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Business ethics in Thailand


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Went to a pet shop yesterday wanted to buy a little bird. Agreed on a price of 3500 baht. Happy with that. Goes back to pick up today....Price now 4500 baht. All bird yesterday (10) sold and these ones more expensive. I knew it was utter BS and so did he but no shame. I was livid. What is wrong with these people? This exact same scenario has happened to me in 90% of my dealings here. When we rented our house...agreed on rent, lease term, deposit etc. We arrive with our furniture to move in and they start trying it on. Was going to buy an apartment at one stage...same thing. It's like because you agree to a price...they figure their price must have been too low and away we go. Same thing happened with a motorbike I was going to buy. I would hate to be doing any sort of serious business here where u were relying on a deal. It would seem a thai promise isn't worth 2 satang. Promise u the world and give u an atlas

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Kenny202, You are correct - When generalising,the business ethics in Thailand and ethics in any dealings involving money are fundamentally flawed.

IMO this lack of ethic is nothing more than pure and simple juvenile greed.... this is not a 'taking advantage of the Foreigner' issue either, its simply taking advantage where ever possible.

Those with a flawed moral compass and distorted ethics will take advantage of Thai's and anyone else given half a chance.

Fortunately, human nature is varied and there is plenty of opportunity to deal with those who's moral fibre makes living in Thailand a pleasure.

Simply do what most people do: At any sign of doubt walk away... It also helps to have fairly low expectations.

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Good grief, what did you expect? This is Asia, where the devil takes the hindmost! "Thai ethics" is an oxymoron, while some Thai women may rip you off every Thai man worth his salt will strip you to the bone! 50 years ago and old asia hand told me "never ever do business with a Thai", it seems as true today as it was then! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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Funny never had a problem in 24 years , the only time I ever have a problem is if its the Indian traders,so rarely do any business with them

from Ur reply I assume Ur down South re Indians? Different sort of Thai if ur down there but agree about Indians. Hiso Indians good people. Some in Southern Thailand / Malaysia and Bangkok different story

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Like others I have never had any issues like you have encountered. In fact usually its the other way around, If I am dealing cash and right now and start to walk away because I felt the price was too high they usually say "OK OK..."

Any place in the world that has an open barter system is subject to this kind of behavior. The OP subject should just be "Business ethics of some", it has nothing to do with Thailand exclusively. In most cases the majority of people that see an opportunity to seize a few extra bucks from someone will jump at the chance. I have found most that have struggled and claim shady businesses lived their entire life in a structured western country where everything is in retail type store with a price tag and that no bartering is even considered. You get outside that controlled arena and its a new world and buyer beware.

You want to see shady business scam deals, go to Mexico, Brazil, Bahamas. Its relentless. Thailand to me is a cake walk.

Edited by JAFO
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