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Thai villagers protest against idea for girl to apologize to gold-mining firm


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'He said the company didn't want to sue the girl, it just wanted her to tell the truth about what had happened.' Thai companies and truth don't often go hand in hand. For that matter, companies globally are often distant acquaintances with truth. Ironic, however, that in a country where the truth often hurts enough to justify a dubious libel suit, that the gold firm's legal representative is anxious for the girl to offer just that - though he would no doubt prefer that it be the company's version of the truth.

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Thai logic dictates following regarding defamation:

If you speak ill of an entity publicly you are making an act of defamation. If what you speak is true, then it is even a more serious act of defamation, because of the simple reason that it is true, thus causing even more damage to the damaged party (the defamed)......

Ahhh.......yes that is true....so the correct way to expose the company and the damage they are doing is anonymously publicize and expose the dirt they are trying to sweep under the carpet.

That is ...if you have the means to do so.


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Too late .

I have rang Australian Talk back about these A holes ...and share holders are going to be informed too.

Dragging these creeps over the coals will be a great pleasure.

The rotten creeps.

Picking on a child .

And we all know the facts on the matter.

The hopes are enough publicity will drive down their market value .

We're the story untrue its still bad going after a child.

But as its true it reeks of coward ness and is insidious .

I will go stick signs on the Thai embassy in Sydney too and call reporters to show up.

Filthy scum bags

Boycott the place

Very good. This is so sick and absurd it easily can become worldnews. Let's hope so.

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There are many stories about this company's ruthlessness on the internet. Its name is Tungkam, LTD. and is a subsidiary of Tongah Harbor which has Australian and German financial support. Its Thai investors are among the most influential in Thailand--wisdom precludes mentioning names. The local villagers have been complaining and protesting for many years and in February 2009 a report by Thai government officials warned residents to refrain from drinking the local water or using it to cook, due to elevated levels of cyanide, arsenic, cadmium and manganese. A suspension of work was agreed while the company and villagers held negotiations. Maj-Gen Woratat Suphatthananont, the Loei provincial army commander, said that the outcome of the negotiations was satisfactory and hoped that an agreement would soon be signed by the two parties to end the conflict. In 2013, 300 masked thugs (called blackshirts) attacked protesting villagers, capturing and beating 40. The police took 2 days to bestir themselves to investigate. All the usual suspects in pathetic Thailand.

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One would of thought these plants in the river creek photo would be dead if the contamination was bad,correct?

Not necessarily , it depends on the pollution, e.g. Copper Zinc and Nickel are major killers of most plant life. Cyanide in levels fatal to animals is not a plant killer. Areas in Cornwall in the UK have naturally high levels of arsenic, just make sure you wash your veg well.

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