order, perhaps first part of number, xxx, may have something to do with old time original owner’s/families’ land plots, and /x is the number of additional houses build. “/x” is not village number, which comes separate after the house number as “moo x”.

That may be right. Our land used to be part of a much larger plot that belonged to my wife's grandfather. When he died the land was split up among her father and his brothers & sisters. The missing numbers 8/2 through to 8/8 are probably dwellings on other parts of the original plot.

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