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Israel shoots dead Palestinian brothers, aged 17 and 23


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Israel shoots dead Palestinian brothers, aged 17 and 23


NABLUS: -- Israeli forces have killed two Palestinian brothers near the West Bank city of Nablus.

They were aged 17 and 23 according to the Palestinian health ministry.

The Israeli military said the youths had stabbed a soldier in the village of Hewara.

In three months, 20 Israelis and at least 130 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict.

Another young Palestinian was arrested after slightly wounding a soldier at a bus stop in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile the bodies of four Palestinians killed earlier in December have been repatriated.

Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-28

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Stabbers know they will be "martyred" or arrested. They are very open about that. Farewell videos are often part of the package. Their families get goodies and social status. So it's free will really.

Recently, it is well known most of these stabbers are motivated by Islamist fanaticism ... falsely believing incitement that Israel intends to change the status quo at the Temple Mount. Craziness!

Edited by Jingthing
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I've never heard of a Country shooting people dead before, is this a new way of suggesting collective guilt?

That's a rather pedantic post that ignores the understood meaning of the phrase, but since you ask, as Israel is a democracy that keeps on voting in Zionists that push the Zionists goal and prolong the occupation, then I suppose there must be an amount of collective guilt apportioned.

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This seems to be the standard way to report events in the Middle East. Someone does something to provoke Israel, Israel responds robustly and journalists all say - well I never, Israel has done this or that and conveniently gloss over or under-report the initial provocation. Really annoying - but not as annoying as the BBC continually referring to terrorists as 'militants'.

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This seems to be the standard way to report events in the Middle East. Someone does something to provoke Israel, Israel responds robustly and journalists all say - well I never, Israel has done this or that and conveniently gloss over or under-report the initial provocation. Really annoying - but not as annoying as the BBC continually referring to terrorists as 'militants'.

Exactly. Most of the global media is extremely biased against Israel. They've bought into the "innocent underdog" narrative being sold by Palestinian propagandists and their fellow travelers. Underdogs yes. Innocent no.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sad to say, no one will win this ridiculous "war". sad.png Here's hoping that the Arab nations can form a strong coalition and stop this nonsense created by the Brits after WW2. coffee1.gif

And do what exactly with this coalition?

Get serious with Israel. Boycott all Israeli products and services. Refuse airspace. Put serious pressure within the UN.

It's way past time, too that not only Arab nations but all nations do this.

And of course, for a long time, all nations have treated Palestinian areas as though they are Israel sovereign land and sea.....just because Israel occupies them. Arab and other nations should push the envelope and sail to Gaza. Why is the sea off Gaza Israeli waters? It's not.

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Stabbers know they will be "martyred" or arrested. They are very open about that. Farewell videos are often part of the package. Their families get goodies and social status. So it's free will really.

Recently, it is well known most of these stabbers are motivated by Islamist fanaticism ... falsely believing incitement that Israel intends to change the status quo at the Temple Mount. Craziness!

How do you know that? Answer is of course that you don't, but it makes it fairly transparent your reason for attempting to muddy the waters conflatiing all the unrest with religious fanaticism, while ignoring the huge elephant in the room ...half a century of Israeli ocupation. Wouldn't you be pretty angry and frustrated if you and your family have been under occupation for more than 50 years, experiencing daily humiliations, beatings, and murders at Israeli checkpoints in your own land.
For every Palestinian extra judicially killed, you create dozens more seeking revenge.
Wouldn't it be much more sensible to save lives on both sides, with measures to lessen tensions rather than exacerbate them. Such as a moratorium on fanatical Zionist troublemakers visiting Haram Al Sharif, a moratorium on colony building, and genuine peace talks proposed.
Senior UN official Miroslav Jenca said earlier this week that a comprehensive strategy necessary to reduce violence must not rely entirely on “enhanced security measures,” but “must also address the primary elements motivating Palestinian anger.”
If you offer young Palestinians no future and nothing to live for with the phony peace process dragged out by Netanyahu for another 48 years as it has been for their parents and grandparents, then they have nothing to lose.
Edited by dexterm
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This seems to be the standard way to report events in the Middle East. Someone does something to provoke Israel, Israel responds robustly and journalists all say - well I never, Israel has done this or that and conveniently gloss over or under-report the initial provocation. Really annoying - but not as annoying as the BBC continually referring to terrorists as 'militants'.

Exactly. Most of the global media is extremely biased against Israel. They've bought into the "innocent underdog" narrative being sold by Palestinian propagandists and their fellow travelers. Underdogs yes. Innocent no.

Israel feeds the global media plenty to be biased about.
The extra judicial killings in the OP took place in the OCCUPIED West Bank...Palestinians murdered by soldiers of an invading occupying foreign power. What on earth are the IDF doing there in the first place?
If Israel behaved like a civilized modern democracy, the global media would leave it alone. But Israel continues to behave badly, and the whole world is watching and taking note.
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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

Israel is not a theocracy. It is the homeland of the Jewish people though (including secular and atheists). Jewish is not only a religion. Israel is a democracy with some theocratic aspects, but you could say that to some degree about most democracies. I'm not defending (or supporting) not returning bodies. I am pushing back at your red herring about Hebrew law. For those who do follow Hebrew law for burials, I'm not sure that it's relevant to non-Jews ... though I don't know either way. Perhaps a religious Jew can inform. Yes religious Jews are supposed to do quick burials of Jews, that is true.

BTW, the dead we are speaking about were terrorists killed because they launched terror attacks knowing/wanting to be martyred. Their families probably supported them in their quest for martyrdom. I don't respect that and I have a problem with those that do. Palestinians have legit concerns but this isn't helping. Enough with the stabbing already. Educate those ignorant Islamic fanatics that Israel is NOT changing the status quo on the Temple Mount. That's on the Palestinian leaders for fanning that lie.

People complain about the walls. If it wasn't for all the suicide bombers that used to come over, the walls wouldn't be needed.

I don't really understand the reasons Israel holds bodies and personally I don't care very much if the bodies they are holding are bodies of terrorists. So I guess I'm neutral. I know many people get emotional about this stuff. To me as a non-religious person, a body isn't important, once dead. Some crazy haters want to wrap Muslim bodies in pork, that is sick, but it could be argued getting very particular about dead bodies is also kind of crazy. Dead is dead. Cremation is best. Yes I understand families want to mourn. Might have helped if they didn't raise a terrorist.

Edited by Jingthing
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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

Israel is not a theocracy. It is the homeland of the Jewish people though (including secular and atheists). Jewish is not only a religion. Israel is a democracy with some theocratic aspects, but you could say that to some degree about most democracies. I'm not defending (or supporting) not returning bodies. I am pushing back at your red herring about Hebrew law. For those who do follow Hebrew law for burials, I'm not sure that it's relevant to non-Jews ... though I don't know either way. Perhaps a religious Jew can inform. Yes religious Jews are supposed to do quick burials of Jews, that is true.

BTW, the dead we are speaking about were terrorists killed because they launched terror attacks knowing/wanting to be martyred. Their families probably supported them in their quest for martyrdom. I don't respect that and I have a problem with those that do. Palestinians have legit concerns but this isn't helping.

I don't really understand the reasons Israel holds bodies and personally I don't care very much if the bodies they are holding are bodies of terrorists. So I guess I'm neutral. I know many people get emotional about this stuff. To me as a non-religious person, a body isn't important, once dead. Some crazy haters want to wrap Muslim bodies in pork, that is sick, but it could be argued getting crazy about dead bodies is also kind of crazy. Dead is dead. Cremation is best.

So much spin in one post!

Israel is not a theocracy, yet you are very fond of pointing out that it is "the one tiny Jewish state blah blah yada yada". When it suits you, Israel is a Jewish state, when it doesn't suit you, it's just a state.

On top of that, it is a fact that ultra-orthodox and orthodox Jewish theocrats hold sway in the Israeli government.

On top of that is the Zionist foundation of Israel.

So Hebrew law about burial may not apply to non-Jews.....what happens when Islamic law applies or doesn't apply to Jews....that's just discrimination in your book. Muslims are discriminatory, Hebrews just follow their laws. Double standard, again.

No, the dead are people who have been killed by an occupying force ex-judicially. Maybe terrorists, maybe not. You do not know.

I bet you do not know the reasons Israel holds back the bodies....I bet you have a good idea of the reason though, just as I have: To humiliate and frustrate and to prod.

Oh, so the Druze guy that Israel assassinated last week who was released 8 years ago in exchange for Israeli bodies, should not have been released, right?

I agree with you there...but a significant number of Jews disagree with us.

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Sad to say, no one will win this ridiculous "war". sad.png Here's hoping that the Arab nations can form a strong coalition and stop this nonsense created by the Brits after WW2. coffee1.gif

This is not a war, not by any stretch of the definition. There have been wars, and events associated with war; from military actions to resolutions, etc., but it is not a war. Such reasoning demands the solution not be discovered. If all the Jews in Israel were put on boats tomorrow and the land surrendered the boats would be subsequently bombed. Speculative for sure but it goes directly to the motivations that truly underlie this intractable issue.

So, "here's hoping that the Arab nations can form a strong coalition and stop this nonsense." How exactly? I mean, what is it that you offer? Insofar as most would not dare risk another repeat of the repeat of the repeat of the past they would first have to overcome the unpleasant fact that a number of them are currently working with Israel at a semi military level. Is this a call for war?

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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

They are Islamic TERRORISTS. No one else CARES!

There is nothing to suggest Islamic terrorism. Even JT concedes that Islam probably has nothing to do with it. There is nothing to suggest terrorism or Islamic extremism. There is much to suggest they were fed-up and at the end of their tether freedom fighters.

Your words could easily be changed to other points of view:

From an Afghan tribesman WRT US marine bodies: They are invading infidels, no one cares!

From an Hamas fighter WRT an IDF bodies: They are Zionist occupiers, no one cares!

Well....the families of the dead care in all 3 cases.

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From a macro point of view, it can only make sense if at the end of each day, there is a net gain to the number of anti-semites in the world. I can't imagine the sophisticated thought going into such a goal would evolve to the extent that it has. The small part that each of these dead terrorists plays makes sense to them and I guess that in the end, that is all that matters.

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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

They are Islamic TERRORISTS. No one else CARES!

Naturally, the families care.

But beyond that all those who want to milk this to gain more support for the terrorists cause, which is based on a total lie that Israel is changing the status quo at the Temple Mount, that's who.

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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

They are Islamic TERRORISTS. No one else CARES!

Naturally, the families care.

But beyond that all those who want to milk this to gain more support for the terrorists cause, which is based on a total lie that Israel is changing the status quo at the Temple Mount, that's who.

What provoked this conflict is more than the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is the relentless expansion of illegal settlements and the radical Zionist's refusal to live within their 1967 borders.

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"Israel has refused to return bodies of dozens of Palestinians to their families."

This is in direct violation of Hebrew Law, International Law, and the Geneva Convention....what? Nobody else noticed?

They are Islamic TERRORISTS. No one else CARES!

Naturally, the families care.

But beyond that all those who want to milk this to gain more support for the terrorists cause, which is based on a total lie that Israel is changing the status quo at the Temple Mount, that's who.

What provoked this conflict is more than the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is the relentless expansion of illegal settlements and the radical Zionist's refusal to live within their 1967 borders.

Indeed, smoke and mirrors. Try to make out it's one issue, and try to make out that the issue is both minor and false.

50 years of brutal occupation, humiliation, degradation, theft, murder, and untold other crimes make for a severely disgruntled occupied people.

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This seems to be the standard way to report events in the Middle East. Someone does something to provoke Israel, Israel responds robustly and journalists all say - well I never, Israel has done this or that and conveniently gloss over or under-report the initial provocation. Really annoying - but not as annoying as the BBC continually referring to terrorists as 'militants'.

You are annoyed that the Western press does not have the same bias as the Israelis press? Perhaps you should just read the Israeli, entirely censored press in the future, if you are not looking for the whole truth. No rational thinking person could see the raining down of banned chemical weapons onto residential areas as a justifiable reaction to a failed homemade rocket attack, that is not 'robust' it is genocidal.

As for you finding the BBC's use of the term 'militant' to refer to militants and not erroneously referring to them all as terrorists just because some of them are, really just makes you sound ignorant. They are clearly defined terms, terrorist does not refer to any militant action you oppose, and stabbing a soldier is not a terroist action, it is militant one.

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They are Islamic TERRORISTS. No one else CARES!

Naturally, the families care.

But beyond that all those who want to milk this to gain more support for the terrorists cause, which is based on a total lie that Israel is changing the status quo at the Temple Mount, that's who.

What provoked this conflict is more than the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is the relentless expansion of illegal settlements and the radical Zionist's refusal to live within their 1967 borders.

Indeed, smoke and mirrors. Try to make out it's one issue, and try to make out that the issue is both minor and false.

50 years of brutal occupation, humiliation, degradation, theft, murder, and untold other crimes make for a severely disgruntled occupied people.

That sums it up very well.

It's remarkable how the truth of this situation can be stated concisely to demolish the deceitful one-liners and verbal diarrhea of Zionist propaganda.

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Naturally, the families care.

But beyond that all those who want to milk this to gain more support for the terrorists cause, which is based on a total lie that Israel is changing the status quo at the Temple Mount, that's who.

What provoked this conflict is more than the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is the relentless expansion of illegal settlements and the radical Zionist's refusal to live within their 1967 borders.

Indeed, smoke and mirrors. Try to make out it's one issue, and try to make out that the issue is both minor and false.

50 years of brutal occupation, humiliation, degradation, theft, murder, and untold other crimes make for a severely disgruntled occupied people.

That sums it up very well.

It's remarkable how the truth of this situation can be stated concisely to demolish the deceitful one-liners and verbal diarrhea of Zionist propaganda.


And they have the hide to call these fed-up occupied people terrorists in their own land and villages!

Suicide bomber in the middle of Tel Aviv....terrorist. But terrorist with an understandable gripe albeit misplaced for targeting civilians.

Stabber in his own home town that is occupied...freedom fighter.

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I guess Israel should feel very flattered. So much international interest in little details like the timing of returning the bodies of terrorists and such like. Must be magical people living there.

And there you have it folks: Minimise the individual atrocities and human rights breaches, to feebly attempt to make them insignificant and isolated, all the while trying desperately to divert from people seeing the sum total of these degrading, frustrating, deathly, and/or criminal breaches.

It all adds up.

Edited by Seastallion
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