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UK Benefits Farce.

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The main reason for this situation was because there grandparents were housed in community ghettos many years ago.

Subsequent generations were born and raised in these local communities with their own schools and the requirement to speak any other language than there own wasn't required. They were never integrated into the general society of English speakers and therefore the opportunities for employment outside of their ghettos is non existent.

(1) They were not "housed in ... ghettos". They chose to live with others of the same origins, often driving out British people from areas by their antisocial behaviour.

I used to find that many of the elderly Muslims spoke English, but of their offspring's only 20% of men and 5% of women spoke English.

(2) Every state supported school is required to teach English from age 5 to 16. I simply can't believe that there are significant numbers of non-English speaking 2nd generation immigrants.

The blame lies squarely with the government for never providing the services to integrate their families into the general population.

No, the blame lies with the Moslems who chose to live in "ghettos" amongst their own kind, who chose to be cut off from British society. Indeed, there is little that the government could do with the poorly educated, tribal peoples inculcated with a distrust of (or even outright disdain for) non-Moslems.

1. They were housed in areas of the same origin because the government thought it would help them to settle easier.

As they raised families they too sought housing in the same area and they became ghettos with their own communities.

British people! They were given British citizenship to come and work and live here.

There families and further generations of kids are also British by birth.

Moss Side in Manchester is a predominately Black African, Caribbean society.

Longsight in Manchester is a predominately Muslim society.

Maybe the 'white' British moved away because they didn't understand their cultures or behaviour, but I'd bet it was more because of the colour of their skin.

2.Thai schools are required to teach English as a second language.

Tell me how many Thais do you know that command the English language well enough to be employed in the UK.

Within the Asian communities I found very few who could speak English to a standard where they were employable by anyone other than their own race.

They grow up with Hindu, Punjabi or Chinese spoken in the home.

They are taught at state community schools by Asian speaking teachers.

There are some who speak and understand English, but choose not to when it's to their advantage.

3. I disagree. The government should have insisted many years ago that speaking/listening of the English language was a condition of remaining in the UK, which would have helped integration. It's a condition they now impose, but far to late to make any difference to the drain on the NHS and Welfare system.

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Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,
Are there no Farangs in Thailand making use of the ฿30 health scheme?

How do farangs pay their way, if not working here.

No income tax, no sort of residence tax.

Use public services, the roads, police, common electricity etc..

Use local hospitals.

Send their kids to subsidised schools.

Yet they complain about foreigners in the Uk, and how they are so entitled because they paid in x amount of years, forgetting, free schooling, nhs, subsidised public housing if needed..it's not like they got nothing from their contributions.

They also seem to forget that just being here in the numbers has had an effect on the fabric of Thai society to same extent.

As if their very existence here has actually improved the place.

The retort will be in: I have a family, I pay vat, I bought the family a house..all discretionary spend.

I am fully in agreement with guest house..

The U.K. Is being destroyed to some extent but people sitting here in Thailand as foreigners in another country slagging off foreigners in their own country is ridiculous.


The U.K. Is being destroyed to some extent but people sitting here in Thailand as foreigners in another country slagging off foreigners in their own country is ridiculous.

I'm entirely happy for the UK to become a Caliphate.

If it does, I might go back.

I don't mind anyone and everyone getting benefits either.

Much better than spending it on the military.

It's not as if they would give any 'tax surplus' back.

If I go back I'll be having everything on offer.

Child benefit, child tax credit, housing allowance, council tax credit.

My kid entitles me to the lot (as a single parent family).

My kid, being a bit brown, will totally fit in.


The U.K. Is being destroyed to some extent but people sitting here in Thailand as foreigners in another country slagging off foreigners in their own country is ridiculous.

I'm entirely happy for the UK to become a Caliphate.

If it does, I might go back.

I don't mind anyone and everyone getting benefits either.

Much better than spending it on the military.

It's not as if they would give any 'tax surplus' back.

If I go back I'll be having everything on offer.

Child benefit, child tax credit, housing allowance, council tax credit.

My kid entitles me to the lot (as a single parent family).

My kid, being a bit brown, will totally fit in.

Yes, but you will get mugged cycling down the street if you listen to some on here!


Let's blame the parent(s), there the problem!

I'm ashamed and disgusted with my daughters attitude and behaviour, but do I feel guilty or responsible for it, certainly not!

My ex decided to backpack across Europe with 3 other female work colleagues. It was something she always wanted to do, but not something you expect her to do when you have a family of 4 kids. 3 Daughters 11, 5 and 3, 1 Son 9. I worked full time and raised them all the same.

We were a happy family, better than most 2 parent families in every sense.

It wasn't until my second eldest daughter reached the age of 17 that I had any problems with any of them. She got mixed in with a group of Muslims at college and her attitude and behaviour changed until she had no respect for anyone or anything.

It caused several arguments with my eldest daughter threatening her.

At 18, she took off and went living with a dead leg of a mate. At 18 she is classed as an adult and I had no parental control anymore.

I have very close bonds with my other 3 children to this day and I'm proud of their achievements in life. They are all hardworking with families of their own now. We all agree she changed because of external influences and was at an age where we couldn't control it.

Judge for yourself.

She would hardly have made this statement without adequate knowledge. 2011 she made request FoI approx. May 11 Daily Mirror reported it front page,now I reference it has disappeared,,reference to it has too,but Ive requested further information from her ,take a week or so

I respect your right to an opinion, she has a right to an opinion too, but the fact that she is British-Indian might also help explain why she holds an extreme view, when it comes to Bangladeshi & Pakistani Moslems ?

Your opinion is that "She would hardly have made this statement without adequate knowledge", but I'm afraid that I would be more cynical.

Politicians often state things as fact, which turn out to be an exaggeration or simply not true, I'm reminded of Bliar & his going to war, against the wishes of many of the British people, over non-existent w.m.d.s

The OP's view is that the UK Benefits-system is farcical, I don't much disagree, but I think that the stupidity has been designed-in over many years, and perhaps for political reasons, some politicians 'need' a dependent population to vote for their continuing in-power.

Lastly, can I just thank you, for taking the trouble to dig out your source, I do respect you for that ! It may prove to be wrong, it might even be right in which case we'll have learned something, but either way you yourself show your integrity. wai2.gif

Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

Not bright are you ,it was sarcasm and I claim no benefits from the UK ,my pension is not a benefit ,I paid into the system all my life for it , if this is the height of your argumentative skills I would give up now ,while you are in the rear


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!

Provide the evidence that foreigners in the UK do not pay their own way?!

You seem to be saying that Foreigners living in the UK pay their own way and do not claim Benefits, as is the case with Expats in Thailand??? which was my point!

We can prove easily that Expats do not claim Benefits from Thailand because there are none available!

Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

Not bright are you ,it was sarcasm and I claim no benefits from the UK ,my pension is not a benefit ,I paid into the system all my life for it , if this is the height of your argumentative skills I would give up now ,while you are in the rear

The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!

The woman is barking, described as a bigot doesn't quite describe her fully.


One might as well claim that "All elderly over-65 are on welfare", receiving pensions as many (but not all) of them do, or "All children are on welfare", since many mothers do receive Child-Benefits for them, "All unemployed are on benefits", except of course for when they're not entitled to them.

That just describes the welfare-state that has been built-up in the UK, over the past century or so, and one might argue has been too generous or expensive to fund, as the population of over-65s has grown & the working-population has declined.

The Baroness was born in 1934, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shreela_Flather,_Baroness_Flather , she will have seen the original dream of a just-and-fair safety-net grow, into its present entitlement-culture. I can understand that that must have been a difficult experience.

But she should not blame just one segment of society, for what has clearly gone wrong, and she should perhaps distinguish between "many" and "all" in her statements.

I myself also blame the politicians who made the glorious promises of 'Bread and Circuses', and the naive voters who believed them, or the civil-servants who drafted laws which have gone far beyond the original dream.

We're well-off out of the mess, living here ! rolleyes.gif

According to the DWP UK the State Pension that we worked 40 + years for,is now known as just another Benefit,so when a disagreement arises you have no


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

Not bright are you ,it was sarcasm and I claim no benefits from the UK ,my pension is not a benefit ,I paid into the system all my life for it , if this is the height of your argumentative skills I would give up now ,while you are in the rear

The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!

And one "benefit" I do not get, although it would be nice to

Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

Not bright are you ,it was sarcasm and I claim no benefits from the UK ,my pension is not a benefit ,I paid into the system all my life for it , if this is the height of your argumentative skills I would give up now ,while you are in the rear

The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!

And one "benefit" I do not get, although it would be nice to

You already told us you do!! "I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I?"



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


Sorry ,where do I collect my benefits and free accommodation here in Thailand ,do I now not have to do a 90 day report. Or put 800,000 ThAi baht into a bank account ? Don't make stupid posts ,

Is your UK State Pension being increased by 2.5% every year, do you receive the heating allowance and is a free NHS available to you when you "holiday" in the UK?

I paid in for it for 46 years ,so why shouldn't I? In fact I do not bother ,its not worth the hassle

You asked in post 76 where do you "collect your benefits" in Thailand, fact is you live in Thailand and still leach off the UK system for your benefits, and you think UK Muslims are bad for claimin benefits whilst they live there, Jeeze!!!.

Not bright are you ,it was sarcasm and I claim no benefits from the UK ,my pension is not a benefit ,I paid into the system all my life for it , if this is the height of your argumentative skills I would give up now ,while you are in the rear

See my Post No 100,State Pension has been reclassed ! @ DWP.



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

Please post a copy of your contract showing that a pension has been bought. And,

those contributions were made because that was the law at the time and remains so today. Regardless,

see (next) Post 104, it's a benefit.


Stop press,the govt has now said that if you work 40 hours a week any salary is now to be classed as a benefit, you can call a horse a cow ,it still does not make it one.



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

Please post a copy of your contract showing that a pension has been bought. And,

those contributions were made because that was the law at the time and remains so today. Regardless,

see (next) Post 104, it's a benefit.

I refer you to the National Insurance act in force at the time when those benefits were paid, and all it's associated statutory instruments and regulations. It was and still is a contract between the contributor and the government of UK. The fact that the recent "reclassification" says "benefit" does not negate that contract and never can.



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

Please post a copy of your contract showing that a pension has been bought. And,

those contributions were made because that was the law at the time and remains so today. Regardless,

see (next) Post 104, it's a benefit.

I refer you to the National Insurance act in force at the time when those benefits were paid, and all it's associated statutory instruments and regulations. It was and still is a contract between the contributor and the government of UK. The fact that the recent "reclassification" says "benefit" does not negate that contract and never can.

Have you ever read it and agreed to it and did you have an option not to agree and sign it, either way post it so we can see what it says, pointing at years of nebulous government legislation, white green and pink papers is merely a cop out.

The fact is that it was/is a requirement for employees to make NI contributions, just as it was/is to pay tax, pretty soon the two will be merged and it will all be known as tax. I mean really, there was never a contract in place, there was simply an obligation to pay for somethings, much of which is today called a benefit.


Stop press,the govt has now said that if you work 40 hours a week any salary is now to be classed as a benefit, you can call a horse a cow ,it still does not make it one.


And happy new year BTW.


Stop press,the govt has now said that if you work 40 hours a week any salary is now to be classed as a benefit, you can call a horse a cow ,it still does not make it one.


And happy new year BTW.


And happy new year to you



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

See my Post No 100



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

See my Post No 100

We've been over this ad nausaum and whatever label you want to give it -- pensions are based on contributions made. Housing benefit (for example) is not.


Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!

Provide the evidence that foreigners in the UK do not pay their own way?!

You seem to be saying that Foreigners living in the UK pay their own way and do not claim Benefits, as is the case with Expats in Thailand??? which was my point!

We can prove easily that Expats do not claim Benefits from Thailand because there are none available!

Unless the expat is using the Thai government health service or sending his/her children to Thai government schools.



The right to annual cost of living increases is a benefit, one that YOU are not entitled to, you are a leech by claiming UK benefits whilst living in Thailand, Muslims don't begin to compare!


You might describe it as a "benefit" but that is not strictly true because the pension and it's increases etc has been bought by that person over the years of their contributions. To describe a pensioner as a leech on the system begs the question of why those contributions were made for all those years.

See my Post No 100

We've been over this ad nausaum and whatever label you want to give it -- pensions are based on contributions made. Housing benefit (for example) is not.

In which case it's earned, and should not be lumped in with Benefits,as it is now at the DWP and not my label.


You seem to be saying that Foreigners living in the UK pay their own way and do not claim Benefits, as is the case with Expats in Thailand??? which was my point!

We can prove easily that Expats do not claim Benefits from Thailand because there are none available!

Unless the expat is using the Thai government health service or sending his/her children to Thai government schools.

Unless the expat is working in Thailand and paying Thai taxes. wink.png


There is a bit of obsfucation going on here:

What HM Gov actually says about the pension is:


The State pension is a contributory benefit based on the payment of National Insurance contributions.......


Who qualifies for the State pension?

An individual qualifies for the State pension if he or she reaches pensionable age and satisfies the contribution conditions."


So yes a benefit, but a benefit you do not get unless you have contributed sufficient NI payments.

Expat Brits living in Thailand express outrage over foreigners going to live in the UK.


The difference is: Expats in Thailand pay their way,there is no Benefits in Thailand for Expats!

Provide the evidence that foreigners in the UK do not pay their own way?!

You seem to be saying that Foreigners living in the UK pay their own way and do not claim Benefits, as is the case with Expats in Thailand??? which was my point!

We can prove easily that Expats do not claim Benefits from Thailand because there are none available!

Unless the expat is using the Thai government health service or sending his/her children to Thai government schools.


I know many many Europeans ,Brits and Americans living here,not one used the Thai 30 baht scheme,and all either do or have sent their children to private schools ,however if they are married to an Ethnic Thai person and their child was born here why should they not ,they have intermarried and assimilated,how many Muslims in the west do that , pass me a postage stamp and I will start a list


Unless the expat is working in Thailand and paying Thai taxes. wink.png

Just like the vast majority of immigrants in the UK who work and pay taxes. (But unlkke ghe vast majority of expats in Thailand)

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