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UK Home Secretary defends Internet surveillance bill


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UK Home Secretary defends Internet surveillance bill

UK Home Secretary Theresa May defends the Investigatory Powers Bill.

LONDON: -- Tech companies and those concerned about privacy online are joining forces to speak out against the UK’s new surveillance bill. But the Home Secretary, Theresa May, claims there is no reason to worry.

In a letter obtained by The Times, May says the Investigatory Powers Bill won’t be used simply for spying on the country’s citizens. Instead, it will help it track down online bullies and trolls.

She also said that cyberbullying is a “pernicious” issue and wrote: “Internet connection records would update the capability of law enforcement in a criminal investigation to determine the sender and recipient of a communication, for example, a malicious message such as those exchanged in cyberbullying”.

The Times says May was responding in the letter to a question from a parliament member – James Cartlidge – who says the bill is about much more than “terrorism or hacking into bank accounts”. He also added that online bullying and trolling incidents are “nasty, psychological attacks that particularly affect young people”.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/uk-home-secretary-defends-surveillance-bill/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2015-12-28

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I'm torn.

On the one hand, privacy issues, on the other, justice and crime-fighting issues.

I guess I fall on the side of fighting crime.

After all, if a cop spied on your fetish for fat woman porn, who really cares that a stranger who does not know you knows you like seeing naked obese women. You're just an insignificant nonentity to him who is looking for real criminals, and he will quickly forget you.

But should he discover your penchant for child porn....well good on him and I hope he tracks you down.

As for terrorism. To have the legal means to spy on private communications and to see banking details is something we should all be applauding.

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She would , this is for their benefit not yours, we need a new system this one is broken

They never do anything for the ordinary citizen. Its just another nail in the freedom of speech/liberties coffin. Good old Maggie may be dead but her policies are alive and well. In the end she never could review in her mind all the damage she had done to the workers of England. She just ended up another faceless face in a mirror. Edited by elgordo38
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