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Cynicism in Thailand


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Happyness is a choice.

Tell that to someone who has just lost a loved one to disease, accident or violence.

You could always choose to replace the dead 'loved one', with a new living 'loved one'.

Nobody forces you to mourn.

It's what I did.

SMH at the stupidity of some of your posts of late

Obviously, you're going at the grog kinda heavy this festive season

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Since I’m not a qualified Psycho-Analyst, I’ll refrain from opinionations on the various levels of farang cynicism, or the reasons why it exists.

However, sometime ago, during my 1961-65 college sojourn days, I readily recall a professor stating that cynicism is the flipside of the pessimism coin, and is usually the mindset of the “informed” optimist.

My personal experience with Asians (across the board), is that Asians (generally) tend to search for the worse characteristic traits, they can find in people, rather than the best. Even the most positive thinking spirit can become “infected” by the virus of cynicism, if it is exposed to such negativity for an extended period of time. The “When in Rome, etc.” adage comes to mind.coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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You can never have enough cynicism!

Cynicism is a mental disease linked to a greater dementia risk, even can cause cancer.

Then the entire human species is mentally diseased, if your considered analysis is to be taken as valid. Indeed, human behavioral history provides ample testimony, to conclusively lend credence to the mental shield of cynicism. Have no expectations of people, hence, endure no disappointments from people. That seems to be a wise and healthy approach to life, from my perched position.coffee1.gif

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Overall I think it's to much booze, zero discipline and loss of physical and mental health. Most of my friends are Thai. Most falangs here belong in a freak show.

You (a farang) actually "believe" that you have Thai friends, and in your opinion most other farangs belong in a freak show? Huh? whistling.gif Bloke, you haven't even got the remotest clue, but more power to you, just the same!cheesy.gif

Best wishes for your New Year, Good Morningcoffee1.gifCapiche?

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Overall I think it's to much booze, zero discipline and loss of physical and mental health. Most of my friends are Thai. Most falangs here belong in a freak show.

You know pretending to be a thai isn't going to work right?

You don't like other people's points of views, so they must be mentally ill?

Ask yourself another question:

Why do so many TVF members start threads complaining about the point of view others have of their life in Thailand?

My personal observation is whenever I myself make a choice that I myself am happy with, nothing anyone else has to say on the matter bothers me in the least. But if I make a choice that I am not happy with, even though I might not myself articulate my concerns, I don't like other's pointing out the problems for me.

Advice to the OP and all the others so very bothered about the opinions others have of life in Thailand - be happy in your own choice, it is a state of mind that will immediately dispel the negative or cynical views others might express.

please tell me in which room in the house do you come up with some of your posts facepalm.gif

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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Yes, I know this has been said 100,000 times, BUT, if you don't like it here, go home. If you can't afford to go home because you planned poorly, that is your own fault. I'm somewhat leery of the military government but credit where credit is due. I was really sick and tired of roads being blocked and Bangkok being crippled. The situation is much better now. Being somewhat cynical is much different than simply being negative and hateful. Thai Visa has a lot of hateful people.

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Cynicism in Thailand is a direct function of how long you have been here.

The happiest guys here are the two week holiday guys, they can be seen

with a face splitting grin and their arms wrapped around some bar girl.

The most cynical guys are the ones who have been here twenty years,

see Thailand clearly for what it is, and have been scammed many times.

The only exception would be the bozos who have gone upcountry, and

think they are as one with their village neighbors......They seem to be able

to exist in a permanent state of denial.. :-)

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Within the ex-pat community in Thailand we appear to have more than our fair share of cynics. Increasingly, cynicism occupies the mental and psychological space we once reserved for hope. Better to expect nothing, in this view, than to risk disappointment. Yet this very detachment renders us impotent, and thus eternally cynical.

I avoid negative people like the plague, in my experience, one of the signs of negativity is cynicism. Negativity and cynicism manifest themselves in a myriad of ways here in LoS - for example, we all know jaded ex-pats who classify all Thai women as 'money grabbing bitches'. They do this based on their own personal experience, never once pausing to ask the question: 'what could I have done which might have led to a different outcome'. Instead they blame anyone but themselves and endlessly bang on with their negative stereotype of all Thai ladies.

Yes cynicism is alive and well among expats in Thailand.

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for example, we all know jaded ex-pats who classify all Thai women as 'money grabbing bitches'.

Most of us (with any sense IMHO) view nearly all women in that way.

The Thai women are preferable, because they generally seem happy to grab less.

'What could I have done which might have led to a different outcome?'

Avoid women,

become gay,

become solitary,

don't be a heterosexual in a country which has a legal system based on transferring male owned assets to former females sexual partners,

move to a Muslim country,

move to a Buddhist country.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Forty years and still not a cynic. Thirty years in Bangkok before moving to Chiang Rai, which was a really big change. I have had an amazing life here in Thailand and my Thai friends have been wonderful and generous. Maybe I am a bozo in some people’s eyes but I am a happy successful one.

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Forty years and still not a cynic. Thirty years in Bangkok before moving to Chiang Rai, which was a really big change. I have had an amazing life here in Thailand and my Thai friends have been wonderful and generous. Maybe I am a bozo in some peoples eyes but I am a happy successful one.

More likely an 'outlier'.

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Within the ex-pat community in Thailand we appear to have more than our fair share of cynics. Increasingly, cynicism occupies the mental and psychological space we once reserved for hope. Better to expect nothing, in this view, than to risk disappointment. Yet this very detachment renders us impotent, and thus eternally cynical.

I avoid negative people like the plague, in my experience, one of the signs of negativity is cynicism. Negativity and cynicism manifest themselves in a myriad of ways here in LoS - for example, we all know jaded ex-pats who classify all Thai women as 'money grabbing bitches'. They do this based on their own personal experience, never once pausing to ask the question: 'what could I have done which might have led to a different outcome'. Instead they blame anyone but themselves and endlessly bang on with their negative stereotype of all Thai ladies.

Yes cynicism is alive and well among expats in Thailand.

Nominated -http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/879464-the-all-new-post-of-the-week-thread/page-2#entry10256481

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for example, we all know jaded ex-pats who classify all Thai women as 'money grabbing bitches'.

Most of us (with any sense IMHO) view nearly all women in that way.

The Thai women are preferable, because they generally seem happy to grab less.

'What could I have done which might have led to a different outcome?'

Avoid women,

become gay,

become solitary,

don't be a heterosexual in a country which has a legal system based on transferring male owned assets to former females sexual partners,

move to a Muslim country,

move to a Buddhist country.

While back in falang-land, the legal system is stacked against (most) guys, this still shouldn't be cause for cynicism. If you are worried about 'losing out' by marrying, then you always have options: how about of 'marrying up'. (I was engaged to a youngish GP for a while and she was on a 6 figure salary); or date women but don't marry them. We all have options...no need to adopt a cynical viewpoint.

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....... or date women but don't marry them. We all have options...no need to adopt a cynical viewpoint.

Unless you have had a vasectomy, or only date women over 45 years old, there are no options in the UK.

20% of you salary gone for the next 19 years.

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for example, we all know jaded ex-pats who classify all Thai women as 'money grabbing bitches'.

Most of us (with any sense IMHO) view nearly all women in that way.

The Thai women are preferable, because they generally seem happy to grab less.

'What could I have done which might have led to a different outcome?'

Avoid women,

become gay,

become solitary,

don't be a heterosexual in a country which has a legal system based on transferring male owned assets to former females sexual partners,

move to a Muslim country,

move to a Buddhist country.

While back in falang-land, the legal system is stacked against (most) guys, this still shouldn't be cause for cynicism. If you are worried about 'losing out' by marrying, then you always have options: how about of 'marrying up'. (I was engaged to a youngish GP for a while and she was on a 6 figure salary); or date women but don't marry them. We all have options...no need to adopt a cynical viewpoint.

I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

I'd say go for someone who's your equal. My wife and I have generally always earned about the same amount. We treat everything as a partnership. To me, that's what marriage should be about.

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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

Was at a party last week end with 7 foreigners ( a sort of re- Union).None of their wives worked. That's not being cynical it's just the way it is here for many. Biker is just stating the obvious..

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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

Was at a party last week end with 7 foreigners ( a sort of re- Union).None of their wives worked. That's not being cynical it's just the way it is here for many. Biker is just stating the obvious..

My wife in the UK didn't work.

It's what women do, live off men, assuming the man has the ability to earn enough.

Women in the west have four options,

1) Live off a man

2) Live off the state

3) Live off a job created specially for them by the state, that they could have never obtained using their own abilities

4) Live from working in a job they gained from their own abilities.

Hardly any are using option 4)

Women in Thailand have only options 1) and 4), and appear to be fairly evenly spread over those two options.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

Was at a party last week end with 7 foreigners ( a sort of re- Union).None of their wives worked. That's not being cynical it's just the way it is here for many. Biker is just stating the obvious..
My wife in the UK didn't work.

It's what women do, live off men, assuming the man has the ability to earn enough.

Women in the west have three options,

1) Live off a man

2) Live off the state

3) Live off a job created specially for them by the state, that they could have never obtained using their own abilities

My sisters all work. My wife worked. My friends in the uk all have working wives.

No way if I was at a party in the uk would ALL of the women not be working.

I have educated my daughter to be self reliant. I met girls at uni whose main objective was to be economically independent ( late 70's).

You are being a little myopic and a touch cynical.

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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

Was at a party last week end with 7 foreigners ( a sort of re- Union).None of their wives worked. That's not being cynical it's just the way it is here for many. Biker is just stating the obvious..

My wife in the UK didn't work.

It's what women do, live off men, assuming the man has the ability to earn enough.

Women in the west have four options,

1) Live off a man

2) Live off the state

3) Live off a job created specially for them by the state, that they could have never obtained using their own abilities

4) Live from working in a job they gained from their own abilities.

Hardly any are using option 4)

Women in Thailand have only options 1) and 4), and appear to be fairly evenly spread over those two options.

Weird that

Almost ALL the women I spent time with in the UK took option number 4.

Can't imagine why your experiences differed so starkly

It's much the same in Thailand actually but, I'll give you your due; many of those available to foreigners will be looking to select option 1

That's why I've always said it's harder for a guy used to independent women to find a credible girlfriend/wife in Thailand.

A guy looking for a stay-at-home wife/incubator/cook/cleaner is as happy as a pig in shit here especially when they're so cheap

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A guy looking for a stay-at-home wife/incubator/cook/cleaner is as happy as a pig in shit here especially when they're so cheap

I don't even require mine to cook or clean!

But she does have to go to University for a few more years.

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I think the idea of women having their own money is probably a bit alien to many guys here.

May i ask the OP if he sees any cynicism in the above comment. I have added a definition of the word (A cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts)

Was at a party last week end with 7 foreigners ( a sort of re- Union).None of their wives worked. That's not being cynical it's just the way it is here for many. Biker is just stating the obvious..

My wife in the UK didn't work.

It's what women do, live off men, assuming the man has the ability to earn enough.

Women in the west have four options,

1) Live off a man

2) Live off the state

3) Live off a job created specially for them by the state, that they could have never obtained using their own abilities

4) Live from working in a job they gained from their own abilities.

Hardly any are using option 4)

Women in Thailand have only options 1) and 4), and appear to be fairly evenly spread over those two options.

So hardly any falang women are working in a job they gained by their own abilities? Is this view-point based on blind cynicism or do you have any evidence to support this?

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Now, while enjoying the habit of thinking , I’ll have a ride with my grandson’s vintage Yamaha~ 650cc.SECA, to the nearest Walmart; pick-up a large bottle of Kinkoman Soy sauce, to bring w/, on the return trip to the LoS; after arriving, I’ll pour the entire contents_into my downstairs toilet bowl, to blend with the local water pool (for the following 24-hours); then flush that solution, permanently down the drain. What remains, will be the stained, residual acid-ring around the bottom of my commode; eventually fading, with each subsequent flushing, delivered to the most appropriate of locations.

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